Real Racism No Longer Exists in America Today

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I went to the local courthouse this morning to renew my firearms license. My state is a constitutional carry state now. However, the firearms license allows me to purchase guns without a background check each time. Essentially, having the license means I get background checked 1 time, and that single check is good for the life of the license; i.e., 5 years. This makes it much more convenient when purchasing a firearm. But I digress.

I am standing there in the probate court waiting to talk to someone. There is an old black man at one window and a younger white boy at the other window. The white boy was dressed like he just walked off the farm and came to town. He was a good old boy through and through. Then, there was a young black chick sitting in the waiting area. One of the women behind the court said "next". I looked at the black chick and asked if she would like to go next. She said "No, I am with him", and pointed forward. It turned out that she was with the white farm boy and not the old black guy.

I did my thing, then ran into farm boy and black chick at the sheriff's office (for fingerprinting). I said hello and said we must be there for the same reason. There was a little small talk, then I got called back by a deputy. When I was finished I walked past these 2 on my way out. I nodded to them. The girl said "Have a blessed day". there ended the encounter.

Before I analyze this I need to make a couple of qualifications. This young couple was probably in their mid-20s. Again, the white guy is of pure rural origin. I say this because he was wearing jeans, boots, and a plaid shirt. He had a short hair cut and looked like he bleeds red, white, and blue. The black chick was cute. She was VERY cute. I would root around for that snootch if I was younger (and not old and gross). Hearing the 2 of them interact suggests to me that she is a really sweet girl with a conservative religious upbringing. In other words, she is not dying her pubes pink, shaving her head, and attending protests shouting down people she does not agree with. No, this was a real person, not some cartoony leftist. And isn't that a big part of the problem with the weirdos on the left? That they are not real people but instead cartoonish freaks behaving badly? At the very least such behavior exacerbates generational divide. But in the case of the young black chick in the courthouse, she would never be caught dead doing that stupid bullshit. Do you know why? Because she is an adult with a decent upbringing.

I live in the deep, deep south. Most of my county is rural. Seeing a young couple consisting of a white good old boy and a cute black chick in this setting is clear and compelling evidence that white against black racism is pretty much DEAD in America today. Sure, there is still some of it around, just like there is other forms of racism: Black against Asian; Black against Hispanic; Black against Jew; etc... But when you got honky farm boys dating alluring black chicks in the deep, deep south, racism is dead. At least, the old school, REAL racism is dead.

There are other strains of racism today, such as "systemic racism", CRT racism, white-adjacent Latino/Asian racism. All of these collateral forms of racism are, of course, total silliness. They are not real. Leftism in general must ALWAYS have a fight, or be engaged in a struggle (or, "shruggle", as Big Mikey Obama says); see e.g., Marxism. The constant fight against anti-black racism is the "shruggle" that keeps the movement going. The movement, however, is merely a race hustling grift. It is not real. Slavery is WAY LONG GONE. Blacks have been afforded legal equality DECADES AND DECADES ago. They even duped American to vote for a negro for president (though, he was not a genuine negro).

These ongoing calls of racial injustice in America is Looney Toons. Whatever it is holding the black man down, if anything, it has absolutely nothing to do with white people. If you are going to argue that it is the entire systems of meritocracy and capitalism created here by whites that are keeping them down, that is not racism. That just means you are one lazy motherfucker! Again, this is not REAL racism. This is cartoonish bullshit. It's not real. IT IS CONCOCTED TO MAINTAIN "DUH SHRUGGLE" FO FREEDUMB!

In the real world, people go to work, they go to school, they fall in love, marry and produce children. They get divorced. They die. Some do great things. Some go bankrupt. Race does not play into this is any real way. You have to pay taxes and other bills regardless of race. You can marry and bang anyone you want. NOBODY lives a life in American today in which racism is the mainstay of experience. Real, normal folks are not having crosses burned in their yards, being fucked out of certain privileges for having black skin, or being made to drink from another water fountain. When actual instances of racism do occur, there is plenty of means for redress. You do not get ongoing special treatment for it, like slavery reparations. The very notion of it exceeds the limits of absurdity. None of these people seeking reparations can quantify their damages. Damages are HIGHLY SPECTULATIVE at best. Plus, any damage that may have been suffered has been more than offset by the privilege of living in America today, where equality and prosperity are the rule.

