Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro

And it sounds like Rabbi Shapiro and a few hundred thousand other self-described orthodox Jews have declared war on the state of Israel.

Did that part sink in as you listened to what he was saying?
Actually idiot, Shapiro is an outcast, and most of the settlers are Orthodox / Hasidic Jews.

Funny world these terrorist worshippers live in.
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And it sounds like Rabbi Shapiro and a few hundred thousand other self-described orthodox Jews have declared war on the state of Israel.

Did that part sink in as you listened to what he was saying?
Actually idiot, Shapiro is an outcast, and most of the sellers are Orthodox / Hasidic Jews.

Funny world these terrorist worshippers live in.

You can't blame someone in Amity's world for projecting their spiritual flaws onto others.
The Rabbi says Jews survived for 2,000 years without a state so why did they moved to Israel? Why didn't they just stay where they were?

My other question would be, did those Jews that lived as a stateless people for 2,000 years have to work and earn a living in the world? I suspect they did and still managed to be Jews. So why would this imposed service be so very different?
The rabbi is an idiot, there are idiots in every religion. This particular idiot ignores the fact that majority of Jews that died in the Holocaust were ORTHODOX. So where were they supposed to go? To their deaths, as many did.
And it sounds like Rabbi Shapiro and a few hundred thousand other self-described orthodox Jews have declared war on the state of Israel.

Did that part sink in as you listened to what he was saying?

He is not an orthodox Jew, he is an extremist Neturei Karta Jew one of a few tens of hundrfeds that are much beloved by muslims. That is until they learn that they preach that the Messiah will return and kill all the non Jews so that the few tens of hundreds true Torah Jews can go to heaven.

See what I mean about your failure to research your links and find out which extremist group they originate from.
The Rabbi says Jews survived for 2,000 years without a state so why did they moved to Israel? Why didn't they just stay where they were?

My other question would be, did those Jews that lived as a stateless people for 2,000 years have to work and earn a living in the world? I suspect they did and still managed to be Jews. So why would this imposed service be so very different?
The rabbi is an idiot, there are idiots in every religion. This particular idiot ignores the fact that majority of Jews that died in the Holocaust were ORTHODOX. So where were they supposed to go? To their deaths, as many did.

It's a sad fact that most Rebbes told their students not to flee Europe and the students were exterminated.
Most of the Rebbes who survived were ransomed to Israel or America after their sudents were murdered.
Indeependent, I am very disappointed in you ... you are merely pretending to have listened to this video.

We don't need to as it is very old news, at the end of the day these people are no better than the Palestinians who live of handouts.
Good luck with that because I think its likely to be a fight to the death from the sound of it, and it is not going to play well with Israel's fan base in Europe and U.S.

Plus I'm not sure Israel (state of) is going to win.

So do you agree with Rabbi Shapiro that it is a culture war at base? Or does Israel really need these putative soldiers?

and most importantly, do you agree that "Judaism is the national tragedy of the Jewish people."

Do tell what chance a few tens of hundreds of unarmed extremist Jews stand against 6 million real Jews armed and dangerous. When they lose their aid and charity they will either have to find a job or starve on the streets. Maybe the gazans can take them in and give them handouts to plot against the P.A.
Look, Indeependent, if the IDF shuts off the electricity, every day will be like Shabbat. These people are going to know how to cope, and they're motivated to do so.

Is Israel's motive what he says it is, cultural assimilation AND SECULARIZATION by force?

What will they eat then as they will not be able to prepare the food the correct way, how will they read the Torah without light, how will they pay the rent without money from the welfare payments. They will not cope as they will be shunned by everyone and told to get a job and pay taxes like everyone else.

If you believe these words then you must also believe the words of the Islamic extremists who say they will take over the world by force and convert everyone to islam.
Look, Indeependent, if the IDF shuts off the electricity, every day will be like Shabbat. These people are going to know how to cope, and they're motivated to do so.

Is Israel's motive what he says it is, cultural assimilation AND SECULARIZATION by force?

What will they eat then as they will not be able to prepare the food the correct way, how will they read the Torah without light, how will they pay the rent without money from the welfare payments. They will not cope as they will be shunned by everyone and told to get a job and pay taxes like everyone else.

If you believe these words then you must also believe the words of the Islamic extremists who say they will take over the world by force and convert everyone to islam.

As my Rabbi, who travels quite often to Israel on business, tell us, quite a few of them are now going for military duty in units set aside especially for the Orthodox.
The Rabbi says Jews survived for 2,000 years without a state so why did they moved to Israel? Why didn't they just stay where they were?

My other question would be, did those Jews that lived as a stateless people for 2,000 years have to work and earn a living in the world? I suspect they did and still managed to be Jews. So why would this imposed service be so very different?

