Remember when Comey violated DoJ policy in the treatment of the investigation in to Hillary's e-mails?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
"Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager criticized FBI Director James Comey for sending a bombshell letter to Congress that the bureau is looking to examine new evidence relevant to Clinton’s email case.

Comey’s letter, sent less than two weeks before the election on Oct. 28, informed committee chairmen and ranking members that the FBI is pursuing options to review newly discovered emails that may be "pertinent" to the case. But given that Comey can't provide more details about the emails, according to reports, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook called the move "very curious."

Let's put aside the issue of how much damage Comey's letter did to Clinton's candidacy...........

..........and instead focus on something else. That being Billy the Bagman's apparent plan to violate the same policy by timing the release of sock puppet John Durham's report with the upcoming election. IOW, the further politicization of the DoJ in support of Individual 1.

"In his continued pursuit of investigating the origins of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, Attorney General William Barr appears to be violating one long-established and fundamentally important U.S. Department of Justice policy and readying himself to violate another. These established policies are essential for the department to carry out its mission “to ensure fair and impartial justice for all Americans.” They are also essential to protect the integrity and credibility of the department. The first policy requires that department officials not publicly discuss ongoing criminal investigations. The second policy requires that department officials not take any actions that would affect an election or give an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party.

Publicly Discussing Criminal Investigations

The Justice Department’s longstanding policy against any public discussion of criminal investigations is based on the principle that no one under investigation by the department should be tainted by public discussion of the investigation unless and until formal criminal charges are filed."

"According to Rule 1-7.400 in the Department of Justice Manual, “DOJ generally will not confirm the existence of or otherwise comment about ongoing investigations.” The Rule, further states, “DOJ personnel shall not respond to questions about the existence of an ongoing investigation or comment on its nature or progress before charges are publicly filed.” (Given that several past investigations, including one by the DOJ’s own Inspector General, concluded that the Russia investigation was justified, there is no basis for applying the narrow exemption to this Rule that “the community needs to be reassured that the appropriate law enforcement agency is investigating a matter.”)"
"The fruits of the Durham investigation will reportedly be disclosed later this summer, or in the fall. This post does a deep dive into what has been publicly reported about the Durham investigation, and then offers analysis. We include Barr’s commentary on the investigation, but not the president’s. The bottom line is that (1) the probe as it developed is not one that should have been conducted by a federal prosecutor conducting a criminal investigation, and (2) Barr’s tendentious running commentary on the investigation violates Justice Department rules, politicized the investigation and damaged the credibility of whatever Durham uncovers."
The Durham Investigation: What We Know and What It Means
"Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager criticized FBI Director James Comey for sending a bombshell letter to Congress that the bureau is looking to examine new evidence relevant to Clinton’s email case.

Comey’s letter, sent less than two weeks before the election on Oct. 28, informed committee chairmen and ranking members that the FBI is pursuing options to review newly discovered emails that may be "pertinent" to the case. But given that Comey can't provide more details about the emails, according to reports, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook called the move "very curious."

Let's put aside the issue of how much damage Comey's letter did to Clinton's candidacy...........

..........and instead focus on something else. That being Billy the Bagman's apparent plan to violate the same policy by timing the release of sock puppet John Durham's report with the upcoming election. IOW, the further politicization of the DoJ in support of Individual 1.

"In his continued pursuit of investigating the origins of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, Attorney General William Barr appears to be violating one long-established and fundamentally important U.S. Department of Justice policy and readying himself to violate another. These established policies are essential for the department to carry out its mission “to ensure fair and impartial justice for all Americans.” They are also essential to protect the integrity and credibility of the department. The first policy requires that department officials not publicly discuss ongoing criminal investigations. The second policy requires that department officials not take any actions that would affect an election or give an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party.

Publicly Discussing Criminal Investigations

The Justice Department’s longstanding policy against any public discussion of criminal investigations is based on the principle that no one under investigation by the department should be tainted by public discussion of the investigation unless and until formal criminal charges are filed."

If Comey "violated the rules" as you state, why did the libs have such a conniption when President Trump fired his worthless ass?

BTW, your story leaves off important details. Comey did a "quickie" investigation into Clinton before totally exonerating her of any wrongdoing. Did no interviews, nothing. Even though sensitive emails of hers were found on the computer of a Dangerous Convicted Paedophile, Anthony Weiner- and the Pizzagate scandal was breaking as well, where allegations of a liberal Child Molestation Ring were discovered.