Black people need to get over it. They need to stop listening to the Democrat race hustlers who are keeping them down with the false narrative of "Duh Ongoing Shruggle Fo FweeDumb". Democrats are harming you ... AS A GROUP OF BLACK SKINNED PEOPLE (i.e., racist intent). Forget the arguments about the Democrat Party being the party of Jim Crow and lynching. DEMOCRATS ARE FUCKING YOU TODAY! They are keeping you from economic prosperity and from being able to enjoy all of your civil rights and liberties. You need to disengage with the sick, racist Democrats. Moreover, you need to WISE UP!! When you hear some stupid bullshit like CRT or "systemic racism", you need to ask yourself, "Do these people think we are stupid?" Stop buying into such tripe on the promise of receiving some sort of financial benefit. You are essentially selling out yourselves for a pittance when you could instead be part of the great and prosperous United States of America. Grow up!! Reject the bullshit!!
Younger people are less racist. They are more accepting of people being who they are whatever that may be overall.

Hopefully we can get the old racists out of government, housing and law enforcement.
Younger people are less racist. They are more accepting of people being who they are whatever that may be overall.

Hopefully we can get the old racists out of government, housing and law enforcement.
and replace them with racist anti Semite dems ..
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Younger people are less racist. They are more accepting of people being who they are whatever that may be overall.

Hopefully we can get the old racists out of government, housing and law enforcement.
There are not any old racists. That is another lie. Hell, I am 52 years old. The old racists are people like Joe Biden. Oh, and guess what? NOT ALL OLD PEOPLE ARE RACIST.
There are not any old racists. That is another lie. Hell, I am 52 years old. The old racists are people like Joe Biden. Oh, and guess what? NOT ALL OLD PEOPLE ARE RACIST.

We have seen study after study after study showing the racism in law enforcement and there is no lack of support over that.
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We have seen study after study after study showing the racism in law enforcement and there is no lack of support over that.
Then address racism in law enforcement and disavow all the stupid crap ("systemic racism", CRT, etc...).
Racisim as defined a belief in ones perceived Race is superior and different than all other humans . You will find individuals in all social levels and back grounds who believe in this but it is based on flawed science and the idea of Race is fading from most learned societies.
As long as both ends of this issue refuse to hold their own side accountable for their contributions to our ongoing racial problems, those problems will continue.

This is a perfect example of how the Right refuses to do that.
Mac, there is no both sides to this. Reacting to the racism put on us is not the same as racism.
Racisim as defined a belief in ones perceived Race is superior and different than all other humans . You will find individuals in all social levels and back grounds who believe in this but it is based on flawed science and the idea of Race is fading from most learned societies.
Only one group in America created a system that codified this belief-whites.
I went to the local courthouse this morning to renew my firearms license. My state is a constitutional carry state now. However, the firearms license allows me to purchase guns without a background check each time. Essentially, having the license means I get background checked 1 time, and that single check is good for the life of the license; i.e., 5 years. This makes it much more convenient when purchasing a firearm. But I digress.

I am standing there in the probate court waiting to talk to someone. There is an old black man at one window and a younger white boy at the other window. The white boy was dressed like he just walked off the farm and came to town. He was a good old boy through and through. Then, there was a young black chick sitting in the waiting area. One of the women behind the court said "next". I looked at the black chick and asked if she would like to go next. She said "No, I am with him", and pointed forward. It turned out that she was with the white farm boy and not the old black guy.

I did my thing, then ran into farm boy and black chick at the sheriff's office (for fingerprinting). I said hello and said we must be there for the same reason. There was a little small talk, then I got called back by a deputy. When I was finished I walked past these 2 on my way out. I nodded to them. The girl said "Have a blessed day". there ended the encounter.

Before I analyze this I need to make a couple of qualifications. This young couple was probably in their mid-20s. Again, the white guy is of pure rural origin. I say this because he was wearing jeans, boots, and a plaid shirt. He had a short hair cut and looked like he bleeds red, white, and blue. The black chick was cute. She was VERY cute. I would root around for that snootch if I was younger (and not old and gross). Hearing the 2 of them interact suggests to me that she is a really sweet girl with a conservative religious upbringing. In other words, she is not dying her pubes pink, shaving her head, and attending protests shouting down people she does not agree with. No, this was a real person, not some cartoony leftist. And isn't that a big part of the problem with the weirdos on the left? That they are not real people but instead cartoonish freaks behaving badly? At the very least such behavior exacerbates generational divide. But in the case of the young black chick in the courthouse, she would never be caught dead doing that stupid bullshit. Do you know why? Because she is an adult with a decent upbringing.

