Earthlings Documentary


vegan atheist indy
Sep 27, 2008
Here is a documentary that exposes the reality of how humans are treating animals in corporate factory farms, slaughter houses, and in the fur industry. It is shocking and horrific on a level that you can't imagine, and I do not believe that I am being over-dramatic. It is by far the most shocking documentary that I have ever seen, and really sheds light on the reality of where the majority of animal products come from, and how these animals are treated. They use undercover camera footage to take you places you never thought existed.

This film largely eludes to the reality of corporate america, implicitly, because the reasons animals are treated like this, is because of corporate greed, and the need for efficiency to maximize prouction and product output by using economies of scale for... profit. bottom Line. That is all these corporations are about, and will do anything to get it. The quest for profit isn't inherently evil, I am not criticizing capitalism, as a concept. But, in practice, humans are willing to do immoral things to get profit, enabled by the corporate layout, which makes accountability almost impossible for the things that go down, and that is the main problem, and is why corporations are able to do the most atrocious things: no one is really liable. The incentive is simply to maximize shareholder profit. Without a moral system in place to guide them, they run wild. The people in these corporations, situated in office buildings in urban centers, are so far removed from these what they are voting for in boardroom meetings to increase profits to shareholders. Therefore, they can do what they want, until somebody tries to stop them, and they push the envelope as much as possible. The corporations hide the truths of how they treat these animals from the consumer, because they know that if the consumers knew about what happens to their meat before it is killed, and the conditions that these animals live in... they would no longer have a viable market, because there would no longer be demand. People would demand humane treatment, and they would be forced to change their ways or go out of business. It is only through consumer ignorance that this mass suffering is extended and maintained. We are giving them our dollar to continue their operation. Yet, no one wants to see what is going on, and they sell us the idea that they are 'good,' with pictures of pastures and wholesome names, and with it is derived the idea that the animals are treated well. That part, we make up and convince ourselves us, I believe, until we are shown the truth. They sell us a lie, plain and simple, in so many ways, and everying is all good, allowing the purchaser to walk away, conscience free. This film pretty much makes it clear and simple. It is painful as hell to watch, but it probably the most important film you will ever see. Please, have the courage to watch this film, and tell others. We must stop these corporations by discontinuing to give them our dollar. That is the only power we have as a consumer. Buy local and organic meats and dairy. Go vegetarian, go vegan, whatever it takes and whatever you are comfortable with... just don't give money to these corporate factory farms and those that supply furs, leather jackets.... This film makes no suggestions as to what action to take. It never says you should go vegan or vegetarian. It is simply information about what is out there. Use with it what you will, but at least, be informed, to then be able to make better decisions.

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I think that you are being overly-dramatic. And who are you to dictate morality with respect to the treatment of food? I've watched my mother in law slice a chicken's neck and then feather it while it was still squirming- just like they did in the good ol' days.

"Humane" treatment of food means a lack of food for the masses.

You want to talk about the inhumane treatment of food? Quit turning my corn into fuel.
I think that you are being overly-dramatic. And who are you to dictate morality with respect to the treatment of food? I've watched my mother in law slice a chicken's neck and then feather it while it was still squirming- just like they did in the good ol' days.

"Humane" treatment of food means a lack of food for the masses.

You want to talk about the inhumane treatment of food? Quit turning my corn into fuel.

Killing an animal is one thing... torture is another. Watch the film before commenting please. Otherwise, don't give me your bullshit. I'm tired of arguing with people that just want to do what they want to do, without regards or responsibility for the repercussions of their decisions, and I am talking about the uneducated consumer, who goes out and buys these products, that basically tells the market, that this product is desired, spurring demand, and more production... hence, animals get tortured. I don't consider myself a bleeding heart. I have seen something, this film, which shocked me to the core, and everybody who watches it says the same thing.

I am not judging the killing of animals, if it is quick, and painless. That does not bother me. We are, biologically, omnivores. That is okay.

