Reasons To Be Anti-Gay, By The Numbers


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Since many of the arguments against gay marriage are repeated over and over and over, I thought we should collect them all together and number them. Then, when you hear someone make a particular anti-gay argument, you can just point to this topic and say, "Number 3" and save everyone some time explaining why they are wrong.

Here are the arguments made against gay marriage, followed by an explanation of why they do not meet the “rational foundation for the discriminations” requirement which will eventually issue from the Supreme Court.

1. By far the most popular argument against gay marriage is that if we allow homosexual to marry, then we will have to allow brothers to marry sisters, humans to marry animals, and adults to marry children. I have never seen a topic involving homosexuality in which someone did not bring up either incest, or bestiality, or pedophilia, or two or more of these.

This is the slippery slope fallacy. And the reason it fails is because you cannot use the legalization of a harmless behavior as justification for the legalization of a harmful behavior.
Since pedophilia and the myriad other attempted equivalencies to homosexuality are all harmful behaviors, they cannot be justified by gay marriage any more than they can be justified by a heterosexual marriage.

The underlying irrational foundation behind this argument is nothing more than an intense dislike of man-on-man sex, even though one is not even participating in that act!

2. “Show me where the right to marry is in the Constitution”. This is probably the second most common argument. It is actually a one-size-fits-all argument used in many debates, not just the gay marriage debate. “Show me were (fill in the blank) is in the Constitution.” Its users believe it is a debate ender, but it really only exposes their ignorance of the Constitution.

State and federal governments have created benefits and privileges specific to married couples in their laws. The benefits and privileges therefore have the protection of the law. If you file a married federal income tax return, for example, you are exercising one of those privileges.

The 14th amendment specifically states that one must provide “equal protection of the laws”. Therefore, if you extend the married tax return benefit to one married couple, you must extend it to all married couples. Be they a white/white marriage, or a black/white marriage, or an opposite gender marriage, or a same gender marriage.

So the “show me where the right to marry” Constitutional question is a logical fallacy known as a false premise, and not a very clever one at that.

3. The third argument has many variations, but perhaps the best illustration is the one that says people who favor gay marriage got their acceptance of gay marriage from the likes of the sex expert Kinsey. Then follows a long ad hominem attack on Kinsey, with the added element that Kinsey apparently was okay with pedophilia, and therefore people who like gay marriage are okay with pedophilia.

Something like that.

Once again, an amazing amount of energy is expended trying to associate homosexuality with all manner of heinous activities.

This argument is chock full of fallacies, but it is easily turned on its head by using an identical fallacy which goes like this: Hitler hated fags. Hitler killed six million Jews. Therefore, if people are allowed to hate fags, it is just a matter of time before they start tossing Jews into gas ovens.

4. AIDS. Homos are sick bastards who screw like rabbits and spread AIDS and boy won’t it be great once they have wiped themselves out. Heteros are not as depraved as homos, because AIDS is killing more homos than straight people. QED.

There are two answers to this. First, on a worldwide level, heteros are greatly outpacing homos in the AIDS category, hands-down. But we ignore this because, hey, we’re talking about jungle bunnies in Africa, right? And you really don’t want to go there, gay-lover!

Second, syphilis. It seems some people are ignorant of the fact that syphilis was the AIDS of its time, until very recently. And syphilis killed many, many millions of people. There is a long list of famous people taken down by syphilis. And syphilis is still with us today, and it has experienced a recent resurgence amongst heteros. Lucky for them there is a cure!

(Edited to add: Not only that, married people actually have a decreased rate of STD transmission. So the "AIDS" argument is actually a good reason to allow gays to participate in marriage.)

So this idea that AIDS is some kind of vindication of the purity of heteros compared to the depravity of homos is ridiculously out of whack.

These illogical arguments are used to support an anti-homosexual position is how we know that at the base of all their objections, opponents really just hate homos. Very few are honest enough to just admit it.

If the anti-gay lobby has a “rational foundation for the discriminations” currently in our state and federal laws, they better start articulating them real soon. Because sooner or later, this will be coming up in the Supreme Court.

So far, all opposition has been irrational.

I say this as a person who voted against gay marriage when it came up for a vote in my state a few years ago. If my state held a re-vote today, I would jump at the opportunity to support it.

As the saying goes, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”
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The only reason to not allow gays to get married is because you are a bigot, there is no other answer. It's amazing to watch religious people judge others more than any other group of people on the planet, it's even more amazing to see it when they call themselves "conservatives" only to demand Government regulate others sex lives and ability to get married, something the constitution specifically says it not Governments job.

