Rand Paul: "Obamacare is a job killing disaster."

Yes, ignore the general elections of 2008 and 2012, look at the lowest turnout since the start of WW2 to look at , lol
obama said he wasn't on the ballot in 2014 but his policies were. obama's policies got the shit kicked out of them.

You believe everything Obama has said, or just the parts you want?
Democrats lost because of obama
"I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them," Obama said.

Cool, AGAIN, so you believe EVERYTHINMG Obama says or just the select parts you like? Anyone with a brain realizes after Obama won landslides in 2008-2012 and the Dems ran away from him in 2014, record low (post WW2) turnouts hurt the Dems
The voters spoke the end.

So no, you can't use reason, logic and honesty. Thanks anyways
obama said he wasn't on the ballot in 2014 but his policies were. obama's policies got the shit kicked out of them.

You believe everything Obama has said, or just the parts you want?
Democrats lost because of obama
"I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them," Obama said.

Cool, AGAIN, so you believe EVERYTHINMG Obama says or just the select parts you like? Anyone with a brain realizes after Obama won landslides in 2008-2012 and the Dems ran away from him in 2014, record low (post WW2) turnouts hurt the Dems
The voters spoke the end.

So no, you can't use reason, logic and honesty. Thanks anyways
Reason dictates you are a moron if you can't see the voters spoke they are fed up with obama and his policies.
[And yet-----and yet the fact remains, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed and-----and rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare was a job killer but now-----but now even you a rightwinger/Republican is forced to confess that Obamacare was/is not the job killer you/they claimed.

Wake-up, slap yourself in the face, your rightwing/Republican leaders together with the corporate rightwing controlled media duped you into believing Obamacare was a job killer but the fact is-----the
FACT is, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed than were created during the last three (3) rightwing/Republican presidential terms combined - do you disagree?

Your post is like a fart in the wind, it felt good to pass rightwing/Republican gas but-----but... SMH

And BTW, according to the Census Bureau Report, posted earlier on this thread, hours were not cut as a result of Obamacare - IOW's, not only were more jobs created after Obamacare passed but-----but more fulltime jobs were created after Obamacare was passed.
Republicans are libertarian? WTF? No dearie, they certainly are not.

Liberals take to logic like salamanders take to an iPad. It's sad what a government education does to a mind. It's not your fault, at least it's not all your fault. But don't you want your children to not be subject to the crappy education you got?

You cannot take stats, like jobs created, then take one factor and assume that one factor is responsible for the entire statistic. Do you feel me?

But-----but the fact remains rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare would be/is a job killer and-----and right here on this thread the claim was made that "employees are now locked at 29 hours" but-----but neither of those claims have been backed up with facts - why not?



He is a job killer. If you insist on debating Republicans I'm going to bow out of this conversation. I'm not interested in defending someone else's views. If you want to discuss this with me, you need to address mine not theirs.

I can't blame you for not wanting to identify as a rightwinger/Republican but-----but to paraphrase an old cliche if it looks like a rightwing/Republican, quacks like rightwing/Republican, posts messages like... it's probably a rightwing/Republican but-----but it's your prerogative to deny anything you want to - heck, you and other rightwingers/Republicans are denying Obamacare didn't kill jobs but-----but can't support your case with facts, I'm not saying you ought to slit your wrists over that but...

...but some things, like changing facts in their minds eye, never change - remember when, after months of disclosure, Ronald Reagan finally fessed up and admitted he was either a liar or a dupe when he said "...My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not.". And-----and rightwing/Republicans on this thread should man up and admit Obamacare is NOT the job killer their rightwing/Republican leaders and the corporate media mislead you to believe.
Left wingers are fucking nuts. More jobs now than ever are part time, in order to not pay obiecare fees. So a company needs twice as many people to cover one job and they consider that a gain in people being employed.

Do any of you left wing idiots even look around your own neighborhood and see what reality is? You can shift government numbers from one place to the next and even ignore them all together but at what point do you people actually look at how your neighbors are doing?

You can't really claim the economy is booming without people that are supposed to be the economy still not making it.

It doesn't take much to prove the obie economy is in the shitter. Just look around and talk to people. Government numbers can't solve that problem.

Sorry to hear you live in an economically depressed neighborhood (blame yo'se'f) but-----but your economically depressed neighborhood ain't the nation. The nation has a ways to go but-----but the NATION is doing better in many economically measurable ways since Obamacare was passed. If you think you can prove me wrong - do so. And, just a reminder (I've told you before) I really-really don't care about your emotional rightwing/Republican feelings, so c'mon, prove your point, this time with facts - if you think you can?

Probably just an oversight on your part but-----but did you miss posts #21 and #39?

Yes, baby boomers are retiring. AND?

But since 2000, the labor force rate has been steadily declining as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.

