Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

which party is NOW treating blacks like equals?

blacks know do you?

The GOP.

Democrats patronize them and give them special treatment. Little do they know that they're selling their souls for a few handouts. They are discouraged by the left when they attempt to fit into American Society. They're called sell-outs and Uncle Toms. Any black that leaves the Democrat plantation is called every racist name in the book. They are accused of not being "Authentically Black" if they try to fit in.

Truth be told...the special treatment you're referring to is more like "equal", than "special".

You are the last to speak of equality. A neoliberal like you wouldn't know the first thing.
The lies are being posted more and more frequently, but there are no new lies, just the same old ones regurgitated ad infinitum.

What the wingnuts don't realize is that fewer and fewer people buy into their dishonest propaganda, and the ones that do aren't quality citizens.

And how is your propaganda any different than ours, miss? You folks spout just as many lies, but you have cleverly disguised them as to appeal to the public. God help you and your party when they discover this treachery.
I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

[literal nutball bogusness deleted to conserve bandwidth for rational thought]

Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.


One wonders if moderators quickly moving fact-based challenges to nutballsim into the forums margins have the integrity to whisk this into the rubber room thread, or if they share racist residuals - er, properly Republican instincts - into the satire thread.

There is not a single HONEST human with a competent education in US history and an IQ above 60 who does not know that well above 90% of the reactionary rebel scum populating the KKK and blighting the pre-1968 Democrat Party converted to Republican Nutballism in the period 1968 and that by 1980 the most popular media description of these unreconstructed rebel white trash was "Reagan Republican".

Nice try, though. The failure of public education makes bogusness like your post believable to cesspool America. Relatively more highly developed nutballs can continue their evolution out of the neocon-fake-conservative big-government-shitpool by doing their own research to validate that reality does not always conform to pedantic, aka, literal, reports.

Oh jeez, give that crap a rest. You're an angry liberal who cannot contend with the facts. Democrats are inherent racists, whether the know it or not, whether you like it or not. Lets stop running from our failures, shall we?
why right wing?

why do black voters not buy your partys lies on this issue ?
Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.
Toooooooooooooooooooooooo easy!

"Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery before the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948, the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation."

Check & MATE!!!!


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This is an example of how one goes about prrtending that the history of an organization has something to with the ideas of that organization today.

By ignoringbthe recent past and highlighting the stuff from way back, they deal with thuthiness. Not really true but true enough.
I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

During the 1860s, Southern Democrats continually advocated the use of slavery. It took a Republican to slay these racial demons with the 13th Amendment. A major advocate of this being Frederick Douglass, a black Republican abolitionist, diplomat and former slave from Maryland.

During Antebellum, racial equality was continually hampered even after the 13th Amendment's passage; by Democrats who were taking ever increasing majorities in local, state and federal offices, especially during the 1880's. This eventually led to the instatement the Jim Crow laws. In 1875, attempts were made by Republicans to break Jim Crow, it was however, thwarted by Democrats. It was during this time the Democratic Party gave birth to the KKK.

For nearly a century, Jim Crow ruled over the land with an iron fist. Nary a black man anywhere could be treated equally, because of the racial hatred of the Democratic Party. These laws were finally ended by the Supreme Court Decision of 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Ironically, in 1963, it was Democrats who launched major opposition to the Equal Pay Act, which effectively ended the gender pay disparity in the workplace.

In 1964, Democrats were once again fighting to stop racial equality in the states. They fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights act of 1964, with a former Klansman leading the charge. As a Democratic Senator Richard Russell from Georgia put it: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."

Then there was the famous Democratic Senator Strom Thurmond from South Carolina who was even moreso candid than Russell in his opposition, stating that "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."

For 57 days they filibustered the bill, until Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) shamed them into relenting. The Bill was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson in the Summer of 1964. The next year, the same Congress passed the Voting Rights Act.

Not long after that, Southern Democrats began defecting to the Republican Party, after the Democratic Party had shifted its focus towards its more moderate voting bloc to the north, and thusly polluting it for generations to come with their racial pragmatism.

Where were Democrats? I thought they claimed to be the party of equality? Yet history is riddled with examples of their racial hatred towards African Americans. It's sad in a way to think how they have warped and twisted their minds into believing the current platforms in place today, kept ignorant of the history that precedes the Democratic Party.

Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.

Holy fucking shit, you god damn mother fucking idiots bring this shit up every other fucking day.


I also find it funny, you templar fuck, that you thumbs up Matthews posts, one of the most obvious, unabashed racists on these boards.

You and him are right in the same boat as the conservative democrats in the 1800's
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Another history lesson in hopes we'll forget what's happened more recently? Sen. Strom Thurmond died a what??? Why did he switch? How about telling us "the rest of the story"?
they jsut cant figure out how to actaully treat people of color well enough to earn their votes.

