Reasons for the trump shutdown


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2017
1) Putin hasn’t decided on a position yet.
2) trump doesn’t understand DACA.
3) White nationalism in the republic party.
4) trump isn’t a leader.
5) The party of Dumb doesn’t understand the function of government.
It is the Schumer bird brained, pusillanimous pipsqueak.
The reasons for the budget legislation failure we witnessed yesterday, if that is what the OP-er means by "Trump showdown," are, as far as I'm concerned:
  • Trump is incoherent --> Mitch McConnell was very clear in stating that Trump had not identified what specifically he wanted in the bill. Trump a week or so stated:

    "When this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I’m signing it. I mean, I will be signing it. I’m not going to say, 'Oh, gee, I want this or I want that.' I’ll be signing it.
    -- Donald Trump, "Remarks by President Trump in Meeting [...] on Immigration"

    Days later, members of Congress took to him the framework for a bipartisan bill to resolve DACA and other immigration-related matters and fund CHIP -- two things that at least ~60% of the citizenry want done, and the provisions of which would have been attached to the budget bill -- and he rejected it.
    -- Most Americans support DACA
    -- Kaiser Health Tracking Poll - November 2017: The Role of Health Care in the Republican Tax Plan

    "I'm looking for something that President Trump supports, and he's not yet indicated what measure he's willing to sign. As soon as we figure out what he is for, then I would be convinced that we are not just spinning our wheels to this issue on the floor, but actually dealing with a bill that has a chance to become law and therefore solve the problem."
    -- Mitch McConnell, January 17, 2018
  • Trump cannot be trusted/taken at his word --> (See the bullet point above) The man is an inveterate liar. When people, including members of Congress, cannot take the POTUS at his word when he says he will or will not do "X," the only thing one can do is do what one wants to do and that does not depend on Trump's approbation, and that can only be done by crafting bipartisan legislation that obtains a veto-proof quantity of votes. Quite simply, nobody can negotiate with someone whose word cannot be trusted.
  • Trump irresponsibly does not do things in a timely manner --> A government shutdown was, when Trump posted the Tweet below, about five hours away from happening. Everyone involved hoped to avert a shutdown, and only seven hours prior to the deadline did Trump see fit to invite Chuck Schumer to the White House to have what he described as a "preliminary" meeting. (Seriously!?! A preliminary meeting seven hours before a deadline? )
    • "Excellent preliminary meeting in Oval with @SenSchumer – working on solutions for Security and our great Military together with @SenateMajLdr McConnell and @SpeakerRyan. Making progress – four week extension would be best!"
      — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 19, 2018
  • The GOP-controlled Congress irresponsibly did not do things in a timely manner --> Congress had a whole year to resolve DACA, re-authorize CHIP, and draft and pass a comprehensive budget bill that covers more than a few weeks. For which of those things did they procrastinate until it became too late to get it done before the government ran out of spending authority? All of them!

    (One can take "DOE" to be Dept. of Energy and treat it as illustrative or one can take "DOE to be Departments of the Executive branch and take it literally)
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If Mexico et al are such intolerable shitholes that millions of their people become refugees and flood over our boarder, their country's problem is now our problem.

MEXICO should reimburse us 10 fold.

I want our military to ass fuck MEXICO forward into the stone age.

We should beat the fuck out of that shithole, and pilage it for all its resources, set up our own puppet government, and execute all their politicians by beheading.

Mexico should cease to exist.
The reasons for the budget legislation failure we witnessed yesterday, if that is what the OP-er means by "Trump showdown," are, as far as I'm concerned:
  • Trump is incoherent --> Mitch McConnell was very clear in stating that Trump had not identified what specifically he wanted in the bill. Trump a week or so stated:

    "When this group comes back — hopefully with an agreement — this group and others from the Senate, from the House, comes back with an agreement, I’m signing it. I mean, I will be signing it. I’m not going to say, 'Oh, gee, I want this or I want that.' I’ll be signing it.
    -- Donald Trump, "Remarks by President Trump in Meeting [...] on Immigration"

    Days later, members of Congress took to him the framework for a bipartisan bill to resolve DACA and other immigration-related matters and fund CHIP -- two things that at least ~60% of the citizenry want done, and the provisions of which would have been attached to the budget bill -- and he rejected it.
    -- Most Americans support DACA
    -- Kaiser Health Tracking Poll - November 2017: The Role of Health Care in the Republican Tax Plan

    "I'm looking for something that President Trump supports, and he's not yet indicated what measure he's willing to sign. As soon as we figure out what he is for, then I would be convinced that we are not just spinning our wheels to this issue on the floor, but actually dealing with a bill that has a chance to become law and therefore solve the problem."
    -- Mitch McConnell, January 17, 2018
  • Trump cannot be trusted/taken at his word --> (See the bullet point above) The man is an inveterate liar. When people, including members of Congress, cannot take the POTUS at his word when he says he will or will not do "X," the only thing one can do is do what one wants to do and that does not depend on Trump's approbation, and that can only be done by crafting bipartisan legislation that obtains a veto-proof quantity of votes. Quite simply, nobody can negotiate with someone whose word cannot be trusted.
  • Trump irresponsibly does not do things in a timely manner --> A government shutdown was, when Trump posted the Tweet below, about five hours away from happening. Everyone involved hoped to avert a shutdown, and only seven hours prior to the deadline did Trump see fit to invite Chuck Schumer to the White House to have what he described as a "preliminary" meeting. (Seriously!?! A preliminary meeting seven hours before a deadline? )
    • "Excellent preliminary meeting in Oval with @SenSchumer – working on solutions for Security and our great Military together with @SenateMajLdr McConnell and @SpeakerRyan. Making progress – four week extension would be best!"
      — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 19, 2018
  • The GOP-controlled Congress irresponsibly did not do things in a timely manner --> Congress had a whole year to resolve DACA, re-authorize CHIP, and draft and pass a comprehensive budget bill that covers more than a few weeks. For which of those things did they procrastinate until it became too late to get it done before the government ran out of spending authority? All of them!

