Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Just got grey barred by poet. Yes, I used Jeremiah Wright. It isn't a tired talking point if it is so effective at irritating you, poet. Have a nice night.

"grey barred"???? Sorry, but I don't speak "whitespeak". Yep. Wright is old news and irrelevant. Irritating? You're a flea. And I have Raid. LOL


Yep, you are in fact a racist. Textbook narcissist as well. You neg repped me with zero rep power, the color code being a grey bar, rather than a green or a red one. That's absolutely hilarious. I love when you make an absolute idiot of yourself poet. Rofl.
Yes, those conservative Democrats in the South voted for local conservative Democrats. Now, most have switched to republican.

That argument has been put to rest. There are black republicans, by the way, so we can dispense with the "republicans are racist" bullshit.

List of African-American Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOLOLOLOL Black Republicans are no more than Stephin Fetchit negroes, who subscribe to the white racist Republican platform that serves no one but white, usually "rich", connected, conservative males. They've "sold out", to the very people that have a history of "slave holdings". I ask you...where is the last vestige of a Republican stronghold? I'll answer for you: "in the South". Kiss your ass and the chances of a Republican winning the White House, in 2016, goodbye.

Racist platform? post it.. Where is it? Let’s be real here for a minute, why do democrats fight school vouchers for poor minority children? Why Mr. Poet? Why is unemployment so much higher under Obama among blacks? Why does your president Obama seem unconcerned with all the black on black killing in even in his home town? Why can’t Obama bring himself to condemn people like Dr. Gosnell who took advantage of mostly black women and killed mostly black babies? If anyone has sold out to the elitist, white, liberal, politicians it's Obama and most of your so-called black “leaders”

You're part of the high tech Lynching Clarence Thomas was referring to. Is it good for black people to be destroyed because they don't think like you do? Is that what you want?

[ame=]Clarence Thomas High-Tech Lynching - YouTube[/ame]
Just got grey barred by poet. Yes, I used Jeremiah Wright. It isn't a tired talking point if it is so effective at irritating you, poet. Have a nice night.

"grey barred"???? Sorry, but I don't speak "whitespeak". Yep. Wright is old news and irrelevant. Irritating? You're a flea. And I have Raid. LOL

whitespeak, what a racist comment (/sarcasm)!!!!!!!
Right. Too bad I don't pay attention to white racist trailer trash. I've been called worse by better. LOL

You obviously paid attention to me poet. Not only are you a liar, you a hypocrite, as well as a closet racist.

And what do you think "paying attention" encompasses? Believing your bullshit, as truth, or relevant? LOL.
I counter your bs, and call you out on it, identifying you as a liar and beneath contempt.
Post where I have ever lied. Post my hypocrisy. Post anything identifying me as a racist. I will categorically "shoot them down", point by point. Try me , you junior flip, twenty-something whippersnapper. Green as a twig.

come on poet come out of the closet....and how am I trailer trash?, I've never lived in a tralier...and never in trash......I've taken it what's happening to you....but I've never been trash
Was McCain right that Obama was not a Muslim or foreign born, TemplarKormac?

A refusal to answer will be taken as an admission by affirmation of silence that McCain was wrong and that Obama was foreign born and a Muslim.

When did McCain say that??????

And no he's not foreign born, I've said that since he brought out the docs.....Jesus, do you pay attention?
And from 1968 to 1988, with the exception of 1976, cast 54 to 1 electoral votes conservative, for non-Democratic candidates in the national elections. The southern strategy was overwhelmingly successful in national elections, for which it was designed.

"Although Republicans won most presidential elections in Southern states starting in 1964, Democrats controlled nearly every Southern state legislature until the mid-1990s and had a moderate(although not huge) amount of members in state legislatures until 2010. In fact, until 2002, Democrats still had much control over Southern politics. It wasn't until the 1990s that Democratic control gradually collapsed, starting with the elections of 1994, in which Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress, through the rest of the decade.".