I like Santorum’s answer to “Mr. Santorum, you want to ban gay marriage on a federal level if you are President, what does that mean for all the gay couples that are currently married?” Santorum: (Dumb smile…) (shrug)… I guess they are not married…” Man he really though that one through...
Excellent post. There are still not any valid reasons someone can be against homosexual marriage.
Universal marriage is inevitable. The great majority of the 40 and under generation support it. Twenty years from now, the progress of history will be on its side.
Roughly 70% favor gay marriage, of 18-34 year olds. Future looks good for freedom on the issue.
1. By far the most popular argument against gay marriage is that if we allow homosexual to marry, then we will have to allow brothers to marry sisters, humans to marry animals, and adults to marry children. I have never seen a topic involving homosexuality in which someone did not bring up either incest, or bestiality, or pedophilia, or two or more of these.

Agreed, it's silly.

2. “Show me where the right to marry is in the Constitution”. This is probably the second most common argument. It is actually a one-size-fits-all argument used in many debates, not just the gay marriage debate. “Show me were (fill in the blank) is in the Constitution.” Its users believe it is a debate ender, but it really only exposes their ignorance of the Constitution.

State and federal governments have created benefits and privileges specific to married couples in their laws. The benefits and privileges therefore have the protection of the law. If you file a married federal income tax return, for example, you are exercising one of those privileges.

The 14th amendment specifically states that one must provide “equal protection of the laws”. Therefore, if you extend the married tax return benefit to one married couple, you must extend it to all married couples. Be they a white/white marriage, or a black/white marriage, or an opposite gender marriage, or a same gender marriage.

So the “show me where the right to marry” Constitutional question is a logical fallacy known as a false premise, and not a very clever one at that.

Garbage. There is no right to marry in the constitution, no right to marry whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. A whole lot of things aren't covered in the Constitution. The ability to marry is not a right but a liberty. Liberties are protected under the constitution and rightly so. You may not have a "right" to marry, but it is a liberty that the government doesn't have the "right" to deny. I have heard this garbage about the 14th amendment many times but it fails because gays do have legal protection of the laws. it is a major stretch to include that amendment in denying something that the laws do not cover.

That said, just because it isn't spelled out in the Constitution doesn't mean it is a good argument against gay marriage.

3. The third argument has many variations, but perhaps the best illustration is the one that says people who favor gay marriage got their acceptance of gay marriage from the likes of the sex expert Kinsey. Then follows a long ad hominem attack on Kinsey, with the added element that Kinsey apparently was okay with pedophilia, and therefore people who like gay marriage are okay with pedophilia.

Something like that.

Once again, an amazing amount of energy is expended trying to associate homosexuality with all manner of heinous activities.

This argument is chock full of fallacies, but it is easily turned on its head by using an identical fallacy which goes like this: Hitler hated fags. Hitler killed six million Jews. Therefore, if people are allowed to hate fags, it is just a matter of time before they start tossing Jews into gas ovens.

I don't believe I've ever heard that argument, but sure, it's silly as well.

4. AIDS. Homos are sick bastards who screw like rabbits and spread AIDS and boy won’t it be great once they have wiped themselves out. Heteros are not as depraved as homos, because AIDS is killing more homos than straight people. QED.

There are two answers to this. First, on a worldwide level, heteros are greatly outpacing homos in the AIDS category, hands-down. But we ignore this because, hey, we’re talking about jungle bunnies in Africa, right? And you really don’t want to go there, gay-lover!

Second, syphilis. It seems some people are ignorant of the fact that syphilis was the AIDS of its time, until very recently. And syphilis killed many, many millions of people. There is a long list of famous people taken down by syphilis. And syphilis is still with us today, and it has experienced a recent resurgence amongst heteros. Lucky for them there is a cure!

So this idea that AIDS is some kind of vindication of the purity of heteros compared to the depravity of homos is ridiculously out of whack.

These illogical arguments are used to support an anti-homosexual position is how we know that at the base of all their objections, opponents really just hate homos. Very few are honest enough to just admit it.

If the anti-gay lobby has a “rational foundation for the discriminations” currently in our state and federal laws, they better start articulating them real soon. Because sooner or later, this will be coming up in the Supreme Court.

So far, all opposition has been irrational.

I say this as a person who voted against gay marriage when it came up for a vote in my state a few years ago. If my state held a re-vote today, I would jump at the opportunity to support it.

As the saying goes, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”

#4 here is quite the strawman, but I'll address it anyway.

