Really, the gop is protecting women from dangerous abortions

Abortion is but one part of the picture. The Left, in its pathological neverending desire to find someone to weep over, has its vision blinded by its crocodile tears. The Left's inabilty to see the consequences of its failed programs results in more and more sad sacks for them to cuddle and cry for. The end result that if a child does manage to get over the abortion hurdle and actually be born, Democratic social welfare programs which reward irresponsiblity have skyrocketed that child's chances of being born to a single mother, and thus far more likely to remain trapped in poverty.

Single parenthood has become an epidemic. A black child now has a one in three chance of being born to a single mother. Well done! You've REALLY, REALLY DONE A GOOD JOB PROTECTING WOMEN!


What great demographic success we have acheived with these liberal social programs. A larger and larger class of dependents, a huge chunk of which are women. More and more kids per thousand being born to single moms. It takes deflated liberal balls to claim the GOP is the party making war on women and children.

And now ObamaCare is rewarding high school dropouts by having their health insurance paid for by the rest of us for their entire lives. One third of the involuntarily uninsured the Left was bawling over are high school dropouts.

Based on the raging failure of all previous programs, it does not take a rope pissing rocket scientist to figure out the catastrophic results this latest program will bring about.

So drink up! Get stoned! Fuck your eyes out! We got you covered!
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Perhaps knowing they will no longer be able to easily exterminate the results of their ill considered sex, people will begin to act more responsibly. Or perhaps they will give birth and experience joy and wonder how they could have gone through life without their precious, precious child despite any temporary hardships they had to endure.

Sure that worked out well prior to Roe.

Roe had no effect on the number of abortions. Repealing it would have no effect on the number of abortions, either. It's all a big dog and pony show.

Nor did Roe impact the number of deaths from back alley abortions as your OP link tries so hard to imply. Back alley abortion deaths were practically zero by the time Roe v Wade rolled around. The "5,000 to 10,000 deaths a year" from back alley abortions prior to Roe v Wade argument was a big lie willfully told by NARAL. They were lying, and knew they were lying. And some pro-abortion sites still repeat that lie.
Could you cite some proof regarding your statements on ". . . back alley abortions...."
Perhaps knowing they will no longer be able to easily exterminate the results of their ill considered sex, people will begin to act more responsibly. Or perhaps they will give birth and experience joy that cannot be describe, and wonder how they could have gone through life without their precious, precious child despite any temporary hardships they had to endure.

Yes Abortions are a new thing created by all the loosy gooseyness created by the 20th century before then no one had frivolous sex

I see the strawman you are attempting to build there, but it doesn't stand up.

I frequently point out to homophobes on this forum that, before the age of AIDS, heteros died by the millions for centuries from gonorrhea and syphilis.

My dad was born during the 30s. He was one of nine siblings. My maternal grandmother was one of at least ten siblings. There was a time when more kids ment more workers.
Yes Abortions are a new thing created by all the loosy gooseyness created by the 20th century before then no one had frivolous sex

I see the strawman you are attempting to build there, but it doesn't stand up.

I frequently point out to homophobes on this forum that, before the age of AIDS, heteros died by the millions for centuries from gonorrhea and syphilis.

My dad was born during the 30s. He was one of nine siblings. My maternal grandmother was one of at least ten siblings. There was a time when more kids ment more workers.

In other words, abortion wasn't a consideration.
Sure that worked out well prior to Roe.

Roe had no effect on the number of abortions. Repealing it would have no effect on the number of abortions, either. It's all a big dog and pony show.

Nor did Roe impact the number of deaths from back alley abortions as your OP link tries so hard to imply. Back alley abortion deaths were practically zero by the time Roe v Wade rolled around. The "5,000 to 10,000 deaths a year" from back alley abortions prior to Roe v Wade argument was a big lie willfully told by NARAL. They were lying, and knew they were lying. And some pro-abortion sites still repeat that lie.
Could you cite some proof regarding your statements on ". . . back alley abortions...."

Way ahead of you. See post #8.
Abortion is but one part of the picture. The Left, in its pathological neverending desire to find someone to weep over, has its vision blinded by its crocodile tears. The Left's inabilty to see the consequences of its failed programs results in more and more sad sacks for them to cuddle and cry for. The end result that if a child does manage to get over the abortion hurdle and actually be born, Democratic social welfare programs which reward irresponsiblity have skyrocketed that child's chances of being born to a single mother, and thus far more likely to remain trapped in poverty.

Single parenthood has become an epidemic. A black child now has a one in three chance of being born to a single mother. Well done! You've REALLY, REALLY DONE A GOOD JOB PROTECTING WOMEN!


What great demographic success we have acheived with these liberal social programs. A larger and larger class of dependents, a huge chunk of which are women. More and more kids per thousand being born to single moms. It takes deflated liberal balls to claim the GOP is the party making war on women and children.

