CA Gov. Jerry Brown Vetoed 2016 Wildfire Management Bill While CA Burned


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
The fires are not due to climate change. Properly managed private forests are not the source of the wildfires in CA. The areas burning have been neglected for decades due to inane and destructive extreme enviro policies. The quoted and linked article provides good insight.

What many do not know, is that California Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a bipartisan wildfire management bill in 2016, despite unanimous passage by the Legislature, 75-0 in the Assembly and 39-0 in the Senate. SB 1463 would have given local governments more say in fire-prevention efforts through the Public Utilities Commission proceeding making maps of fire hazard areas around utility lines. In a gross display of politics, this is especially pertinent given that Cal Fire and the state’s media are now blaming the largest utility in the state for the latest wildfires.

While hindsight is always 20-20, California was on fire when this bill made its way through the Legislature and on to Jerry Brown’s desk.

The 129 million dead trees throughout California’s state and national forests are now serving as matchsticks and kindling.


Traditional forest management had simple guidelines: thin the forest when it becomes too difficult to walk through; too many trees in the woods will compete with one another, because the best trees will grow at a slower rate.

The U.S. Forest Service used to be a profitable federal agency, McClintock said. “Up until the mid-1970s, we managed our National Forests according to well-established and time-tested forest management practices.”

“But 40 years ago, we replaced these sound management practices with what can only be described as a doctrine of benign neglect,” McClintock said. “Ponderous, byzantine laws and regulations administered by a growing cadre of ideological zealots in our land management agencies promised to ‘save the environment.’ The advocates of this doctrine have dominated our law, our policies, our courts and our federal agencies ever since.”


Prior to FSC Certification, environmentalists refused to acknowledge that timber had been prized as a renewable, recyclable natural resource, and the timber industry prioritized proper care of forests.

In 1998, the Clinton Administration and the Forest Service implemented a roadbuilding moratorium which restricted the use of or building of roads near 50 million acres of forest. “The nearly 50 million acres of roadless areas in our National Forests are an American treasure,” Earth Justice proclaims—apparently because no one is allowed to see the National Forests.

By 2001, President Clinton issued the Roadless Area Conservation Policy directive, “ending virtually all logging; roadbuilding; and coal, gas, oil, and other mineral leasing in 58 million acres of the wildest remaining undeveloped national forests lands,” Earth Justice reported.

Fast forward to the George W. Bush administration: “In June 2009, a federal judge sided with environmentalists and threw out the Bush planning rule that determines how 155 national forests and 20 national grasslands develop individual forest plans, governing activities from timber harvests to recreation and protecting endangered plants and animals. Clinton appointee, Judge Claudia Wilken of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, ruled that the Forest Service had failed to analyze the effects of removing requirements guaranteeing viable wildlife populations,” Greenwire reported.

In 2012, the Obama administration issued a major rewrite of all of the country’s forest rules and guidelines....

CA Gov. Jerry Brown Vetoed 2016 Wildfire Management Bill While CA Burned
Brown vetoed SB 1463 because for the most part, it would have signed away the public land to logging companies supported by the republicans.
Brown vetoed SB 1463 because for the most part, it would have signed away the public land to logging companies supported by the republicans.
Yes. That is why. Logging companies would have removed the trees killed by the bark beetle. They would have thinned the forests reducing it to healthy levels. California will not tolerate healthy wild lands. The state politicians want megafires. It gives them something to talk about.
Brown vetoed SB 1463 because for the most part, it would have signed away the public land to logging companies supported by the republicans.

Nonsense. He signed it because he is part of the enviro-nazi whackjob coalition.
Brown vetoed SB 1463 because for the most part, it would have signed away the public land to logging companies supported by the republicans.
Yes. That is why. Logging companies would have removed the trees killed by the bark beetle. They would have thinned the forests reducing it to healthy levels. California will not tolerate healthy wild lands. The state politicians want megafires. It gives them something to talk about.

These wildfires are Man-made disasters caused by extreme enviro-nazi policies.
Brown vetoed SB 1463 because for the most part, it would have signed away the public land to logging companies supported by the republicans.

So anyone making money is evil?

Do you work for free?
Nope. It's the idea that republicans shouldn't make money.

Jerry Brown and the California politicians have a financial interest in the fires. The more fires, the more blame on the global warming hoax. The more blame on the global warming hoax the more support for the phantom crazy train. The PCT is the money pipeline. That's what the California politicians want.
We will attempt to get the actual texts posted for review, and ironically, the sites are not secure:

2016 SB 1463
(Site not secure)

2017-2018 SB 1463
(Site not secure)
Climate-change deniers should be boycotted en masse, though they could (and should) be used as tree planters in an emergency. SB 1463 fails to be credible when it reifies utilities as a priority. Priorities have already (at least since 2005) been radically arranged by such predatory forces as bark beetles: when they kill a tree, they kill a water reservoir and produce fuel.

Worst Outbreak Ever / Global Warming
The fires are not due to climate change. Properly managed private forests are not the source of the wildfires in CA. The areas burning have been neglected for decades due to inane and destructive extreme enviro policies. The quoted and linked article provides good insight.

What many do not know, is that California Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a bipartisan wildfire management bill in 2016, despite unanimous passage by the Legislature, 75-0 in the Assembly and 39-0 in the Senate. SB 1463 would have given local governments more say in fire-prevention efforts through the Public Utilities Commission proceeding making maps of fire hazard areas around utility lines. In a gross display of politics, this is especially pertinent given that Cal Fire and the state’s media are now blaming the largest utility in the state for the latest wildfires.

