Real Bad News for the "real science".


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Bad Climate for Global WarmingJan 20 2011, 12:12 AM ET
By Joshua Green

Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies announced that 2010 had registered as the hottest year on record. Nothing new here: nine of the last 10 years have been among the warmest ever.

The news highlighted one of Washington's biggest failures over the last two years: its inability to advance climate legislation. It was also a grim reminder that things could get worse. Some crucial policy areas have always been neglected and some initiatives stalled. But rarely has a first-order concern like the nation's climate and energy policy actually regressed -- and so dramatically as we've seen since the last presidential election.
edited for copyright, click link for full story

Bad Climate for Global Warming - Joshua Green - Politics - The Atlantic

So much for "real science"!!!!!!

I told you nobody cared.................
Americans now know that this "green economy" is nothing but a scam, designed to promote the greed of those at the ready to make a mint based upon a hail mary pass guess..........and ruin the middle class in the process.

Trickle-Up Poverty Economics is gay!!!
The entire world laughs at our Republicans. Service reps and salesmen from all over the world come here to Chicago where I work. They laugh at the American right. Believe me. They ask how such an ignorant political party in this country has such enormous support. I tell them, "It's the mysticism". All those "supernatural" beliefs.

Believe me, I'm not the only one who has read the PEW study that shows only 6% of scientists are Republican. Everyone has read it and they are laughing at Republicans. It's embarrassing.
The entire world laughs at our Republicans. Service reps and salesmen from all over the world come here to Chicago where I work. They laugh at the American right. Believe me. They ask how such an ignorant political party in this country has such enormous support. I tell them, "It's the mysticism". All those "supernatural" beliefs.

Believe me, I'm not the only one who has read the PEW study that shows only 6% of scientists are Republican. Everyone has read it and they are laughing at Republicans. It's embarrassing.

Indeed..........and we're laughing twice as hard s0n!!!!:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

Oh....and ps......only the k00k left care what "the entire world"
thinks about anything.:boobies::funnyface::boobies::funnyface::boobies::funnyface: Only mental cases even think about it.........
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November 4th 2010.................


yuk......yuk...........lets face blows dog balls being a lefty these days!!! Even that weenie Olbermann got run over by a truck last night!!! Im still laughing..................:blowup:
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the entire world laughs at our republicans. Service reps and salesmen from all over the world come here to chicago where i work. They laugh at the american right. Believe me. They ask how such an ignorant political party in this country has such enormous support. I tell them, "it's the mysticism". All those "supernatural" beliefs.

Believe me, i'm not the only one who has read the pew study that shows only 6% of scientists are republican. Everyone has read it and they are laughing at republicans. It's embarrassing.

indeed..........and we're laughing twice as hard s0n!!!!:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

Oh....and ps......only the k00k left care what "the entire world
thinks about anything.:boobies::funnyface::boobies::funnyface::boobies::funnyface:


Just curious. Why did you link to this article:

Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies announced that 2010 had registered as the hottest year on record. Nothing new here: nine of the last 10 years have been among the warmest ever.

The news highlighted one of Washington's biggest failures over the last two years: its inability to advance climate legislation. It was also a grim reminder that things could get worse. Some crucial policy areas have always been neglected and some initiatives stalled. But rarely has a first-order concern like the nation's climate and energy policy actually regressed -- and so dramatically as we've seen since the last presidential election.
the entire world laughs at our republicans. Service reps and salesmen from all over the world come here to chicago where i work. They laugh at the american right. Believe me. They ask how such an ignorant political party in this country has such enormous support. I tell them, "it's the mysticism". All those "supernatural" beliefs.

Believe me, i'm not the only one who has read the pew study that shows only 6% of scientists are republican. Everyone has read it and they are laughing at republicans. It's embarrassing.

indeed..........and we're laughing twice as hard s0n!!!!:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

Oh....and ps......only the k00k left care what "the entire world
thinks about anything.:boobies::funnyface::boobies::funnyface::boobies::funnyface:


It must really frost your ass that that 6% is now driving the bus huh?
Who cant love how the k00ks avoid threads like this....................

Know why they avoid threads like this???

Too real!!!

In the bigger picture............debating warming vs no warming is a perfect illustration of a bunch of people sitting in a circle contemplating their navels!!!

No brains since he was born, Kooky.

Here is Dr. Spencer's graphs. Shows definate warming since 1995.

Dec. 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.18 deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

As far as the race for warmest year goes, 1998 (+0.424 deg. C) barely edged out 2010 (+0.411 deg. C), but the difference (0.01 deg. C) is nowhere near statistically significant. So feel free to use or misuse those statistics to your heart’s content.
the entire world laughs at our republicans. Service reps and salesmen from all over the world come here to chicago where i work. They laugh at the american right. Believe me. They ask how such an ignorant political party in this country has such enormous support. I tell them, "it's the mysticism". All those "supernatural" beliefs.

Believe me, i'm not the only one who has read the pew study that shows only 6% of scientists are republican. Everyone has read it and they are laughing at republicans. It's embarrassing.

indeed..........and we're laughing twice as hard s0n!!!!:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::fu:

Oh....and ps......only the k00k left care what "the entire world
thinks about anything.:boobies::funnyface::boobies::funnyface::boobies::funnyface:


6 percent of a VERY small subset of Scientists. Care to prove ALL scientists are democrats? By the way where is your poll? I wanna see how many of that SMALL subset were democrats?

No brains since he was born, Kooky.

Here is Dr. Spencer's graphs. Shows definate warming since 1995.

Dec. 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.18 deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

As far as the race for warmest year goes, 1998 (+0.424 deg. C) barely edged out 2010 (+0.411 deg. C), but the difference (0.01 deg. C) is nowhere near statistically significant. So feel free to use or misuse those statistics to your heart’s content.

What was the real temperature in the 30's before they ADJUSTED them down?
nine of the last 10 years have been among the warmest ever.

Thanks for reminding us, skooks. :thup:

Funny how you allways forget to mention the falsification of the temperature record ala NIWA in New Zealand. They got busted though. Hopefully our congress will investigate Hansens shenanigans as well.

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