Re-alignment! spineless Putin's poodle Trump dances for treats in Hamburg.

Oldstyle, post: 17680278
I was referring to the mess that Barry left with his foreign policy actually, Notfooled

What foreign policy mess has Obama actually created or caused?

Afghanistan was in much worse shape in 2009 than it is now. Obama inherited that war. The NATO alliance has held together through that long difficult engagement.

Obama did not create or cause the mess in North Korea. Trump does not appear to have a clue what to do there. No good choices for decades.

Putin and Assad are to be blamed for Syria. Trump criticized Obama for considering strikes against Assad in 2013.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

We should stay the hell out of Syria, the "rebels" are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS?ZERO8:33 PM · Jun 15, 2013

So Oldstyle, the fact that Trump now realizes he was wrong in 2013 and that he knew about the mess there when he ran for office, he is literally doing exactly the same policy Obama pursued. Train and support vetted rebels and help them oppose the brutal Putin client Assad regime.

Perhaps Trump's fondness for Putin has made Syria much more of a mess than it had to be.
Oldstyle, post: 17680278
I was referring to the mess that Barry left with his foreign policy actually, Notfooled

What foreign policy mess has Obama actually created or caused?

Afghanistan was in much worse shape in 2009 than it is now. Obama inherited that war. The NATO alliance has held together through that long difficult engagement.

Obama did not create or cause the mess in North Korea. Trump does not appear to have a clue what to do there. No good choices for decades.

Putin and Assad are to be blamed for Syria. Trump criticized Obama for considering strikes against Assad in 2013.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

We should stay the hell out of Syria, the "rebels" are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS?ZERO8:33 PM · Jun 15, 2013

So Oldstyle, the fact that Trump now realizes he was wrong in 2013 and that he knew about the mess there when he ran for office, he is literally doing exactly the same policy Obama pursued. Train and support vetted rebels and help them oppose the brutal Putin client Assad regime.

Perhaps Trump's fondness for Putin has made Syria much more of a mess than it had to be.

What foreign policy mess has Obama created? Well for starters...let's look at his premature withdrawal from Iraq, the vacuum of power that was filled by ISIS, a group that he totally underestimated and the millions of refugees who had to flee for their lives, creating a massive refugee crisis in Europe. Quite possibly the largest political blunder made by any President in modern political history. All done for one reason and one reason alone. He wanted to say he was the President who pulled out the troops while running for reelection.
Oldstyle, post: 17680278
I was referring to the mess that Barry left with his foreign policy actually, Notfooled

What foreign policy mess has Obama actually created or caused?

Afghanistan was in much worse shape in 2009 than it is now. Obama inherited that war. The NATO alliance has held together through that long difficult engagement.

Obama did not create or cause the mess in North Korea. Trump does not appear to have a clue what to do there. No good choices for decades.

Putin and Assad are to be blamed for Syria. Trump criticized Obama for considering strikes against Assad in 2013.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

We should stay the hell out of Syria, the "rebels" are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS?ZERO8:33 PM · Jun 15, 2013

So Oldstyle, the fact that Trump now realizes he was wrong in 2013 and that he knew about the mess there when he ran for office, he is literally doing exactly the same policy Obama pursued. Train and support vetted rebels and help them oppose the brutal Putin client Assad regime.

Perhaps Trump's fondness for Putin has made Syria much more of a mess than it had to be.
Putin and Assad are to be blamed for Syria....because the fag Obama could not stand up to either of them. Weakness personified.
Deltex post: 17681539
Putin and Assad are to be blamed for Syria....because the fag Obama could not stand up to either of them. Weakness personified

You mean in 2013?

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) on Twitter

We should stay the hell out of Syria, the "rebels" are just as bad as the current regime. WHAT WILL WE GET FOR OUR LIVES AND $ BILLIONS?ZERO8:33 PM · Jun 15, 2013

You voted for real weakness in Syria. So stupid is your argument. Trump's Putin love has been out there for years. Talk about weakness. Bad mouthing NATO. Putin's dream come true.

Like striking an airfield after telling Putin to get out in advance.
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Today Trump gave Putin exactly what he wanted. An American President who does not give one shit about preserving core democratic western values.