In a March report titled "Dispelling an Urban Legend," Dean Maki, an economist at Barclays Capital, found that demographics accounted for a majority of the drop in the participation rate since 2002.

The incredible shrinking labor force - The Washington Post
Sorry, but it's because of obamacare and the kenyan, and not just a few baby boomers retiring, because people are having to work much later in life just to survive the left's assault on workers and the economy...

Real unemployment rate is at least 18 percent

The jobless rate may be down from its recession peak of 10 percent, but much of this results from adults, discouraged by the lack of decent job openings, having quit altogether. They are neither employed nor looking for work.

Only about half of the drop in the adult participation rate may be attributed to the Baby Boom generation reaching retirement age. Lacking adequate resources to retire, a larger percentage of adults over 65 are working than before the recession.
Many Americans who would like full time jobs are stuck in part-time positions, because businesses can hire desirable part-time workers to supplement a core of permanent, full-time employees, but at lower wages. And Obamacare’s employer health insurance mandates will not apply to workers on the job less than 30 hours a week.

Many young people are being duped both by unscrupulous for profit, post-secondary institutions—as well as accredited colleges and universities with low admission standards—to enroll in useless programs. They would likely be in the labor force now but for easy access to federally sponsored loans and will end up heavily in debt.

Adding in these students, the real unemployment rate among U.S. citizens and permanent residents is at least 18 percent.

Real unemployment rate is at least 18 percent TheHill

Here is the problem with statistics based on nonsense; they are all nonsense. Tell me how many people you know who are unemployed. I knew one as of a month ago, but he just was hired to a decent paying full-time job, so now I do not know anyone who is unemployed. Now I realize a lot of that is because I associate with people who are decently educated and are less likely to be unemployed, but still, when things were bad I actually did know a number of people who were out of work.
You believe everything Obama has said, or just the parts you want?
Democrats lost because of obama
"I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them," Obama said.

Cool, AGAIN, so you believe EVERYTHINMG Obama says or just the select parts you like? Anyone with a brain realizes after Obama won landslides in 2008-2012 and the Dems ran away from him in 2014, record low (post WW2) turnouts hurt the Dems
The voters spoke the end.

So no, you can't use reason, logic and honesty. Thanks anyways
Reason dictates you are a moron if you can't see the voters spoke they are fed up with obama and his policies.

Sure, reason says the lowest voter turnout since WW2 shouldn't be blamed for GOP's win, or Obama trouncing of Mittens in 2012, but just his policies were the reason the Dems (who ran from him and his policies) lost, should be blamed??? lol

Gawwwwd you low info voters who keep voting against your own economic interests are pathetic
[And yet-----and yet the fact remains, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed and-----and rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare was a job killer but now-----but now even you a rightwinger/Republican is forced to confess that Obamacare was/is not the job killer you/they claimed.

Wake-up, slap yourself in the face, your rightwing/Republican leaders together with the corporate rightwing controlled media duped you into believing Obamacare was a job killer but the fact is-----the
FACT is, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed than were created during the last three (3) rightwing/Republican presidential terms combined - do you disagree?

Your post is like a fart in the wind, it felt good to pass rightwing/Republican gas but-----but... SMH

And BTW, according to the Census Bureau Report, posted earlier on this thread, hours were not cut as a result of Obamacare - IOW's, not only were more jobs created after Obamacare passed but-----but more fulltime jobs were created after Obamacare was passed.
Republicans are libertarian? WTF? No dearie, they certainly are not.

Liberals take to logic like salamanders take to an iPad. It's sad what a government education does to a mind. It's not your fault, at least it's not all your fault. But don't you want your children to not be subject to the crappy education you got?

You cannot take stats, like jobs created, then take one factor and assume that one factor is responsible for the entire statistic. Do you feel me?

Thanks for agreeing, 10,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created since Obamacares passed, is MUCH better than ANYTHING the GOP has given US

[And yet-----and yet the fact remains, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed and-----and rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare was a job killer but now-----but now even you a rightwinger/Republican is forced to confess that Obamacare was/is not the job killer you/they claimed.

Wake-up, slap yourself in the face, your rightwing/Republican leaders together with the corporate rightwing controlled media duped you into believing Obamacare was a job killer but the fact is-----the
FACT is, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed than were created during the last three (3) rightwing/Republican presidential terms combined - do you disagree?

Your post is like a fart in the wind, it felt good to pass rightwing/Republican gas but-----but... SMH

And BTW, according to the Census Bureau Report, posted earlier on this thread, hours were not cut as a result of Obamacare - IOW's, not only were more jobs created after Obamacare passed but-----but more fulltime jobs were created after Obamacare was passed.
Republicans are libertarian? WTF? No dearie, they certainly are not.

