Race to lead powerful House Appropriations Committee is a generational clash between longtime ally of Pelosi Rosa DeLauro & sellout Debbie Wasserman


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
it's a catfight alright

i'm on team delauro, partly because she's a progressive champion, but mostly because she looks like my favorite singer (Perry Farrell of Jane's Addiction)

Debbie resigned in disgrace as DNC chair after she rigged the primary against Bernie in 2016

this part from the article gives me hope:

Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.), who represents a neighboring district to DeLauro, is a former chair of the moderate New Democrat Coalition. Himes said he has previously sparred with DeLauro, who’s more liberal, on trade issues. But he’s endorsing her bid because of how she handled those disagreements.

“The way she handled it with me is something that I’ll never forget,” he said. “She’s a listener and I saw up close and personal how she disagrees with people. … We’ve been on opposite extremes and she just behaved in a way that was exemplary.”

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