Remember when the Establishment Right loved to hate Ron Paul?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
...for his stands on foreign policy, military spending, the Iraq war, etc.?

Remember that way back when? Like 2008?

Well, it's back, sort of...

Call it Son of Ron (literally)

McCain Slams Rand Paul for "Isolationism"

Was it all just a bad dream? Feels like 1997 all over again–first David Brooks calls for a hacktacular new "National Greatness" movement in American politics, and now Sen John McCain (R-Ariz.) is snarling about "protectionism and isolationism" in the GOP.

"I think there are going to be some tensions within our party," McCain said during a conference put on by Foreign Policy Initiative, a DC-based think tank. "I worry a lot about the rise of protectionism and isolationism in the Republican Party."

A prime example, McCain continued, was Rand Paul, Kentucky's next U.S. Senator.

"I admire his victory, but ... already he has talked about withdrawals [and] cuts in defense," McCain said.

My question is, or one of them is, where is the Tea Party on this? Does Rand Paul, who seems to fancy himself the consummate living symbol of the Tea Party, have widespread support for this 'isolationist' 'cut and run' 'disarm America' vision?

Or will the establishment neo-con miltary/industrial big spender conservatives knock him down just like they've always done his old man?

McCain Slams Rand Paul for "Isolationism" - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Oh, second question is, referring to the link, is Rand Paul wearing a Star Trek outfit in that picture?
"protectionism", so awful.

Don't you WANT to protect your country and its people?

The NeoCon Jews and Republican One-Worlders want protection and isolation, alright... but for Israel, not America.
Why the hell did the people of Arizona ever reelect McPain-in the you know what......? :evil:
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I support cuts in all areas of government. Especially foreign aid.

Isolate me baby. Isolate me all night long. Lol
There should be cuts in defense spending.

And if we arent fighting to win there should be withdrawals. And there should be withdrawals from areas of the world we arent fighting. Why are we still in Germany? Cold war is over.
Here we go again with the old "isolationism" technique.

And what the hell is he talking about "protectionism in the republican party"?

Is there republicans calling for tariffs that I'm not aware of? Because last I checked, they were SUSPENDING tariffs.

This old mother fucker has seriously overstayed his welcome.
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You know, in another episode of irony, it seems every time I've ever mentioned the need to cut defense here, I've gotten assailed by rightwingers brandishing the Constitution and proclaiming that we have to spend all that money on defense because the Constitution says so!!

And yet, also, every time you turn around, around here, someone is assailing you with the Constitutionalist credentials of the Pauls, Ron and Rand, but! they have no consitutionally induced qualms about cutting defense.

So which is it?
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