Re-alignment! spineless Putin's poodle Trump dances for treats in Hamburg.

Democrat Fake News is rotting Millions of Democrat-supporter brains. They're deranged. :cuckoo:
How many meetings with Russians were forgotten about?
Who cares? Y'all have completely lost it. Seriously, lay off the Democrat Fake News for a bit. You sound like a raving lunatic.
The Fix
Donald Trump Jr.’s stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times

By Callum Borchers July 9 at 6:14 PM
Analysis | Donald Trump Jr.’s stunningly incriminating statement to the New York Times
As Times reporters Jo Becker, Matt Apuzzo and Adam Goldman explained, Trump Jr.’s motivation for agreeing to the meeting “points to the central question in federal investigations of the Kremlin’s meddling in the presidential election: whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. The accounts of the meeting represent the first public indication that at least some in the campaign were willing to accept Russian help.

Paul Manafort, the campaign’s chairman at the time, and Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, also attended.

Needless to say, the report looks bad for the president, even though his private legal team told the Times that Trump did not participate or even know about the meeting. Trump has a go-to playbook in situations like these: cast doubt on the credibility of unnamed sources (five, in this case) and cry, “Fake news!”

But Trump Jr. took that strategy off the table with a stunningly incriminating first response.

Oldstyle, post: 17681426
look at his premature withdrawal from Iraq,

Obama kept as many troops in Iraq as long as the Bush/Maliki SOFA would allow.

Bush is your culprit Oldstyle. Bush set the date for withdrawal saying the Iraqis would certainly be ready. The Iraqis enforced Bush's SOFA.

Facts. Sorry. Your conspiracy theory is as wacko as Birtherism.

Trump ran on Bush lied us into invading Iraq.

And all that's happened was Bush's mistake.

Had Bush listened to Obama's advice in 2003 he would not have started a stupid war.

No stupid war as Obama said, no lies into a mistaken war as Trump said, no vacuum in 2013.

Reality Oldstyle.

On top of all that. The ISIS mess was 95 percent cleaned up before Trump took office. Nothing for the Orange Clown to do different in Iraq these first few months.

Your argument about Trump facing a mess in Iraq is nonsense.

Mosul has been liberated.
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So again, what's your problem with it? Sounds to me like you're hysterically angry because Democrat Fake News told you to be. Campaigns have always had communications with various foreign Governments. It's not at all unusual.

No anger here. It's not 'communications' it was an attempt to collude with a Russian agent seeking to subvertly interfere in our election by offering to provide detrimental information on Clinton.

Why did DJTJR, Kushner and Manafort agree to meet with Kremlin connected Russians seeking damaging info on Clinton and then all forget for over a year about the meeting, and not one of them told DJT about if it was normal communication?

That makes no sense.

I'm happy to learn that JR is as dumb as his daddy.
Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history, Eddie! You don't know that you? You don't really know much about you?
And I guess you don't know it was our worst recession ever??? Not so smart are you old? and on top of it all anything Obama tried to do was met by your cowardly scum in congress who place party before country

I studied Economics in college, Eddie plus I was a History major so I'm going to say I know quite a bit more about the economic history of the United States than you do. Your claiming the recession we just went through was our worst ever reinforces that you don't know much about the subject.
WHEN was it worse ? 1927?? And I was a business major and econ was a subject I needed Admit I forgot lots It was a long time ago

Was it a subject you took? Because I'm not seeing any proof of economic expertise displayed here, Eddie! To be honest with don't come across as someone who graduated with a college degree period! You have zero writing skills and your grammar is at about a sixth grade level. What school did you graduate from?
U of Cincy and while writing on my puter leaves something to be desired my grammatical skills are at least the equal of yours Just finished the NYTimes sunday crossword try it someday econ person

Ah, Eddie? You can't spell. Your punctuation is awful. You don't seem to have the faintest idea what words should be capitalized and which should not. To be couldn't pass Freshman English at most High Schools! How you got a college degree is a mystery to me.
Oldstyle, post: 17681426
look at his premature withdrawal from Iraq,

Obama kept as many troops in Iraq as long as the Bush/Maliki SOFA would allow.

Bush is your culprit Oldstyle. Bush set the date for withdrawal saying the Iraqis would certainly be ready. The Iraqis enforced Bush's SOFA.

Facts. Sorry. Your conspiracy theory is as wacko as Birtherism.

Trump ran on Bush lied us into invading Iraq.

And all that's happened was Bush's mistake.

Had Bush listened to Obama's advice in 2003 he would not have started a stupid war.

No stupid war as Obama said, no lies into a mistaken war as Trump said, no vacuum in 2013.

Reality Oldstyle.

On top of all that. The ISIS mess was 95 percent cleaned up before Trump took office. Nothing for the Orange Clown to do different in Iraq these first few months.

Your argument about Trump facing a mess in Iraq is nonsense.

Mosul has been liberated.