Thank you for corroborating my point.

you quoted yourself? Wtf???????

and Republicans won MOST presidential elections since lets read that whole they voted republican like most elections but democrat with carter, clinton and all local elections? What about state and local elections? so were those democrat senators like Al Gore Jr, racist?????? Why would racists vote for him if he was not?
Again I'll as the same questions I've asked before:
When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
Name the people who switched to republican in the 60s-70s?
why did the south vote for democrats, except in landslides until 2000?
Why did the democrats keep state and local seats until the 90s?
That argument has been put to rest. There are black republicans, by the way, so we can dispense with the "republicans are racist" bullshit.

List of African-American Republicans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOLOLOLOL Black Republicans are no more than Stephin Fetchit negroes, who subscribe to the white racist Republican platform that serves no one but white, usually "rich", connected, conservative males. They've "sold out", to the very people that have a history of "slave holdings". I ask you...where is the last vestige of a Republican stronghold? I'll answer for you: "in the South". Kiss your ass and the chances of a Republican winning the White House, in 2016, goodbye.

Racist platform? post it.. Where is it? Let’s be real here for a minute, why do democrats fight school vouchers for poor minority children? Why Mr. Poet? Why is unemployment so much higher under Obama among blacks? Why does your president Obama seem unconcerned with all the black on black killing in even in his home town? Why can’t Obama bring himself to condemn people like Dr. Gosnell who took advantage of mostly black women and killed mostly black babies? If anyone has sold out to the elitist, white, liberal, politicians it's Obama and most of your so-called black “leaders”

You're part of the high tech Lynching Clarence Thomas was referring to. Is it good for black people to be destroyed because they don't think like you do? Is that what you want?

Racist platform??? Girlfriend, did you see the last Republican convention? You could count the blacks and browns on two hands. Why? Because every liberal, and Democrat, and even quite a few Republicans (i.e. Colin Powell, and Lawrence Wilkerson) know that the Republican and Tea Parties harbor overt racists.
As to school vouchers: The Problem with School Vouchers ? Issues ? Education Voters Pennsylvania


The Problem With School Vouchers
"....As Huebert notes, the widespread introduction of vouchers could very well destroy what’s left of the independent, private schools. The government would have to establish criteria for which schools were eligible for the vouchers, and which weren’t: Taxpayers would be outraged if Joe Blow set up a “school” where he just popped in DVDs all day, and collected checks from the government...."
President Obama unconcerned? Have you been paying attention to the news? He's desperately trying to rein in guns, and assault weapons, while the Republican Congress, whores for the NRA, thwart his efforts, at every turn. And please. Ask yourself why Republicans haven't responded to the mass shootings, every other month, enough to legislate " background checks" , which is a common sense measure.
And nice try at propaganda, but no one is buying it, save your ilk.
High tech lynching? Oh, now it's fashionable to discuss "lynching", when it plays into your "playbook". Clarence Thomas is the whitest negro in the country, and a Stephin Fetchit of the 1st order. Don't think like we do? He's worse than any white racist legislator. The worst. No one believes that all of anybody should think like anyone else. One would hope they would be reasonable and rational. Find someone like that on the conservative side. Christie? Portman? McCain? Who you got? You know you've lost the argument when Clarence Thomas is your sacrificial lamb. LOLOLOL.
Just got grey barred by poet. Yes, I used Jeremiah Wright. It isn't a tired talking point if it is so effective at irritating you, poet. Have a nice night.

"grey barred"???? Sorry, but I don't speak "whitespeak". Yep. Wright is old news and irrelevant. Irritating? You're a flea. And I have Raid. LOL

whitespeak, what a racist comment (/sarcasm)!!!!!!!

I don't talk y'alls lingo. I speak Standard English. The Queen's English, you know. Not that stuff you talk in lower Appalachia.
You obviously paid attention to me poet. Not only are you a liar, you a hypocrite, as well as a closet racist.

And what do you think "paying attention" encompasses? Believing your bullshit, as truth, or relevant? LOL.
I counter your bs, and call you out on it, identifying you as a liar and beneath contempt.
Post where I have ever lied. Post my hypocrisy. Post anything identifying me as a racist. I will categorically "shoot them down", point by point. Try me , you junior flip, twenty-something whippersnapper. Green as a twig.

come on poet come out of the closet....and how am I trailer trash?, I've never lived in a tralier...and never in trash......I've taken it what's happening to you....but I've never been trash

You coulda fooled me, by your rhetoric and actions. I surmise you are.
"grey barred"???? Sorry, but I don't speak "whitespeak". Yep. Wright is old news and irrelevant. Irritating? You're a flea. And I have Raid. LOL

whitespeak, what a racist comment (/sarcasm)!!!!!!!