Don't talk about food supply and that without this kind of efficiency in factory, people wouldn't eat. That is bullshit. You are saying we NEED these factory farms to fill demand? Where are you getting this information? It sounds like conjecture, and you're willingness to blindly support what is going on is indicative of your character, if you are unwillingly to even learn what it is you are supporting. All I ask is, that you watch this film, and then get back to me. If you still feel the same way, after seeing how it is these animals are treated, while they are growing up, while they are being stored, up until their actual death... then I would be willing to respect your opinion.

Please don't tell me I am being melo-dramatic, until you have seen the film, which is what I am posting about. Just because you lived on a farm when you were little and saw your mother kill a chicken doesn't mean you know what is going on in these factory farms. It is a whole new scale of production. Spare me the memories of your childhood, and live in the now, please. Get informed, and take responsibility and be knowledgeable of where you put your dollar.
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"More than any other institution, the American industrial animal farm offers a nightmarish glimpse of what capitalism can look like in the absence of moral or regulatory constraint. Here in these places life itself is redefined – as protein production – and with it suffering. That venerable word becomes ‘stress,’ an economic problem in search of a cost-effective solution, like tail-docking or beak-clipping or, in the industry’s latest plan, by simply engineering the ‘stress gene’ out of pigs and chickens. Our own worst nightmare such a place may well be; it is also real life for the billions of animals unlucky enough to have been born beneath these grim steel roofs, into the brief, pitiless life of a ‘production unit’ in the days before the suffering gene was found.”
-“An Animal’s Place” by Michael Pollan, 11/10/02
Some of us already know that animals are killed for the meat. Did you know animals eat other animals too? Pretty shocking right?

I won't waste food, that's just stupid. But I won't treat animals "humanely" either. That attitude lowers the human existence to an animal level. We're not on par with animals and I don't like people saying we are. I prefer to treat animals "animally" meaning I'll eat whatever one of them I please.
How many of you watched the film?

If you have not watched the film, then please do not post. I embedded this film to read your comment and thoughts on it after having seen it. I'm not interested in hearing your general opinions on meat eating, or your comments on my OP.
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Here is a documentary that exposes the reality of how humans are treating animals in corporate factory farms, slaughter houses, and in the fur industry. It is shocking and horrific on a level that you can't imagine, and I do not believe that I am being over-dramatic. It is by far the most shocking documentary that I have ever seen, and really sheds light on the reality of where the majority of animal products come from, and how these animals are treated. They use undercover camera footage to take you places you never thought existed.

This film largely eludes to the reality of corporate america, implicitly, because the reasons animals are treated like this, is because of corporate greed, and the need for efficiency to maximize prouction and product output by using economies of scale for... profit. bottom Line. That is all these corporations are about, and will do anything to get it. The quest for profit isn't inherently evil, I am not criticizing capitalism, as a concept. But, in practice, humans are willing to do immoral things to get profit, enabled by the corporate layout, which makes accountability almost impossible for the things that go down, and that is the main problem, and is why corporations are able to do the most atrocious things: no one is really liable. The incentive is simply to maximize shareholder profit. Without a moral system in place to guide them, they run wild. The people in these corporations, situated in office buildings in urban centers, are so far removed from these what they are voting for in boardroom meetings to increase profits to shareholders. Therefore, they can do what they want, until somebody tries to stop them, and they push the envelope as much as possible. The corporations hide the truths of how they treat these animals from the consumer, because they know that if the consumers knew about what happens to their meat before it is killed, and the conditions that these animals live in... they would no longer have a viable market, because there would no longer be demand. People would demand humane treatment, and they would be forced to change their ways or go out of business. It is only through consumer ignorance that this mass suffering is extended and maintained. We are giving them our dollar to continue their operation. Yet, no one wants to see what is going on, and they sell us the idea that they are 'good,' with pictures of pastures and wholesome names, and with it is derived the idea that the animals are treated well. That part, we make up and convince ourselves us, I believe, until we are shown the truth. They sell us a lie, plain and simple, in so many ways, and everying is all good, allowing the purchaser to walk away, conscience free. This film pretty much makes it clear and simple. It is painful as hell to watch, but it probably the most important film you will ever see. Please, have the courage to watch this film, and tell others. We must stop these corporations by discontinuing to give them our dollar. That is the only power we have as a consumer. Buy local and organic meats and dairy. Go vegetarian, go vegan, whatever it takes and whatever you are comfortable with... just don't give money to these corporate factory farms and those that supply furs, leather jackets.... This film makes no suggestions as to what action to take. It never says you should go vegan or vegetarian. It is simply information about what is out there. Use with it what you will, but at least, be informed, to then be able to make better decisions.