If Comey had done his job, he would have said that we at the FBI will be investigating Hillary Clinton and her possible association with Scumbags for as long as it takes and will not rush it.
I don't care enough to plow through all that. It does look like Comey's long history of abusing his authority is coming home to roost with the fraudulent FISA warrant and his Gestapo tactics with Michael Flynn. Will he do time? Probably not. But it will fun to see him squirm.
If Comey "violated the rules" as you state, why did the libs have such a conniption when President Trump fired his worthless ass?
Because he was fired as retribution for Comey refusing to go easy on Mike Flynn and because........
Trump told Russians firing 'nut job' Comey eased pressure

Flynn being the self-confessed, convicted felon who admitted to lying to the FBI, twice, also accepting responsibility for his crime in the signing statement with the DoJ.
Can I help you with anything else?
Gestapo tactics
WTF are you talking about?

After over 33 years of military service to our country, including nearly five years in combat away from my family, and then my decision to continue to serve the United States, it has been extraordinarily painful to endure these many months of false accusations of "treason" and other outrageous acts. Such false accusations are contrary to everything I have ever done and stood for. But I recognize that the actions I acknowledged in court today were wrong, and, through my faith in God, I am working to set things right. My guilty plea and agreement to cooperate with the Special Counsel's Office reflect a decision I made in the best interests of my family and of our country. I accept full responsibility for my actions.

December 1, 2017

If Comey "violated the rules" as you state, why did the libs have such a conniption when President Trump fired his worthless ass?
Because he was fired as retribution for Comey refusing to go easy on Mike Flynn and because........
Trump told Russians firing 'nut job' Comey eased pressure

Flynn being the self-confessed, convicted felon who admitted to lying to the FBI, twice, also accepting responsibility for his crime in the signing statement with the DoJ.
Can I help you with anything else?

Gen Flynn "confessed" only because Comey and his henchmen threatened to destroy the life of his beloved son as well. Not because he was guilty. Gen. Flynn did what any decent human being would do.
Gen Flynn "confessed" only because Comey and his henchmen threatened to destroy the life of his beloved son as well.
You know, and I know, and Flynn knows, he confessed to a crime he committed of his own free will. No reasonable person can read his plea agreement, which you have not done, and come away with another conclusion unless you simply will not accept the facts.
"The fruits of the Durham investigation will reportedly be disclosed later this summer, or in the fall. This post does a deep dive into what has been publicly reported about the Durham investigation, and then offers analysis. We include Barr’s commentary on the investigation, but not the president’s. The bottom line is that (1) the probe as it developed is not one that should have been conducted by a federal prosecutor conducting a criminal investigation, and (2) Barr’s tendentious running commentary on the investigation violates Justice Department rules, politicized the investigation and damaged the credibility of whatever Durham uncovers."
The Durham Investigation: What We Know and What It Means
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Barr has been utterly silent except in sworn testimony before congress. His remarks are carefully constructed so as to not impede Durhams investigation. Your reaching far and wide to make a sweeping accusation you have no basis in fact to make.

This is going to be devestating when it comes out for you folks.
Gen Flynn "confessed" only because Comey and his henchmen threatened to destroy the life of his beloved son as well.
You know, and I know, and Flynn knows, he confessed to a crime he committed of his own free will. No reasonable person can read his plea agreement, which you have not done, and come away with another conclusion unless you simply will not accept the facts.
Flynn was coerced and threatened with his sons freedom. The whole shitt show is a fabricated pile of shit.
Gen Flynn "confessed" only because Comey and his henchmen threatened to destroy the life of his beloved son as well.
You know, and I know, and Flynn knows, he confessed to a crime he committed of his own free will. No reasonable person can read his plea agreement, which you have not done, and come away with another conclusion unless you simply will not accept the facts.

The DOJ disagrees. In fact they have recognized it as a miscarriage of justice and are insisting the case be dropped.
Hillary should not have had classified emails on a private server.

All the shit she ate from it is on her.
If Comey "violated the rules" as you state, why did the libs have such a conniption when President Trump fired his worthless ass?
Because he was fired as retribution for Comey refusing to go easy on Mike Flynn and because........
Trump told Russians firing 'nut job' Comey eased pressure

Flynn being the self-confessed, convicted felon who admitted to lying to the FBI, twice, also accepting responsibility for his crime in the signing statement with the DoJ.
Can I help you with anything else?

Demonizing Comey and defending him 2 posts later...impressive!!! :blues:
Attorney General William Barr said Thursday that a development in the investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe is expected as early as Friday, and that more “significant” developments will happen prior to the election in November.

“Tomorrow there will be a development in the case,” Barr said in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity...

“I’ve said there are going to be developments, significant developments for the election but we are not doing this on the election schedule,” he added.

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