I don't talk y'alls lingo. I speak Standard English. The Queen's English, you know. Not that stuff you talk in lower Appalachia.

Nope, you just speak gibberish. Racist gibberish. The Queen is white you know.
Accountability for the use of taxpayer money is a key value in this country. We need to know that our hard earned money is being spent wisely. Private institutions, not being bound by traditional measurements of student progress, would not be obligated to demonstrate that students are learning. We use things like standardized tests in public schools to make sure that those buildings are functioning properly; in a voucher system we would have no idea if kids were learning the skills they need to get a good job and become active, contributing members of society.

When the fuck did liberals give a shit about the use of taxpayer money? When did they want standards for kids?
Outcome-based education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Methods of outcome-based education (OBE) are student-centered learning methods that focus on empirically measuring student performance (the "outcome"). OBE contrasts with traditional education,

So they want traditional standards, but they dont want them....interesting
"grey barred"???? Sorry, but I don't speak "whitespeak". Yep. Wright is old news and irrelevant. Irritating? You're a flea. And I have Raid. LOL

whitespeak, what a racist comment (/sarcasm)!!!!!!!

I don't talk y'alls lingo. I speak Standard English. The Queen's English, you know. Not that stuff you talk in lower Appalachia.

LOL, wait is that some humor?????? no way this topic of words and language is much too serious for humor.......

But seriously, I dont speak Appalachia, thanks for yet another stereotype.......I speak Midwest, the langauge newscasters use......

And gratz on the Queens English.......I'm not a big fan of the Brit kind....but whatever floats your boat
whitespeak, what a racist comment (/sarcasm)!!!!!!!

I don't talk y'alls lingo. I speak Standard English. The Queen's English, you know. Not that stuff you talk in lower Appalachia.

LOL, wait is that some humor?????? no way this topic of words and language is much too serious for humor.......

But seriously, I dont speak Appalachia, thanks for yet another stereotype.......I speak Midwest, the langauge newscasters use......

And gratz on the Queens English.......I'm not a big fan of the Brit kind....but whatever floats your boat

Bitch, I'm from Chicago. And I make Polish pierogis and potato pancakes. Went to St. Mel's Catholic Christian Brothers High School, and lived smack in the middle between the Egyptian Cobras, and the Vicelords on Chicago's West Side. I'm no punk. And you have your nerve citing a stereotype, after you've used the n-word, 'round here, and with your black ( and obviously, "spineless") friends.
Don't patronize can keep your phoney kudos.
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I don't talk y'alls lingo. I speak Standard English. The Queen's English, you know. Not that stuff you talk in lower Appalachia.

LOL, wait is that some humor?????? no way this topic of words and language is much too serious for humor.......

But seriously, I dont speak Appalachia, thanks for yet another stereotype.......I speak Midwest, the langauge newscasters use......

And gratz on the Queens English.......I'm not a big fan of the Brit kind....but whatever floats your boat

Bitch, I'm from Chicago. And I make Polish pierogis and potato pancakes. Went to St. Mel's Catholic Christian Brothers High School, and lived smack in the middle between the Egyptian Cobras, and the Vicelords on Chicago's West Side. I'm no punk. And you have your nerve citing a stereotype, after you've used the n-word, 'round here, and with your black ( and obviously, "spineless") friends.

OMG, you are unbelievable.....that's great about what about my friends?? spineless? no more like sane....they dont let a word make them unhinged......unlike someone else on this's a word...get over it
whitespeak, what a racist comment (/sarcasm)!!!!!!!

I don't talk y'alls lingo. I speak Standard English. The Queen's English, you know. Not that stuff you talk in lower Appalachia.

Nope, you just speak gibberish. Racist gibberish. The Queen is white you know.

Really? I knew that, perhaps, because I'm associated with the Royal School of Church Music in Weybridge. And I'm Episcopal. That's the Anglican Church in North America, for idiots like you.
I don't talk y'alls lingo. I speak Standard English. The Queen's English, you know. Not that stuff you talk in lower Appalachia.