Trump proves to be a well trained dog that loves, respects and obeys his owner.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

From his speech in Poland to his two-hour summit in Hamburg, the president seemed determined to promote Russia’s dark and illiberal view of the world.

By MOLLY K. MCKEW July 07, 2017

. President Donald Trump needed to accomplish two things this week during his visits to Poland and the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. First, he needed to reassure America’s allies that he was committed to collective defense and the core set of values and principles that bind us together. Second, he needed to demonstrate that he understands that the greatest threat to that alliance, those values, and our security is the Kremlin.

Trump delivered neither of these. In very concrete terms, through speech and action, the president signaled a willingness to align the United States with Vladimir Putin’s worldview, and took steps to advance this realignment. He endorsed, nearly in its totality, the narrative the Russian leader has worked so meticulously to construct.

Trump Handed Putin a Stunning Victory

Must read for Trumpbots. Can we get intelligeable reaction from any of them?

Let's see.
I wonder how many secrets Trump turned over to Putin in over two hours?

In one week at the G-20, Donald Trump has created, singlehandedly, years of damage to the US
How many did obama turn over to North Korea?
Tipsycatlover, post: 17681539
How many did obama turn over to North Korea?

Obama didn't express love for Putin. So no need to wonder about that.

Trump already has s history of divulging Israeli top secrets to the Russians.?

Orange Presidents can do that we see.
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Tipsycatlover, post: 17681539
How many did obama turn over to North Korea?

Obama didn't express love for Putin. So no need to wonder about that.

Trump already has s history of divulging Israeli top secrets to the Russians.?

Orange Presidents can do that we
Obama promised flexibility after his reelection. He was afraid to say that to Vlad. Being a fag, he was worried how Vlad would interpret "flexibility ".
Thirteen votes for "funny" on the OP from the Trumpbots. Must be too weak-minded to actually try to defend Trump against his critics.

The trump pos was honored to be in the presence of the KGB murderer who hacked our elections ?? And then when low and behold putin said he didn't our POS let it slide WOE is us The protector of America is not only a weasel but a coward too Thanks republicans Dark days are ahead of you
Oldstyle, post: 17677958
So let me see how this works, Notfooled...after watching Barack Obama and most of you liberals blame George W. Bush for pretty much everything that went wrong for the Obama Administration for eight that Barry isn't in the Oval Office we're not allowed to point out what a mess Obama left for Trump?

Answer this honestly Oldstyle, regarding the Bush mess vs Obama mess. Let's say during the first month after inauguration.

Which is worse?

1. Unemployment Rate @ 8.3% and rising to 10% by mid summer.

2. Unemployment Rate @ 4.7% and falling to 4.4% by mid summer.

Where are you Oldstyle?

Who left the biggest mess? Bush or Obama?

I was referring to the mess that Barry left with his foreign policy actually, Notfooled.

Of course the economy is getting better under Trump than it did under Obama...Trump cares about job creation...Obama only SAID he cared...and then proposed legislation that hurt job creation. It's a major difference.
Sorry old but I must call BS on that The economy is just a CONTINUATION of Obamas 8 years and any *** giving the trump moron credit is playing with a loose deck

Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history, Eddie! You don't know that you? You don't really know much about you?
And I guess you don't know it was our worst recession ever??? Not so smart are you old? and on top of it all anything Obama tried to do was met by your cowardly scum in congress who place party before country
Oldstyle, post: 17677958
So let me see how this works, Notfooled...after watching Barack Obama and most of you liberals blame George W. Bush for pretty much everything that went wrong for the Obama Administration for eight that Barry isn't in the Oval Office we're not allowed to point out what a mess Obama left for Trump?

Answer this honestly Oldstyle, regarding the Bush mess vs Obama mess. Let's say during the first month after inauguration.

Which is worse?

1. Unemployment Rate @ 8.3% and rising to 10% by mid summer.

2. Unemployment Rate @ 4.7% and falling to 4.4% by mid summer.

Where are you Oldstyle?

Who left the biggest mess? Bush or Obama?

