Rand Paul: "Obamacare is a job killing disaster."

Cuccinelli says most new jobs have been part-time since Obamacare became law PolitiFact Virginia

Cuccinelli says that since President Barack Obama signed the health care law, most of the new jobs created in the country have been part time. He’s flat out wrong. BLS figures show that since the signing in March 2010, there are 5 million more full-time workers and 500,000 more part-time employees.
Cuccinelli would have been on the putting for par if he’d aimed his statement at the first eight months of this year, when 65 percent of new jobs were part time, although analysts differ on Obamacare’s blame for that trend.
But his shot at Obamacare since its inception wound up in the woods. We rate his statement False

Published: Friday, October 18th, 2013 at 10:51 a.m

and the beat goes on ..


"...what we “now know” is that American businesses have added more than 10 million jobs since Obamacare was enacted in “early 2010.” This represents a dramatic turnaround from the 3.6 million private-sector jobs lost in the previous decade as a result of the economic policies of the Republican Party (a party that Senator McConnell describes, without a hint of irony, as “the party of the private sector”)."


Who coulda known-----who could've known the Republicans were just punking Americans when they claimed Obamacare would kill jobs-----who coulda known?


ROFLMNAO! Hey look kids! Using this logic... Since the catastrophic failure of socialist policy that crashed the international financial markets, followed by the introduction of unsustainable policies on the Insurance Industry, the US has created 6.8 Million JOBS!

So... what we should do, is return to 'FAIRNESS' as a standard for mortgage lending and crash the economy AGAIN and THIS TIME: add GREATER LEVELS OF UNSUSTAINABLE POLICY!

Imagine how many jobs THAT WILL "CREATE".

LMAO! You people are truly the Hallmark of contributors.
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"...what we “now know” is that American businesses have added more than 10 million jobs since Obamacare was enacted in “early 2010.” This represents a dramatic turnaround from the 3.6 million private-sector jobs lost in the previous decade as a result of the economic policies of the Republican Party (a party that Senator McConnell describes, without a hint of irony, as “the party of the private sector”)."


Who coulda known-----who could've known the Republicans were just punking Americans when they claimed Obamacare would kill jobs-----who coulda known?


ROFLMNAO! Hey look kids! Using this logic... Since the catastrophic failure of socialist policy that crashed the international financial markets, followed by the introduction of unsustainable policies on the Insurance Industry, the US has created 6.7 Million JOBS!

So... what we should do, is return to 'FAIRNESS' as a standard for mortgage lending and crash the economy AGAIN and THIS TIME: add GREATER LEVELS OF UNSUSTAINABLE POLICY!

Imagine how many jobs THAT WILL "CREATE".

LMAO! You people are truly the Hallmark of contributors.

if Obamacare is socialist, so is bailing out the Banks and Car boys ... a socialist created recession followed those socialist programs ..
if Obamacare is socialist, so is bailing out the Banks and Car boys ... a socialist created recession followed those socialist programs ..

True... Which is why Americans were against bailing them out. And why we're still against it and why we will always be against it.
[And yet-----and yet the fact remains, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed and-----and rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare was a job killer but now-----but now even you a rightwinger/Republican is forced to confess that Obamacare was/is not the job killer you/they claimed.

Wake-up, slap yourself in the face, your rightwing/Republican leaders together with the corporate rightwing controlled media duped you into believing Obamacare was a job killer but the fact is-----the
FACT is, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed than were created during the last three (3) rightwing/Republican presidential terms combined - do you disagree?

Your post is like a fart in the wind, it felt good to pass rightwing/Republican gas but-----but... SMH

And BTW, according to the Census Bureau Report, posted earlier on this thread, hours were not cut as a result of Obamacare - IOW's, not only were more jobs created after Obamacare passed but-----but more fulltime jobs were created after Obamacare was passed.
Republicans are libertarian? WTF? No dearie, they certainly are not.

Liberals take to logic like salamanders take to an iPad. It's sad what a government education does to a mind. It's not your fault, at least it's not all your fault. But don't you want your children to not be subject to the crappy education you got?

