Red Jen Psaki doubles down on Joe Biden's smear against Kyle Rittenhouse

An illegal alien? You seem to like them more than our vets. You know that right?
I’m not very concerned with what things seem like to you… you’ve been pretty far off with your interpretations when it comes to me so I don’t expect much
I’m not very concerned with what things seem like to you… you’ve been pretty far off with your interpretations when it comes to me so I don’t expect much
Not far off at all. In fact most here see you as an insane leftist. How do you not know that?
Not far off at all. In fact most here see you as an insane leftist. How do you not know that?
That’s totally fine… again I’m not concerned in the least how most people here see me. Seems like you trying pretty hard to get under my skin though. That wouldn’t have anything to do with how I schooled you in the last debate would it? Don’t take it so personally. That debate was over before it began
That’s totally fine… again I’m not concerned in the least how most people here see me. Seems like you trying pretty hard to get under my skin though. That wouldn’t have anything to do with how I schooled you in the last debate would it? Don’t take it so personally. That debate was over before it began
You cannot school anyone. How do you not know that?
I just did school you with the definition debate which is why youre now lashing out at me with meaningless insults.
You must not speak English well. You have never schooled anyone. How do you not know that? What part of that post do you not understand?
You must not speak English well. You have never schooled anyone. How do you not know that? What part of that post do you not understand?
I hear what your saying but it’s not reality. You made some idiotic statements about definitions and stumbled when challenged to back up your bluster. That’s called a schooling. Have some humility and own it
I hear what your saying but it’s not reality. You made some idiotic statements about definitions and stumbled when challenged to back up your bluster. That’s called a schooling. Have some humility and own it
It’s not reality? Says who? The person who said the biggest difference between men and women is social? Your stupidity is forever captured in my siggy. You are the laughing stock of this board. How do you not know that?
It’s not reality? Says who? The person who said the biggest difference between men and women is social? Your stupidity is forever captured in my siggy. You are the laughing stock of this board. How do you not know that?
I didn’t say the biggest difference between men and women is social!!! Haha, now you have to make shit up to pretend like your still hanging in a debate. Not a good day for you AZ
Yes and if you read that conversation you’d know I was talk about gender identity. Boing boing
No you weren’t asshole. I read that. Bottom line, you lied and I just proved it. Again boing boing boy. Now throw your usual tantrum as I laugh at you.
No you weren’t asshole. I read that. Bottom line, you lied and I just proved it. Again boing boing boy. Now throw your usual tantrum as I laugh at you.
No tantrums you’re just somebody who searched for a sentence and didn’t read the book. I wrote the book but you think you know more. That’s funny. My book was speaking to gender identity. You missed that
No prob… what of it?

marriage; plural noun: marriages
  1. 1.
    the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship (historically and in some jurisdictions specifically a union between a man and a woman).
    "a happy marriage"
  2. a combination or mixture of two or more elements.
No dude, with all due respect, fuck you. You lie and post the definition of sex pretending that it’s the definition of gender and try to hide it by not posting the link. Now you’re posting another snippet… well keep reading genius. This is from your link and it supports exactly the argument I’ve been making for months.

“Among those who study gender and sexuality, a clear delineation between sex and gender is typically prescribed, with sex as the preferred term for biological forms, and gender limited to its meanings involving behavioral, cultural, and psychological traits. In this dichotomy, the terms male and femalerelate only to biological forms (sex), while the terms masculine/masculinity, feminine/femininity, woman/girl, and man/boy relate only to psychological and sociocultural traits (gender).”
And yet the most recent push by the left has been to change the sex listed on passports, birth certificates and the like.

IOW, the idea that there is a separation between gender and sex is a façade. The separation between the two words in a modern political context is a lie - they are not. The 'trans gender rights' movement demands that they be recognized by how they feel rather than what they actually are in relation to gender AND sex.

Which leads to some amazingly idiodic outcomes such as being upset that you have to be a female to have children, a simple fact, to 'misgendering' people in a medical setting where your gender is utterly irrelevant but your SEX matters a lot. If I am trying to judge if you are having a heart attack or have cervical cancer, your sex is central.

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