Race exists socially


Active Member
Jul 22, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden
Race is all about social status. It doesn't matter that most white people today reject the notion of race, because they act differently. When many black people move into a white housing area, it gives rise to the phenomenon of "white flight". Blacks have, on average, lower social status than Whites. What contributes to their lower status is that they are less successful in society. In USA, 1 In 3 Black Males Will Go To Prison In Their Lifetime Report Warns. In Sweden, the majority of the black community is unemployed. Such social differences give rise to "racial awareness", whether or not intellectuals produce articles about the irrelevance of pigmentation. This is compounded by historical facts, i.e., that white civilization thoroughly eclipses black African civilisation.

So race exists socially, regardless of the many intellectual evasions. Arguably, this intellectual tendency of sweeping racial differences under the carpet is counter-productive. If we lack a conscious concept of differences, it will instead manifest unconsciously. The average person will unthinkingly follow his instincts and avoid people who are unconsciously perceived as different. It will only aggravate segregation. On the other hand, if there is a conscious awareness of racial differences, then personality remains in control of his reactions:

"I am aware of the statistical facts about racial differences, which do not speak in favour of Blacks, but I am going to take this man into my employ anyway, because I am an upstanding citizen who looks to the individual rather than racial belonging."

Otherwise, if the employer in this example had lacked a conscious awareness of racial difference, following the political correct notion, then he would unconsciously place the application at the bottom of the pile. He would fall prey to the unconscious awareness of racial differences, which manifests surreptitiously as negative feeling.

M. Winther
Race is all about social status. It doesn't matter that most white people today reject the notion of race, because they act differently. When many black people move into a white housing area, it gives rise to the phenomenon of "white flight". Blacks have, on average, lower social status than Whites. What contributes to their lower status is that they are less successful in society. In USA, 1 In 3 Black Males Will Go To Prison In Their Lifetime Report Warns. In Sweden, the majority of the black community is unemployed. Such social differences give rise to "racial awareness", whether or not intellectuals produce articles about the irrelevance of pigmentation. This is compounded by historical facts, i.e., that white civilization thoroughly eclipses black African civilisation.

So race exists socially, regardless of the many intellectual evasions. Arguably, this intellectual tendency of sweeping racial differences under the carpet is counter-productive. If we lack a conscious concept of differences, it will instead manifest unconsciously. The average person will unthinkingly follow his instincts and avoid people who are unconsciously perceived as different. It will only aggravate segregation. On the other hand, if there is a conscious awareness of racial differences, then personality remains in control of his reactions:

"I am aware of the statistical facts about racial differences, which do not speak in favour of Blacks, but I am going to take this man into my employ anyway, because I am an upstanding citizen who looks to the individual rather than racial belonging."

Otherwise, if the employer in this example had lacked a conscious awareness of racial difference, following the political correct notion, then he would unconsciously place the application at the bottom of the pile. He would fall prey to the unconscious awareness of racial differences, which manifests surreptitiously as negative feeling.

M. Winther

White flight is the US is driven primarily by the collapse of schools that followed desegregation.
In Sweden the phenomenon is very pronounced. When immigrants exceed 5% in a housing area, the Swedes move out, according to a study (2015) by IBF institute at Uppsala university. It is not only due to the collapse of the schooling system. Social trust is drastically reduced in ethnically mixed areas. Had people been allowed to acknowledge differences, however, the problem would abate. Since racial awareness is unconscious, it becomes infected with archaic fear and mistrust. /M.
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Thousands of years of social, biological, ancestral constructs are going on on a lot of levels.

This cannot nor never will be legislated away. Evolution moves at its own pace.

Give American blacks their own state and let them sort out their own troubles.

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