Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Really now? I just really know how to push a liberals buttons. I thought the Jim Crow laws were vile. But at least then it instilled in them a sense of purpose, a drive for a better future. That is unlike today, of course, instead of moving forward, you liberals have them sitting still. I must commend democrats of that era for instilling a purpose in the African American peoples that modern day liberals were and are incapable of doing today. People such as yourself are wholly incapable of taking that deep look into our history. So now do you not see the incredible irony here? In some ways they were better off under Jim Crow. Does that make me racist? Not by a long shot. Matt may have not put it in a way you were capable of understanding, but he was on the right track.

What racist bs. "them"????? As in them "darkies", who don't know what's best for them???? You talk like a Massa, still thinking with a slave mentality. Jim Crow was a logical extension of unofficial slavery and discrimination. "Sitting still"?????? Fuck you. Blacks are moving steadily forward, much to your chagrin, each and everyday, as our voting power increases.
And your psychosis becomes apparent, you believing that blacks were "better off" under Jim Crow. Better for "whites", perhaps. And you, siding with the premier board racist, makes you one, your commentary, not withstanding.

You, poet, the one who lives in his past know nothing of the plight of your ancestors. You are sitting still, sitting in a past that has passed you by. Living in an era that no longer exists. They were better off then. Do you see them fighting for anything good these days? Nope. Welfare, housing, free this free that. They aren't even encouraged to work! They are encouraged to sit there and bemoan their fates, as you do. They knew their lot in life then was to be equal, not apathetic. Prosperous not dependent. But people like you are bitter souls, who begrudge any man of a different skin color of viewpoint.

Sure, black people back then had something to fight for, strive for. "We shall overcome" they chanted. Today, they have been overcome, by the same racial hatred they fought against. Bullshit poet. You are no pioneer of civil rights, you are a bitter old man who cannot let go of his bitterness and hatred, and make use of what life he has left to live. Sure the White Man put your ancestors into slavery, but then they saw the error of their ways and brought them out of it. When they once again gave in to their evil hearts, they once again came back to free you from segregation. So, what thanks to they get?

They are still racists, but not racist enough to stop getting a welfare check or food stamps from.

Fuck you. I have documents, courtesy of, documenting my ancestors and their achievements and holdings. Who the fuck are you to tell me anything? And you don't know me, what I'm doing, what I believe (outside of my commentary here), who I know, what I have, or much else. And tell any and all lies about black people. It's not making you any more palatable or relevant, or believable. You have a stereotypical view of blacks, grounded in lies and fantasy. In other words, you're "ignorant". And I begrudge nothing of men of different colors, only "ideologies".
And bitch please. My partner is mistaken for white, often. I harbor no bitterness or hatred. I just will not let racism, stereotypes and bigotry slide. If you're not a racist, you have friend....which wouldn't be the case with you. Not only are you a racist, but you're arrogant and deluded. Everything is not hunky dory. Racism is alive and well.
And reigning supreme in this very forum. Saw the error of their evil ways? Please. If blacks hadn't suffered and endured through the Civil Rights Movement, and fought for every bit of ground, there would be no progress. Pontius Pilate hardened his heart against Jesus Christ, as much as Ramses II hardened his heart against the Hebrews. You have nothing to crow or cockle about. You don't get brownie points for doing the right thing, "kicking and screaming" the whole way.
And who the fuck do you think you are? You're not the federal government, yet.
You don't issue checks....and last time I checked, Social Security, pensions, and retirement checks weren't "welfare", as they have been paid into, by folks working "hard", for years.
But you wouldn't know anything about that...."hard work", sitting behind a desk, "pushing papers" about. Talk about what you do know about....."role playing", with Dungeons and Dragons, and talk of Knights Templar.
Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.

Hey dopey, the two major political parties have switched polarities twice in American history.

Your U.S. history teacher really fucked you.

The current racist trends can be seen in the GOP's souther strategy and the tea bag party.

