Ray Rice, Nfl Commissioner Fiasco Shows How Profit Trumps Morals

Why does the NFL or any sport suddenly need morals?

For a hundred years players have beaten their wives, beaten their kids, drove drunk, gotten into fights and otherwise not been good citizens

Up till now, we have allowed the law to take care of them and they have been allowed to play as long as they are not in jail

Now, all of a sudden, we demand moral purity out of our athletes. They have to be heroes on and off the field. I think we are asking something they cannot deliver
Why does the NFL or any sport suddenly need morals?

For a hundred years players have beaten their wives, beaten their kids, drove drunk, gotten into fights and otherwise not been good citizens

Up till now, we have allowed the law to take care of them and they have been allowed to play as long as they are not in jail

Now, all of a sudden, we demand moral purity out of our athletes. They have to be heroes on and off the field. I think we are asking something they cannot deliver
It isn't the act, its the slap on the wrist they get when caught because the NFL is a ginormous monopoly that puts profits above all else ESPECIALLY people whom players abuse.
Why does the NFL or any sport suddenly need morals?

For a hundred years players have beaten their wives, beaten their kids, drove drunk, gotten into fights and otherwise not been good citizens

Up till now, we have allowed the law to take care of them and they have been allowed to play as long as they are not in jail

Now, all of a sudden, we demand moral purity out of our athletes. They have to be heroes on and off the field. I think we are asking something they cannot deliver
It isn't the act, its the slap on the wrist they get when caught because the NFL is a ginormous monopoly that puts profits above all else ESPECIALLY people whom players abuse.

I understand the outrage that our heroes are not perfect
But it is getting out of hand. It is turning into a witch hunt with every personal shortfall of an athlete making the front pages. If they break the law, let the law deal with them
Nancy Armour at USA Today hits the nail on the head:

Armour Goodell shows again that NFL has sold its soul
(snip[the whole article is good])
As disappointing as Goodell and the NFL's handling of the Rice case is, however, it shouldn't come as a surprise. Earlier this year, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban warned that the NFL had gotten "greedy," predicting an "implosion" in the next 10 years.

"When you try to take it too far, people turn the other way," Cuban said in March. "I'm just telling you, when you've got a good thing and you get greedy, it always, always, always, always, always turns on you. That's rule No. 1 of business."

You guys are ridiculous.

Fundamentally , what makes the NFL any different from any other employer? Why do they have to disclose to you what they may or may not have received about a player?

For the record, I don't even watch the NFL , or any other pro sports because I go sick of guys whining about $20M a year not being enough to feed their families, but this is beyond ludicrous. The NFL did nothing wrong here. The players did.
Nancy Armour at USA Today hits the nail on the head:

Armour Goodell shows again that NFL has sold its soul
(snip[the whole article is good])
As disappointing as Goodell and the NFL's handling of the Rice case is, however, it shouldn't come as a surprise. Earlier this year, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban warned that the NFL had gotten "greedy," predicting an "implosion" in the next 10 years.

"When you try to take it too far, people turn the other way," Cuban said in March. "I'm just telling you, when you've got a good thing and you get greedy, it always, always, always, always, always turns on you. That's rule No. 1 of business."

You guys are ridiculous.

Fundamentally , what makes the NFL any different from any other employer? Why do they have to disclose to you what they may or may not have received about a player?

For the record, I don't even watch the NFL , or any other pro sports because I go sick of guys whining about $20M a year not being enough to feed their families, but this is beyond ludicrous. The NFL did nothing wrong here. The players did.
WRONG ASSWIPE. They are a BILLION $$$ monopoly (practically a religion[they are in Texas]) in Jesusland and get a pass until people like me call "BULLSHIT!!!" THEN, and ONLY then do they come around & do the right thing & risk losing a few MILLION $$$ in the process (a pittance for them BTW).
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Nancy Armour at USA Today hits the nail on the head:

Armour Goodell shows again that NFL has sold its soul
(snip[the whole article is good])
As disappointing as Goodell and the NFL's handling of the Rice case is, however, it shouldn't come as a surprise. Earlier this year, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban warned that the NFL had gotten "greedy," predicting an "implosion" in the next 10 years.

