repeat fire arm injury

they are trying to make look like caucasions are shooting blacks. its blacks shooing blacks and 98 percent rate. dumb cnn. black on black crime is what causing this and killing them all off.
That is not what I got out it. It sounds like being black in a black crime, low impulse control area, increases chance of being shot again, risking depression and suicide from hopelessness, and risky behavior common to criminal low impulse control behavior. I saw nothing indicating Caucasians were the problem. Did I miss something, or are you carrying some kind of white guilt trip over those that live, choose to live, even continuing to choose to live in those environments after being shot, mostly by people of the same racial makeup?
a poorly written article by the democrats
They are saying the kid was shot because he felt hopelessness!
“Most people see gun violence as a public safety issue. I see it as a public health issue that is basically driven by the sense of hopelessness,” Barksdale told CNN. “Primarily, these are young men who feel that there is no future.”
The seven year old put himself in harms way because he felt hopeless? How stupid is CNN!

“The point is, if you can build community around people and help people see a different purpose, then they don’t put themselves in harm’s way, because they see a different future for themselves,” Barksdale said.

they are trying to make look like caucasions are shooting blacks. its blacks shooing blacks and 98 percent rate. dumb cnn. black on black crime is what causing this and killing them all off.

I don't see anything about "them trying to make it look like caucasions are shooting blacks." What part of that story suggests that?

“Patients in this study frequently lived in communities marked by decades of disinvestment,” the researchers wrote. “Such communities in St. Louis and elsewhere that experience concentrated disadvantages that include high poverty, unemployment, and income inequality also experience higher rates of firearm violence. Prioritizing community (re)investment approaches represents an important set of strategies to reduce community violence and promote public health and safety.”

Did I miss something?
One boy, only 7 years old, had been shot three separate times and needed three separate operations, he said.
That fear may lead people to engage in more risky behavior themselves, she said. Victims might start carrying their own firearm and become more quick to solve a conflict with a gun.
If I was 7 years old and got shot, yep, I would go right out and by a gun, at 7 years old?
That is not what I got out it. It sounds like being black in a black crime, low impulse control area, increases chance of being shot again, risking depression and suicide from hopelessness, and risky behavior common to criminal low impulse control behavior. I saw nothing indicating Caucasians were the problem. Did I miss something, or are you carrying some kind of white guilt trip over those that live, choose to live, even continuing to choose to live in those environments after being shot, mostly by people of the same racial makeup?
Wow that's what I said too. So we both read it and didn't get what he got out of the piece. Interesting.

This sounds like a justification for affirmative action and maybe allowing some blacks with lower SAT and ACT scores into colleges ahead of white suburban kids who don't have to live in a war zone. It's a lot easier to score well on a test when you aren't worried about being shot.
If I was 7 years old and got shot, yep, I would go right out and by a gun, at 7 years old?

I'm sorry but I'm calling bullshit on this doctor

One boy, only 7 years old, had been shot three separate times and needed three separate operations

If I was 7 years old and got shot, yep, I would go right out and by a gun, at 7 years old?
IF your 7 year old is shot by somebody outside the family, you are living in the wrong place, if shot again once or twice in the next two years, and you are still raising your family there, than you aren't worth a sht and don't really give a damn about raising your kids or taking care of your family.
IF your 7 year old is shot by somebody outside the family, you are living in the wrong place, if shot again once or twice in the next two years, and you are still raising your family there, than you aren't worth a sht and don't really give a damn about raising your kids or taking care of your family.
its called black on black crime

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