Rand Paul detained by TSA

So the Paul's propose free market public safety. People can chose airlines that have the most hassle free security system. After all, I am not a terrorist. Why should I have to go through screening?

More reason why we can't elect libertarians to make decisions in this country

"Do you hate those annoying, unnecessary security screenings when you travel? We do too! When was the last time a plane was hijacked, anyway? Fly ______________ Airlines; the only security screening free ride in the sky."

"Every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists* conclude that we object to its being done at all." - Frédéric Bastiat

*I don't quote this to call you a socialist, it just so happens that Bastiat was referring to socialists.

"Whites only water bubblers now because fuck *******" - Rand Paul
The existing TSA system is textbook example of mindless authoritarian bureaucracy.

I undersand Israeli airport security is implemented on the basis of common sense and individual judgment on the part of its security personnel. They only search passengers whom they feel should be searched. And Israel hasn't had any problems.

Except "authoritarian bureaucracies" do it to prevent an armed rebellion against the Government. We're doing it as a public service so that innocent people don't have to die going from A to B with the convenience of a flight.

Drawing those comparisons is the very reason that Gubbamint Conspiracy minded nutbags are scared to leave their basements.
The repubs wanted to give him a state funeral.

Actually, they wanted to pardon him. At least that's what it looked like since they couldn't be bothered with hunting him down and catching him. Just one more job President Obama had to do FOR baby Bush.
The TSA didn't kill Bin Laden. The TSA is for the American People. It's prisoner training.

The Paul's would not have killed him at all
No. The Pauls wouldn't have hired him in the first place!:
Bin Laden's CIA roots. MSNBC 1998:
Bin Laden's, CIA roots. How We Created Our Own Terror
"Do you hate those annoying, unnecessary security screenings when you travel? We do too! When was the last time a plane was hijacked, anyway? Fly ______________ Airlines; the only security screening free ride in the sky."

"Every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists* conclude that we object to its being done at all." - Frédéric Bastiat

*I don't quote this to call you a socialist, it just so happens that Bastiat was referring to socialists.

"Whites only water bubblers now because fuck *******" - Rand Paul

"Do you hate those annoying, unnecessary security screenings when you travel? We do too! When was the last time a plane was hijacked, anyway? Fly ______________ Airlines; the only security screening free ride in the sky."

"Every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists* conclude that we object to its being done at all." - Frédéric Bastiat

*I don't quote this to call you a socialist, it just so happens that Bastiat was referring to socialists.

"Whites only water bubblers now because fuck *******" - Rand Paul
When did he say this? Screenshot saved.
"Every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists* conclude that we object to its being done at all." - Frédéric Bastiat

*I don't quote this to call you a socialist, it just so happens that Bastiat was referring to socialists.

"Whites only water bubblers now because fuck *******" - Rand Paul
When did he say this? Screenshot saved.

oh my god, really? he was obviously being sarcastic.
^ read that back to yourself.

Release bottle-neck.

whatever...if it does not stop here it will be trains ,buses,events, random check stops

I've gone through security pats at almost every concert I've EVER been to.

So lets make that every event you or your child go to..every train ,every bus ,at school, driving down the road
"Every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists* conclude that we object to its being done at all." - Frédéric Bastiat

*I don't quote this to call you a socialist, it just so happens that Bastiat was referring to socialists.

"Whites only water bubblers now because fuck *******" - Rand Paul
When did he say this? Screenshot saved.


Please make an issue of that after my previous posts leading up to it.

"Do you hate those annoying, unnecessary security screenings when you travel? We do too! When was the last time a plane was hijacked, anyway? Fly ______________ Airlines; the only security screening free ride in the sky."

"Every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists* conclude that we object to its being done at all." - Frédéric Bastiat

*I don't quote this to call you a socialist, it just so happens that Bastiat was referring to socialists.

"Whites only water bubblers now because fuck *******" - Rand Paul

See you in two weeks.

Hope your boy's ankle is feeling better
whatever...if it does not stop here it will be trains ,buses,events, random check stops

I've gone through security pats at almost every concert I've EVER been to.

So lets make that every event you or your child go to..every train ,every bus ,at school, driving down the road

We can't. There isn't enouigh personnell to make that even logistically possible - and besides, I'm not scared of me or my child being patted down for events that we voluntarily patron.
"Every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists* conclude that we object to its being done at all." - Frédéric Bastiat

*I don't quote this to call you a socialist, it just so happens that Bastiat was referring to socialists.

"Whites only water bubblers now because fuck *******" - Rand Paul

See you in two weeks.

Hope your boy's ankle is feeling better


Gotta go vomit again.

"Every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists* conclude that we object to its being done at all." - Frédéric Bastiat

*I don't quote this to call you a socialist, it just so happens that Bastiat was referring to socialists.

"Whites only water bubblers now because fuck *******" - Rand Paul

See you in two weeks.

Hope your boy's ankle is feeling better

Rand Paul could have elected to go through the Mitt Romney checkpoint


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