I was referring to the mess that Barry left with his foreign policy actually, Notfooled.

Of course the economy is getting better under Trump than it did under Obama...Trump cares about job creation...Obama only SAID he cared...and then proposed legislation that hurt job creation. It's a major difference.
Sorry old but I must call BS on that The economy is just a CONTINUATION of Obamas 8 years and any *** giving the trump moron credit is playing with a loose deck

Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history, Eddie! You don't know that you? You don't really know much about you?
And I guess you don't know it was our worst recession ever??? Not so smart are you old? and on top of it all anything Obama tried to do was met by your cowardly scum in congress who place party before country

I studied Economics in college, Eddie plus I was a History major so I'm going to say I know quite a bit more about the economic history of the United States than you do. Your claiming the recession we just went through was our worst ever reinforces that you don't know much about the subject.
Oldstyle, post: 17677958 Answer this honestly Oldstyle, regarding the Bush mess vs Obama mess. Let's say during the first month after inauguration.

Which is worse?

1. Unemployment Rate @ 8.3% and rising to 10% by mid summer.

2. Unemployment Rate @ 4.7% and falling to 4.4% by mid summer.

Where are you Oldstyle?

Who left the biggest mess? Bush or Obama?

I was referring to the mess that Barry left with his foreign policy actually, Notfooled.

Of course the economy is getting better under Trump than it did under Obama...Trump cares about job creation...Obama only SAID he cared...and then proposed legislation that hurt job creation. It's a major difference.
Sorry old but I must call BS on that The economy is just a CONTINUATION of Obamas 8 years and any *** giving the trump moron credit is playing with a loose deck

Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history, Eddie! You don't know that you? You don't really know much about you?
And I guess you don't know it was our worst recession ever??? Not so smart are you old? and on top of it all anything Obama tried to do was met by your cowardly scum in congress who place party before country

I studied Economics in college, Eddie plus I was a History major so I'm going to say I know quite a bit more about the economic history of the United States than you do. Your claiming the recession we just went through was our worst ever reinforces that you don't know much about the subject.
WHEN was it worse ? 1927?? And I was a business major and econ was a subject I needed Admit I forgot lots It was a long time ago
I was referring to the mess that Barry left with his foreign policy actually, Notfooled.

Of course the economy is getting better under Trump than it did under Obama...Trump cares about job creation...Obama only SAID he cared...and then proposed legislation that hurt job creation. It's a major difference.
Sorry old but I must call BS on that The economy is just a CONTINUATION of Obamas 8 years and any *** giving the trump moron credit is playing with a loose deck

Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history, Eddie! You don't know that you? You don't really know much about you?
And I guess you don't know it was our worst recession ever??? Not so smart are you old? and on top of it all anything Obama tried to do was met by your cowardly scum in congress who place party before country

I studied Economics in college, Eddie plus I was a History major so I'm going to say I know quite a bit more about the economic history of the United States than you do. Your claiming the recession we just went through was our worst ever reinforces that you don't know much about the subject.
WHEN was it worse ? 1927?? And I was a business major and econ was a subject I needed Admit I forgot lots It was a long time ago

Was it a subject you took? Because I'm not seeing any proof of economic expertise displayed here, Eddie! To be honest with don't come across as someone who graduated with a college degree period! You have zero writing skills and your grammar is at about a sixth grade level. What school did you graduate from?
Sorry old but I must call BS on that The economy is just a CONTINUATION of Obamas 8 years and any *** giving the trump moron credit is playing with a loose deck

Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history, Eddie! You don't know that you? You don't really know much about you?
And I guess you don't know it was our worst recession ever??? Not so smart are you old? and on top of it all anything Obama tried to do was met by your cowardly scum in congress who place party before country

I studied Economics in college, Eddie plus I was a History major so I'm going to say I know quite a bit more about the economic history of the United States than you do. Your claiming the recession we just went through was our worst ever reinforces that you don't know much about the subject.
WHEN was it worse ? 1927?? And I was a business major and econ was a subject I needed Admit I forgot lots It was a long time ago

Was it a subject you took? Because I'm not seeing any proof of economic expertise displayed here, Eddie! To be honest with don't come across as someone who graduated with a college degree period! You have zero writing skills and your grammar is at about a sixth grade level. What school did you graduate from?
U of Cincy and while writing on my puter leaves something to be desired my grammatical skills are at least the equal of yours Just finished the NYTimes sunday crossword try it someday econ person
SassyIrishLass, post: 17673939
Your author. Molly Mckew once worked for the Podesta Group. Intetesting read on her, she fancies herself a player but in reality she's a nobody.

