'Radical environmentalists' to blame for deadly California wildfire


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
“Everyone should recognize that the density of dead and dying trees is higher, the density of trees is higher and there is active forest management principles that we should use to mitigate these devastating forest fires, but complicating matters is "lawsuit after lawsuit by, yes, the radical environmental groups that would rather burn down the entire forest than cut a single tree or thin the forest.”

The 'radical environmentalists' and their butt-hurt socialist democrat leader Barry blames President Trump for not fully embracing the liberal faux religion of 'Global Climate Warming Change'... :p

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke blames 'radical environmentalists' for deadly California wildfires

Someone could write an entire library of books about the unintended consequences of liberalism.
Hey Dummy, PG&E is at fault here.
LOL............California has about 7000 fires a year...........but one faulty transformer starts a small fire in tender box full of dead trees and it's there fault.......


Forest management.............ummmmm.........is needed.
Except those areas are not dense in the first place. The more you know. :113:

And yes, PG&E juat paid out $9B due to starting the Napa fires juat a few months back. Dont let the facts get in the way!
“Everyone should recognize that the density of dead and dying trees is higher, the density of trees is higher and there is active forest management principles that we should use to mitigate these devastating forest fires, but complicating matters is "lawsuit after lawsuit by, yes, the radical environmental groups that would rather burn down the entire forest than cut a single tree or thin the forest.”

The 'radical environmentalists' and their butt-hurt socialist democrat leader Barry blames President Trump for not fully embracing the liberal faux religion of 'Global Climate Warming Change'... :p

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke blames 'radical environmentalists' for deadly California wildfires

which fire, the one on land under Federal control? What about the utility companies ares of responsibility?

try getting some facts and stop regurgitating partisan spin and bs

Feds to Butte County: ‘You’re not going to be able to rebuild Paradise the way it was’

“Things are not going to get better, they’re going to get more challenging,” Brown said.

Zinke refused to endorse Trump’s claim that California’s forest-management practices are the cause of the state’s terrible fires.

“Now is not the time to point fingers,” Zinke said. “There are a lot of reasons why these catastrophic fires are happening. ... This is not a state issue, this is not a federal issue, this is an American issue.”

Zinke is scheduled to visit Southern California, site of the Woolsey Fire, on Thursday.

Asked about the president’s previous claims, he told The Sacramento Bee: “Sometimes out of catastrophe comes greater unity.”

Zinke also told The Bee that there is plenty of blame to go around for forests that he said are overgrown with dangerous fire fuels.

“The (U.S.) Forest Service is guilty, the Department of Interior is guilty,” he said. He also cited “the court system for allowing these frivolous lawsuits” that hinder government-sanctioned forest-thinning projects.
Hey Dummy, PG&E is at fault here.

PG&E neglected for decades to clear thousands of square miles of flammable underbrush, for fear of upsetting some ecological balance of nature?

Can you even point out California on a map?
You just made that up. PG&E ignored properly reapiring transmission lines in certain areas where these fires took place.

You do know that high winds up to 40mph which are very uncommon during this time of year didnt make this a good situation.

But keep your head up in the dark hole. :113:
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Timeline of the Roadless Rule

The nearly 50 million acres of roadless areas in our National Forests are an American treasure. The forests protected by the 2001 Roadless Rule—adopted with overwhelming public support—provide vital habitat for thousands of wildlife species, safeguard drinking water supplies for millions of Americans, and ensure quality recreation cherished by all.

Learn about the creation of the National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Policy and the decades-long legal fight to defend it:

Litigation history and the Tree huggers are proud of it. Now watch it burn you bunch of MORONS.

CA Gov. Jerry Brown Vetoed 2016 Wildfire Management Bill While CA Burned

Enviro Freaks helped cause this...............go to court against loggers and fire protection work. And Brown just years ago vetoed legislation trying to do some prevention.

Now that he is about out............he finally goes.............we need to thin the forests...........after fires continue to burn down his state and kill the people there.