1st, what is wrong with screwing like rabbits?

(I'll ignore your racist nonsense)

The reason heteros are beginning to outpace homos is due to the much larger population of heteros. No surprise there, and no relevant point either.

Syphillis has been around since time immemorable, AIDS only in the past 3 decades or so. Again, your point is moot.

Agreed that it is still a rediculous argument against gay marriage since marriage would promote fidelity and therefor decrease the risk of spreading AIDS, Herpes, and any other STD. Allowing Gays to be married would help in the fight against these diseases.

As a Libertarian, i am for liberty for everyone and anti-big government, however, posts like this OP don't really help the cause very much.
1. By far the most popular argument against gay marriage is that if we allow homosexual to marry, then we will have to allow brothers to marry sisters, humans to marry animals, and adults to marry children. I have never seen a topic involving homosexuality in which someone did not bring up either incest, or bestiality, or pedophilia, or two or more of these.

Agreed, it's silly.

2. “Show me where the right to marry is in the Constitution”. This is probably the second most common argument. It is actually a one-size-fits-all argument used in many debates, not just the gay marriage debate. “Show me were (fill in the blank) is in the Constitution.” Its users believe it is a debate ender, but it really only exposes their ignorance of the Constitution.

State and federal governments have created benefits and privileges specific to married couples in their laws. The benefits and privileges therefore have the protection of the law. If you file a married federal income tax return, for example, you are exercising one of those privileges.

The 14th amendment specifically states that one must provide “equal protection of the laws”. Therefore, if you extend the married tax return benefit to one married couple, you must extend it to all married couples. Be they a white/white marriage, or a black/white marriage, or an opposite gender marriage, or a same gender marriage.

So the “show me where the right to marry” Constitutional question is a logical fallacy known as a false premise, and not a very clever one at that.

Garbage. There is no right to marry in the constitution, no right to marry whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. A whole lot of things aren't covered in the Constitution. The ability to marry is not a right but a liberty. Liberties are protected under the constitution and rightly so. You may not have a "right" to marry, but it is a liberty that the government doesn't have the "right" to deny. I have heard this garbage about the 14th amendment many times but it fails because gays do have legal protection of the laws. it is a major stretch to include that amendment in denying something that the laws do not cover.

That said, just because it isn't spelled out in the Constitution doesn't mean it is a good argument against gay marriage.

3. The third argument has many variations, but perhaps the best illustration is the one that says people who favor gay marriage got their acceptance of gay marriage from the likes of the sex expert Kinsey. Then follows a long ad hominem attack on Kinsey, with the added element that Kinsey apparently was okay with pedophilia, and therefore people who like gay marriage are okay with pedophilia.

Something like that.

Once again, an amazing amount of energy is expended trying to associate homosexuality with all manner of heinous activities.

This argument is chock full of fallacies, but it is easily turned on its head by using an identical fallacy which goes like this: Hitler hated fags. Hitler killed six million Jews. Therefore, if people are allowed to hate fags, it is just a matter of time before they start tossing Jews into gas ovens.

I don't believe I've ever heard that argument, but sure, it's silly as well.

4. AIDS. Homos are sick bastards who screw like rabbits and spread AIDS and boy won’t it be great once they have wiped themselves out. Heteros are not as depraved as homos, because AIDS is killing more homos than straight people. QED.

There are two answers to this. First, on a worldwide level, heteros are greatly outpacing homos in the AIDS category, hands-down. But we ignore this because, hey, we’re talking about jungle bunnies in Africa, right? And you really don’t want to go there, gay-lover!

Second, syphilis. It seems some people are ignorant of the fact that syphilis was the AIDS of its time, until very recently. And syphilis killed many, many millions of people. There is a long list of famous people taken down by syphilis. And syphilis is still with us today, and it has experienced a recent resurgence amongst heteros. Lucky for them there is a cure!

So this idea that AIDS is some kind of vindication of the purity of heteros compared to the depravity of homos is ridiculously out of whack.

These illogical arguments are used to support an anti-homosexual position is how we know that at the base of all their objections, opponents really just hate homos. Very few are honest enough to just admit it.

If the anti-gay lobby has a “rational foundation for the discriminations” currently in our state and federal laws, they better start articulating them real soon. Because sooner or later, this will be coming up in the Supreme Court.

So far, all opposition has been irrational.

I say this as a person who voted against gay marriage when it came up for a vote in my state a few years ago. If my state held a re-vote today, I would jump at the opportunity to support it.