awesome............another fcukking k00k to make fun of on this forum!!:2up:


Buckle up your chinstrap s0n................lifes a bitch................and then you die.
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Here is a documentary that exposes the reality of how humans are treating animals in corporate factory farms, slaughter houses, and in the fur industry. It is shocking and horrific on a level that you can't imagine, and I do not believe that I am being over-dramatic. It is by far the most shocking documentary that I have ever seen, and really sheds light on the reality of where the majority of animal products come from, and how these animals are treated. They use undercover camera footage to take you places you never thought existed.

This film largely eludes to the reality of corporate america, implicitly, because the reasons animals are treated like this, is because of corporate greed, and the need for efficiency to maximize prouction and product output by using economies of scale for... profit. bottom Line. That is all these corporations are about, and will do anything to get it. The quest for profit isn't inherently evil, I am not criticizing capitalism, as a concept. But, in practice, humans are willing to do immoral things to get profit, enabled by the corporate layout, which makes accountability almost impossible for the things that go down, and that is the main problem, and is why corporations are able to do the most atrocious things: no one is really liable. The incentive is simply to maximize shareholder profit. Without a moral system in place to guide them, they run wild. The people in these corporations, situated in office buildings in urban centers, are so far removed from these what they are voting for in boardroom meetings to increase profits to shareholders. Therefore, they can do what they want, until somebody tries to stop them, and they push the envelope as much as possible. The corporations hide the truths of how they treat these animals from the consumer, because they know that if the consumers knew about what happens to their meat before it is killed, and the conditions that these animals live in... they would no longer have a viable market, because there would no longer be demand. People would demand humane treatment, and they would be forced to change their ways or go out of business. It is only through consumer ignorance that this mass suffering is extended and maintained. We are giving them our dollar to continue their operation. Yet, no one wants to see what is going on, and they sell us the idea that they are 'good,' with pictures of pastures and wholesome names, and with it is derived the idea that the animals are treated well. That part, we make up and convince ourselves us, I believe, until we are shown the truth. They sell us a lie, plain and simple, in so many ways, and everying is all good, allowing the purchaser to walk away, conscience free. This film pretty much makes it clear and simple. It is painful as hell to watch, but it probably the most important film you will ever see. Please, have the courage to watch this film, and tell others. We must stop these corporations by discontinuing to give them our dollar. That is the only power we have as a consumer. Buy local and organic meats and dairy. Go vegetarian, go vegan, whatever it takes and whatever you are comfortable with... just don't give money to these corporate factory farms and those that supply furs, leather jackets.... This film makes no suggestions as to what action to take. It never says you should go vegan or vegetarian. It is simply information about what is out there. Use with it what you will, but at least, be informed, to then be able to make better decisions.


awesome............another fcukking k00k to make fun of on this forum!!:2up:

This, from someone who's avatar is of a man being made into meat
How many of you watched the film?

If you have not watched the film, then please do not post. I embedded this film to read your comment and thoughts on it after having seen it. I'm not interested in hearing your general opinions on meat eating, or your comments on my OP.

Are you a vegan/vegetarian? Do you use or wear leather products?
How many of you watched the film?

If you have not watched the film, then please do not post. I embedded this film to read your comment and thoughts on it after having seen it. I'm not interested in hearing your general opinions on meat eating, or your comments on my OP.

