Remember the Sandy Hook Shooting? Do you remember the FACTS about the shooting?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The Democrat's favorite mass shooting happened over a decade ago and is often cited as an example of why we have to ban "assault weapons". Of course they never mention mental illness as a root cause, it's those demon "assault weapons". Well let's recount some FACTS about Sandy Hook:

1. All the weapons used by the shooter were purchased by the shooter's mother.
2. Adam Lanza began his murderous rampage by killing his mother with a .22 RIFLE.
3. He then proceeded to kill 26 people at a school with a Bushmaster RIFLE.

Where were the "assault weapons"? What no mention of mental illness when Lanza murders his own mother? How would tougher background checks work when his mother bought the guns?

As with most of the crap Democrats shovel, FACTS DON'T MATTER. Sandy Hook is a prime example.

The Democrat's favorite mass shooting happened over a decade ago and is often cited as an example of why we have to ban "assault weapons". Of course they never mention mental illness as a root cause, it's those demon "assault weapons". Well let's recount some FACTS about Sandy Hook:

1. All the weapons used by the shooter were purchased by the shooter's mother.
2. Adam Lanza began his murderous rampage by killing his mother with a .22 RIFLE.
3. He then proceeded to kill 26 people at a school with a Bushmaster RIFLE.

Where were the "assault weapons"? What no mention of mental illness when Lanza murders his own mother? How would tougher background checks work when his mother bought the guns?

As with most of the crap Democrats shovel, FACTS DON'T MATTER. Sandy Hook is a prime example.

Yeah, Adam Lanza was crazy as a hoot owl. His brother and father both left the family home to get away from him. As mothers do, his mother stayed with him and died for that.

She got him guns to bond with him; this was a spectacular failure. He was known to have heavily researched other mass murderers, espec. the first one in Colorado, to compete with them in body count.
The Democrat's favorite mass shooting happened over a decade ago and is often cited as an example of why we have to ban "assault weapons". Of course they never mention mental illness as a root cause, it's those demon "assault weapons". Well let's recount some FACTS about Sandy Hook:

1. All the weapons used by the shooter were purchased by the shooter's mother.
2. Adam Lanza began his murderous rampage by killing his mother with a .22 RIFLE.
3. He then proceeded to kill 26 people at a school with a Bushmaster RIFLE.

Where were the "assault weapons"? What no mention of mental illness when Lanza murders his own mother? How would tougher background checks work when his mother bought the guns?

As with most of the crap Democrats shovel, FACTS DON'T MATTER. Sandy Hook is a prime example.

Liberal Hypocrisy1.jpg
Bushmaster is a varmint rifle ... small bore, medium charge, semi-automatic ... good for squirrel-sized nasties to ... well ... er ... yeah ... human-sized varmints ... we'll be wanting large bore, large charge, fully automatic batteries against brown bears ... that German 88 comes to mind ...

Adam Lanza grew up in that community ... his mother worked as a substitute teacher at that very grammering school ... the adults at the school knew this as they watched him come onto campus with his "rifle" ...

If we mandated Glocks-on-hips for all teachers ... we wouldn't be having these problems ...
Another False Flag .