Liberals take to logic like salamanders take to an iPad. It's sad what a government education does to a mind. It's not your fault, at least it's not all your fault. But don't you want your children to not be subject to the crappy education you got?

You cannot take stats, like jobs created, then take one factor and assume that one factor is responsible for the entire statistic. Do you feel me?

But-----but the fact remains rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare would be/is a job killer and-----and right here on this thread the claim was made that "employees are now locked at 29 hours" but-----but neither of those claims have been backed up with facts - why not?



He is a job killer. If you insist on debating Republicans I'm going to bow out of this conversation. I'm not interested in defending someone else's views. If you want to discuss this with me, you need to address mine not theirs.


Job killer???? lol

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


So you believe that we can conclude that Obamacare was the only economic factor and assume we can attribute all jobs created and lost to that? Seriously? Government schools have failed you, badly. Very sad.

No Bubba, what we CAN conclude is despite right wing MYTHS, Obamacares HASN'T negatively affected US hiring, with 10,000,.000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created since it passed!

So anything that is good in the Obama term we can just assume was caused by him, but anything bad isn't his fault, it's W's. Got it.
I can't blame you for not wanting to identify as a rightwinger/Republican but-----but to paraphrase an old cliche if it looks like a rightwing/Republican, quacks like rightwing/Republican, posts messages like... it's probably a rightwing/Republicandia mislead you to believe.

Stopped reading here. I am against the wars in the middle east and our presence there and want to slash our military by a third to a half and remake it to be defensive. I'm pro-choice, think all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and I'm against all other morality laws. I think government should be free of religion and I'm not Republican in that I'm fiscally conservative. I actually agree with them on nothing. I'm not quacking, you're just an idiot.

The world, simpleton, is not just made up of Republicans and Democrats. Yes, I blast Democrats. I also blast Republicans. Not being Democrat does not equal being Republican. The world is a complicated place for a simple mind like yours to handle. If you want to debate a libertarian, I'm here. If you want to debate Republicans, they are all over the board. I'm not interested in defending them though, they suck. Almost as much as you do.

So you believe that we can conclude that Obamacare was the only economic factor and assume we can attribute all jobs created and lost to that? Seriously? Government schools have failed you, badly. Very sad.

No Bubba, what we CAN conclude is despite right wing MYTHS, Obamacares HASN'T negatively affected US hiring, with 10,000,.000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created since it passed!

So anything that is good in the Obama term we can just assume was caused by him, but anything bad isn't his fault, it's W's. Got it.

Don't know how to critically think AND be honest huh? Weird the US should've boomed after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies, now you KKlowns blame Obama cares though there have been over 11,000,000+ MORE private sector jobs than Dubya's 8 years? lol
[And yet-----and yet the fact remains, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed and-----and rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare was a job killer but now-----but now even you a rightwinger/Republican is forced to confess that Obamacare was/is not the job killer you/they claimed.

Wake-up, slap yourself in the face, your rightwing/Republican leaders together with the corporate rightwing controlled media duped you into believing Obamacare was a job killer but the fact is-----the
FACT is, more jobs were created after Obamacare was passed than were created during the last three (3) rightwing/Republican presidential terms combined - do you disagree?

Your post is like a fart in the wind, it felt good to pass rightwing/Republican gas but-----but... SMH

And BTW, according to the Census Bureau Report, posted earlier on this thread, hours were not cut as a result of Obamacare - IOW's, not only were more jobs created after Obamacare passed but-----but more fulltime jobs were created after Obamacare was passed.
Republicans are libertarian? WTF? No dearie, they certainly are not.

Liberals take to logic like salamanders take to an iPad. It's sad what a government education does to a mind. It's not your fault, at least it's not all your fault. But don't you want your children to not be subject to the crappy education you got?

You cannot take stats, like jobs created, then take one factor and assume that one factor is responsible for the entire statistic. Do you feel me?

But-----but the fact remains rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare would be/is a job killer and-----and right here on this thread the claim was made that "employees are now locked at 29 hours" but-----but neither of those claims have been backed up with facts - why not?



He is a job killer. If you insist on debating Republicans I'm going to bow out of this conversation. I'm not interested in defending someone else's views. If you want to discuss this with me, you need to address mine not theirs.


Job killer???? lol

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


NOT following the thread topic huh? lol

So you believe that we can conclude that Obamacare was the only economic factor and assume we can attribute all jobs created and lost to that? Seriously? Government schools have failed you, badly. Very sad.

No Bubba, what we CAN conclude is despite right wing MYTHS, Obamacares HASN'T negatively affected US hiring, with 10,000,.000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created since it passed!

So anything that is good in the Obama term we can just assume was caused by him, but anything bad isn't his fault, it's W's. Got it.