You cannot take stats, like jobs created, then take one factor and assume that one factor is responsible for the entire statistic. Do you feel me?

But-----but the fact remains rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare would be/is a job killer and-----and right here on this thread the claim was made that "employees are now locked at 29 hours" but-----but neither of those claims have been backed up with facts - why not?


[And yet-----and yet the fact remains, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed and-----and rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare was a job killer but now-----but now even you a rightwinger/Republican is forced to confess that Obamacare was/is not the job killer you/they claimed.

Wake-up, slap yourself in the face, your rightwing/Republican leaders together with the corporate rightwing controlled media duped you into believing Obamacare was a job killer but the fact is-----the
FACT is, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed than were created during the last three (3) rightwing/Republican presidential terms combined - do you disagree?

Your post is like a fart in the wind, it felt good to pass rightwing/Republican gas but-----but... SMH

And BTW, according to the Census Bureau Report, posted earlier on this thread, hours were not cut as a result of Obamacare - IOW's, not only were more jobs created after Obamacare passed but-----but more fulltime jobs were created after Obamacare was passed.
Republicans are libertarian? WTF? No dearie, they certainly are not.

Liberals take to logic like salamanders take to an iPad. It's sad what a government education does to a mind. It's not your fault, at least it's not all your fault. But don't you want your children to not be subject to the crappy education you got?

You cannot take stats, like jobs created, then take one factor and assume that one factor is responsible for the entire statistic. Do you feel me?

But-----but the fact remains rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare would be/is a job killer and-----and right here on this thread the claim was made that "employees are now locked at 29 hours" but-----but neither of those claims have been backed up with facts - why not?



He is a job killer. If you insist on debating Republicans I'm going to bow out of this conversation. I'm not interested in defending someone else's views. If you want to discuss this with me, you need to address mine not theirs.
Barack Obama could be Ronald Reagan and the right would decide they hate Ronnie too. When your party is a complete failure what else is there for you to do but whine.
Hmm, the election last November might be a clue that you're wrong.

Yes, ignore the general elections of 2008 and 2012, look at the lowest turnout since the start of WW2 to look at , lol
obama said he wasn't on the ballot in 2014 but his policies were. obama's policies got the shit kicked out of them.

You believe everything Obama has said, or just the parts you want?
Democrats lost because of obama
"I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them," Obama said.

Cool, AGAIN, so you believe EVERYTHINMG Obama says or just the select parts you like? Anyone with a brain realizes after Obama won landslides in 2008-2012 and the Dems ran away from him in 2014, record low (post WW2) turnouts hurt the Dems
The health care law a job killer The evidence falls short PolitiFact

Republicans have used the "job-killing" claim hundreds of times -- so often that they used the phrase in the name of the bill. It implies that job losses will be one of the most significant effects of the law. But they have flimsy evidence to back it up.

The phrase suggests a massive decline in employment, but the data doesn't support that. The Republican evidence is extrapolated from a report that was talking about a reduction in the labor supply rather than the loss of jobs, or based on measures that weren't included in the final health care law. We rate the statement False.

Let's go with a source that is none American and cannot be dictated to and threaten by the white house
US employers slashing worker hours to avoid Obamacare insurance mandate US news The Guardian

YOUR link

"Guardian readers shared their experiences of retailers announcing they would no longer provide healthcare for part-time employees."

Dubya/GOP 'job creator policies' lost 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
The health care law a job killer The evidence falls short PolitiFact

Republicans have used the "job-killing" claim hundreds of times -- so often that they used the phrase in the name of the bill. It implies that job losses will be one of the most significant effects of the law. But they have flimsy evidence to back it up.

The phrase suggests a massive decline in employment, but the data doesn't support that. The Republican evidence is extrapolated from a report that was talking about a reduction in the labor supply rather than the loss of jobs, or based on measures that weren't included in the final health care law. We rate the statement False.