    (One can take "DOE" to be Dept. of Energy and treat it as illustrative or one can take "DOE to be Departments of the Executive branch and take it literally)

What a deceptive pile of shit. Graham and Durbin weren't the group, they showed up with an outline of a pile of shit that would have never made it through the senate or the house.

Also you can shove your little budget graph, the house passed all 12 budget bill on time, it was the resistance in the senate that halted regular order.

So take your little fairy tales and shove them, only the ignorant will buy your crap.

What is undeniable is that, AFAIK, never before has there been a U.S. government shutdown when one party holds sway over the WH and both houses of Congress and thus has responsibility for running the government in every material way.

Seriously. How inept must a whole party be to, in the space of a year, not formulate a budget bill that can obtain enough votes to pass? Very, is the answer. If one doesn't have a 60-vote majority in the Senate, one has to craft a budget that offers enough to the opposing party that they'll vote for it. It's really that simple. The majority party doesn't have to like that, but its members do have to recognize that that is what they must do to keep the government operating because the majority party lacking a 60-vote majority cannot force its will upon the minority party members.
Yep, always blame the other side
He learned well from democrats.

Well, both sides are as bad as each other. Whether they learned from the Democrats would be massively debatable, they've both been dong it for so long.

But I guess if you're a partisan hack, you'll just blame the other side again and again.

You are so right.

The Dems should just approve $18 billion for the wall that 30% of the nation wants and then simply trust that Trump and the GOP will do the will of the people by funding CHIP and restoring DACA. After all, it is clear that the GOP wants to do those things even more strongly than the Dems.

But, those Dems are just partisan hacks. Stopping the GOP from doing what's right.....AGAIN!

They are just so uncooperative!!
Yep, always blame the other side
He learned well from democrats.

Well, both sides are as bad as each other. Whether they learned from the Democrats would be massively debatable, they've both been dong it for so long.

But I guess if you're a partisan hack, you'll just blame the other side again and again.

You are so right.

The Dems should just approve $18 billion for the wall that 30% of the nation wants and then simply trust that Trump and the GOP will do the will of the people by funding CHIP and restoring DACA. After all, it is clear that the GOP wants to do those things even more strongly than the Dems.

But, those Dems are just partisan hacks. Stopping the GOP from doing what's right.....AGAIN!

They are just so uncooperative!!

The problem is the wall is a typical example of govt spending money on shit that doesn't need to money spent on it, just in order to impress a certain section of the voters. Democrats are hardly immune to doing such nonsense.

That they're fighting the wall is merely them fighting partisan politics.
Yep, always blame the other side
He learned well from democrats.

Well, both sides are as bad as each other. Whether they learned from the Democrats would be massively debatable, they've both been dong it for so long.

But I guess if you're a partisan hack, you'll just blame the other side again and again.

You are so right.

The Dems should just approve $18 billion for the wall that 30% of the nation wants and then simply trust that Trump and the GOP will do the will of the people by funding CHIP and restoring DACA. After all, it is clear that the GOP wants to do those things even more strongly than the Dems.

But, those Dems are just partisan hacks. Stopping the GOP from doing what's right.....AGAIN!

They are just so uncooperative!!

The problem is the wall is a typical example of govt spending money on shit that doesn't need to money spent on it, just in order to impress a certain section of the voters. Democrats are hardly immune to doing such nonsense.

That they're fighting the wall is merely them fighting partisan politics.

I know right! It's just as bad as fighting for the wall! It doesn't matter that we don't need it. The GOP and the Dems are equally to blame for the fact that there is a fight over the wall.

You are convincing me. Being right on an issue is meaningless. The minority party must simply go along with the majority. No fighting!!!
1) Putin hasn’t decided on a position yet.
2) trump doesn’t understand DACA.
3) White nationalism in the republic party.
4) trump isn’t a leader.
5) The party of Dumb doesn’t understand the function of government.

We're Schumer Shutdown because Dems care for Illegals and hate the elderly, poor, sick Americans and veterans
1) Putin hasn’t decided on a position yet.
2) trump doesn’t understand DACA.
3) White nationalism in the republic party.
4) trump isn’t a leader.
5) The party of Dumb doesn’t understand the function of government.

We're Schumer Shutdown because Dems care for Illegals and hate the elderly, poor, sick Americans and veterans

Whoa! You nailed it!
1) Putin hasn’t decided on a position yet.
2) trump doesn’t understand DACA.
3) White nationalism in the republic party.
4) trump isn’t a leader.
5) The party of Dumb doesn’t understand the function of government.

We're Schumer Shutdown because Dems care for Illegals and hate the elderly, poor, sick Americans and veterans

Whoa! You nailed it!
It's going to make for a great commercial in the 25 States where Democrats are defending their Senate seats

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