As the saying goes, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”

#4 here is quite the strawman, but I'll address it anyway.

1st, what is wrong with screwing like rabbits?

(I'll ignore your racist nonsense)

The reason heteros are beginning to outpace homos is due to the much larger population of heteros. No surprise there, and no relevant point either.

Syphillis has been around since time immemorable, AIDS only in the past 3 decades or so. Again, your point is moot.

Agreed that it is still a rediculous argument against gay marriage since marriage would promote fidelity and therefor decrease the risk of spreading AIDS, Herpes, and any other STD. Allowing Gays to be married would help in the fight against these diseases.

As a Libertarian, i am for liberty for everyone and anti-big government, however, posts like this OP don't really help the cause very much.

SCOTUS ruled it a right, in the text of the Loving decision.
Universal marriage is inevitable. The great majority of the 40 and under generation support it. Twenty years from now, the progress of history will be on its side.

Roughly 70% favor gay marriage, of 18-34 year olds. Future looks good for freedom on the issue.

There is a problem with this theory. The belief that anti-Gay sentiment will go away with time is based on an ignorance of reality. (ignorance as in "not knowing" as opposed to stupidity)

Many people believe in things that they thoroughly abandon when they get older. Many young people live a life completely different than what they have when they get older. Ideas change with responsibilities, with family, with careers. Many young people who aren't religious grow up to become born-agains, some even religious enopugh to turn their minds away from sympathy to gay marriage. Does this happen to every young person? Of course not. Are there some people who go from anti-gay to pro-gay as they get older? Probably so. I just believe that imagining that you can count of the youth of today ending DOMA in our lifetimes is not something that can be depended on, and I use the recent votes against gay marriage in many states including California as evidence to support my belief. Unless you think that only old people vote in those elections.
1. By far the most popular argument against gay marriage is that if we allow homosexual to marry, then we will have to allow brothers to marry sisters, humans to marry animals, and adults to marry children. I have never seen a topic involving homosexuality in which someone did not bring up either incest, or bestiality, or pedophilia, or two or more of these.

Agreed, it's silly.

Garbage. There is no right to marry in the constitution, no right to marry whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. A whole lot of things aren't covered in the Constitution. The ability to marry is not a right but a liberty. Liberties are protected under the constitution and rightly so. You may not have a "right" to marry, but it is a liberty that the government doesn't have the "right" to deny. I have heard this garbage about the 14th amendment many times but it fails because gays do have legal protection of the laws. it is a major stretch to include that amendment in denying something that the laws do not cover.

That said, just because it isn't spelled out in the Constitution doesn't mean it is a good argument against gay marriage.

I don't believe I've ever heard that argument, but sure, it's silly as well.

4. AIDS. Homos are sick bastards who screw like rabbits and spread AIDS and boy won’t it be great once they have wiped themselves out. Heteros are not as depraved as homos, because AIDS is killing more homos than straight people. QED.

There are two answers to this. First, on a worldwide level, heteros are greatly outpacing homos in the AIDS category, hands-down. But we ignore this because, hey, we’re talking about jungle bunnies in Africa, right? And you really don’t want to go there, gay-lover!

Second, syphilis. It seems some people are ignorant of the fact that syphilis was the AIDS of its time, until very recently. And syphilis killed many, many millions of people. There is a long list of famous people taken down by syphilis. And syphilis is still with us today, and it has experienced a recent resurgence amongst heteros. Lucky for them there is a cure!

So this idea that AIDS is some kind of vindication of the purity of heteros compared to the depravity of homos is ridiculously out of whack.

These illogical arguments are used to support an anti-homosexual position is how we know that at the base of all their objections, opponents really just hate homos. Very few are honest enough to just admit it.

If the anti-gay lobby has a “rational foundation for the discriminations” currently in our state and federal laws, they better start articulating them real soon. Because sooner or later, this will be coming up in the Supreme Court.

So far, all opposition has been irrational.

I say this as a person who voted against gay marriage when it came up for a vote in my state a few years ago. If my state held a re-vote today, I would jump at the opportunity to support it.

As the saying goes, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.”

#4 here is quite the strawman, but I'll address it anyway.

1st, what is wrong with screwing like rabbits?

(I'll ignore your racist nonsense)

The reason heteros are beginning to outpace homos is due to the much larger population of heteros. No surprise there, and no relevant point either.

Syphillis has been around since time immemorable, AIDS only in the past 3 decades or so. Again, your point is moot.