While hindsight is always 20-20, California was on fire when this bill made its way through the Legislature and on to Jerry Brown’s desk.

The 129 million dead trees throughout California’s state and national forests are now serving as matchsticks and kindling.


Traditional forest management had simple guidelines: thin the forest when it becomes too difficult to walk through; too many trees in the woods will compete with one another, because the best trees will grow at a slower rate.

The U.S. Forest Service used to be a profitable federal agency, McClintock said. “Up until the mid-1970s, we managed our National Forests according to well-established and time-tested forest management practices.”

“But 40 years ago, we replaced these sound management practices with what can only be described as a doctrine of benign neglect,” McClintock said. “Ponderous, byzantine laws and regulations administered by a growing cadre of ideological zealots in our land management agencies promised to ‘save the environment.’ The advocates of this doctrine have dominated our law, our policies, our courts and our federal agencies ever since.”


Prior to FSC Certification, environmentalists refused to acknowledge that timber had been prized as a renewable, recyclable natural resource, and the timber industry prioritized proper care of forests.

In 1998, the Clinton Administration and the Forest Service implemented a roadbuilding moratorium which restricted the use of or building of roads near 50 million acres of forest. “The nearly 50 million acres of roadless areas in our National Forests are an American treasure,” Earth Justice proclaims—apparently because no one is allowed to see the National Forests.

By 2001, President Clinton issued the Roadless Area Conservation Policy directive, “ending virtually all logging; roadbuilding; and coal, gas, oil, and other mineral leasing in 58 million acres of the wildest remaining undeveloped national forests lands,” Earth Justice reported.

Fast forward to the George W. Bush administration: “In June 2009, a federal judge sided with environmentalists and threw out the Bush planning rule that determines how 155 national forests and 20 national grasslands develop individual forest plans, governing activities from timber harvests to recreation and protecting endangered plants and animals. Clinton appointee, Judge Claudia Wilken of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, ruled that the Forest Service had failed to analyze the effects of removing requirements guaranteeing viable wildlife populations,” Greenwire reported.

In 2012, the Obama administration issued a major rewrite of all of the country’s forest rules and guidelines....

CA Gov. Jerry Brown Vetoed 2016 Wildfire Management Bill While CA Burned

An act to add Section 761.2 to the Public Utilities Code, relating to electrical lines.

The Bill itself ^^^ for the curious reader.
As usual, Trump and his sycophants will always find ways to blame while people are still dying --- no such thing as "too soon to point fingers" -- no such thing as "thoughts and prayers"

Well, if you are going to blame, at least get your fucking facts straight...Trump trying to blame this on the state is misleading at best, but in reality it is down right pathetic.

From the article:

"The statement suggests that California’s forest-management problems are at fault. But the majority of California’s forests are federally held.

Of the state’s 33 million acres of forest, federal agencies, including the Forest Service and the Interior Department,
own and manage 57 percent. Forty percent are owned by families, Native American tribes or companies, including industrial timber companies; just 3 percent are owned and managed by state and local agencies."

Trump’s Misleading Claims About California’s Fire ‘Mismanagement’
The bill is focusing on utilities as a fire hazard, though other things have happened and are happening outside the scope of this particular focus. The URL for Section 761.2 (above) does not work. This might work:

(Not secure)
Brown vetoed SB 1463 because for the most part, it would have signed away the public land to logging companies supported by the republicans.
Is that the talking point that democrats are passing around? LOL...that's a lame excuse backed by absolutely nothing
of a factual nature.
I'm sure the party appreciates your diligence though.
Brown vetoed SB 1463 because for the most part, it would have signed away the public land to logging companies supported by the republicans.
Is that the talking point that democrats are passing around? LOL...that's a lame excuse backed by absolutely nothing
of a factual nature.
I'm sure the party appreciates your diligence though.
The lame talking point is Trump trying to blame "democrats" while the fire still burns and people are still dying..

Then to make it worse, he was even wrong about that -- since the federal government manages most of the forest land Trump is bitching about
Brown vetoed SB 1463 because for the most part, it would have signed away the public land to logging companies supported by the republicans.
Is that the talking point that democrats are passing around? LOL...that's a lame excuse backed by absolutely nothing
of a factual nature.
I'm sure the party appreciates your diligence though.
The lame talking point is Trump trying to blame "democrats" while the fire still burns and people are still dying..

Then to make it worse, he was even wrong about that -- since the federal government manages most of the forest land Trump is bitching about
The federal government manages 40% of forest land in California. How is 40% "most"?
Brown vetoed SB 1463 because for the most part, it would have signed away the public land to logging companies supported by the republicans.
Is that the talking point that democrats are passing around? LOL...that's a lame excuse backed by absolutely nothing
of a factual nature.
I'm sure the party appreciates your diligence though.
The lame talking point is Trump trying to blame "democrats" while the fire still burns and people are still dying..

Then to make it worse, he was even wrong about that -- since the federal government manages most of the forest land Trump is bitching about

Oh Gawd......some people just tend to the hysterical in life. What can you do? When your life experience in in a social bubble, this is the fallout.......people getting hysterical calling things what they are.:gay::gay: Ghey

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