Radiation Therapy

My wife just went through it 4 months ago. Hers was a stage 1-2 with nothing that had spread to the lymph nodes. The radiation treatment was 3 weeks at 5 days a week. One thing that you should discuss is the option to lie face down which reduces the exposure of your heart to the radiation. It ended up being no worse than a bad sunburn honestly.

Best of luck to you! It was scary for us but she seems to be ok and is just on meds right now. You don't sound like you are even as far along as my wife, so you will be fine I'm sure.
Thanks, they haven't staged it yet but he was talking about estrogen being high projesteron being low and the hers was low so as breast cancer goes, I'm in a good position for a cure. :). Not sure if I got all of the classifications right.
Ditto. They will put you on Tamoxifen. I took it for about 3 months then said fuck it and tossed it.
But first they will want to talk you in to radiation. Then "just in case", some rounds of chemo.
Do your homework, Sarah. YOURSELF, not from what the onc says. The info is out there on the net. All you need to know. You can also call the Cancer Society and they will talk to you as long as you want. Ask lots of questions. If you want to know more on what I found for myself, I can see if I can find it. Packing and getting ready to move so I'm not sure which box I put it in but it was very eye opening.

Are they going to take any nodes out? For me, the surgeon took just one and it was free and clear but he took it anyway which was fine with me.

Good luck.
Thanks, Gracie. It was already brought up about chemo before surgery. My doc said no. The surgeon suggested no radiation but my doc asked me if I really wanted a surgeons advice on that. Lol.

Oy, its all hard to research and decide in a short time but I will talk to them after.
All tissue remove from your body will be checked for cancer by pathology and graded on its extent. Pay particular notice to the surgical margins and if any cancer is found in the cut. My prostate had 'positive surgical margins', meaning the cancer went to the edge of the cut, and could easily return. Fortunately, it hasn't. Good luck!
My surgeon and my doc both said no need for chemo. But when I went to see the onc, she said "yes. We must put a port in, too. It's "just in case" and I highly recommend it". Went back to doc and surgeon and both said not needed. Went back to onc, she said again"Just to be safe". I said NO. So she gave me tamoxifin...and it was not something I wanted to take after a month. I was a mess, mentally. Suicidal. Seems tamoxifen can do that. And fuck up your heart. So I dumped them at the drop box for unused meds and told her "no more". Went back to doc and showed him my findings...the 4% difference without radiation OR chemo. Even he said those were stupid odds and why damage my body further for only a 4 per cent difference? I agreed.

This coming december it will be 4 years? Cancer free. Then again, I didn't get a lumpectomy. I just had them take the whole breast off..."just in case". That was another thing I had to wrestle with as a decision. I wish he had taken BOTH breasts off. Being one sided sucks. Then again, a lumpectomy scared me more cuz what if a cell or two was stil hanging around?

You seem to have it all together, but I'm betting you have many concerns. Best thing you can do is think positive, google alot, ask shitloads of questions. Then decide.
Study: Chemo Unnecessary In Many Cases Of Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Unnecessary Radiation

You onc WILL put you on tamoxifen or another drug. I chose Tamoxifen myself due to its longer use over the years. BUT...

Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer Treatment and Prevention

With all that said...keep thinking positive. Before the surgeon saws into your breast, keep telling him you KNOW he will get it all. And keep thinking that. You're tough. It won't come back. Now all you have to do is decide what is best for you and stick with it.

I held a crystal in my hand when they were injecting the ink in my nipple. The doc doing it even chanted a mantra with me! No cancer cells were found in any nodes, but the surgeon took the one out nearest my breast anyway. Good. ASK him when you come out of it, how many he took or none at all. It will hurt when you wake up, but they drugged me up real good and I slept almost 8 hours, then got up to pee out the blue dye, went back to bed and slept another 8 hours. After that...not much pain at all. Some, but not a lot. You'll do fine. I have faith in ya.
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damn sarah hate to hear you have joined the club.....first there is no 'small cancer' .....2nd if you want get a 2nd opinion on the radiation...i dont have to do radiation....doctor has not said i need it so far...

as far as chemo....it has helped me...and i had to find the right chemo....good luck...find a doctor you trust and do what he or she says to do....it really is all one can do
Anyone ever had to go through it? What's it like, how long do treatments take?

I am having a lumpectomy and my Oncologist is recommending it because it will lessen the chance of recurrence. Small lump, tiny. Having surgery next week so any quick answers appreciated. :)

It varies wildly depending on type and location and the selected treatment protocol.

Cyberknife is for extreme cases with tight margins, not for you.

Set up time depends a lot on body type, the heavier and/or more feeble you are the harder it can be to set up.

It does not sound like you are in for heavy side effects.
Anyone ever had to go through it? What's it like, how long do treatments take?

