Red Lister Alert: SHTF On October 1st, 2009


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

All the evidence seems to indicate that the best prospect for the crap to hit the fan (SHTF = my Topic + Forum) is October 1, 2009!!! The warning signs are EVERYWHERE and these are my best reasons that you should be prepared for big trouble in the very near future:

My updates on the Swine Flu Topic (link) include testimony from EndTimes777, a soldier in the US Military (Post #287 + Infowars Story) concerning 'Military Drills' conducted in conjunction with local police training activities. She warns that roadblocks and checkpoints are coming very soon:

[ame=""]Listen To These Solemn Warnings![/ame]

Endtimes777 says that "October 15" is the day to expect these roadblocks and checkpoints to be set up. However, we have testimony from many sources saying that the 'red listers' (like me) will be rounded up 'two weeks' before Martial Law is declared:

[ame=""]Jack McLamb's Warnings[/ame]

Two weeks 'before' October 15, 2009 is right at October 1, 2009, which is the day that anyone on the 'red list' must be prepared for the crap to hit the fan. We know Martial Law is in the works by the evidence from the March 18, 2008 "Secret Meeting" (link) that includes 'red listers' being shipped off to REX 84 FEMA Camps (link + legal documents).

[ame=""]New World Order Is Here[/ame]

The 'red listers' are to be rounded up 'before' these roadblocks and checkpoints are set up using local police, national guard and even foreign troops. Once the potential troublemakers are rounded up, then the likely scenario in your future goes something like this:

1. On the way to work (on Oct. 15), you run up on a roadblock/checkpoint (like this) where people are running around in military dress wearing blue U.N. helmets (pic).

2. You will be given the opportunity to take the lethal H1N1 Vaccine (pic), OR take a seat on the U.N. Bus (pic) headed for the nearest train station.

3. The FEMA Train (pic) will then transport you to the nearest FEMA Concentration Camp (pic).

The smart people have already left the country, but there is still a small amount of time to prepare (my Survival Topic) for when the crap hits the fan. The best source for knowing when the SHTF is Dr. Bill Deagle's Nutrimedical Report (link), as his information is the very best on the internet.

Nutrimedical Report Sept. 18, 2009 Swine11 Special Hour 1
Nutrimedical Report Sept. 18, 2009 Swine11 Special Hour 2
Nutrimedical Report Sept. 18, 2009 Swine11 Special Hour 3

LabVirus Blog
ClayandIron Website


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Wait, what? I thought it was July that the shit was to hit the fan? Now it's October 1? And if that date comes and goes without any incident . . . when's the next train?

Anyone want some pie?
Greetings to All:

Lyndon LaRouche ( is predicting a collapse of the U.S. Economy that coincides with the October 1 to October 15 police/military exercise time frame described by Endtimes777 in the Opening Post.

Watch The Short Video

Recent Update Video

The crap is about to hit the fan, so use the remaining time wisely to prepare for the Coming Collapse (my Topic). The Military and Foreign Troops are about to take over everything and 'food' will be in very short supply. There are bands of people coming to kill you, not because they hate you, but, because they are hungry. The H1N1 Bio-weapon will kill many, but even more will die from the chaos and mayhem that is almost here . . .


Greetings to All:

Dillon LaDouche is reporting that anyone who reads this post is likely to contract a specially concocted internet-transmissible swine flue-like contagion which will authorize the President (under a secret bill passed by Congress on June 6, 2009 [6/6/9]) to ask the UN Security Counsel to provide military assistance for the forced injection of the urgently needed anti-viral agents which will also include highly lethal neuro-toxins capable of compelling complete loss of will and resistance in all those injected. The lethality of these neuro-toxins can be mitigated by regular submission, by those injected, to a maintenance program which will provide both a temporary antidote to the lethal toxic effects and additional boosters of mind-control program drugs.

Anyone not on the platforms for the ships leaving Earth, by noon on the appointed day, will probably end up either submitting to the UN forced injection program or being summarily executed.

Good luck!

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greetings to all:

All the evidence seems to indicate that the best prospect for the crap to hit the fan (shtf = my topic + forum) is october 1, 2009!!! the warning signs are everywhere and these are my best reasons that you should be prepared for big trouble in the very near future:

My updates on the swine flu topic (link) include testimony from endtimes777, a soldier in the us military (post #287 + infowars story) concerning 'military drills' conducted in conjunction with local police training activities. She warns that roadblocks and checkpoints are coming very soon:

listen to these solemn warnings!

endtimes777 says that "october 15" is the day to expect these roadblocks and checkpoints to be set up. However, we have testimony from many sources saying that the 'red listers' (like me) will be rounded up 'two weeks' before martial law is declared:

jack mclamb's warnings

two weeks 'before' october 15, 2009 is right at october 1, 2009, which is the day that anyone on the 'red list' must be prepared for the crap to hit the fan. We know martial law is in the works by the evidence from the march 18, 2008 "secret meeting" (link) that includes 'red listers' being shipped off to rex 84 fema camps (link + legal documents).

new world order is here

the 'red listers' are to be rounded up 'before' these roadblocks and checkpoints are set up using local police, national guard and even foreign troops. Once the potential troublemakers are rounded up, then the likely scenario in your future goes something like this:

1. On the way to work (on oct. 15), you run up on a roadblock/checkpoint (like this) where people are running around in military dress wearing blue u.n. Helmets (pic).