Choosing NOT to watch (and commenting on that) is as much commentary on it as watching it and then discussing it.
How many of you watched the film?

If you have not watched the film, then please do not post. I embedded this film to read your comment and thoughts on it after having seen it. I'm not interested in hearing your general opinions on meat eating, or your comments on my OP.
So not only do you want to tell us what to eat, you want to tell us what to say and how to say it. Unless it's a violation of board rules, don't fuckin' tell me what to post.

Many of us have seen numerous documentaries about animal abuse over the years and even more so since the advent of the internet. No well informed person needs to see your video after you already described it in your post.
That Cows with Guns video is one of the reasons that I think the internet is one of the best things technology has given us in a long long time.

You know, -- you just know! -- that in the pre-internet days none of us would ever have seen that.
How many of you watched the film?

If you have not watched the film, then please do not post. I embedded this film to read your comment and thoughts on it after having seen it. I'm not interested in hearing your general opinions on meat eating, or your comments on my OP.
So not only do you want to tell us what to eat, you want to tell us what to say and how to say it. Unless it's a violation of board rules, don't fuckin' tell me what to post.

Many of us have seen numerous documentaries about animal abuse over the years and even more so since the advent of the internet. No well informed person needs to see your video after you already described it in your post.

Images translate things in a way words never could. "A Picture is worth a thousand words."
I do NOT use leather products and never will. I am now trying to become a vegan/vegetarian after watching this film, which was literally a week and half ago, after eating meat for 29 years. I am doing this for ethical reasons. I still want meat, but I am going to sacrifice that, and eventually all animal products. I am simply spreading information, not prescribing diets. I don't mean to be judging yours, just simply stating the reality of what is happening when you buy these products. It all starts with understand how these animals are treated. Please, all I ask, is that you watch the film. Even a bit of it. I'll post a short clip below, so you can see just a part of it.

The film is divided into five categories of how animals are used by humans: 1. Pets 2. Food 3. Clothes 4. Entertainment 5. Scientific Research


All this is really a call to, is an awareness about corporate factory farming, not cutting out meat or dairy or in any way changing your diet. Whether that means to you going Vegetarian or vegan, is your call. You can also simply just buy organic from local farms. You'll get the idea of what is going on as you watch the film. The clips won't really allow the narrative, of how humans have come to treat animals, but you'll get some of it. Decide for yourself about what to do with the information, the make a decision. If you are keeping yourself from the information to maintain habits of eating, that is making a decision without all of the information, information these companies are actively hiding from you, and which you must actively seek. I am making that a little bit easier. The problem is, is that people instinctively want to eat meat, and they know that, so it is not hard for them to hide, because people don't really want to see it. They want to keep on eating meat, and pretend that this doesn't exist. After seeing what is going on, you feel a need to tell everybody, because it is so much worse than words can describe, and than you ever imagined. Again, I am only talking about this being in the context of these large, corporate, factory farms, where the country gets an incredibly large majority of its meat. Boycotting these meats is the action necessary to prevent this. It doesn't mean nor necessitate going vegan or vegetarian. You could simply choose to support local and organic farms that supply meat and dairy. That is another solution.

Looking back on my own behavior, I think it was incredibly selfish and I am not happy with myself that I was actively ignorant of this reality for so long. I knew these films existed and people and friends told me about them, and I ignored them, precisely because, I loved animals, and knew that if I saw one of these films, I would have to 'give up meat.' I finally decided to look at the film, watching youtube one night. It wasn't even on purpose really. It was a 'suggested film' as I was watching a lot of viral videos like "Zeitgeist," "The Corporation," "Iraq for Sale..." I remembered my lead singer in my band mentioning the film, and it clicked. I watched it, and it changed my life. It caused me to cry, and realize that action was necessitated on my part, immediately.
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Am I to assume from everyones lack of response, that literally no one has taken the time to watch any part of this film?


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