I am having a lumpectomy and my Oncologist is recommending it because it will lessen the chance of recurrence. Small lump, tiny. Having surgery next week so any quick answers appreciated. :)
I refused it just as I refused chemo. Why? Because the percentages when I checked with radiation, without radiation, both vs not doing both, the size of my cancer tumor and the odds all amounted to only 4% difference WITH both or NONE of the above. 4% only? Meanwhile, my body is being poisoned with chemo and I am deliberately burning the fuck out of my skin/body with radiation for 4 % "better chance to stop it from further growth or spreading"?????? FOUR? Hell no.

But...it's up to you. I recommend you doing the same exploration.
I've been researching it because my doctor gave me the entire biopsy report, all of the info about the tumor and he talked a lot about the treatment. They also did lab work and the condition my entire body is all there.

I trust that he is telling me what he truly believes if that makes any sense. I'm not sure where I can get proof that I'll be okay without radiation other than to ask them a lot of questions.

I promise I will do that after all the good advice I got here. You guys are always helpful because of life experiences alone. :)
damn sarah hate to hear you have joined the club.....first there is no 'small cancer' .....2nd if you want get a 2nd opinion on the radiation...i dont have to do radiation....doctor has not said i need it so far...

as far as chemo....it has helped me...and i had to find the right chemo....good luck...find a doctor you trust and do what he or she says to do....it really is all one can do
Thanks so much, sweetie. I trust all of them are saying what they really believe so there's the dilemma we all face when this stuff happens. I heard him say if I have the radiation, it is so pinpointed now that there will be minimal damage to my skin and it will not get anywhere near my heart so minimal damage there.

I think I'm driving myself even more nuts reading so much. I sort of already decided to have the radiation, I'm just worried about the time it takes. 5 days a week for 5 to 8 weeks. That's a lot. I'm hoping it's only like 10 minutes for each treatment and not an hour.
normally if they dont tell you the stage you are in zero.....i love that zero stage wtf? and or stage one...dont fret with that stuff....with cancer you just do the best you can and like imp said ...hope for good margins...they give you labels and stats that shit dont mean nothing....you are not a label nor a stat.....you got to get in your head that you will walk thru this....just like you do anything else.....just like a bad ass mother fucker....looking at cancer and saying.....bitch its on like donkey kong...
damn sarah hate to hear you have joined the club.....first there is no 'small cancer' .....2nd if you want get a 2nd opinion on the radiation...i dont have to do radiation....doctor has not said i need it so far...

as far as chemo....it has helped me...and i had to find the right chemo....good luck...find a doctor you trust and do what he or she says to do....it really is all one can do
Thanks so much, sweetie. I trust all of them are saying what they really believe so there's the dilemma we all face when this stuff happens. I heard him say if I have the radiation, it is so pinpointed now that there will be minimal damage to my skin and it will not get anywhere near my heart so minimal damage there.

I think I'm driving myself even more nuts reading so much. I sort of already decided to have the radiation, I'm just worried about the time it takes. 5 days a week for 5 to 8 weeks. That's a lot. I'm hoping it's only like 10 minutes for each treatment and not an hour.

If you can ask for very early or right after lunch, that can help avoid delays from the staff falling behind with another patient.
sillie bean.....dont worry about the time you are spending to try to have more time.....and stop the damned reading...when i was first told...i got on the net..and convinced myself it was over....i would be dead shortly....that was jan 2014...which on one hand seems like forever...then on the other hand ...time flies....simple as that....

my chemo takes about an hour....the actual procedure...under 3 minutes....make sure your cell is charged....and take a good book....and be thankful you are not doing 5 to 6 hours of chemo with a portal....one step at a time...is all anyone can do..do what the docs tell ya to do...and have a good life...go out today and enjoy that man.....we are suppose to be on the road at 8...he got up at 7 and is all pissy lol...i swear that man bitches bout a blow job....mainly about the lack of ....
normally if they dont tell you the stage you are in zero.....i love that zero stage wtf? and or stage one...dont fret with that stuff....with cancer you just do the best you can and like imp said ...hope for good margins...they give you labels and stats that shit dont mean nothing....you are not a label nor a stat.....you got to get in your head that you will walk thru this....just like you do anything else.....just like a bad ass mother fucker....looking at cancer and saying.....bitch its on like donkey kong...
You just made me cry, I've been doing a lot of that. It's so fucking scary. I have been doing everything I'm supposed to do though so here we go. My surgery is Thursday. I 1/2 hours long without general anesthesia. The other kind. They say I should be able to go home that day.
damn sarah hate to hear you have joined the club.....first there is no 'small cancer' .....2nd if you want get a 2nd opinion on the radiation...i dont have to do radiation....doctor has not said i need it so far...

as far as chemo....it has helped me...and i had to find the right chemo....good luck...find a doctor you trust and do what he or she says to do....it really is all one can do
Thanks so much, sweetie. I trust all of them are saying what they really believe so there's the dilemma we all face when this stuff happens. I heard him say if I have the radiation, it is so pinpointed now that there will be minimal damage to my skin and it will not get anywhere near my heart so minimal damage there.

