Race Hustler Joe Biden Speaks at Fallen Officers Funeral: What a Disgrace


May 23, 2014

The man who has attached himself to the most racist administration in history spoke at fallen officer Ramos funeral today. It's a disgrace that this man should even have showed up. His rhetoric is partially responsible for the poor state of race relations in America. Biden will pander to anyone and pull any trick in the book to get a vote. Remember; "they wanna keep y'all in chains." What a typical piece of shit liberal.
Thank you for reminding us that it is the RWnut crowd, above all, that is the most divisive.
Guess you missed the last 6 years of Obama-Biden-Holder.

No, that was what I was referring to...

...the Right's escalation of racial divisions exploded with the election of President Obama.
Nice try. It was non-existent when Mr. Hope, Love, Change, and Peace went to the White House. But with knock-out game response and continued racist policies of Justice Department ...White people finally had enough bullshit and have abandoned the Democrat Party.
It is a rare occasion when the race of our current president is mentioned in a conservative post. See, that is the problem, when liberals started calling all conservatives racists back twenty years ago or more, it sort of made you look foolish ever since.
It is a rare occasion when the race of our current president is mentioned in a conservative post. See, that is the problem, when liberals started calling all conservatives racists back twenty years ago or more, it sort of made you look foolish ever since.
It's worked for many years, but it seems whites aren't buying it anymore. The intimidating, bullying tactics of historical racial guilt just doesn't play like it once did.

Obama has brought change, alright. Just not the kind he might have had in mind when he said it.
Thank you for reminding us that it is the RWnut crowd, above all, that is the most divisive.
Guess you missed the last 6 years of Obama-Biden-Holder.

No, that was what I was referring to...

...the Right's escalation of racial divisions exploded with the election of President Obama.
Nice try. It was non-existent when Mr. Hope, Love, Change, and Peace went to the White House. But with knock-out game response and continued racist policies of Justice Department ...White people finally had enough bullshit and have abandoned the Democrat Party.

Racism was non-existent in 2009? No kidding? Are you a black man or minority?
Learn something new every day on this board.....
Thank you for reminding us that it is the RWnut crowd, above all, that is the most divisive.
Guess you missed the last 6 years of Obama-Biden-Holder.

No, that was what I was referring to...

...the Right's escalation of racial divisions exploded with the election of President Obama.
Nice try. It was non-existent when Mr. Hope, Love, Change, and Peace went to the White House. But with knock-out game response and continued racist policies of Justice Department ...White people finally had enough bullshit and have abandoned the Democrat Party.
I agree, I mean how do these people keep the narrative going, when it is totally wrong what has transpired over the last 6 years in this nation ? I mean race relations have always been a work in progress in America, and everyone knows this. Progress it was always making big time up until around 6 years ago when these people got in office, started the new freedom campaign to fundamentally transform this place from white oppression to something that will be anti-white oppression as according to them, but in order to do that they had to blame white people who were not holding people down at all in this nation, but their skin color just fit the program or narrative perfectly so onward it went based on ones skin color as a means to get it done. I mean you need a foe in order to have an enemy right, and even if you have to make one up, they were willing to do this.. The new generation who were a majority of white that got Obama elected, didn't realize that they were fixing to be the whipping post for past racial or any other inequalities in this nation. Then you got the vote whores, hustlers and etc. who will do and say anything to appease the crowd or movement of the moment, and they do this trying to be popular or on the quick list of those whom they think will vote for them, love them and hold them up no matter what if they appease them like they do in these ways, then they will do this even if the topic of the day is wrong headed or just plain wrong in the way that it is being implemented by the agitators in this nation.
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It is a rare occasion when the race of our current president is mentioned in a conservative post. See, that is the problem, when liberals started calling all conservatives racists back twenty years ago or more, it sort of made you look foolish ever since.
It's worked for many years, but it seems whites aren't buying it anymore. The intimidating, bullying tactics of historical racial guilt just doesn't play like it once did.

Obama has brought change, alright. Just not the kind he might have had in mind when he said it.
Or it could have been exactly as he had in mind when he said it..
It is a rare occasion when the race of our current president is mentioned in a conservative post. See, that is the problem, when liberals started calling all conservatives racists back twenty years ago or more, it sort of made you look foolish ever since.
It's worked for many years, but it seems whites aren't buying it anymore. The intimidating, bullying tactics of historical racial guilt just doesn't play like it once did.

