Rachel Maddow gets destroyed by journalist Chris Hedges

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
And I emphasize the word 'journalist' in the title because Chris Hedges is sadly one of the few true journalists found anywhere in the media right now, including and especially fake liberals like Rachel Maddow.

Rachel Maddow smugly tweeted “death by algorithm” with a link to a recent Washington Post article lamenting that an Aaron Maté interview conducted by Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges, host of RT America’s “On Contact,” was recommended to people in the wake of the Mueller Report. Hedges joins Rick Sanchez to respond to Maddow’s latest conspiratorial spasm. He argues that she “functions to keep viewers glued to the set” and that her claims “aren’t tied to any verifiable reality.”


Are you actually trying to make the case that madcow isn't a moonbat?

Sure, good luck with that.

He's right in many ways, the press missed the reporting of the Trump admin's lawlessness and extremely unethical behavior, putting us more in debt due to the tax cut going mostly to the wealthiest, Federal agencies created in our govt. to protect us average joe citizens being destroyed by the Trump admin like the EPA, and the Department of Education, and Trump/mcConnell stacking the courts with all far right wing wackos that put corporations over the citizen, and many other things President Trump has done to destroy this great nation, while the press was focused on Russiagate.

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