Re-Evaluating Obama

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Is Obama, stepping up to the plate, cutting the mustard, inspiring all the natives, a political Parties dream or a nightmare...?

Sheesh.. lets start here...:doubt:

Seventeen percent (17%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, November 20.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™
Rasmussen is the polling equivalent of Fox BS. When they call you to survey, they ask a few questions before proceeding. The first question is, is the earth flat, next they ask if you have ever been taken up in an alien spaceship, and finally they ask if you have seen Bigfoot recently? If you don't answer 'yes' to all three they skip over you as you are too insightful for a Rasmussen poll.

The Rasmussen Problem | The New Republic
Is Obama, stepping up to the plate, cutting the mustard, inspiring all the natives, a political Parties dream or a nightmare...?

Sheesh.. lets start here...:doubt:

Seventeen percent (17%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, November 20.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™

but still even though 17% of likely voters say America is heading in the right direction 30% of the other 83% will still vote for obama.
Is Obama, stepping up to the plate, cutting the mustard, inspiring all the natives, a political Parties dream or a nightmare...?

Sheesh.. lets start here...:doubt:

Seventeen percent (17%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, November 20.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™

Thats a big hell no, but many of us wonder when the new government agency starts

Is Obama, stepping up to the plate, cutting the mustard, inspiring all the natives, a political Parties dream or a nightmare...?

Sheesh.. lets start here...:doubt:

Seventeen percent (17%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, November 20.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™

Thats a big hell no, but many of us wonder when the new government agency starts


Anti business...nothing's changed..........the Republicans have blocked everything. Where are the jobs.
Is Obama, stepping up to the plate, cutting the mustard, inspiring all the natives, a political Parties dream or a nightmare...?

Sheesh.. lets start here...:doubt:

Seventeen percent (17%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, November 20.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™

but still even though 17% of likely voters say America is heading in the right direction 30% of the other 83% will still vote for obama.

Gee......maybe they think there are factors other than the President's job performance that are responsible for the direction. Is that possible? Are the people who feel that way just too stupid to know what they are talking about.....or voting about? Yeah....that MUST be it.
Rasmussen is the polling equivalent of Fox BS. When they call you to survey, they ask a few questions before proceeding. The first question is, is the earth flat, next they ask if you have ever been taken up in an alien spaceship, and finally they ask if you have seen Bigfoot recently? If you don't answer 'yes' to all three they skip over you as you are too insightful for a Rasmussen poll.

The Rasmussen Problem | The New Republic

And yet Rasmussen is consistently the most accurate polling company in the country.

I suppose accuracy and party line, when in conflict, must be adjudicated somehow. Your view on this organization is interesting. And revealing.

The List: Which presidential polls were most accurate? | Texas on the Potomac | a blog
Is Obama, stepping up to the plate, cutting the mustard, inspiring all the natives, a political Parties dream or a nightmare...?

Sheesh.. lets start here...:doubt:

Seventeen percent (17%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, November 20.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™

Thats a big hell no, but many of us wonder when the new government agency starts


Anti business...nothing's changed..........the Republicans have blocked everything. Where are the jobs.

Yes blocking everything thats a piss poor idea. But we know your stance, government is more important then the guy on the street.
Is Obama, stepping up to the plate, cutting the mustard, inspiring all the natives, a political Parties dream or a nightmare...?

Sheesh.. lets start here...:doubt:

Seventeen percent (17%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, November 20.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™

Thats a big hell no, but many of us wonder when the new government agency starts


Anti business...nothing's changed..........the Republicans have blocked everything. Where are the jobs.

Obama succeeded in doing everything he wanted for two miserable years of failure. The only thing he has done that helped the economy was designed to do something else and that was the Cash for Clunkers program.

As soon as they noticed the positive economic effects, he stopped the program.

When the American people figured out that the guy's a moron, they voted in Republicans to stop the damage. They are trying control the attacks on the economy, but they only control 1/3 of the triad.
The obsession some of you have about Obama indicates that you seriously do not understand the world you really live in.
Is Obama, stepping up to the plate, cutting the mustard, inspiring all the natives, a political Parties dream or a nightmare...?

Sheesh.. lets start here...:doubt:

Seventeen percent (17%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, November 20.

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™

but still even though 17% of likely voters say America is heading in the right direction 30% of the other 83% will still vote for obama.

Gee......maybe they think there are factors other than the President's job performance that are responsible for the direction. Is that possible? Are the people who feel that way just too stupid to know what they are talking about.....or voting about? Yeah....that MUST be it.

When the president preforms his job in a way that doesn't lead us in the direction we are heading in then you will have an argument that is sound.
Thats a big hell no, but many of us wonder when the new government agency starts


Anti business...nothing's changed..........the Republicans have blocked everything. Where are the jobs.

Yes blocking everything thats a piss poor idea. But we know your stance, government is more important then the guy on the street.

Yeah're just like that bunch of assholes who said two years ago that their primary purpose and drive would be dedicated to preventing Obama from getting a second term. In other hell with the poor and unemployed. Block Obama has been their only dedication.
Anti business...nothing's changed..........the Republicans have blocked everything. Where are the jobs.

Yes blocking everything thats a piss poor idea. But we know your stance, government is more important then the guy on the street.

Yeah're just like that bunch of assholes who said two years ago that their primary purpose and drive would be dedicated to preventing Obama from getting a second term. In other hell with the poor and unemployed. Block Obama has been their only dedication.

You mean they are acting like democrats.

So what
Yes blocking everything thats a piss poor idea. But we know your stance, government is more important then the guy on the street.

Yeah're just like that bunch of assholes who said two years ago that their primary purpose and drive would be dedicated to preventing Obama from getting a second term. In other hell with the poor and unemployed. Block Obama has been their only dedication.

You mean they are acting like democrats.

So what

So What hell That's why cities all over this country are having to put up with demonstrations by the unemployed, the overcharged students, the frustrated, the same kind of citi ens who revolted against the government in the late 1960's. No Big Deal......Live With It!
Like it or not, Obama is the only adult in a room full of spoiled brats. Congress has given up and will not do anything till after the next election. Obama is the one offering compromises and a path forward. If anything gets done in the next year, it will come from Obama
Like it or not, Obama is the only adult in a room full of spoiled brats. Congress has given up and will not do anything till after the next election. Obama is the one offering compromises and a path forward. If anything gets done in the next year, it will come from Obama

You forget the senate is controlled by Harry Reid a democrat who has rejected a number of Republican plans.

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