Yet they want to PRETEND they are not racists.

maybe if they actually began listening to what black people are tyring to tell them they may LEARN how to appeal to black voters.

They want NOTHING to do with that fix of their party.

tells you alot huh
The lies are being posted more and more frequently, but there are no new lies, just the same old ones regurgitated ad infinitum.

What the wingnuts don't realize is that fewer and fewer people buy into their dishonest propaganda, and the ones that do aren't quality citizens.

Lets do it this way, name a successful black man that has't been on goverment assistance, used affermitive action, or used the race card. There are plenty of conservative black men that are conservatives that did'nt.
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This is an example of how one goes about prrtending that the history of an organization has something to with the ideas of that organization today.

By ignoringbthe recent past and highlighting the stuff from way back, they deal with thuthiness. Not really true but true enough.
I blame alcohol....and, the resultant in-breeding....

I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

During the 1860s, Southern Democrats continually advocated the use of slavery. It took a Republican to slay these racial demons with the 13th Amendment. A major advocate of this being Frederick Douglass, a black Republican abolitionist, diplomat and former slave from Maryland.

During Antebellum, racial equality was continually hampered even after the 13th Amendment's passage; by Democrats who were taking ever increasing majorities in local, state and federal offices, especially during the 1880's. This eventually led to the instatement the Jim Crow laws. In 1875, attempts were made by Republicans to break Jim Crow, it was however, thwarted by Democrats. It was during this time the Democratic Party gave birth to the KKK.

For nearly a century, Jim Crow ruled over the land with an iron fist. Nary a black man anywhere could be treated equally, because of the racial hatred of the Democratic Party. These laws were finally ended by the Supreme Court Decision of 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Ironically, in 1963, it was Democrats who launched major opposition to the Equal Pay Act, which effectively ended the gender pay disparity in the workplace.

In 1964, Democrats were once again fighting to stop racial equality in the states. They fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights act of 1964, with a former Klansman leading the charge. As a Democratic Senator Richard Russell from Georgia put it: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."

Then there was the famous Democratic Senator Strom Thurmond from South Carolina who was even moreso candid than Russell in his opposition, stating that "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."

For 57 days they filibustered the bill, until Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) shamed them into relenting. The Bill was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson in the Summer of 1964. The next year, the same Congress passed the Voting Rights Act.

Not long after that, Southern Democrats began defecting to the Republican Party, after the Democratic Party had shifted its focus towards its more moderate voting bloc to the north, and thusly polluting it for generations to come with their racial pragmatism.

Where were Democrats? I thought they claimed to be the party of equality? Yet history is riddled with examples of their racial hatred towards African Americans. It's sad in a way to think how they have warped and twisted their minds into believing the current platforms in place today, kept ignorant of the history that precedes the Democratic Party.

Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.

Truly fucking hilarious. You answered your own question. All those racist and white Democrats swelled the ranks of the Republican Party leaving it 90% white, hating a black president and home to the KKK and the Aryan Nation and the NRA. However it all started, that's how it is now and you explained it perfectly. Kudos.

However right you are about the history, you conclusion is both flawed and delusional. But I did like the part where you said, "polluting it for generations to come with their racial pragmatism". What right wings are saying is they left the Democratic Party because when all the blacks joined, it became to them, "polluted".
Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.
Toooooooooooooooooooooooo easy!

"Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery before the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948, the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation."

Check & MATE!!!!



Uhh, you are just predicating this on the fact the these men were white and from the South. Checkmate, you fucking troll.
I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

During the 1860s, Southern Democrats continually advocated the use of slavery. It took a Republican to slay these racial demons with the 13th Amendment. A major advocate of this being Frederick Douglass, a black Republican abolitionist, diplomat and former slave from Maryland.

During Antebellum, racial equality was continually hampered even after the 13th Amendment's passage; by Democrats who were taking ever increasing majorities in local, state and federal offices, especially during the 1880's. This eventually led to the instatement the Jim Crow laws. In 1875, attempts were made by Republicans to break Jim Crow, it was however, thwarted by Democrats. It was during this time the Democratic Party gave birth to the KKK.

For nearly a century, Jim Crow ruled over the land with an iron fist. Nary a black man anywhere could be treated equally, because of the racial hatred of the Democratic Party. These laws were finally ended by the Supreme Court Decision of 1954, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Ironically, in 1963, it was Democrats who launched major opposition to the Equal Pay Act, which effectively ended the gender pay disparity in the workplace.

In 1964, Democrats were once again fighting to stop racial equality in the states. They fought tooth and nail against the Civil Rights act of 1964, with a former Klansman leading the charge. As a Democratic Senator Richard Russell from Georgia put it: "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."