I live in the deep, deep south. Most of my county is rural. Seeing a young couple consisting of a white good old boy and a cute black chick in this setting is clear and compelling evidence that white against black racism is pretty much DEAD in America today. Sure, there is still some of it around, just like there is other forms of racism: Black against Asian; Black against Hispanic; Black against Jew; etc... But when you got honky farm boys dating alluring black chicks in the deep, deep south, racism is dead. At least, the old school, REAL racism is dead.

There are other strains of racism today, such as "systemic racism", CRT racism, white-adjacent Latino/Asian racism. All of these collateral forms of racism are, of course, total silliness. They are not real. Leftism in general must ALWAYS have a fight, or be engaged in a struggle (or, "shruggle", as Big Mikey Obama says); see e.g., Marxism. The constant fight against anti-black racism is the "shruggle" that keeps the movement going. The movement, however, is merely a race hustling grift. It is not real. Slavery is WAY LONG GONE. Blacks have been afforded legal equality DECADES AND DECADES ago. They even duped American to vote for a negro for president (though, he was not a genuine negro).

These ongoing calls of racial injustice in America is Looney Toons. Whatever it is holding the black man down, if anything, it has absolutely nothing to do with white people. If you are going to argue that it is the entire systems of meritocracy and capitalism created here by whites that are keeping them down, that is not racism. That just means you are one lazy motherfucker! Again, this is not REAL racism. This is cartoonish bullshit. It's not real. IT IS CONCOCTED TO MAINTAIN "DUH SHRUGGLE" FO FREEDUMB!

In the real world, people go to work, they go to school, they fall in love, marry and produce children. They get divorced. They die. Some do great things. Some go bankrupt. Race does not play into this is any real way. You have to pay taxes and other bills regardless of race. You can marry and bang anyone you want. NOBODY lives a life in American today in which racism is the mainstay of experience. Real, normal folks are not having crosses burned in their yards, being fucked out of certain privileges for having black skin, or being made to drink from another water fountain. When actual instances of racism do occur, there is plenty of means for redress. You do not get ongoing special treatment for it, like slavery reparations. The very notion of it exceeds the limits of absurdity. None of these people seeking reparations can quantify their damages. Damages are HIGHLY SPECTULATIVE at best. Plus, any damage that may have been suffered has been more than offset by the privilege of living in America today, where equality and prosperity are the rule.

Black people need to get over it. They need to stop listening to the Democrat race hustlers who are keeping them down with the false narrative of "Duh Ongoing Shruggle Fo FweeDumb". Democrats are harming you ... AS A GROUP OF BLACK SKINNED PEOPLE (i.e., racist intent). Forget the arguments about the Democrat Party being the party of Jim Crow and lynching. DEMOCRATS ARE FUCKING YOU TODAY! They are keeping you from economic prosperity and from being able to enjoy all of your civil rights and liberties. You need to disengage with the sick, racist Democrats. Moreover, you need to WISE UP!! When you hear some stupid bullshit like CRT or "systemic racism", you need to ask yourself, "Do these people think we are stupid?" Stop buying into such tripe on the promise of receiving some sort of financial benefit. You are essentially selling out yourselves for a pittance when you could instead be part of the great and prosperous United States of America. Grow up!! Reject the bullshit!!
Let's see, you don't talk about Asian, Hispanic or Jewish racism against blacks.

I think it's time whites like you shut up trying to tell us to join the Republican Party.

You are white and racist yet you are here trying to tell sombody how racism doesn't exist.
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Of course they're not the same. The problem is the the nature of the reaction.

It has failed. Clearly. Maybe it's time for a different kind of reaction.
Actually it has not failed and that's the thing you don't seem able to understand. You don't solve 190 years of racism in 68.

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” -Frederick Douglass
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Actually it has not failed and that's the thing you don'tvseem able to understand. You don't solve 190 years of racism in 68.
You can solve it in one day, or even one hour. All you have to do is treat everyone as an equal. That’s something you refuse to do. You spend all your time concentrating on historical wrongs, and even worse falsely perceived current wrongs. Racism will never end for you because you spend every waking hour promoting it.
Let's see, you don't talk about Asian, Hispanic or Jewish racism against blacks.

I think it's time whites like you shut up trying to tell us to join the Republican Party.

You are white and racist yet you are here trying to tell sombody how racism doesn't exist.
Racism exists primarily in your mind.

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