Let's go with a source that is none American and cannot be dictated to and threaten by the white house
US employers slashing worker hours to avoid Obamacare insurance mandate US news The Guardian

fine , you go with the Limey's ... sounds about right.
They have nothing to lose the American media better toe the obama line.

Grow a frkking brain

Media is Corporate, PERIOD
[And yet-----and yet the fact remains, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed and-----and rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare was a job killer but now-----but now even you a rightwinger/Republican is forced to confess that Obamacare was/is not the job killer you/they claimed.

Wake-up, slap yourself in the face, your rightwing/Republican leaders together with the corporate rightwing controlled media duped you into believing Obamacare was a job killer but the fact is-----the
FACT is, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed than were created during the last three (3) rightwing/Republican presidential terms combined - do you disagree?

Your post is like a fart in the wind, it felt good to pass rightwing/Republican gas but-----but... SMH

And BTW, according to the Census Bureau Report, posted earlier on this thread, hours were not cut as a result of Obamacare - IOW's, not only were more jobs created after Obamacare passed but-----but more fulltime jobs were created after Obamacare was passed.
Republicans are libertarian? WTF? No dearie, they certainly are not.

Liberals take to logic like salamanders take to an iPad. It's sad what a government education does to a mind. It's not your fault, at least it's not all your fault. But don't you want your children to not be subject to the crappy education you got?

You cannot take stats, like jobs created, then take one factor and assume that one factor is responsible for the entire statistic. Do you feel me?

Thanks for agreeing, 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created since Obamacares passed, is MUCH better than ANYTHING the GOP has given US
[And yet-----and yet the fact remains, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed and-----and rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare was a job killer but now-----but now even you a rightwinger/Republican is forced to confess that Obamacare was/is not the job killer you/they claimed.

Wake-up, slap yourself in the face, your rightwing/Republican leaders together with the corporate rightwing controlled media duped you into believing Obamacare was a job killer but the fact is-----the
FACT is, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed than were created during the last three (3) rightwing/Republican presidential terms combined - do you disagree?

Your post is like a fart in the wind, it felt good to pass rightwing/Republican gas but-----but... SMH

And BTW, according to the Census Bureau Report, posted earlier on this thread, hours were not cut as a result of Obamacare - IOW's, not only were more jobs created after Obamacare passed but-----but more fulltime jobs were created after Obamacare was passed.
Republicans are libertarian? WTF? No dearie, they certainly are not.

Liberals take to logic like salamanders take to an iPad. It's sad what a government education does to a mind. It's not your fault, at least it's not all your fault. But don't you want your children to not be subject to the crappy education you got?

You cannot take stats, like jobs created, then take one factor and assume that one factor is responsible for the entire statistic. Do you feel me?

But-----but the fact remains rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare would be/is a job killer and-----and right here on this thread the claim was made that "employees are now locked at 29 hours" but-----but neither of those claims have been backed up with facts - why not?



He is a job killer. If you insist on debating Republicans I'm going to bow out of this conversation. I'm not interested in defending someone else's views. If you want to discuss this with me, you need to address mine not theirs.


Job killer???? lol

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Because of Obamacare minimum wage employees are now locked at 29 hours. Essentially taking away 1/4 of their check.


Are you sure?
If you're sure of your fact, you should have no problem debunking this report?

Census Report Shows Rise in Full-Time Work, Undercutting Claims by Health Reform Opponents
September 17, 2014

By Paul N. Van de Water

Yesterday’s Census Bureau report shows that the share of workers with full-time, full-year work rose in 2013, while the share with part-time, part-year work fell. This finding further undercuts assertions that health reform is causing a large increase in part-time employment — as proponents of a House measure to change health reform’s rules on covering full-time workers claim.

Health reform requires employers with at least 50 full-time-equivalent workers to offer coverage to full-time employees — defined as those who work at least 30 hours a week — or pay a penalty. Critics claim that employers are shifting some employees to part-time work to avoid offering them health insurance. But the data provide scant evidence of such a shift.