Agreed that it is still a rediculous argument against gay marriage since marriage would promote fidelity and therefor decrease the risk of spreading AIDS, Herpes, and any other STD. Allowing Gays to be married would help in the fight against these diseases.

As a Libertarian, i am for liberty for everyone and anti-big government, however, posts like this OP don't really help the cause very much.

SCOTUS ruled it a right, in the text of the Loving decision.

no, they did not. read it again.
Universal marriage is inevitable. The great majority of the 40 and under generation support it. Twenty years from now, the progress of history will be on its side.

Roughly 70% favor gay marriage, of 18-34 year olds. Future looks good for freedom on the issue.

There is a problem with this theory. The belief that anti-Gay sentiment will go away with time is based on an ignorance of reality. (ignorance as in "not knowing" as opposed to stupidity)

Many people believe in things that they thoroughly abandon when they get older. Many young people live a life completely different than what they have when they get older. Ideas change with responsibilities, with family, with careers. Many young people who aren't religious grow up to become born-agains, some even religious enopugh to turn their minds away from sympathy to gay marriage. Does this happen to every young person? Of course not. Are there some people who go from anti-gay to pro-gay as they get older? Probably so. I just believe that imagining that you can count of the youth of today ending DOMA in our lifetimes is not something that can be depended on, and I use the recent votes against gay marriage in many states including California as evidence to support my belief. Unless you think that only old people vote in those elections.

Except for the fact that the trend has been a positive one for a number of years now, within all age brackets.
"There is no right to marry in the constitution, no right to marry whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. A whole lot of things aren't covered in the Constitution. The ability to marry is not a right but a liberty." - Predfan

"SCOTUS ruled it a right, in the text of the Loving decision." - G.T.

"no, they did not. read it again." - Predfan

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," - SCOTUS
Since many of the arguments against gay marriage are repeated over and over and over, I thought we should collect them all together and number them. Then, when you hear someone make a particular anti-gay argument, you can just point to this topic and say, "Number 3" and save everyone some time explaining why they are wrong.

This post is just plain dumb.
"There is no right to marry in the constitution, no right to marry whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. A whole lot of things aren't covered in the Constitution. The ability to marry is not a right but a liberty." - Predfan

"SCOTUS ruled it a right, in the text of the Loving decision." - G.T.

"no, they did not. read it again." - Predfan

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," - SCOTUS

All gays can marry today if they want to.....nobody is stopping them.....they can go to their local Unitarian church or whatever....any other details can be covered with a contract....

however the leftist-backed gay rights movement is pushing for special government-sanctioned gay marriage......something that will rip up organized society and increase the amount of government in our lives.....not to mention destroy the right of the majority to define marriage as between one man and one woman....

the left is simply out to destroy society and a long-established way of life that functions really has nothing to do with Adam and Steve pining away to get married....
"There is no right to marry in the constitution, no right to marry whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. A whole lot of things aren't covered in the Constitution. The ability to marry is not a right but a liberty." - Predfan

"SCOTUS ruled it a right, in the text of the Loving decision." - G.T.

"no, they did not. read it again." - Predfan

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," - SCOTUS

All gays can marry today if they want to.....nobody is stopping them.....they can go to their local Unitarian church or whatever....any other details can be covered with a contract....

however the leftist-backed gay rights movement is pushing for special government-sanctioned gay marriage......something that will rip up organized society and increase the amount of government in our lives.....not to mention destroy the right of the majority to define marriage as between one man and one woman....

the left is simply out to destroy society and a long-established way of life that functions really has nothing to do with Adam and Steve pining away to get married....

glaringly obvious that there's no rational discussion that can be had with this post.
"There is no right to marry in the constitution, no right to marry whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. A whole lot of things aren't covered in the Constitution. The ability to marry is not a right but a liberty." - Predfan

"SCOTUS ruled it a right, in the text of the Loving decision." - G.T.

"no, they did not. read it again." - Predfan

"Marriage is one of the "basic civil rights of man," - SCOTUS

All gays can marry today if they want to.....nobody is stopping them.....they can go to their local Unitarian church or whatever....any other details can be covered with a contract....

however the leftist-backed gay rights movement is pushing for special government-sanctioned gay marriage......something that will rip up organized society and increase the amount of government in our lives.....not to mention destroy the right of the majority to define marriage as between one man and one woman....

the left is simply out to destroy society and a long-established way of life that functions really has nothing to do with Adam and Steve pining away to get married....

glaringly obvious that there's no rational discussion that can be had with this post.

whatsa prob....the glare of truth blinding you.....?

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