Trumpbot knownothings attacking the messenger for being a nobody.

This is about the core set of values that freedom and liberty loving Americans used to care about. Putin is actively undermining liberty not only in Russia but in all nations where liberty and freedom are cherished.

I figured no intelligent responses from the Putin loving right would be forthcoming.

You did not disappoint.
And they really believe their dump ah had a 2 hour conversation with putin??? LOL the interpreters took more than an hour Moron trump came up lame Let Putin slide Drumph is a real coward

Are you smoking crack tonight, Eddie? That post was about as incoherent as they come!

Democrat Fake News is rotting Millions of Democrat-supporter brains. They're deranged. :cuckoo:
SassyIrishLass, post: 17673939
Your author. Molly Mckew once worked for the Podesta Group. Intetesting read on her, she fancies herself a player but in reality she's a nobody.

Trumpbot knownothings attacking the messenger for being a nobody.

This is about the core set of values that freedom and liberty loving Americans used to care about. Putin is actively undermining liberty not only in Russia but in all nations where liberty and freedom are cherished.

I figured no intelligent responses from the Putin loving right would be forthcoming.

You did not disappoint.
And they really believe their dump ah had a 2 hour conversation with putin??? LOL the interpreters took more than an hour Moron trump came up lame Let Putin slide Drumph is a real coward

Are you smoking crack tonight, Eddie? That post was about as incoherent as they come!

Democrat Fake News is rotting Millions of Democrat-supporter brains. They're deranged. :cuckoo:
Yeah trump jr is lying about meeting a kremlin lawyer
SassyIrishLass, post: 17673939
Your author. Molly Mckew once worked for the Podesta Group. Intetesting read on her, she fancies herself a player but in reality she's a nobody.

Trumpbot knownothings attacking the messenger for being a nobody.

This is about the core set of values that freedom and liberty loving Americans used to care about. Putin is actively undermining liberty not only in Russia but in all nations where liberty and freedom are cherished.

I figured no intelligent responses from the Putin loving right would be forthcoming.

You did not disappoint.
And they really believe their dump ah had a 2 hour conversation with putin??? LOL the interpreters took more than an hour Moron trump came up lame Let Putin slide Drumph is a real coward

Are you smoking crack tonight, Eddie? That post was about as incoherent as they come!

Democrat Fake News is rotting Millions of Democrat-supporter brains. They're deranged. :cuckoo:
Yeah trump jr is lying about meeting a kremlin lawyer

So what's your problem with it? Are you just hysterically angry because Democrat Fake News told you to be?
So what's your problem with it?

Part of this story is that Kushner and Manafort were at this DJTJR meeting with a Kremlin connected lawyer with a goal of obtaining damaging information on Clinton from foreign agent.

So called fake news discovered this meeting took place because Kushner had to revise his security clearance apparently because he had forgotten about this meeting with the Russians as well on his original application.

DJTJR issued a statement today confirming the meeting and ended the message saying his father knew nothing about it.

What did Orange Clown Trump know and when did he know it?
So what's your problem with it?

Part of this story is that Kushner and Manafort were at this DJTJR meeting with a Kremlin connected lawyer with a goal of obtaining damaging information on Clinton from foreign agent.

So called fake news discovered this meeting took place because Kushner had to revise his security clearance apparently because he had forgotten about this meeting with the Russians as well on his original application.

DJTJR issued a statement today confirming the meeting and ended the message saying his father knew nothing about it.

What did Orange Clown Trump know and when did he know it?

So again, what's your problem with it? Sounds to me like you're hysterically angry because Democrat Fake News told you to be. Campaigns have always had communications with various foreign Governments. It's not at all unusual.

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