Where? How are Republicans racist? If you need to see proof of liberal racism, look no further than Jeremiah Wright, idiot. Not all Southern Republicans are/were racist, and you damned well know it.

In 1961 Wright left college and joined the United States Marine Corps and became part of the 2nd Marine Division attaining the rank of private first class. In 1963, after two years of service, Wright joined the United States Navy and entered the Corpsman School at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Wright was then trained as a cardiopulmonary technician at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Wright was assigned as part of the medical team charged with care of President Lyndon B. Johnson (see photo of Wright caring for Johnson after his 1966 surgery). Before leaving the position in 1967, the White House Physician, Vice Admiral Burkley, personally wrote Wright a letter of thanks on behalf of the United States President.

Jeremiah Wright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know what is so hypocritical about these dumbass right wingers is when they look at Pat Robertson and other right wingnut preachers who say America deserved to get hit with hurricanes and terrorists because God lifted his veil of protection because of gays and women's rights and who knows what other minorities? So when a black preacher preaches the SAME THING saying God Damn America because we aren't following scripture, suddenly he is set to a different standard.

It's like Mitt Romney. When Obama said "You didn't build that alone. You had help. The country did it", Republicans took it out of context. But when Romney said the SAME THING about Olympic athletes, "You didn't do that alone, you had coaches and government", Republicans "agreed". This is why this party is so dirty and racist. When a white says it, it's OK, but when a black says it, it's because they hate the people who made them slaves. Oops, I mean, they hate the country. Well, at least if the blacks did hate, which they don't seem to do, they would have a reason. Unlike right wingers, who just seem to hate everyone not them.
Was McCain right that Obama was not a Muslim or foreign born, TemplarKormac?

A refusal to answer will be taken as an admission by affirmation of silence that McCain was wrong and that Obama was foreign born and a Muslim.

Yes, Obama isn't Muslim, even though his antipathy towards religion is clearly evident. I am also against the notion that he is foreign born. So where do you get off accusing me of being one of those people? I can't stand those kinds of people, kooks the lot of them.

"Although Republicans won most presidential elections in Southern states starting in 1964, Democrats controlled nearly every Southern state legislature until the mid-1990s and had a moderate(although not huge) amount of members in state legislatures until 2010. In fact, until 2002, Democrats still had much control over Southern politics. It wasn't until the 1990s that Democratic control gradually collapsed, starting with the elections of 1994, in which Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress, through the rest of the decade."

Read, Jake, stop spouting your selective memory at me.
Yes, those conservative Democrats in the South voted for local conservative Democrats. Now, most have switched to republican.

That argument has been put to rest. There are black republicans, by the way, so we can dispense with the "republicans are racist" bullshit.

List of African-American Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOLOLOLOL Black Republicans are no more than Stephin Fetchit negroes, who subscribe to the white racist Republican platform that serves no one but white, usually "rich", connected, conservative males. They've "sold out", to the very people that have a history of "slave holdings". I ask you...where is the last vestige of a Republican stronghold? I'll answer for you: "in the South". Kiss your ass and the chances of a Republican winning the White House, in 2016, goodbye.
"Although Republicans won most presidential elections in Southern states starting in 1964, Democrats controlled nearly every Southern state legislature until the mid-1990s and had a moderate(although not huge) amount of members in state legislatures until 2010. In fact, until 2002, Democrats still had much control over Southern politics. It wasn't until the 1990s that Democratic control gradually collapsed, starting with the elections of 1994, in which Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress, through the rest of the decade."

Read, Jake, stop spouting your selective memory at me.
Yes, those conservative Democrats in the South voted for local conservative Democrats. Now, most have switched to republican.

That argument has been put to rest. There are black republicans, by the way, so we can dispense with the "republicans are racist" bullshit.

List of African-American Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, it hasn't.
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You obviously paid attention to me poet. Not only are you a liar, you a hypocrite, as well as a closet racist.