And now ObamaCare is rewarding high school dropouts by having their health insurance paid for by the rest of us for their entire lives. One third of the involuntarily uninsured the Left was bawling over are high school dropouts.

Based on the raging failure of all previous programs, it does not take a rope pissing rocket scientist to figure out the catastrophic results this latest program will bring about.

So drink up! Get stoned! Fuck your eyes out! We got you covered!
So, which do you choose, imposing your will on a woman and forcing her to carry to term and then denying the mother and child food, healthcare, shelter, and education OR giving the mother a choice and supporting her regardless of her choice?
Abortion is but one part of the picture. The Left, in its pathological neverending desire to find someone to weep over, has its vision blinded by its crocodile tears. The Left's inabilty to see the consequences of its failed programs results in more and more sad sacks for them to cuddle and cry for. The end result that if a child does manage to get over the abortion hurdle and actually be born, Democratic social welfare programs which reward irresponsiblity have skyrocketed that child's chances of being born to a single mother, and thus far more likely to remain trapped in poverty.

Single parenthood has become an epidemic. A black child now has a one in three chance of being born to a single mother. Well done! You've REALLY, REALLY DONE A GOOD JOB PROTECTING WOMEN!


What great demographic success we have acheived with these liberal social programs. A larger and larger class of dependents, a huge chunk of which are women. More and more kids per thousand being born to single moms. It takes deflated liberal balls to claim the GOP is the party making war on women and children.

And now ObamaCare is rewarding high school dropouts by having their health insurance paid for by the rest of us for their entire lives. One third of the involuntarily uninsured the Left was bawling over are high school dropouts.

Based on the raging failure of all previous programs, it does not take a rope pissing rocket scientist to figure out the catastrophic results this latest program will bring about.

So drink up! Get stoned! Fuck your eyes out! We got you covered!

Ahh its the programs fault for change not change itself.

Times change and people always try to find the reasons for it. That's normal but off base there are literally hundreds of theories on why that is and yours is just one
Abortion is but one part of the picture. The Left, in its pathological neverending desire to find someone to weep over, has its vision blinded by its crocodile tears. The Left's inabilty to see the consequences of its failed programs results in more and more sad sacks for them to cuddle and cry for. The end result that if a child does manage to get over the abortion hurdle and actually be born, Democratic social welfare programs which reward irresponsiblity have skyrocketed that child's chances of being born to a single mother, and thus far more likely to remain trapped in poverty.

Single parenthood has become an epidemic. A black child now has a one in three chance of being born to a single mother. Well done! You've REALLY, REALLY DONE A GOOD JOB PROTECTING WOMEN!


What great demographic success we have acheived with these liberal social programs. A larger and larger class of dependents, a huge chunk of which are women. More and more kids per thousand being born to single moms. It takes deflated liberal balls to claim the GOP is the party making war on women and children.

And now ObamaCare is rewarding high school dropouts by having their health insurance paid for by the rest of us for their entire lives. One third of the involuntarily uninsured the Left was bawling over are high school dropouts.

Based on the raging failure of all previous programs, it does not take a rope pissing rocket scientist to figure out the catastrophic results this latest program will bring about.

So drink up! Get stoned! Fuck your eyes out! We got you covered!
So, which do you choose, imposing your will on a woman and forcing her to carry to term and then denying the mother and child food, healthcare, shelter, and education OR giving the mother a choice and supporting her regardless of her choice?

And there it is. The very hostage taking I spoke of in post #10. "Pay for my kid or I will kill it."


No shame. No shame at all.
No its more like pay for my kid or see dead and or neglected children.

Your choice. Even tho its not a fair choice its a real one
I am so over abortion. I would never chose it. But have come to the point where I will donate my clothes hangers to not have to pay for your unwanted spawn for the rest of its life.

I am over the hostage taking. "Pay for my kid or I will kill it."

Unfortunately we have become a very self gratifying society, with no concern for the needs of others. You see it in our relationships with the divorce rate, as well as through their excuses in how they "perceive" the value of life in their own eyes. Society has only come to accept it as part of the normal way of life.
Yes Abortions are a new thing created by all the loosy gooseyness created by the 20th century before then no one had frivolous sex

I see the strawman you are attempting to build there, but it doesn't stand up.

I frequently point out to homophobes on this forum that, before the age of AIDS, heteros died by the millions for centuries from gonorrhea and syphilis.

How'd that happen? Wasn't everyone full of responsibility then?

I mean geez louise...this new generation doesn't know how to keep it in their pants like they used to do in the olden days

Make no mistake, people will always make stoopid mistakes when it comes to sex. The question is whether it is incumbent on us to give them a do over and pay for their fix? I say no. It's their problem, not mine.
I see the strawman you are attempting to build there, but it doesn't stand up.

