Rand Paul, confused and unethical

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Photos Of People Endorsing Rand Paul Are From German-Based Stock Photographer

Ich bin ein Berliner. Update: The photos have been removed.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul launched his presidential campaign Tuesday complete with a page to endorse the new presidential candidate.

The endorsements are then presented on a map of the United States.

The people on the endorsement map, however, appear to be stock images from a Italian photographer Andrea Piacquadio who goes by the name Olly or Ollyy on stock image sites,and according to his Shutterstock page, is based in Germany.

So apparently, he thinks Germans are going to vote for him. Is this like Bush thinking he's Hispanic? does it mean Paul is German?

And ethics??

Mojo - 2015...pyright-issues Mother Jones
Rand Paul's Announcement Video Pulled Over Copyright Issues
This morning Rand Paul announced that he was running for president. There was a crowded auditorium and they were going wild and then he strode on up to the podium and music was blaring and it was all going great and he gave a speech and the crowd ate it up and they cheered his name and then he finished and they clapped and cheered and the campaign uploaded the video of the speech to YouTube so that the world could clap and cheer and...YouTube bots automatically pulled the video for unlicensed use of copyrighted material.
Womp womp.
Warner Music Group, the official owner of John Rich's "Shutting Detroit Down," a song about how much it sucks that rich corporations own things, has now shut Rand down.

Fun times in the Repub Clown Car1
I think on his worst, most confused and clouded day Mr. Paul would probably be 1000 times better for American than your stooge.

If we were talking about Ron I would agree with you in a heartbeat but I dont trust Rand since he endorced Romney who is no different than Obama and Bush.
Some people look at Rand Paul and see a Presidential contender....I look at Rand Paul and see Barbeque chicken on a rotisserie.........
lol, you dems have some nerve talking about others being confused and unethical

you didn't get kicked from Majority of Congress because people thought you all we the saints sent down from the heavens above...

do you have anything to run on but dirt and smears?

evidently NOT. same ole same old Progressive dirty tactics

Had enough folks? vote them out all the way out of our lives come 2016

we are SICK TO DEATH of this shit
lol, you dems have some nerve talking about others being confused and unethical

you didn't get kicked from Majority of Congress because people thought you all we the saints sent down from the heavens above...

do you have anything to run on but dirt and smears?

evidently NOT. same ole same old Progressive dirty tactics

Needs more "frikkin", maybe a big OMG or two.....

"because people thought you all we the saints sent down from the heavens above..."


And the hits just keep coming ....

To be fair, its not just Paul who doesn't bother to go to work.

Rand Paul Has Skipped Most Homeland Security Hearings Since 2014

BuzzFeed News was only able to verify Paul’s attendance at five out of 73 hearings since last January, less than ten percent overall.

posted on April 8, 2015, at 4:44 p.m.

Jim Cole / AP

Kentucky. Sen Rand Paul has skipped most Homeland Security hearings since 2014, a review of videos and documents related to the hearings show. BuzzFeed News was only able to verify Paul’s attendance at five out of 73 hearings since last January, less than ten percent overall.

The Kentucky senator launched his presidential campaign Tuesday in his home state. In a video on his issues page, Paul calls “national defense” the “primary Constitutional function of the federal government….bar none.”
Paul’s website says he “supports a strong national defense” and a secure border.
“As President, I would secure our border immediately,” Paul’s website reads. “Before issuing any visas or starting the legal immigration process, we must first ensure that our border is secure.”
Paul missed four different hearings related to border security this month.
Paul also missed a hearing last year on “Lessons Learned from the Boston Marathon Bombing,” an opportunity to question Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on the 2015 budget, hearings on dirty bombs and cyberterrorism among others.

A Politicoarticle last week noted Ted Cruz had the worst attendance record of any senator on the Armed Services Committee this year.
Recently, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio missed three closed-door intelligence and ISIS briefings during a fundraising haul in California. A spokesperson said Rubio was considering running for president and it was “not unusual for presidential candidates to occasionally miss Senate business.”
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Republicans have dangled a new shiny object in front of liberals.

They can always be counted on to dance and salivate upon sight of something new and shiny!

Now if they could just learn to wipe themselves........


Republicans have dangled a new shiny object in front of liberals.

They can always be counted on to dance and salivate upon sight of something new and shiny!

Now if they could just learn to wipe themselves........

Why they would want to known as SHEEP for a party is beyond me

it's damn embarrassing and shows they can't run on a FAIR campaign in order to win...Obama's campaign was some of the most vicious run smears I have ever seen in my 45 years of voting. Look what they did to a woman Governor Mrs. Palin....and it looks they are headed back in that direction. I hope the people has had enough when it comes time to vote for President...

that says a lot about a party in my book
That the Paul 'campaign' was a disaster-in-waiting comes as no surprise.


Paul is going to more fun than some of the others because of his dishonesty and that huge ego.

And the RW sheeples will line up to guzzle his kool aid before moving on to the next Clown Car Occupant.

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