To the contrary, part-time work became less frequent last year. “An estimated 72.7 percent of working men with earnings and 60.5 percent of working women with earnings worked full time, year round in 2013, both percentages higher than the 2012 estimates of 71.1 percent and 59.4 percent respectively,” according to the new Census report. These data are consistent with a recent Urban Institute analysis that found little evidence that health reform has increased part-time work.

The share of involuntary part-timers — workers who’d rather have full-time jobs but can’t find them — tells a similar story. If health reform were distorting hiring practices, as critics assert, we’d expect the share of involuntary part-timers to be growing. Instead, as the chart (based on Labor Department data) shows, it’s down by 1½ percentage points from its post-recession peak. My colleague Jared Bernstein finds that this pattern is typical for this stage of a recovery.

You understand that doesnt refute Grampa's statement, right? Tell me you understand that.

YOU are NEVER honest Bubba. It blew a hole in Gramps posit wider than Palin's birth canal!!!

So you believe that we can conclude that Obamacare was the only economic factor and assume we can attribute all jobs created and lost to that? Seriously? Government schools have failed you, badly. Very sad.
Well, there was the stimulus too.

According to conservatives, that failed right?

So you believe that we can conclude that Obamacare was the only economic factor and assume we can attribute all jobs created and lost to that? Seriously? Government schools have failed you, badly. Very sad.

No Bubba, what we CAN conclude is despite right wing MYTHS, Obamacares HASN'T negatively affected US hiring, with 10,000,.000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created since it passed!
Left wingers are fucking nuts. More jobs now than ever are part time, in order to not pay obiecare fees. So a company needs twice as many people to cover one job and they consider that a gain in people being employed.

Do any of you left wing idiots even look around your own neighborhood and see what reality is? You can shift government numbers from one place to the next and even ignore them all together but at what point do you people actually look at how your neighbors are doing?

You can't really claim the economy is booming without people that are supposed to be the economy still not making it.

It doesn't take much to prove the obie economy is in the shitter. Just look around and talk to people. Government numbers can't solve that problem.
Hmm, the election last November might be a clue that you're wrong.

Yes, ignore the general elections of 2008 and 2012, look at the lowest turnout since the start of WW2 to look at , lol
obama said he wasn't on the ballot in 2014 but his policies were. obama's policies got the shit kicked out of them.

You believe everything Obama has said, or just the parts you want?
Democrats lost because of obama
"I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them," Obama said.

Cool, AGAIN, so you believe EVERYTHINMG Obama says or just the select parts you like? Anyone with a brain realizes after Obama won landslides in 2008-2012 and the Dems ran away from him in 2014, record low (post WW2) turnouts hurt the Dems
The voters spoke the end.
The health care law a job killer The evidence falls short PolitiFact

Republicans have used the "job-killing" claim hundreds of times -- so often that they used the phrase in the name of the bill. It implies that job losses will be one of the most significant effects of the law. But they have flimsy evidence to back it up.

The phrase suggests a massive decline in employment, but the data doesn't support that. The Republican evidence is extrapolated from a report that was talking about a reduction in the labor supply rather than the loss of jobs, or based on measures that weren't included in the final health care law. We rate the statement False.

Let's go with a source that is none American and cannot be dictated to and threaten by the white house
US employers slashing worker hours to avoid Obamacare insurance mandate US news The Guardian

fine , you go with the Limey's ... sounds about right.
They have nothing to lose the American media better toe the obama line.

Grow a frkking brain

Media is Corporate, PERIOD
this from an obama ass sniffer
Left wingers are fucking nuts. More jobs now than ever are part time, in order to not pay obiecare fees. So a company needs twice as many people to cover one job and they consider that a gain in people being employed.

Do any of you left wing idiots even look around your own neighborhood and see what reality is? You can shift government numbers from one place to the next and even ignore them all together but at what point do you people actually look at how your neighbors are doing?

You can't really claim the economy is booming without people that are supposed to be the economy still not making it.

It doesn't take much to prove the obie economy is in the shitter. Just look around and talk to people. Government numbers can't solve that problem.

Weird, the US should've boomed after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies, what happened???

Dec 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush
The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush Vanity Fair

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