Rasmussen: 29% STRONGLY APPROVE of the Bamster, 42% STRONGLY DISSAPROVE!

You are whining, Lousie, and looking stupid.

Either post evidence or you lose.
See, you remain a loser, housie . . . can't bring anything to the table. Nothing new there. And when confronted, you whine. Jeez, you whine like a little girl. Stop just flapping your lips, and thrusting your hips, and give us something worthwhile, huh.

Reposted, as you seem too stupid to actually read:

I was having a conversation with another poster in this very thread and we were discussing polling methods... Perhaps you missed it while you were composing your drive-by insult...

You remain a joke here, Jokey....

You are the funny one, my little Louse. I will correct you whenever you need it. Now stop the whining, boy. It is not seemly.

Hmmmm, jackie is out trolling again :razz:
I think more & more Americans are waking up and realizing what an awful disaster this "Community Organizer" Presidency is becoming. I think his numbers will continue to sink.
I think more & more Americans are waking up and realizing what an awful disaster this "Community Organizer" Presidency is becoming. I think his numbers will continue to sink.

The decrease in numbers will and are coming from the Independents who voted for him. He is still very popular with his democratic base and will remain that way no matter how he does. He is the modern day Pied Piper.
If you have alternative evidence that shows that more Republicans than Democrats voted in the 2008 election,

by all means post it.

I'd rather you post valid evidence to support your claim...

If you're going to rely on exit polls as evidence of your claim, then there's really no sense in discussing further... What's next, an AOL online poll?

I said, post your evidence to the contrary. My evidence is better than yours at this point, since you've posted none

Are you still trying to use that graph that you don't understand?!?!?!?! LMAO......
I think more & more Americans are waking up and realizing what an awful disaster this "Community Organizer" Presidency is becoming. I think his numbers will continue to sink.

It is becoming more and more embarrassing by the day, his relentless need for attention is unbelievable.....why and how do his handlers continue to put him in front of the camera's?

Today is another fine example of how out of touch he is with the country's pulse, telling all of us we can't secure the vast border?

This idiot will go down in flames if he keeps this up, and there is nothing indicating he will change direction, if the mid terms weaken his power as most polls indicate they will, we will see then if he remains an idiot, to date he has surpassed Carter and that is very hard to do.....

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