2003..........report saying the same thing we've been saying..........Roadless rule and enviro wackos fighting everything in court................Can't touch the woods............and the dead STAYS AS SHE LAYS.............

How's it working out for the forest and people.............Nice policy huh..............evil loggers.......you must hug a tree..........

Derp...............fools in charge.
Timeline of the Roadless Rule

The nearly 50 million acres of roadless areas in our National Forests are an American treasure. The forests protected by the 2001 Roadless Rule—adopted with overwhelming public support—provide vital habitat for thousands of wildlife species, safeguard drinking water supplies for millions of Americans, and ensure quality recreation cherished by all.

Learn about the creation of the National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Policy and the decades-long legal fight to defend it:

Litigation history and the Tree huggers are proud of it. Now watch it burn you bunch of MORONS.

CA Gov. Jerry Brown Vetoed 2016 Wildfire Management Bill While CA Burned

Enviro Freaks helped cause this...............go to court against loggers and fire protection work. And Brown just years ago vetoed legislation trying to do some prevention.

Now that he is about out............he finally goes.............we need to thin the forests...........after fires continue to burn down his state and kill the people there.


^^^^^^^This. And Jerry Brown ENABLED it all, but it wasn't just him. It was the CA Democrats, and the Environmental Lobby that owns them.
The Roadless Rule Rules

The Bush administration even attempted to create a new regulation allowing governors to opt out of the Roadless Rule on a state-by-state basis. NRDC, along with other environmental advocacy groups and several state attorneys general, jumped in to defend America's wildest public forestlands. "Numerous lawsuits filed in the wake of the rule's adoption, and a later Bush administration effort to replace it with a meaningless substitute, were all eventually dropped or rejected by the courts," Lawrence says.

The rule was on and off the books for several years, he says, during which the Forest Service generally didn't attempt to develop or log roadless areas. There was one notable exception: the Tongass, which Bush officials temporarily exempted from the nationwide rule and reopened to timber sales and new logging roads.

After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, NRDC obtained a court order to end the Bush-era exemption of the Tongass under the Roadless Rule and won. Since then, President Obama and his administration have been defenders and promoters of the rule and have worked to remove the injunctions against implementation in other states.
Timeline of the Roadless Rule

The nearly 50 million acres of roadless areas in our National Forests are an American treasure. The forests protected by the 2001 Roadless Rule—adopted with overwhelming public support—provide vital habitat for thousands of wildlife species, safeguard drinking water supplies for millions of Americans, and ensure quality recreation cherished by all.

Learn about the creation of the National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Policy and the decades-long legal fight to defend it:

Litigation history and the Tree huggers are proud of it. Now watch it burn you bunch of MORONS.

CA Gov. Jerry Brown Vetoed 2016 Wildfire Management Bill While CA Burned

Enviro Freaks helped cause this...............go to court against loggers and fire protection work. And Brown just years ago vetoed legislation trying to do some prevention.

Now that he is about out............he finally goes.............we need to thin the forests...........after fires continue to burn down his state and kill the people there.


^^^^^^^This. And Jerry Brown ENABLED it all, but it wasn't just him. It was the CA Democrats, and the Environmental Lobby that owns them.
Bush fought it.............the GAO predicted what is happening now........as early as 2001 they said it would cause massive fires and bug infestation................

The courts blocked land management attempts under Bush............Obama reinstated the rules.........and now what the GAO predicted is coming as Karma to the very States that wanted the rule so badly............

They fight any attempt in court to thin the forests and properly manage them............Well now........Mother Nature is teaching them who the hell was right in this issue...............

I'm so glad I live in a state that doesn't have much federal land.............where they don't have a dog in this hunt and were lumber companies create jobs.........lumber, paper, and such and use the resources as intended........