I frequently point out to homophobes on this forum that, before the age of AIDS, heteros died by the millions for centuries from gonorrhea and syphilis.

How'd that happen? Wasn't everyone full of responsibility then?

I mean geez louise...this new generation doesn't know how to keep it in their pants like they used to do in the olden days

Make no mistake, people will always make stoopid mistakes when it comes to sex. The question is whether it is incumbent on us to give them a do over and pay for their fix? I say no. It's their problem, not mine.

Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Hey a doctor is not required for abortions in California now. New York too. Back alley is front and center now.

No medical person is required to abort a baby now. By state law.
How'd that happen? Wasn't everyone full of responsibility then?

I mean geez louise...this new generation doesn't know how to keep it in their pants like they used to do in the olden days

Make no mistake, people will always make stoopid mistakes when it comes to sex. The question is whether it is incumbent on us to give them a do over and pay for their fix? I say no. It's their problem, not mine.

Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Oh, for sure... but many of us don't think killing them off in the womb is the answer. Part of the problem is now (apparently) it is socially acceptable to procreate with reckless abandon, have an abortion or just sponge off society and send a bunch of adults into society that do the same.
How'd that happen? Wasn't everyone full of responsibility then?

I mean geez louise...this new generation doesn't know how to keep it in their pants like they used to do in the olden days

Make no mistake, people will always make stoopid mistakes when it comes to sex. The question is whether it is incumbent on us to give them a do over and pay for their fix? I say no. It's their problem, not mine.

Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Well you bigot. Thinking every aborted child would be a bad kid. Did you ever think for one minute you bigot that one might be a genius?

You pig you. You bigoted pig you.

I'm really at a loss for words. Truly. Because you think all aborted children must be horrible.

Growing up and becoming someone elses problem. I think maybe some of them could be good stewards of our lives.

You are one hell of a bigot to think they would all be a burden on us.
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Yes Abortions are a new thing created by all the loosy gooseyness created by the 20th century before then no one had frivolous sex

I see the strawman you are attempting to build there, but it doesn't stand up.

I frequently point out to homophobes on this forum that, before the age of AIDS, heteros died by the millions for centuries from gonorrhea and syphilis.

My dad was born during the 30s. He was one of nine siblings. My maternal grandmother was one of at least ten siblings. There was a time when more kids ment more workers.

And today that would translate into higher unemployment.
How'd that happen? Wasn't everyone full of responsibility then?

I mean geez louise...this new generation doesn't know how to keep it in their pants like they used to do in the olden days

Make no mistake, people will always make stoopid mistakes when it comes to sex. The question is whether it is incumbent on us to give them a do over and pay for their fix? I say no. It's their problem, not mine.

Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Still not MY problem. See how that works.
Make no mistake, people will always make stoopid mistakes when it comes to sex. The question is whether it is incumbent on us to give them a do over and pay for their fix? I say no. It's their problem, not mine.

Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Well you bigot. Thinking every aborted child would be a bad kid. Did you ever think for one minute you bigot that one might be a genius?

You pig you. You bigoted pig you.

I'm really at a loss for words. Truly. Because you think all aborted children must be horrible.

Growing up and becoming someone elses problem. I think maybe some of them could be good stewards of our lives.

You are one hell of a bigot to think they would all be a burden on us.

It's not about the kid. Nobody asks to be born.

But in reference to your last statement, let's see how Texans feel about this in a couple of years now that 37 of their 41 women's clinics have been closed. That means not only no abortions, but no birth control help either.

And no STD testing which means women could get pregnant and pass disease on to their unborn children, as well as becoming seriously ill themselves. If they are poor, then they will end up in the ER and guess who pays for that?

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Make no mistake, people will always make stoopid mistakes when it comes to sex. The question is whether it is incumbent on us to give them a do over and pay for their fix? I say no. It's their problem, not mine.

Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Still not MY problem. See how that works.

Then you're not paying attention to how insurance and hospitals work and that makes it OUR problem.
Make no mistake, people will always make stoopid mistakes when it comes to sex. The question is whether it is incumbent on us to give them a do over and pay for their fix? I say no. It's their problem, not mine.

Then those kids grow up and become someone elses problem. See how it all comes back around?

Oh, for sure... but many of us don't think killing them off in the womb is the answer. Part of the problem is now (apparently) it is socially acceptable to procreate with reckless abandon, have an abortion or just sponge off society and send a bunch of adults into society that do the same.

One of the most narrow-minded and utterly stupid notions is that women, in general, welcome the thought of abortion as birth control.

Yeah, right....They look forward to everyone finding out they are pregnant and then mysteriously not being pregnant anymore and being the object of gossip.

They delight at the thought of the steel stirrups, the anesthesia, the steel tools being shoved up into their uteruses and most of all they can't wait for the aspiration vacuum humming to begin.

Right, taking a pill everyday is just boring and no fun. Too easy.

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