Reason Why Trump Approval Polls Off By 15 Points.Maybe People Are Afraid To Admit They Love Trump?

:2up: Lets just use 15% as a ball park figure. Remember during the 2016 campaign season when so many home owners did not want to put a Trump sign on their lawns or cars? Well maybe we have millions of home owners out there that just wont admit they approve of Trump to a stranger knowing that the pollster may have his/her address.
Does this seem logical?
Would you admit you approve of Trump/Love Trump if you knew that the pollster was a staunch Democrat who just happens to have found your address?
So when they give Trump the 40 to 45% approval all year, it's probably 55/56/57%.
:dunno: :eek-52: :smoke:

So you're saying Trump supporters are cowards that are terrified of 'libruls' who 'don't own guns' and whom you'd 'like to meet in person some time with your flintlock/9mm/bowie knife/skull cleaving hatchet/kitted fully auto illegal but who cares suck on the 2nd amendment government commies/squirt gun/backscratcher that has been sharpened to draw blood/tiki torch'?

Steve Bannon won't like that, but he might love it. Who knows.
Honestly, I could give a shit either way. I have a child in an ultra liberal school and waiting for him / her to graduate. Once that happens, I know they aren't going to ostracize and victimize my kid. For now I have to pretend I'm "one of them". LOL
What an excellent lesson in life to teach your child as they become an adult.
That people on the left are cowards who don't practice what they preach?
:lol: sure :lol: Go with that.
It's the case, they have no respect or tolerance for the other side of the political spectrum, and you will find them guilty of exactly what they accuse the other side of. Honesty they make me vomit.

Do you think that trump’s people have given the slightest indication that THEY care about the other side of the aisle? Or do they say things like “as long asnit makes liberals cry we don’t care what he does”

As to making you vomit now you know how those kinds of people make me feel.

The difference is in my side of the aisle no one took
Away you’re rights.

Jillian are you saying that most of the people that voted for Trump (about 60 million Americans) are racists, sexists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. or...people who like me who got sick and tired of Obama's disastrous, divisive, corrupt fascistic presidency, who saw Hillary as a continuation of that? The Left really didn't have anything to offer other than identity politics, demonization, and stereotyping of conservatives, and they still don't, and that's why Trump is president and will continue to be.

It's time Democrats like you who I consider to objective and rational realize that their party has taken them granted for too long and not given them anything in return but lip service with disastrously negative effects on people they said they're going to help, for decades.

There is only one thing and one thing alone Democrst leaders care for....YOUR VOTE, not country, not national security, not the economy, and definitely not the plight of women, minorities, and ""LGBT".

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At least all cock roaches and rats tell the truth when they get polled.ain't no liberal dats gonna mess with those rodents and disgusting insects
Honestly, I could give a shit either way. I have a child in an ultra liberal school and waiting for him / her to graduate. Once that happens, I know they aren't going to ostracize and victimize my kid. For now I have to pretend I'm "one of them". LOL
What an excellent lesson in life to teach your child as they become an adult.
That people on the left are cowards who don't practice what they preach?

project much? :rolleyes:
Hey Jillian as much as I respect you, you know what I am saying is true. These liberal communities are monolithic and intolerant. Let's call a spade a spade. The Democrat party of today is not what it was in the 80's and 90's.
Fear! Fear of one's neighbors because they are liberals......
Yes, I don't want to put cameras and have to worry about my car getting scratched, or my kids being ostracized, victimized, and bullied by the "tolerant" Left.

Conservatives never do this shit.
At least all cock roaches and rats tell the truth when they get polled.ain't no liberal dats gonna mess with those rodents and disgusting insects
Their polls are fake concocted polls, I've gotten those calls.

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