"When you try to take it too far, people turn the other way," Cuban said in March. "I'm just telling you, when you've got a good thing and you get greedy, it always, always, always, always, always turns on you. That's rule No. 1 of business."

Funny, I thought it showed how a greedy corporation runs roughshod over downtrodden labor.

What the fuck business is it of any employer what their employees do on their own time? When did you suddenly become a champion of big business over labor unions? Do you plan to vote Republican in your new found solidarity with rich people who oppress minorities?
Nancy Armour at USA Today hits the nail on the head:

Armour Goodell shows again that NFL has sold its soul
(snip[the whole article is good])
As disappointing as Goodell and the NFL's handling of the Rice case is, however, it shouldn't come as a surprise. Earlier this year, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban warned that the NFL had gotten "greedy," predicting an "implosion" in the next 10 years.

"When you try to take it too far, people turn the other way," Cuban said in March. "I'm just telling you, when you've got a good thing and you get greedy, it always, always, always, always, always turns on you. That's rule No. 1 of business."

You guys are ridiculous.

Fundamentally , what makes the NFL any different from any other employer? Why do they have to disclose to you what they may or may not have received about a player?

For the record, I don't even watch the NFL , or any other pro sports because I go sick of guys whining about $20M a year not being enough to feed their families, but this is beyond ludicrous. The NFL did nothing wrong here. The players did.
WRONG ASSWIPE. They are a BILLION $$$ monopoly (practically a religion[they are in Texas]) in Jesusland and get a pass until people like me call "BULLSHIT!!!" THEN, and ONLY then do they come around & do the right thing & risk losing a few MILLION $$$ in the process (a pittance for them BTW).

I'm an asswipe because I disagree with you? LOL Grow the fuck up son.
Do you have ANYTHING of relevance to add to my thread? ANYTHING?!!! :banghead: Otherwise :bye1: kiddo :boohoo:
Get used to the idea that people will disagree with you.

This does not mean that they are not contributing anything of relevance.

simply dismissing opposing viewpoints as irrelevant goes a long way towards showing your own irrelevance.

On topic: what role does the NFL play in policing criminal activity?
seeing as football is surpassing religion in appeal to this great nation- a 2nd opiate of the masses if you will- they need to be held to a higher standard.
I don't understand how you people pay attention to this shit why your world is burning. You might as well be watching Judge Judy or some other brainless entertainment. Baaaa.
Exactly. In the end, the pissant sports morons glued to ESPN every weekend through january are to blame. Stop supporting the evil NFL and maybe they'll stop hiring thugs. But then what will you do with your free time? Read a book?:lmao:
seeing as football is surpassing religion in appeal to this great nation- a 2nd opiate of the masses if you will- they need to be held to a higher standard.

Why? Please explain the logical reasoning that leads you from point A (Football is popular) to point B (Football players need to be held to a higher standard)
seeing as football is surpassing religion in appeal to this great nation- a 2nd opiate of the masses if you will- they need to be held to a higher standard.


And even if they should, why the fuck should the NFL be the one to do it?
Are we talking government subsidized slavery? Why would the NFL have the responsibility to make sure their Black players abide by the rules that society sets for the rest of us? If society holds a freaking sports corporation responsible for the conduct of players instead of the law it's an indication of how close we are to idiocracy.


You people bring nothing to the table. NOTHING!!! :mad: You can't see the forest for the trees :eusa_doh:

Carry on
You people bring nothing to the table. NOTHING!!! :mad: You can't see the forest for the trees :eusa_doh:

Carry on
Explain your reasoning with logic or I have to assume that YOU didn't bring any to the table. Answer my question.

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