And what do you think "paying attention" encompasses? Believing your bullshit, as truth, or relevant? LOL.
I counter your bs, and call you out on it, identifying you as a liar and beneath contempt.
Post where I have ever lied. Post my hypocrisy. Post anything identifying me as a racist. I will categorically "shoot them down", point by point. Try me.

So, is this ignore list of yours a lie? I thought your ignore list was permanent? You have never countered me, you have up until last week ignored me because you COULDN'T counter me.

Your hatred of white people is pervasive, poet. There are too many posts of yours to count that regard them as such.

I reserve the right to alter the list any time. Did I say it was permanent? Actually, I didn't say anything about it. My prerogative.
And lets be clear. My hatred of white racist conservatives and Republicans is pervasive. Do you actually think I hate white liberals, with whom I share much???? LOLOLOL. Even you're not that stupid. I am in alliance with them against you, bitch. Besides, they, for the most part, are the only intellectuals left. And smart is sexy. But you wouldn't know about that.
That argument has been put to rest. There are black republicans, by the way, so we can dispense with the "republicans are racist" bullshit.

List of African-American Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sure, there a some blacks who follow Republican philosophy. Look at Allen Keyes. Disowned his gay daughter and tossed her into the street with only the clothes on her back. It was part of his "family values" pledge I'm suspecting.

And that Allen West? The guy is completely coo coo.

Should I keep going?

Herman Cain
B.S., Mathematics, 1967
Morehouse College
Alpha Zeta
Cain was not eligible to attend the University of Georgia because he was black. His family paid for Morehouse through stock received from Coca-Cola President Robert Woodruff—Cain’s father was Woodruff’s chauffeur.

Do you want to know what he said about his participation in Civil Rights?

Should I keep going?

No, because every liberal response to a black republican is "he's coo coo." How utterly childish. Having a moral antipathy against homosexuality is not being racist. I fail to see any examples of racism by republicans in your argument. You really are hopeless. I didn't ask you for minutia, I asked your for concrete proof.

Quiet you.

Denial is not a river over in Egypt.
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Hey dopey, the two major political parties have switched polarities twice in American history.

Your U.S. history teacher really fucked you.

The current racist trends can be seen in the GOP's souther strategy and the tea bag party.

Where? How are Republicans racist? If you need to see proof of liberal racism, look no further than Jeremiah Wright, idiot. Not all Southern Republicans are/were racist, and you damned well know it.

In 1961 Wright left college and joined the United States Marine Corps and became part of the 2nd Marine Division attaining the rank of private first class. In 1963, after two years of service, Wright joined the United States Navy and entered the Corpsman School at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. Wright was then trained as a cardiopulmonary technician at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Wright was assigned as part of the medical team charged with care of President Lyndon B. Johnson (see photo of Wright caring for Johnson after his 1966 surgery). Before leaving the position in 1967, the White House Physician, Vice Admiral Burkley, personally wrote Wright a letter of thanks on behalf of the United States President.

Jeremiah Wright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know what is so hypocritical about these dumbass right wingers is when they look at Pat Robertson and other right wingnut preachers who say America deserved to get hit with hurricanes and terrorists because God lifted his veil of protection because of gays and women's rights and who knows what other minorities? So when a black preacher preaches the SAME THING saying God Damn America because we aren't following scripture, suddenly he is set to a different standard.

It's like Mitt Romney. When Obama said "You didn't build that alone. You had help. The country did it", Republicans took it out of context. But when Romney said the SAME THING about Olympic athletes, "You didn't do that alone, you had coaches and government", Republicans "agreed". This is why this party is so dirty and racist. When a white says it, it's OK, but when a black says it, it's because they hate the people who made them slaves. Oops, I mean, they hate the country. Well, at least if the blacks did hate, which they don't seem to do, they would have a reason. Unlike right wingers, who just seem to hate everyone not them.

