Rape Capital of the World


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Apr 17, 2009
Canis Latrans
When I first heard the term I thought maybe it was India, because of the horrific gang rape of a young woman on a bus. But it's not - it's the Congo. And it doesn't seem to get reported much. The sheer brutality of the rape is hard to comprehend and surgery is often needed to repair the damage done. As this interview with Dr. Mukwege (a Nobel Peace Price nominee) points out - the damage extends beyond the woman herself.

Doctor In Eastern Congo: 'Not Normal To Be Attacked' : NPR
The eastern Congo is known to some as the 'rape capital of the world' because nearly 50 women are raped there every hour. Dr. Denis Mukwege, a gynecologist, has put his practice, and his life on the line, to help save these women.

As we just heard, the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo is plagued by violence and has been for quite some time. The government and various rebel militias have clashed over control of natural resources and ethnic tensions, as well. But it's women who are often the chief casualties, and many rely on the skills of a man who's devoted his life to healing wounds of a particular kind. Dr. Denis Mukwege is a gynecologist.

Back in 1998, he started to build what's now known as the Panzi Hospital in the town of Bukavu. There, he's treated tens of thousands of women who suffered internal injuries resulting from being raped. Dr. Mukwege was in New York City recently to receive an award given by Human Rights First. And when I spoke to him, I put it to him that, according to one study, 48 women and girls between the ages of 15 and 49 are raped every hour in eastern Congo. But Dr. Mukwege says the women he treats are not just statistics, and he said they're not the only ones who suffer.


When we rape we feel free': Congo soldiers' The soldiers recount in candid detail how they went about raping the women of Minova.

"You see one, you catch her, you take her away and you have your way with her," one explained. "Sometimes you'd kill her ... When you'd finish raping then you'd kill her child."

"Raping gives us a lot of pleasure," said one soldier. "When we rape we feel free."

Victims said the soldiers attacked the town in a frenzy and without warning.

"There were three who raped me," one woman said. "I thought I was going to die.
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From the same article:
In a small house on a hill overlooking Lake Kivu, a young Congolese soldier recounts the crimes he and his comrades committed in Minova a few months ago. "Twenty-five of us gathered together and said we should rape 10 women each, and we did it," he said. "I've raped 53 women. And children of five or six years old.

How can a person do that? It's doubtful they'll be brought to justice either. Barbaric animals :mad:

TWO LITTLE GIRLS have died in a horrifying wave of child rapes that has hit the Democratic Republic of Congo’s eastern province of South Kivu, an eminent Congolese gynaecologist has said.

Doctor Denis Mukwege, known for helping victims of rape in the violence-plagued east of the country, said in a statement received by AFP: “I have never seen such horror” for several years.

Mukwege, medical director of Panzi Hospital in the provincial capital Bukavu, said children “flood in to the hospital in an extremely critical state.”

A doctor at the hospital was quoted as saying nine children aged between 18 months and 12 years had been raped with extreme violence in nearby Kabare and in Mwenga 100kms away since the beginning of May. Two little girls died of their ordeals.

“For each of these cases the modus operandi is the same: the children are kidnapped from their homes, taken into the jungle then raped and abandoned,” the doctor said.
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It does not sound like there will be justice for these women...

UN urges DR Congo to prosecute soldiers for rape in east

"Congolese officials should fulfill their obligations... towards the victims of such atrocious acts and their families to whom justice must be rendered,” the head of the UN mission in the country, MONUSCO, said in a statement.

Its joint investigation with the UN human rights agency recorded 135 cases of sexual violence committed by the regular army in and around the city of Minova in November 2012, MONUSCO chief Martin Kobler noted.

According to Human Rights Watch, soldiers went on a 10-day raping and looting rampage in the area while they were fleeing an offensive by rebels of the March 23 Movement (M23) on the main city of Goma, further north.

"Almost a year after these incidents, none of the presumed perpetrators of these human rights violations has been brought to justice... in spite of the Congolese authorities’ commitment to prosecute the perpetrators," the MONUSCO statement said.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clFffM0Upc8]Why Eastern DR Congo Is Rape Capital Of The World Congo Soldiers Explain Why They Rape One Says They Killed Her Husband In Front Of Her Chopped Off His Penis & Forced Her To Eat It - YouTube[/ame]
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Barbaric!!!!! :mad:

That is so unbelievably disgusting.
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They rape them with bayonets...

what kind of person can do that?
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India too, that is where that horrific rape occured that killed a young woman on a bus.

Many of those countries have a male oriented/male dominated culture and crimes against women are not regarded as "crimes".
In Africa............they not only rape them in some areas but they also cut off their tits and watch them die............

It's a barbaric world out there...........be glad you are living in the U.S. and not there.

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