I think I'm driving myself even more nuts reading so much. I sort of already decided to have the radiation, I'm just worried about the time it takes. 5 days a week for 5 to 8 weeks. That's a lot. I'm hoping it's only like 10 minutes for each treatment and not an hour.

If you can ask for very early or right after lunch, that can help avoid delays from the staff falling behind with another patient.
Good idea.
o o be careful of that.....i do that.....first appointment of the day and ended up getting cold chemo....fuck you try holding something cold in your bladder...but with radiation i would go for first appt of the day and get it over with....now....do something to reward yourself.....i would stop and get a slice of carrot cake from a nice ass bakery....dont do that daily....a cookie daily not a whole slice lol...or a mini tootsie roll....
o honey i am sorry.....i hate this for you....dont cry...cause you know my fucking motto....no one cries alone ....ghost hugs....stop reading crap....just stop...its like fucking web md.....everything is cancer...which i see a great irony in when i did the search on bleeding in urine....it was like....o may never find out why.....slight chance of cancer....bitches lied...lol....and guess what....you are new to this and its taking up every waking minute..with anxiety fear and all that...what is going to happen...how will my hubby handle this...i mean its all you can do to try to spot your mind from racing here and here....that will slow....you wont ever really forget you have cancer....you do kinda push it back....when you realize it will take over and the fear will kill you before anything else....

now with that said...medical leaps are being made daily....

cyberknife...pros and cons to that stuff...i kinda like the human connection....does a cyberknife come in before the operation and talk to you? i dont think so...

you will get out the same day....best way to find that out...how long does your insurance allow you to be in for this?

hell grumpy had the major knee stuff and the kick out was the exact time the insurance said it would be....3 days and .6 of a day....that .6 of a day really fucked with me....i thought it was 6 hours..and when it was explained to me...it was not....i just tossed a fit and cried...he was released at 6 pm at night...in the winter....

now boob pain....you wont be cooking or doing anything for days....when you lift your arm be sure and winch.....not much....maybe a slight moan....dont pick up anything...not even the tv remote...remember you are being watched lol....i might consider a small request for a cleaning service...and perhaps a pool boy of your choice....(its hard explaining that one when you dont have a pool)
o honey i am sorry.....i hate this for you....dont cry...cause you know my fucking motto....no one cries alone ....ghost hugs....stop reading crap....just stop...its like fucking web md.....everything is cancer...which i see a great irony in when i did the search on bleeding in urine....it was like....o may never find out why.....slight chance of cancer....bitches lied...lol....and guess what....you are new to this and its taking up every waking minute..with anxiety fear and all that...what is going to happen...how will my hubby handle this...i mean its all you can do to try to spot your mind from racing here and here....that will slow....you wont ever really forget you have cancer....you do kinda push it back....when you realize it will take over and the fear will kill you before anything else....

now with that said...medical leaps are being made daily....

cyberknife...pros and cons to that stuff...i kinda like the human connection....does a cyberknife come in before the operation and talk to you? i dont think so...

you will get out the same day....best way to find that out...how long does your insurance allow you to be in for this?

hell grumpy had the major knee stuff and the kick out was the exact time the insurance said it would be....3 days and .6 of a day....that .6 of a day really fucked with me....i thought it was 6 hours..and when it was explained to me...it was not....i just tossed a fit and cried...he was released at 6 pm at night...in the winter....

now boob pain....you wont be cooking or doing anything for days....when you lift your arm be sure and winch.....not much....maybe a slight moan....dont pick up anything...not even the tv remote...remember you are being watched lol....i might consider a small request for a cleaning service...and perhaps a pool boy of your choice....(its hard explaining that one when you dont have a pool)
Good ideas, especially the pool boy. :) I have a neighbor who came over and told me she had the same surgery 5 years ago and even my same surgeon. She had no pain after so I felt hopeful. Still we're getting everything done like the store today, cleaning, laundry, just in case so he won't have to do all that.

He got home later last night so he's sleeping in. Nice day for the Farmer's Market tho. You go get your stuff done. We'll talk more later.
Sarah G I do not have any experience in this issue, but what I do have are prayers and good thoughts coming your way hoping for a speedy and full recovery. You are on of the nicest people I have met on this site.
Sarah G I do not have any experience in this issue, but what I do have are prayers and good thoughts coming your way hoping for a speedy and full recovery. You are on of the nicest people I have met on this site.
Thanks, Alex. I'll keep you updated. :)

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