The reported “facts” about Sandy Hook changed in spectacular fashion.
First, the shooter was said to be Ryan Lanza, but then that was changed to Adam Lanza, his younger brother.
First, a man was said to be murdered at the Lanza home, then it was said to be a woman, Adam's mother Nancy Lanza.
First , Nancy Lanza was said to be a teacher at Sandy Hook, then a substitute teacher; but now we know she was neither. She was actually an employee at Morgan Stanley—and before that at Citigroup.
First, the principal at Sandy Hook gave a statement to the press, describing all the shots being fired. Then it was reported the principal was killed. How did she give a statement to the press after being killed? First, the assault rifle was found in the trunk of the car, but later it was reported that this rifle was the main murder weapon. How did Lanza return the rifle to his car trunk after shooting himself?
First ,the car was said to be that of Adam Lanza, but then someone ran the license plate and it turns out it is registered to a Christopher Rodia, a known drug dealer.
But these anomalies, though curious, aren't even close to the most curious . To start with the best ---
first, did you know Adam Lanza's father Peter was the vice president and tax director of GE Financial Services? On October 18, 2012—less than two months before the Sandy Hook tragedy—Bloomberg reported that GE bankers had been given prison terms in a bid-rigging scheme involving municipal bonds. These convictions were part of a larger case that includes Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, UBS, and Wells Fargo. This case is a variation of the LIBOR scandal which started in London, and is tied to it. UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), for instance, is involved in both scandals. Morgan Stanley, where Peter Lanza's ex-wife worked, has also been caught up in the LIBOR scandal.
If you don't know what the LIBOR scandal is,It is being called the biggest scandal ever in the banking industry, and major banks have already been fined billions. It is far from over. Also curious is the link to the alleged Aurora tragedy, also called the Batman shooting. The alleged shooter in that alleged tragedy is James Holmes, and his father is Robert Holmes, senior lead scientist at FICO. He is one of several scientists who patented a predictive model system used to detect telecommunications fraud. Telecommunications fraud was used extensively in the LIBOR scandal.
Debunkers are using this lack of evidence to dismiss the LIBOR connection, but even without subpeonas or testimony schedules (which would not be public anyway), it is a big red flag to find these alleged mass murderers coming out of such families. It is known in the black agencies that the best way to attack a man is through his family, so when we see highly placed individuals suffering unaccountable tragedies via their families, we should at least ask the question—are we seeing the tragedy we are being sold by the media or are we seeing a different tragedy?
At this point in time, it is difficult to say what really happened at Sandy Hook, but as with other scripted tragedies, it is becoming easier and easier to say what didn't happen. The story you are being sold in the mainstream media didn't happen. The best indication of that is the video which shows Robbie Parker, one of the alleged fathers of one of the alleged victims, giving a press conference. I suggest you watch it closely, especially noting that before he starts he says, “Just read from the card? OK!”
etc etc
Yeah, Adam Lanza was crazy as a hoot owl. His brother and father both left the family home to get away from him. As mothers do, his mother stayed with him and died for that.

She got him guns to bond with him; this was a spectacular failure. He was known to have heavily researched other mass murderers, espec. the first one in Colorado, to compete with them in body count.
All of the mass shooters are suffering some form of mental illness. Every single one of them.
Another False Flag .

The reported “facts” about Sandy Hook changed in spectacular fashion.
First, the shooter was said to be Ryan Lanza, but then that was changed to Adam Lanza, his younger brother.
First, a man was said to be murdered at the Lanza home, then it was said to be a woman, Adam's mother Nancy Lanza.
First , Nancy Lanza was said to be a teacher at Sandy Hook, then a substitute teacher; but now we know she was neither. She was actually an employee at Morgan Stanley—and before that at Citigroup.
First, the principal at Sandy Hook gave a statement to the press, describing all the shots being fired. Then it was reported the principal was killed. How did she give a statement to the press after being killed? First, the assault rifle was found in the trunk of the car, but later it was reported that this rifle was the main murder weapon. How did Lanza return the rifle to his car trunk after shooting himself?
First ,the car was said to be that of Adam Lanza, but then someone ran the license plate and it turns out it is registered to a Christopher Rodia, a known drug dealer.
But these anomalies, though curious, aren't even close to the most curious . To start with the best ---
first, did you know Adam Lanza's father Peter was the vice president and tax director of GE Financial Services? On October 18, 2012—less than two months before the Sandy Hook tragedy—Bloomberg reported that GE bankers had been given prison terms in a bid-rigging scheme involving municipal bonds. These convictions were part of a larger case that includes Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, UBS, and Wells Fargo. This case is a variation of the LIBOR scandal which started in London, and is tied to it. UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), for instance, is involved in both scandals. Morgan Stanley, where Peter Lanza's ex-wife worked, has also been caught up in the LIBOR scandal.
If you don't know what the LIBOR scandal is,It is being called the biggest scandal ever in the banking industry, and major banks have already been fined billions. It is far from over. Also curious is the link to the alleged Aurora tragedy, also called the Batman shooting. The alleged shooter in that alleged tragedy is James Holmes, and his father is Robert Holmes, senior lead scientist at FICO. He is one of several scientists who patented a predictive model system used to detect telecommunications fraud. Telecommunications fraud was used extensively in the LIBOR scandal.
Debunkers are using this lack of evidence to dismiss the LIBOR connection, but even without subpeonas or testimony schedules (which would not be public anyway), it is a big red flag to find these alleged mass murderers coming out of such families. It is known in the black agencies that the best way to attack a man is through his family, so when we see highly placed individuals suffering unaccountable tragedies via their families, we should at least ask the question—are we seeing the tragedy we are being sold by the media or are we seeing a different tragedy?
At this point in time, it is difficult to say what really happened at Sandy Hook, but as with other scripted tragedies, it is becoming easier and easier to say what didn't happen. The story you are being sold in the mainstream media didn't happen. The best indication of that is the video which shows Robbie Parker, one of the alleged fathers of one of the alleged victims, giving a press conference. I suggest you watch it closely, especially noting that before he starts he says, “Just read from the card? OK!”
etc etc
Oh, lord, this is one of those Sandy Hook conspiracy theories, right?
Another False Flag .

