Really, the gop is protecting women from dangerous abortions

I am not going to let any child starve but I also am not going to deter a woman's right to destroy her own.

I am done with that. It is the law of the land, upheld by SCOTUS.

Have at it.

How noble of you.

The law of the land in Germany made it okay to abuse, starve and imprison jews. And ultimately, to kill them.

You do have a point. Both forms of killings condoned by their respective government, treated as a life of no real importance or significance, and seen as merely expendable under the banner of conducting medical science.
I could have sworn you set the tone for the snark with the stupid comments about apple pie, baby killer.

[ ə nálləjee ]

1.comparison: a comparison between two things that are similar in some way, often used to help explain something or make it easier to understand
2.similarity: a similarity in some respects
3.equivalence between independent parts: equivalence in biological function between body parts or organs that have appeared independently in different plants and animals


a crybaby loser pussy-type who needs to grow some cajones and start acting like a man
Billy: "Dude, I can't get Ronnie to play tackle football with us 'cause he's too afraid of getting hit."

Jimmy: "It doesn't surprise me, he's always been a fuckin' jackwagon anyway."

Urban Dictionary: jackwagon

Read the Avatar, that's all you got? :lol:

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