The enviro nuts helped cause this............and now are in denial still blaming others for their stupidity.
The UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES of all these liberal policies is staggering, and its not just with environmental things. To make themselves FEEL BETTER, liberal/progressives destroy things, but its OK as the ends justify the means. It needs to stop.
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The UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES of all these liberal policies is staggering, and its not just with environmental things.

Meme from the time................when Bush was challenging the rules .............and lost in courts.............

Same lies and deception that we have today........saying Bush would allow clear cutting of 58 million acres of Federal Land if he had his way...................

Obama put the rules back in place..............You can't even get dead wood off the ground under the draconian roadless rule from Clinton................decades later..............we reap what was sewn back then.
Supreme Court's roadless forest ruling closes book on era that ended a decade ago

The U.S. Supreme Court closed the book Monday on an era in American conservation history that had all but ended more than a decade ago.

The court rejected an appeal challenging the 2001 Clinton roadless rule that stopped logging and road building on 58 million acres of national forests. There are still a couple of legal cases hanging but the rule, which said keep roadless forests essentially as they are, has passed through the legal gantlet.

Idaho’s separate roadless rule for managing the state’s 9.3 million acres of roadless lands was upheld by U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill, and is up for appeal before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. A hearing is scheduled in Portland Nov. 9.

And a separate case over 15 million acres of roadless forests in Alaska is still unresolved. But even if environmentalists lose both cases the chances of major logging and road building are doubtful.

When Clinton proposed the rule in 2000 the timber industry had already been all but prevented from logging roadless national forests by lawsuits over water quality and endangered species. By the end of the 20th Century the Forest Service had become the nation’s top road-building agency, with 380,000 miles of roads, nine times the 40,000 miles of the U.S. Interstate highway system. The agency had an $8 billion road maintenance backlog that few in Congress wanted to grow.

Some want to know why the Feds have a let it burn policy.........because they can't even build or maintain a road into the areas to build a fire break or clear the forests.........

The Supreme Court upheld the enviro wacks legislation..............So we have laws on the books that basically screw any attempts to manage the forests.......

Fuck it..........let the mother Frs burn...............they own it.
"There's a spotted owl out there somewhere and probably a nest of little baby unicorns too".
“Everyone should recognize that the density of dead and dying trees is higher, the density of trees is higher and there is active forest management principles that we should use to mitigate these devastating forest fires, but complicating matters is "lawsuit after lawsuit by, yes, the radical environmental groups that would rather burn down the entire forest than cut a single tree or thin the forest.”

The 'radical environmentalists' and their butt-hurt socialist democrat leader Barry blames President Trump for not fully embracing the liberal faux religion of 'Global Climate Warming Change'... :p

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke blames 'radical environmentalists' for deadly California wildfires


Zinke is hardly a honest person on this issue. He clearly is in the back pocket of loggers. He would allow federal land to be stripped and industry would pay nothing to taxpayers. Zinke is trying to take advantage of a bad situation. He is playing politics.

"Yet many policy experts, and even the logging industry, now say many environmental groups have relaxed their opposition to forest-thinning projects. A Sacramento Bee investigation in early October showed that while environmental groups once routinely used the courts to block or delay forest-thinning projects, many of them have begun working with the logging industry in recent years.

“The vast majority of the mainstream environmental community is on board,” said Rich Gordon, president of the California Forestry Association, the industry’s main lobbying group in Sacramento. “We’ve been working hard together … and have good partnerships.”

In October the Forest Service, which reports to Perdue’s Department of Agriculture, gave The Bee a list of 25 forest-thinning projects on Forest Service land in California that environmentalists had tried to scuttle in the past decade.

None of them were in the Plumas National Forest, in the vicinity of where at least one ignition point of the Camp Fire may have been. Cal Fire has said the Camp Fire started either in the Plumas forest or just outside of it.

Gordon faulted the federal government for not spending enough on forest management. McClatchy reported in August that the Trump administration has been proposing carving millions out of the federal budget for management."

Fact check: Environmentalists aren't impeding forestry

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