The reported “facts” about Sandy Hook changed in spectacular fashion.
First, the shooter was said to be Ryan Lanza, but then that was changed to Adam Lanza, his younger brother.
First, a man was said to be murdered at the Lanza home, then it was said to be a woman, Adam's mother Nancy Lanza.
First , Nancy Lanza was said to be a teacher at Sandy Hook, then a substitute teacher; but now we know she was neither. She was actually an employee at Morgan Stanley—and before that at Citigroup.
First, the principal at Sandy Hook gave a statement to the press, describing all the shots being fired. Then it was reported the principal was killed. How did she give a statement to the press after being killed? First, the assault rifle was found in the trunk of the car, but later it was reported that this rifle was the main murder weapon. How did Lanza return the rifle to his car trunk after shooting himself?
First ,the car was said to be that of Adam Lanza, but then someone ran the license plate and it turns out it is registered to a Christopher Rodia, a known drug dealer.
But these anomalies, though curious, aren't even close to the most curious . To start with the best ---
first, did you know Adam Lanza's father Peter was the vice president and tax director of GE Financial Services? On October 18, 2012—less than two months before the Sandy Hook tragedy—Bloomberg reported that GE bankers had been given prison terms in a bid-rigging scheme involving municipal bonds. These convictions were part of a larger case that includes Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, UBS, and Wells Fargo. This case is a variation of the LIBOR scandal which started in London, and is tied to it. UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), for instance, is involved in both scandals. Morgan Stanley, where Peter Lanza's ex-wife worked, has also been caught up in the LIBOR scandal.
If you don't know what the LIBOR scandal is,It is being called the biggest scandal ever in the banking industry, and major banks have already been fined billions. It is far from over. Also curious is the link to the alleged Aurora tragedy, also called the Batman shooting. The alleged shooter in that alleged tragedy is James Holmes, and his father is Robert Holmes, senior lead scientist at FICO. He is one of several scientists who patented a predictive model system used to detect telecommunications fraud. Telecommunications fraud was used extensively in the LIBOR scandal.
Debunkers are using this lack of evidence to dismiss the LIBOR connection, but even without subpeonas or testimony schedules (which would not be public anyway), it is a big red flag to find these alleged mass murderers coming out of such families. It is known in the black agencies that the best way to attack a man is through his family, so when we see highly placed individuals suffering unaccountable tragedies via their families, we should at least ask the question—are we seeing the tragedy we are being sold by the media or are we seeing a different tragedy?
At this point in time, it is difficult to say what really happened at Sandy Hook, but as with other scripted tragedies, it is becoming easier and easier to say what didn't happen. The story you are being sold in the mainstream media didn't happen. The best indication of that is the video which shows Robbie Parker, one of the alleged fathers of one of the alleged victims, giving a press conference. I suggest you watch it closely, especially noting that before he starts he says, “Just read from the card? OK!”
etc etc
They are Trying to sue Alex Jones OFF THE AIR for Questioning the Official story..
they want his Platform of Free Speech GONE.

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