Reddit Deleting Trans Men’s Posts for Saying ‘Guys’


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
If this alphabet cult was so logical anyone could do it.
Transgender Reddit, where the fun never starts:

Trans men are getting their posts deleted for saying “guys.”

And that’s when it starts to get complicated.

“I looked into the moderation and found out one of the main mods of this ftm-centred, or at least AFAB-centred subreddit, is a trans woman.”

(Which is a dude wearing women’s clothing. Moderating a forum for women who wish to be perceived as men, and who wish to discuss getting a fake penis attached to their persons without some man sticking his oar in. Even if the man in question wishes to be perceived as a woman.)

And so, inevitably:

“What business does a trans woman have moderating and making decisions about an ftm space? Do trans men literally get nothing lmao? I don’t see trans men moderating and sticking their noses into trans women’s business and subreddits, so why do we get the same treatment?”

You may want to devise a diagram or flowchart, some way to track keep of things. Because my conclusion is:

“Women should be allowed to have female-only spaces.” Even if those women want to be perceived as men.

This is really confusing, with all of the "cis" and "trans" prefixes and pronouns flying around.

What ever happened to just calling a man in drag a "She Male" or a "Shim", and a chick pretending to be a man a "Lezzie" or "Lezbo"?

And those who are dressed and acting appropriately as "Normal" or "Normatize" instead of "Cis" . "Cis" is sort of stupid, as it sounds like "Sissy", which is more appropriate for guys walking about violating other men's Butt Holes.

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