Reich Wing Killing Republican Party

The collapse of Kevin McCarthy and his bid to replace John Boehner as Sgpeaker leaves the TeaHadist faction and it's Reich Wing cohorts doing the "Terrorist Fist Bump" and doing high fives.

It also show that the Republican Party is now publicly committing very public suicide. As it currently stands, no person has the 218 votes needed to take the Speaker's Chair.

There Republicans trying and failing to enlist failed GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan to take the job, but Ryan is running as fast as he can away from the job.

Boehner has agreed to stay on the job until end of October, but he has made it clear he is leaving at the end of October.

Teahadists, hilarious and to the point. 'Freedom Caucus' is the double-speak Orwell talked about in his book 1984. They should be named the Hostage Takers.

Conservatives when you find an adult among you get back to us.

Be careful who you call terrorist, I mean Dems currently are killing doctors in other countries with bombs... Not even a single dem protest.
The collapse of Kevin McCarthy and his bid to replace John Boehner as Sgpeaker leaves the TeaHadist faction and it's Reich Wing cohorts doing the "Terrorist Fist Bump" and doing high fives.

It also show that the Republican Party is now publicly committing very public suicide. As it currently stands, no person has the 218 votes needed to take the Speaker's Chair.

There Republicans trying and failing to enlist failed GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan to take the job, but Ryan is running as fast as he can away from the job.

Boehner has agreed to stay on the job until end of October, but he has made it clear he is leaving at the end of October.

Teahadists, hilarious and to the point. 'Freedom Caucus' is the double-speak Orwell talked about in his book 1984. They should be named the Hostage Takers.

Conservatives when you find an adult among you get back to us.

I love how all the people to engage in their brand of name calling are jumping all over me for what I wrote.

The Freedom Caucus ia all restricting a Woman's Right To Choose anying d denying Same-Sex Couple the Civil Right of Marriage.
The collapse of Kevin McCarthy and his bid to replace John Boehner as Sgpeaker leaves the TeaHadist faction and it's Reich Wing cohorts doing the "Terrorist Fist Bump" and doing high fives.

It also show that the Republican Party is now publicly committing very public suicide. As it currently stands, no person has the 218 votes needed to take the Speaker's Chair.

There Republicans trying and failing to enlist failed GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan to take the job, but Ryan is running as fast as he can away from the job.

Boehner has agreed to stay on the job until end of October, but he has made it clear he is leaving at the end of October.

Teahadists, hilarious and to the point. 'Freedom Caucus' is the double-speak Orwell talked about in his book 1984. They should be named the Hostage Takers.

Conservatives when you find an adult among you get back to us.

Be careful who you call terrorist, I mean Dems currently are killing doctors in other countries with bombs... Not even a single dem protest.

Demeaning the US military, another conservative pastime.
The collapse of Kevin McCarthy and his bid to replace John Boehner as Sgpeaker leaves the TeaHadist faction and it's Reich Wing cohorts doing the "Terrorist Fist Bump" and doing high fives.

It also show that the Republican Party is now publicly committing very public suicide. As it currently stands, no person has the 218 votes needed to take the Speaker's Chair.

There Republicans trying and failing to enlist failed GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan to take the job, but Ryan is running as fast as he can away from the job.

Boehner has agreed to stay on the job until end of October, but he has made it clear he is leaving at the end of October.

Teahadists, hilarious and to the point. 'Freedom Caucus' is the double-speak Orwell talked about in his book 1984. They should be named the Hostage Takers.

Conservatives when you find an adult among you get back to us.

I love how all the people to engage in their brand of name calling are jumping all over me for what I wrote.

The Freedom Caucus is all restricting a Woman's Right To Choose anything to do denying Same-Sex Couple the Civil Right of Marriage.
The collapse of Kevin McCarthy and his bid to replace John Boehner as Sgpeaker leaves the TeaHadist faction and it's Reich Wing cohorts doing the "Terrorist Fist Bump" and doing high fives.

It also show that the Republican Party is now publicly committing very public suicide. As it currently stands, no person has the 218 votes needed to take the Speaker's Chair.

There Republicans trying and failing to enlist failed GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan to take the job, but Ryan is running as fast as he can away from the job.

Boehner has agreed to stay on the job until end of October, but he has made it clear he is leaving at the end of October.