“Black men turning on black men – that is fighting the wrong enemy. You both are the primary targets in an oppressive society that sees both of you as a dangerous threat.”

-Jeremiah Wright, 2008

“Barack knows what it means living in a country and a culture that is controlled by rich, white people. Hillary would never know that.”

-Jeremiah Wright, 2007

"It is incontestable and deplorable that [African Americans] have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes. They are born of the greater crimes of the white society."

-Jeremiah Wright, Remaining Awake Through A Great Revolution
Sure, there a some blacks who follow Republican philosophy. Look at Allen Keyes. Disowned his gay daughter and tossed her into the street with only the clothes on her back. It was part of his "family values" pledge I'm suspecting.

And that Allen West? The guy is completely coo coo.

Should I keep going?

Herman Cain
B.S., Mathematics, 1967
Morehouse College
Alpha Zeta
Cain was not eligible to attend the University of Georgia because he was black. His family paid for Morehouse through stock received from Coca-Cola President Robert Woodruff—Cain’s father was Woodruff’s chauffeur.

Do you want to know what he said about his participation in Civil Rights?

Should I keep going?

No, because every liberal response to a black republican is "he's coo coo." How utterly childish. Having a moral antipathy against homosexuality is not being racist. I fail to see any examples of racism by republicans in your argument. You really are hopeless. I didn't ask you for minutia, I asked your for concrete proof.

Quiet you.

Denial is not a river over in Egypt.

And 1964 was 49 years ago. ZING!
And what do you think "paying attention" encompasses? Believing your bullshit, as truth, or relevant? LOL.
I counter your bs, and call you out on it, identifying you as a liar and beneath contempt.
Post where I have ever lied. Post my hypocrisy. Post anything identifying me as a racist. I will categorically "shoot them down", point by point. Try me.

So, is this ignore list of yours a lie? I thought your ignore list was permanent? You have never countered me, you have up until last week ignored me because you COULDN'T counter me.

Your hatred of white people is pervasive, poet. There are too many posts of yours to count that regard them as such.

I reserve the right to alter the list any time. Did I say it was permanent? Actually, I didn't say anything about it. My prerogative.
And lets be clear. My hatred of white racist conservatives and Republicans is pervasive. Do you actually think I hate white liberals, with whom I share much???? LOLOLOL. Even you're not that stupid. I am in alliance with them against you, bitch. Besides, they, for the most part, are the only intellectuals left. And smart is sexy. But you wouldn't know about that.

I remember you saying something to the extent "you aren't coming off" you are now and always shall be a liar.

You don't hate white liberals huh? Well that just shows how much of a hypocrite you are. Whites are racist, unless they are liberal. If you think smart is sexy, just do a little research on Albert Einstein, he was the greatest physicist in the 20th century, and couldn't work his way out of a locked, parked car, with the locks in plain view and the solution staring him in the face.

You're an abject failure of reason, poet. You wouldn't know rationality if it fucked you doggystyle.

Have a seat, you racist coward.
Yes, Obama isn't Muslim, even though his antipathy towards religion is clearly evident. I am also against the notion that he is foreign born.

That is a good start for your rehabilitation, though BHO is probably more religious than you.
413 is a Massachusetts listing, so we have narrowed the sock down quite a bit.
Yes, Obama isn't Muslim, even though his antipathy towards religion is clearly evident. I am also against the notion that he is foreign born.

That is a good start for your rehabilitation, though BHO is probably more religious than you.

That's a load of crap. You aren't rehabilitating anyone. I've had these beliefs long before I came here.
Just got grey barred by poet. Yes, I used Jeremiah Wright. It isn't a tired talking point if it is so effective at irritating you, poet. Have a nice night.

"grey barred"???? Sorry, but I don't speak "whitespeak". Yep. Wright is old news and irrelevant. Irritating? You're a flea. And I have Raid. LOL

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