That is simple many did as they lived in the M.E., others faced mass murder and atrocities in the nations they lived in. So when the LoN decided to recreate the NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS in the mandate of Palestine they saw the chance to start all over again in Israel. The world population of Jews is split into two sections, those that moved to Israel for a new start and those that stayed in the diaspora because of other commitments. But if every Jew went to Israel the worlds economies would collapse and the world would grind to a halt

We are talking about a tiny handful of extremist Jews that number less than a thousand, they do not work or contribute anything but their warped views and rules. They exist on charity, welfare and handouts in every nation they infest while preaching sedition and perversions. They are against any form or labour and military service, even serving as medics is beneath their self imposed exalted status. They are the Palestinians of Judaism, always on the mooch.
OUTSTANDING POST! How right that rabbi is. Judaism is the Torah & not some damn Zionist thinking of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to Palestinians to remain in Israel who want Jews dead & Israel obliterated. Jews shoiuld go back to studying the Torah & abandon Israel's entire Zionist agenda & just learn to treat the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, justice & respect the Palestinians are so well accustomed to --- and so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!


I posted this video earlier on another thread and it got buried without comment.
I think that was likely because of Shabbat. Those who might have wanted to comment were offline.

So with Shabbat now nearly at an end I want to ask Jews to hear Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro out. His topic is Israeli proposals to conscript yeshiva students. I did a search on his name, and his only subject is theology, kabala apparently, and this is his only foray into politics, so he can hardly be called a gratuitous Israel basher.

To me this man is so right. The essence of Judaism is TORAH STUDY, and ultimately Zionism will obliterate Jewish consciousness as it has existed for thousands of years. Rabbi Shapiro is so brilliant, so right, this made me cry.

I would be so glad to have thoughtful comment on this film:

Clearly explained why Orthodox Jews refuse to serve in IDF - YouTube
The Rabbi says Jews survived for 2,000 years without a state so why did they moved to Israel? Why didn't they just stay where they were?

My other question would be, did those Jews that lived as a stateless people for 2,000 years have to work and earn a living in the world? I suspect they did and still managed to be Jews. So why would this imposed service be so very different?
The rabbi is an idiot, there are idiots in every religion. This particular idiot ignores the fact that majority of Jews that died in the Holocaust were ORTHODOX. So where were they supposed to go? To their deaths, as many did.

Idiot he may be but he has plenty of company:

Tens of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews gathered in Lower Manhattan on Sunday [8 March 2014] to protest Israel’s proposal to include strictly religious citizens in its military draft. ([cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/03/09/orthodox-new-york-city-jews-protest-proposed-israeli-draft/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0])

Why NYC Jews felt entitled to tell Israel what to do is beyond me.
And it sounds like Rabbi Shapiro and a few hundred thousand other self-described orthodox Jews have declared war on the state of Israel.

Did that part sink in as you listened to what he was saying?

He is not an orthodox Jew, he is an extremist Neturei Karta Jew one of a few tens of hundrfeds that are much beloved by muslims. That is until they learn that they preach that the Messiah will return and kill all the non Jews so that the few tens of hundreds true Torah Jews can go to heaven.

See what I mean about your failure to research your links and find out which extremist group they originate from.

FOA, Rabbi Shapiro is evidently not Neturei Karta.

I did a little research and came up these articles:

Anti-Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Haredim and Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

which detail the limited success and much more prominent failures of political Zionism's attempts to woo religious Jews. There a few hundred thousand Jewish opponents of Zionism just in Israel right now.

It sounds as though in many ways Israel's attempts to conscript Torah scholars is what has united so many orthodox Jews against Israel. Neturei Karta (the most extreme anti-Zionist Jewish religious grouping) has now been transformed from a small and rather fringe element to appearing as the vanguard of orthodox opposition to Israel.

By the way, for benefit of skeptics, I know many more rabbis and Jews right now than I know Palestinians. Of course with the internet it no longer matters where one lives, the whole world is a village. Since it appears by your own statements that some of you have been illegally snooping on the computers I use (none of which are mine....) in an attempt to find out who I am and where I live, I am flattered that I have you that upset. :)
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The Rabbi says Jews survived for 2,000 years without a state so why did they moved to Israel? Why didn't they just stay where they were?

My other question would be, did those Jews that lived as a stateless people for 2,000 years have to work and earn a living in the world? I suspect they did and still managed to be Jews. So why would this imposed service be so very different?

Question 1...
The Holocaust ended, Jew hatred didn't.
My father-in-law was deported from Poland to Italy.

Question 2...

The Holocaust was only the latest such massacre of Jews in Europe, there where other periodic examples but on a smaller scale. The Jews suffered and remained. The unique thing about these Jews was that they were restricted in what they could do and where they could live. It was this discrimination that allowed the Jews to remain Jews, they were outside society and not allowed to assimilate.

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