Teahadists, hilarious and to the point. 'Freedom Caucus' is the double-speak Orwell talked about in his book 1984. They should be named the Hostage Takers.

Conservatives when you find an adult among you get back to us.

Be careful who you call terrorist, I mean Dems currently are killing doctors in other countries with bombs... Not even a single dem protest.

Demeaning the US military, another conservative pastime.

They love sending the U.S. Military off to fight in the wars the Cowards in the Republican Party will never fight and then shit all over them.
Yes, the Tea Party Taliban have destroyed the Republican Party.

As a person that finds great affinity with the Tea party principles, I totally understand how biased, how ignorant people that depend on the MSM for perceptions of people like me that have a basic respect for principles and not for ideology.
Now since I'm sure that goes over your head I'll try to explain how MY personal philosophy matches pretty closely with what the majority of Tea Party people.

People like me and millions like me that:
a) Really believe the USA is made up of exceptional people, most coming "legally" (like my daughter-in-law) to the USA because their countries didn't have America's
b) Believe that "principles" should be adhered to rather then "compromised" to a political ideology.
What this means these are a few of the basic principles people like me believe:
1) The primary function of the Federal Government is to defend our country.
2) That the 50 states are comprised of people with regional differences in economy, in life style, in attitudes...not a monolithic one mass of 310 million people.
3) That there really is NO need for Government to fund projects like the following examples. Just a gross waste of money with NO justification.
  • The National Institute of Health’s Center for Alternative and Complimentary Medicine spent $387,000 to study the effects of Swedish massages on rabbits.
  • The Department of Interior spent $10,000 to monitor the growth rate of saltmarsh grass. In other words, the government is paying people to watch grass grow. On the bright side, they have not started paying people to watch paint dry.
  • The National Science Foundation has granted more than $200,000 to a research project that is trying to determine how and why Wikipedia is sexist. Wikipedia’s War on Woman?
  • The National Institute of Health funded a study to see if mothers love dogs as much as they love kids. Regardless of the results, this experiment cost taxpayers $371,026.
  • The federal government has granted $804,254 for the development of a smartphone game called “Kiddio: Food Fight.” The game is intended to teach parents how to convince their children to try and eat new healthier food choices.
  • The National Endowment for the Humanities has provided $47,000 for undergraduate classes that teach students about laughing and humor.
  • The National Science Foundation spent $856,000 to teach mountain lions how to walk on treadmills as part of a research project whose aim was to better understand mountain lions’ instincts.
Top 7 Wackiest Examples of Wasteful Government Spending from Wastebook 2014
These are just a few of the grossly wasteful use of tax dollars. Wasted money by a Federal Government so out of touch with the rest of America.

c) Finally people like me, i.e. those dastardly "tea baggers", believe the there are laws that supersede the laws of man. For example:
1) The Constitution acknowledges that fundamental rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" is the basis of the creators of the Constitution.
2) That there are times when neither the laws of man can refute the laws of physics.
For example I hopefully like most "tea baggers" KNOW that driving 50mph in a 20mph school zone the driver can't stop if a kid darts out from behind a car.
3) There are times when there are no laws except those that our God has given us and these laws are above all other laws.
What a retard. You think that altering the names make any kind of point?
Let's see how stupid you actually are:

1. McCarthy dropped out because he has done something that can be used against him. Rumor so far is that it's an affair.
2. Paul Ryan is about to change his mind.
3. As long as Boehner is there, Nancy Pelosi is impotent

Yeah you are quite the dumbass.

BedPan, you lost on point No. 1. The party of family values once again shows its hypocrisy and your stupidity for being a Republican.
Oh My, the Magic Non-Existent Male God Head sky man. No, your non-existent has NOT.....Repeat NOT given anyone, anywhere, at anytime any laws.

There is not god or god's law.

Sharia is god's law, so you support Sharia Law?

IF you believe in a god's law, you believe in Sharia Law
The Republican Mass Circle Jerk is so damn entertaining. Their much deliff the donkey porn sites for a bit. You're losing it.
I have not lost a damn thing. Your party is bunch sad, lonely people in search of something they never had.
Yeah, you're losing it. You watch a donkey porn video and think you're a political analyst.

You have thing for animal porn?

Let me guess...your one them so-called "Christians" right?

Not really into porn, but being a Con you must be.

Take time to salute your flag:bsflag:

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