Don't know how to critically think AND be honest huh? Weird the US should've boomed after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies, now you KKlowns blame Obama cares though there have been over 11,000,000+ MORE private sector jobs than Dubya's 8 years? lol

You can stop working so hard to convince me you are an idiot, I already believe you.

Yes, FooledByO, critical thinkers assume every good stat that happened under Obama was due to Obama and every bad stat was obviously W. Again, I'm convinced, you can lighten up now.
I can't blame you for not wanting to identify as a rightwinger/Republican but-----but to paraphrase an old cliche if it looks like a rightwing/Republican, quacks like rightwing/Republican, posts messages like... it's probably a rightwing/Republicandia mislead you to believe.

Stopped reading here. I am against the wars in the middle east and our presence there and want to slash our military by a third to a half and remake it to be defensive. I'm pro-choice, think all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, gambling, euthanasia and I'm against all other morality laws. I think government should be free of religion and I'm not Republican in that I'm fiscally conservative. I actually agree with them on nothing. I'm not quacking, you're just an idiot.

The world, simpleton, is not just made up of Republicans and Democrats. Yes, I blast Democrats. I also blast Republicans. Not being Democrat does not equal being Republican. The world is a complicated place for a simple mind like yours to handle. If you want to debate a libertarian, I'm here. If you want to debate Republicans, they are all over the board. I'm not interested in defending them though, they suck. Almost as much as you do.

Libertarians believe in myths and fairy tales. Nothing more

ONE example of ANY state/nation EVER to follow their ideas? lol

Republicans are libertarian? WTF? No dearie, they certainly are not.

Liberals take to logic like salamanders take to an iPad. It's sad what a government education does to a mind. It's not your fault, at least it's not all your fault. But don't you want your children to not be subject to the crappy education you got?

You cannot take stats, like jobs created, then take one factor and assume that one factor is responsible for the entire statistic. Do you feel me?

But-----but the fact remains rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare would be/is a job killer and-----and right here on this thread the claim was made that "employees are now locked at 29 hours" but-----but neither of those claims have been backed up with facts - why not?



He is a job killer. If you insist on debating Republicans I'm going to bow out of this conversation. I'm not interested in defending someone else's views. If you want to discuss this with me, you need to address mine not theirs.


Job killer???? lol

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


NOT following the thread topic huh? lol

I'll give you the 411 girl friend. W and Obama are both job killers.

So you believe that we can conclude that Obamacare was the only economic factor and assume we can attribute all jobs created and lost to that? Seriously? Government schools have failed you, badly. Very sad.

No Bubba, what we CAN conclude is despite right wing MYTHS, Obamacares HASN'T negatively affected US hiring, with 10,000,.000+ PRIVATE sector jobs created since it passed!

So anything that is good in the Obama term we can just assume was caused by him, but anything bad isn't his fault, it's W's. Got it.

Don't know how to critically think AND be honest huh? Weird the US should've boomed after 8 years of Dubya/GOP 'job creator' policies, now you KKlowns blame Obama cares though there have been over 11,000,000+ MORE private sector jobs than Dubya's 8 years? lol

You can stop working so hard to convince me you are an idiot, I already believe you.

Yes, FooledByO, critical thinkers assume every good stat that happened under Obama was due to Obama and every bad stat was obviously W. Again, I'm convinced, you can lighten up now.

Got it, instead of being honest, you'll let the FACT that Dubya/GOP lost 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years (NOT counting the 4+ million lost in 2009) and since Obama came into office, OVER 10 million NET private sector jobs have been created since, as the topis is, Obamacares was passed Febv 2010

Yes, Dubya did stupid things. Just like Obama has. Unlike Dubya, Obama doesn't 'believe' the markets self regulate!
Libertarians believe in myths and fairy tales. Nothing more

ONE example of ANY state/nation EVER to follow their ideas? lol


OMG, I hate when liberals nail me with that. You are so right. OMG, me making my own choices? Government not making it for me? That is such a fairy tale, I'm just insane. I know that, it is a ridiculous idea. I argue the reverse, but even I know it's not true. But when you so precisely call me out for my delusion like that I have to admit the truth.

So baa-ck to what you were saying? LOL. You'd follow the rest of the sheep off a cliff. You actually do, repeatedly.
But-----but the fact remains rightwingers/Republicans claimed Obamacare would be/is a job killer and-----and right here on this thread the claim was made that "employees are now locked at 29 hours" but-----but neither of those claims have been backed up with facts - why not?



He is a job killer. If you insist on debating Republicans I'm going to bow out of this conversation. I'm not interested in defending someone else's views. If you want to discuss this with me, you need to address mine not theirs.


Job killer???? lol

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data


NOT following the thread topic huh? lol

I'll give you the 411 girl friend. W and Obama are both job killers.

Sure. 10+ million PRIVATE sector jobs is horrible considering the size of the hole Dubya/GOP left US in, lol

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