Racist Disney Movie Temporarily Removed From Florida School Pending Review


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Disney movie “Ruby Bridges,” which tells the tale of a 6-year-old who integrated New Orleans schools in the 1960s, has been a staple of Pinellas County Black History Month lessons for years. It never caused a stir until this year, as parents across Florida exert increased powers to question what children can see and read in schools. A North Shore Elementary parent who would not allow her child to watch the film in early March later complained that it wasn’t appropriate for second graders. Emily Conklin wrote that the use of racial slurs and scenes of white people threatening Ruby as she entered a school might result in students learning that white people hate Black people.

Pinellas school officials responded by removing the movie from use by all students at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can assess it — a step that is drawing strong opposition. Davis acknowledged the political climate in Florida has educators second-guessing themselves about what materials to use in classes. The scenes depicted in “Ruby Bridges,” released in 1998, are historically accurate, Davis said, adding that the truth will not change because someone doesn’t like it."

I think it was smart of this parent to not allow her child to watch such filth -- but a better idea would be to not just remove it for review, just remove it altogether....there is no reason for 2nd graders to see anything like that....yea, I have seen the memes about Ruby Bridges...

But that isn't true....maybe certain darkie kids back in those days had strength- but that is because they are savage brutes and can take it; but that doesn't mean we put that burden on the rest of the good kids today.

I remember when my school forced us to watch a movie about Anne Frank - looking back now, that is pretty shocking...what if some kids watched that movie and started hating their jewish classmates because of it. I remember one of my best friend was this kid from the UK; still had her accent and everything...then when we learned about the American revolution, and how the British were the bad guys....I had to end my friendship with her, because learning about that war taught me to hate people with British accents; and don't get me started on how the Alamo caused so much conflict with me and my Mexican classmates.
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Ruby was not even allowed in class with white students

They had a white teacher who taught only Ruby

"The Disney movie “Ruby Bridges,” which tells the tale of a 6-year-old who integrated New Orleans schools in the 1960s, has been a staple of Pinellas County Black History Month lessons for years. It never caused a stir until this year, as parents across Florida exert increased powers to question what children can see and read in schools. A North Shore Elementary parent who would not allow her child to watch the film in early March later complained that it wasn’t appropriate for second graders. Emily Conklin wrote that the use of racial slurs and scenes of white people threatening Ruby as she entered a school might result in students learning that white people hate Black people.

Pinellas school officials responded by removing the movie from use by all students at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can assess it — a step that is drawing strong opposition. Davis acknowledged the political climate in Florida has educators second-guessing themselves about what materials to use in classes. The scenes depicted in “Ruby Bridges,” released in 1998, are historically accurate, Davis said, adding that the truth will not change because someone doesn’t like it."

I think it was smart of this parent to not allow her child to watch such filth -- but a better idea would be to not just remove it for review, just remove it altogether....there is no reason for 2nd graders to see anything like that....yea, I have seen the memes about Ruby Bridges...
View attachment 770008
But that isn't true....maybe certain darkie kids back in those days had strength- but that is because they are savage brutes and can take it; but that doesn't mean we put that burden on the rest of the good kids today.

I remember when my school forced us to watch a movie about Anne Frank - looking back now, that is pretty shocking...what if some kids watched that movie and started hating their jewish classmates because of it. I remember one of my best friend was this kid from the UK; still had her accent and everything...then when we learned about the American revolution, and how the British were the bad guys....I had to end my friendship with her, because learning about that war taught me to hate people with British accents; and don't get me started on how the Alamo caused so much conflict with me and my Mexican classmates.

It was so awful when your party's spokesperson stood in that schoolhouse door and blocked integration.

"The Disney movie “Ruby Bridges,” which tells the tale of a 6-year-old who integrated New Orleans schools in the 1960s, has been a staple of Pinellas County Black History Month lessons for years. It never caused a stir until this year, as parents across Florida exert increased powers to question what children can see and read in schools. A North Shore Elementary parent who would not allow her child to watch the film in early March later complained that it wasn’t appropriate for second graders. Emily Conklin wrote that the use of racial slurs and scenes of white people threatening Ruby as she entered a school might result in students learning that white people hate Black people.

Pinellas school officials responded by removing the movie from use by all students at the St. Petersburg school until a review committee can assess it — a step that is drawing strong opposition. Davis acknowledged the political climate in Florida has educators second-guessing themselves about what materials to use in classes. The scenes depicted in “Ruby Bridges,” released in 1998, are historically accurate, Davis said, adding that the truth will not change because someone doesn’t like it."

I think it was smart of this parent to not allow her child to watch such filth -- but a better idea would be to not just remove it for review, just remove it altogether....there is no reason for 2nd graders to see anything like that....yea, I have seen the memes about Ruby Bridges...
View attachment 770008
But that isn't true....maybe certain darkie kids back in those days had strength- but that is because they are savage brutes and can take it; but that doesn't mean we put that burden on the rest of the good kids today.

I remember when my school forced us to watch a movie about Anne Frank - looking back now, that is pretty shocking...what if some kids watched that movie and started hating their jewish classmates because of it. I remember one of my best friend was this kid from the UK; still had her accent and everything...then when we learned about the American revolution, and how the British were the bad guys....I had to end my friendship with her, because learning about that war taught me to hate people with British accents; and don't get me started on how the Alamo caused so much conflict with me and my Mexican classmates.
To this day I eat queso blanco with great reluctance.
It was so awful when your party's spokesperson stood in that schoolhouse door and blocked integration.
Yea, those southern Democrats were pretty conservative back then.....I wonder why did they oppose the same Civil Rights policies back then that they all call "woke" now?

It seems like conservatism never really changes -- just gets defeated and then get butthurt about the rest of us learning about it
please link to credible source where that happens. What the left did was to very craftily change their tactics.
Then you should be able to name the Conservative lawyer who argued in favor Brown V Board at the Supreme Court...

Or better yet, since Conservatives were such proponents of desegregation - can you tell me what Conservative lawyer argued in favor of Cooper v. Aaron? Oh wait, you never head off that decision have you?

Funny, you would think "Conservatives" would tout such a major Supreme Court decision...maybe you don't know much about it because Conservatives were on the wrong side of that fight too
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Can’t offend white Snowflakes who do not want their children to learn about the evils of racism
I’m fine with it being shown, but it’s worth a discussion, and of course nobody is saying to not teach racism, you’re lying there.

Also.. it’s a shame your Democrat party was so hateful of blacks people during that time. Sadly, we’ve seen You guys still have that racial hatred, but now it’s just at a different target with new methods.

Here’s to one day ridding ourselves of racist KKK, CRT, BLM, Jim Crow, woke racism being promoted by a major party in the USA

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