Remember when liberals like Mark Cuban predicted the market would crash with Trump?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Notice folks how all of these dire predictions that the left ALWAYS get wrong go ignored by the losers?

A lot like all of those predictions Al Gore was wrong about.

All ignored. They still carry on too with their fucking arrogant know it all dispositions.

Just remember....



He never fucking says why the market will crash if Trump is elected.

Progs are so full of shit. He was lying to try to help Hillary. It’s a tactic of instilling fear into people if Trump won.

I hope Cuban lost millions from his hedge, but he is straight up fucking lying.

I guarantee if you ask him now, he didn’t hedge shit, and if he did, he lost a shitton of money.
It's like the morons screaming they'd leave the US if Trump won. Jackwads just got our hopes up, they stayed and we're stuck with them

Chelsea Handler is the most pathetic of those assholes.

She claimed her friends begged her to stay to help fight Trump. :badgrin:

What a lying and disingenuous bitch.
They are not predictions, but threats.

Too bad people don't buy them anymore. The bluff has been called too many times, not that they ever had credible rationale to begin with.
Capitalist Mark Cuban is now going to make a fortune with the elimination of Net Neutrality.
He didn’t say how he was going to hedge.

If he literally did what he claimed he was going to do, he lost his fucking ass.

If you went counter market in the past 12 months, you were a very very very very fucking shitty investor.
I'd like to hear of any person of significant or noteworthy wealth who supported their assertions by placing a substantial investment in the shorting of the DOW or any other index. I bet there are just as many who made what would have been a horrible decision, as there are celebrities who made their way to Canada.

Note to self: Don't take investment advice from Mark Cuban...
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I'd like to hear of any person of significant or noteworthy wealth who supported their assertions by placing a substantial investment in the shorting of the DOW or any other index. I bet there are just as many who made what would have been a horrible decision, as there are celebrities who made their way to Canada.

Confidence is driving the markets. I'm curious to see how they react to the passage of the tax bill
I'd like to hear of any person of significant or noteworthy wealth who supported their assertions by placing a substantial investment in the shorting of the DOW or any other index. I bet there are just as many who made what would have been a horrible decision, as there are celebrities who made their way to Canada.

I’ll bet not a fucking one of them went short. They are liars.

If they did, it would be fun for them to admit it and tell us how much they lost due to their stupidity.
Obviously some sectors have gone up well. Some others not so much.

That Carrier subsidy bid didn't go to well for Trump after much "mad-skillz" negotiations. United Technologies is still sending 800 jobs overseas and shutting down plants in Indiana.

Thanks for playing the subsidy game! :cheers2:
I'd like to hear of any person of significant or noteworthy wealth who supported their assertions by placing a substantial investment in the shorting of the DOW or any other index. I bet there are just as many who made what would have been a horrible decision, as there are celebrities who made their way to Canada.

Confidence is driving the markets. I'm curious to see how they react to the passage of the tax bill

Not having to worry about a stupid shit liberal drowning them in regulations and tax increases builds confidence.
If Cuban did what he claimed he was going to do, he absolutely lost his ass.

That makes he laugh....I guess that’s one way to get the rich to pay their fair share.

CNN...right on top of it prior to the election.

A Trump win would sink stocks. What about Clinton?

A Trump win would sink stocks.

If Donald Trump wins the election, U.S. stocks (and likely many other markets overseas) will almost certainly tank.
How big of a drop? Forecasting firm Macroeconomic Advisors predicts an 8% fall in the U.S. A new paper out Friday from the Brookings Institute projects a 10% to 15% nosedive. You get the idea.


Really, a 15% nosedive, not a 25% increase?

These “experts”missed it by 40%

Stupid fucks.:badgrin:

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