Obama has brought change, alright. Just not the kind he might have had in mind when he said it.
Or it could have been exactly as he had in mind when he said it..
It's possible, but I doubt he envisioned the major pushback against his immoral black empowerment agenda.
Thank you for reminding us that it is the RWnut crowd, above all, that is the most divisive.
Guess you missed the last 6 years of Obama-Biden-Holder.

No, that was what I was referring to...

...the Right's escalation of racial divisions exploded with the election of President Obama.

Wrong. Obama was elected and then sworn into office during the most racist inauguration in U.S. history. You probably missed it because you approve of this kind of racism, being a racist yourself.

How come the police couldn't have kept the liberals out and stopped the insult to their dead? It seems like the widow could have stepped up and said that there would be no service until the cop haters, Biden and DiBlasio left.
Thank you for reminding us that it is the RWnut crowd, above all, that is the most divisive.
Guess you missed the last 6 years of Obama-Biden-Holder.

No, that was what I was referring to...

...the Right's escalation of racial divisions exploded with the election of President Obama.
Nice try. It was non-existent when Mr. Hope, Love, Change, and Peace went to the White House. But with knock-out game response and continued racist policies of Justice Department ...White people finally had enough bullshit and have abandoned the Democrat Party.

Racism was non-existent in 2009? No kidding? Are you a black man or minority?
Learn something new every day on this board.....
Racism only exist in the minds of individuals be it black, white and/or etc. but as far as a nation goes it has gotten a handle on public policy concerning race ever since the 1960's. It has gotten way better than it was in the 40's and 50's, but it can easily be turned back by those who want to create something where something may not exist within a time or space in which it has already been dealt with or as it existed within that time and space in which people were united within that time and space. Agitators are everywhere, and people need to be aware of this always when the agitators raise their ugly heads. I mean they can be hoisted into the highest offices in the land, and if they choose to agitate, then the nation along with it's public policies on race can begin to suffer greatly, and this as a result of a possible mistake in which the nation may have made in such an election gone wrong on so many levels.
How come the police couldn't have kept the liberals out and stopped the insult to their dead? It seems like the widow could have stepped up and said that there would be no service until the cop haters, Biden and DiBlasio left.

Because the REAL police are not as petty and controlling as the PC Police.

Freedom of speech is real for them, not confined to that with which they agree.

Thank you for reminding us that it is the RWnut crowd, above all, that is the most divisive.
Guess you missed the last 6 years of Obama-Biden-Holder.

No, that was what I was referring to...

...the Right's escalation of racial divisions exploded with the election of President Obama.
Nice try. It was non-existent when Mr. Hope, Love, Change, and Peace went to the White House. But with knock-out game response and continued racist policies of Justice Department ...White people finally had enough bullshit and have abandoned the Democrat Party.

Racism was non-existent in 2009? No kidding? Are you a black man or minority?
Learn something new every day on this board.....
Racism only exist in the minds of individuals be it black, white and/or etc. but as far as a nation goes it has gotten a handle on public policy concerning race ever since the 1960's. It has gotten way better than it was in the 40's and 50's, but it can easily be turned back by those who want to create something where something may not exist within a time or space in which it has already been dealt with or as it existed within that time and space in which people were united within that time and space. Agitators are everywhere, and people need to be aware of this always when the agitators raise their ugly heads. I mean they can be hoisted into the highest offices in the land, and if they choose to agitate, then the nation along with it's public policies on race can begin to suffer greatly, and this as a result of a possible mistake in which the nation may have made in such an election gone wrong on so many levels.
Racism can also be cultural and not individual. There is an entire culture within America that is completely overwhelmed with racism.

I caught a few moments of it, it looks like the cops were quiet and respectful.

They have their priorities right here.

Yes and their priorities were to their fallen co-worker and his family, just as it should be.
How come the police couldn't have kept the liberals out and stopped the insult to their dead? It seems like the widow could have stepped up and said that there would be no service until the cop haters, Biden and DiBlasio left.

Because the REAL police are not as petty and controlling as the PC Police.

Freedom of speech is real for them, not confined to that with which they agree.


Then why did you blame the protests for the death of the cops?

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