Then there was the famous Democratic Senator Strom Thurmond from South Carolina who was even moreso candid than Russell in his opposition, stating that "This so-called Civil Rights Proposals, which the President has sent to Capitol Hill for enactment into law, are unconstitutional, unnecessary, unwise and extend beyond the realm of reason. This is the worst civil-rights package ever presented to the Congress and is reminiscent of the Reconstruction proposals and actions of the radical Republican Congress."

For 57 days they filibustered the bill, until Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) shamed them into relenting. The Bill was signed into law by Lyndon Johnson in the Summer of 1964. The next year, the same Congress passed the Voting Rights Act.

Not long after that, Southern Democrats began defecting to the Republican Party, after the Democratic Party had shifted its focus towards its more moderate voting bloc to the north, and thusly polluting it for generations to come with their racial pragmatism.

Where were Democrats? I thought they claimed to be the party of equality? Yet history is riddled with examples of their racial hatred towards African Americans. It's sad in a way to think how they have warped and twisted their minds into believing the current platforms in place today, kept ignorant of the history that precedes the Democratic Party.

Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.

Truly fucking hilarious. You answered your own question. All those racist and white Democrats swelled the ranks of the Republican Party leaving it 90% white, hating a black president and home to the KKK and the Aryan Nation and the NRA. However it all started, that's how it is now and you explained it perfectly. Kudos.

However right you are about the history, you conclusion is both flawed and delusional. But I did like the part where you said, "polluting it for generations to come with their racial pragmatism". What right wings are saying is they left the Democratic Party because when all the blacks joined, it became to them, "polluted".

Sure, after the Democrats followed the Republican lead on Civil Rights. None of you liberals have a good argument, except, RACIST RACIST RACIST! Where else would those Democrats go if they were no longer accepted in the Democratic Party? Yep. Rather than fade into obscurity, they decided to carry on their broken political careers as Republicans, in so doing damaging the party that championed almost every piece of civil rights legislation ever passed by Congress up until 1964.
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I hear of Liberal Democrats championing the causes of racial and gender equality in America today, while admirable, they have ignored their own history. Now, for a little history lesson. Let's do a little research shall we? Let us see who has been more detrimental to the causes of equality. Pay attention students, there will be a quiz at the end of this essay!

[literal nutball bogusness deleted to conserve bandwidth for rational thought]

Here's my question, which party has stood for equality over the past 150 years? How does this meld with the current platforms Liberal Democrats advocate today? I leave that for you to decide.


One wonders if moderators quickly moving fact-based challenges to nutballsim into the forums margins have the integrity to whisk this into the rubber room thread, or if they share racist residuals - er, properly Republican instincts - into the satire thread.

There is not a single HONEST human with a competent education in US history and an IQ above 60 who does not know that well above 90% of the reactionary rebel scum populating the KKK and blighting the pre-1968 Democrat Party converted to Republican Nutballism in the period 1968 and that by 1980 the most popular media description of these unreconstructed rebel white trash was "Reagan Republican".

Nice try, though. The failure of public education makes bogusness like your post believable to cesspool America. Relatively more highly developed nutballs can continue their evolution out of the neocon-fake-conservative big-government-shitpool by doing their own research to validate that reality does not always conform to pedantic, aka, literal, reports.

Oh jeez, give that crap a rest. You're an angry liberal who cannot contend with the facts. Democrats are inherent racists, whether the know it or not, whether you like it or not. Lets stop running from our failures, shall we?

Actually, my political beliefs are fact-based traditional American, something neither halfwit white trash nor fake-liberal meritocrat fascists have demonstrated understanding of. In sum I am a real fiscal conservative and a real individual rights liberal. A real American smart enough to avoid being stampeded by corporate bogusness appealing to my worst instincts.

My politics directly oppose the stampeding human cattle facilitating both corporate-driven parties looting of the US Treasury for thirty-some years.
And every word ever published by me supports that.

Those who post different claims are either liars or illiterate. The first group don't matter to anyone; but as my post above indicates, the second may yet evolve up from today's political cesspool.
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The lies are being posted more and more frequently, but there are no new lies, just the same old ones regurgitated ad infinitum.

What the wingnuts don't realize is that fewer and fewer people buy into their dishonest propaganda, and the ones that do aren't quality citizens.

Lets do it this way, name a successful black man that has't been on goverment assistance, used affermitive action, or used the race card. There are plenty of conservative black men that are conservatives that didn't.

Successful Black Conservatives/Republicans

Dr. Ben Carson
Herman Cain
Dr. Thomas Sowell
Condoleeza Rice
Allen West
Alan Keyes
Clarence Thomas
Micheal Steele
Tim Scott
J.C. Watts
Gary Franks
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