LOL, wait is that some humor?????? no way this topic of words and language is much too serious for humor.......

But seriously, I dont speak Appalachia, thanks for yet another stereotype.......I speak Midwest, the langauge newscasters use......

And gratz on the Queens English.......I'm not a big fan of the Brit kind....but whatever floats your boat

Bitch, I'm from Chicago. And I make Polish pierogis and potato pancakes. Went to St. Mel's Catholic Christian Brothers High School, and lived smack in the middle between the Egyptian Cobras, and the Vicelords on Chicago's West Side. I'm no punk. And you have your nerve citing a stereotype, after you've used the n-word, 'round here, and with your black ( and obviously, "spineless") friends.

Heh, Chicago.... that explains it. Who needs guns when you make heart attacks on a stick. You are the punk here, poet. You have some guts calling him out for using the n-word when you practically called those who lived "in the lower Appalachians" illiterate. Nice strereotype. It's ironic you went to a Christian High School, by the way. Most kids who come out of a Christian school don't act like you, poet. You're such an idiot.
I don't talk y'alls lingo. I speak Standard English. The Queen's English, you know. Not that stuff you talk in lower Appalachia.

Nope, you just speak gibberish. Racist gibberish. The Queen is white you know.

Really? I knew that, perhaps, because I'm associated with the Royal School of Church Music in Weybridge. And I'm Episcopal. That's the Anglican Church in North America, for idiots like you.

we're well aware of it....but how did Spong get to be an archibishop in it???? the guys not even a christian
LOL, wait is that some humor?????? no way this topic of words and language is much too serious for humor.......

But seriously, I dont speak Appalachia, thanks for yet another stereotype.......I speak Midwest, the langauge newscasters use......

And gratz on the Queens English.......I'm not a big fan of the Brit kind....but whatever floats your boat

Bitch, I'm from Chicago. And I make Polish pierogis and potato pancakes. Went to St. Mel's Catholic Christian Brothers High School, and lived smack in the middle between the Egyptian Cobras, and the Vicelords on Chicago's West Side. I'm no punk. And you have your nerve citing a stereotype, after you've used the n-word, 'round here, and with your black ( and obviously, "spineless") friends.

Heh, Chicago.... that explains it. Who needs guns when you make heart attacks on a stick. You are the punk here, poet. You have some guts calling him out for using the n-word when you practically called those who lived "in the lower Appalachians" illiterate. Nice strereotype. It's ironic you went to a Christian High School, by the way. Most kids who come out of a Christian school don't act like you, poet. You're such an idiot.

LOL. That's all you got? What's the matter? Are you turning gay on us? Guts? Not necessary for you pussies. What girls you are. And you moron.....Appalachia isn't plural, nor is it phrased "Appalachian" which is an adjective, you stupid fuck. You are fucking illiterate...I was talking about "your type". Bitch.
Bitch, I'm from Chicago. And I make Polish pierogis and potato pancakes. Went to St. Mel's Catholic Christian Brothers High School, and lived smack in the middle between the Egyptian Cobras, and the Vicelords on Chicago's West Side. I'm no punk. And you have your nerve citing a stereotype, after you've used the n-word, 'round here, and with your black ( and obviously, "spineless") friends.

Heh, Chicago.... that explains it. Who needs guns when you make heart attacks on a stick. You are the punk here, poet. You have some guts calling him out for using the n-word when you practically called those who lived "in the lower Appalachians" illiterate. Nice strereotype. It's ironic you went to a Christian High School, by the way. Most kids who come out of a Christian school don't act like you, poet. You're such an idiot.

LOL. That's all you got? What's the matter? Are you turning gay on us? Guts? Not necessary for you pussies. What girls you are. And you moron.....Appalachia isn't plural, nor is it phrased "Appalachian" which is an adjective, you stupid fuck. You are fucking illiterate...I was talking about "your type". Bitch.

HAHA you punk ass.....calling someone out on grammer or spelling, who gives a shit......

and what's his about stereotyping.....I bet you hate RGIII as well...he's a cornball brother, not down for the cause!

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