2. You will be given the opportunity to take the lethal h1n1 vaccine (pic), or take a seat on the u.n. Bus (pic) headed for the nearest train station.

3. The fema train (pic) will then transport you to the nearest fema concentration camp (pic).

The smart people have already left the country, but there is still a small amount of time to prepare (my survival topic) for when the crap hits the fan. The best source for knowing when the shtf is dr. Bill deagle's nutrimedical report (link), as his information is the very best on the internet.

nutrimedical report sept. 18, 2009 swine11 special hour 1
nutrimedical report sept. 18, 2009 swine11 special hour 2
nutrimedical report sept. 18, 2009 swine11 special hour 3

labvirus blog
clayandiron website



did you make it out? Did you make it out? Omg!!! Talk to me!!!!
All the evidence seems to indicate that the best prospect for the crap to hit the fan (SHTF = my Topic + Forum) is October 1, 2009!!!
I want to make a bet with you Terral. If FEMA starts rounding up "redlisters" as you say, I will never post here again.

But of they don't, I want you to ask the Mods for a permanent ban.

Your predictions won't come true and I'm willing to bet my account on it. Are you?

If you had any sense at all you would try to gather support for something worthwhile like auditing the Federal Reserve. Instead you waste your life trying to impress people with your supposed inside knowledge and insight into bogus conspiracies.

You're no different than the ancient religious cults that repeatedly called for the end of the world at a certain date. You don't even realize what a joke you are here.
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All the evidence seems to indicate that the best prospect for the crap to hit the fan (SHTF = my Topic + Forum) is October 1, 2009!!!
I want to make a bet with you Terral. If FEMA starts rounding up "redlisters" as you say, I will never post here again.

But of they don't, I want you to ask the Mods for a permanent ban.

Your predictions won't come true and I'm willing to bet my account on it. Are you?

If you had any sense at all you would try to gather support for something worthwhile like auditing the Federal Reserve. Instead you waste your life trying to impress people with your supposed inside knowledge and insight into bogus conspiracies.

You're no different than the ancient religious cults that repeatedly called for the end of the world at a certain date. You don't even realize what a joke you are here.

Terral! Don't fall for the Mad Scientist set-up! He has you sneakily cornered. His bet looks innocent enough but ...

IF you're right, he won't be posting anything anymore anyway!

And if you're wrong, YOU will have to leave and we won't get your regular final warnings!

That bet is WAY one-sided.

I suspect that the U.N. was behind it.

Good Luck,

- my other brother Darryl
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I already told him never to show his face around here again if he's wrong about these new dates.

I wonder how many wrong dates he thinks he can continue getting away with before he feels so fucking stupid that he just quits coming here out of sheer embarrassment.

Then again, the world will probably end SOME day. Maybe if he's lucky, it'll happen while he's still alive. And while he's still a member here, and if he predicts this shit long enough, eventually he'll be right and look like a fucking GENIUS.

Then his life will have finally found purpose.
Here it is, guys...flat out unmistakable, undeniable proof that checkpoints are coming to a road near you in October:


Some random trucks in a line, a couple guys walking farther on down the road, and some hilly terrain in the background.

What else COULD that be? I'm sold.

I mean, that's not in another country WHATSOEVER. That is soooooo definitely the United States, I'm starting to get really scared about the future. Thanks for this warning Terral, with this picture that is of course the cornerstone to uncovering this horrible truth.
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All the evidence seems to indicate that the best prospect for the crap to hit the fan (SHTF = my Topic + Forum) is October 1, 2009!!!
I want to make a bet with you Terral. If FEMA starts rounding up "redlisters" as you say, I will never post here again.

But of they don't, I want you to ask the Mods for a permanent ban.

Your predictions won't come true and I'm willing to bet my account on it. Are you?

If you had any sense at all you would try to gather support for something worthwhile like auditing the Federal Reserve. Instead you waste your life trying to impress people with your supposed inside knowledge and insight into bogus conspiracies.

You're no different than the ancient religious cults that repeatedly called for the end of the world at a certain date. You don't even realize what a joke you are here.

As much as I hate to to say this Terral I got to agree with Mad Scientist here.You really are beginning to sound like all these religious christians who for the past several decades have been saying the world is going to come to an end by next year.what are you going to come here and say when october passes and none of this stuff happens? you should have stuck with your 9/11 and even wine flu least in those especially the 9/11 threads,you had evidence and facts to prove your right.This here you dont.

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