Claiming that Obama had no choice but to withdraw combat troops from Iraq is about as big a cop out as there is, Notfooled! The truth is, Obama wanted troops out of Iraq and used the expiring SOFA agreement as an excuse. If he'd insisted on the SOFA being would have been. He never tried! To turn around after seeing the disaster that unfolded because of his terrible policy decision and blame it on Bush is a joke! But that's all Barry did for his entire eight years...blame others for his own short comings.
So again, what's your problem with it? Sounds to me like you're hysterically angry because Democrat Fake News told you to be. Campaigns have always had communications with various foreign Governments. It's not at all unusual.

No anger here. It's not 'communications' it was an attempt to collude with a Russian agent seeking to subvertly interfere in our election by offering to provide detrimental information on Clinton.

Why did DJTJR, Kushner and Manafort agree to meet with Kremlin connected Russians seeking damaging info on Clinton and then all forget for over a year about the meeting, and not one of them told DJT about if it was normal communication?

That makes no sense.

I'm happy to learn that JR is as dumb as his daddy.

Again, nothing unusual. Those things have been going on for many years. Y'all Democrats are just desperately manufacturing new 'scandals' every day. But that's ok, i truly believe most Americans recognize what you're doing. Hopefully it'll backfire on y'all bigtime.
Dschrute3, post: 17688596,
Those things have been going on for many years.

Its against campaign finance laws to even attempt to solicit something of value for a campaign from a foreign national.

DTjr was after dirt on Clinton. He admitted it.

jr, just layered up.
Oldstyle, post: 17686581
If he'd insisted on the SOFA being would have been

No it wouldn't. Iraq's PM wanted nothing to do with an extension.

Toppling the government in Baghdad again was the only choice. You are right Obama wisely chose not to do it.

So you wanted more dead Americans in Iraq had Obama defied Iraq's government.

Cite your case that Iraq's PM's were ready to extend the SOFA if only Obama had insisted.

You are nuts. Insistence gets you nothing.

Iraqis wanted US troops gone. You cannot make a case otherwise.

Why didn't Bush get a long term extension?

You cannot blame Bush for anything.

Why did Bush set a date to be out anyway?

You know he was forced to surrender by Maliki who sent the letter to the UNSC requesting Iraq's full sovereignty by the end of 2008. And he got it.

It was Bush's damned war. Why didn't he capture all the Hussein generals that ran to Syria and organized ISIS?

Wtf was Dubya doing for five years anyway?

Seeds of ISIS were entrenched in a Mosul before Obama was elected.

And Bush left D.C. and Iraq in 2009 with Maliki's ghost army full of his chronies acting as officers.

Invading Iraq was the mistake that caused ISIS.

The vacuum was made when Saddam was removed.

Not a historian in the world disputes that.

Obama was right invading Iraq was stupid.
Oldstyle, post: 17686581
If he'd insisted on the SOFA being would have been. He never tried!

That's a lie. An outright lie.

It had to be ratified in Iraq's Parliament. The votes were not to be found.

Show me where you get the hairbrained notion that Iraq's Parliament would have approved an extension.

You are making it up.

And why did you bring up Iraq? You were balling about poor Trump and the mess Obama left him.

ISiS has lost everything in Iraq, even Mosul.

Why is Trump complaining about a mess in Iraq. And Syria as well. Raqqa is surrounded and will liberated by those US backed rebels that Trump, siding with the enemy, said were no better than the terrorists.
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Oldstyle, post: 17692465
I'm pretty sure you've cornered the market on "idiot", Notfooled!

So you are here. Why did you put Iraq on poor Trump's 'mess to clean' up list.

Only an idiot would put Iraq on that list.

And where is your source that Iraq's PM's would have voted to keep troops in Iraq after Bush's set in stone deadline.
I think the Republicans at this point is only trying to get other people to believe that they believe Trump did nothing wrong.

But they don't believe that but it's harder to admit they've been duped. That's why theyre so angry and making posts declaring everything is fine 5 times a day.
Oldstyle, post: 17692465
I'm pretty sure you've cornered the market on "idiot", Notfooled!

So you are here. Why did you put Iraq on poor Trump's 'mess to clean' up list.

Only an idiot would put Iraq on that list.

And where is your source that Iraq's PM's would have voted to keep troops in Iraq after Bush's set in stone deadline.

What makes you think the deadline was "set in stone"? The original SOFA was negotiated and approved by the Iraqi government. It took work to make that happen. That work was done by the Bush Administration. The same cannot be said of the Obama Administration because Barack Obama had no desire to keep combat troops in Iraq. Why would he work to get a SOFA when what he wanted to do was pull out all of our troops? Obama used the expiring SOFA as an excuse to ignore the warnings he was getting from his military advisors that a premature withdrawal might very well create a dangerous power vacuum.
I think the Republicans at this point is only trying to get other people to believe that they believe Trump did nothing wrong.

But they don't believe that but it's harder to admit they've been duped. That's why theyre so angry and making posts declaring everything is fine 5 times a day.

At what point are you going to provide some proof that Trump did something wrong? I'm not angry...I'm amused. You snowflakes have been chasing your tails for almost a year now and you have ZERO to show for it! CNN has become a laughingstock because of how they've handled this. You talk about being "duped"? Hate to break this to you, CC but the people who have been led around by their noses are you and your progressive pals!

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