Questions for Republicans, Conservatives, RINOs, Tea Partiers, et al:

For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?
No. I'll definitely vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee, and probably for the Libertarian candidate if Cruz is the nominee. If Sanders and Trump are the nominees, I'll vote Libertarian.
Wow! Great, thanks.
And thus we see that it is the moderates who are throwing the conservatives and the GOP under the bus.
From what I can tell, the moderates and the conservatives are wrestling on the street and the bus is rolling over both of them.

Conservatives voted for McCain. Conservatives voted for Romney.

The GOP Establishment has been more vicious and aggressive campaigning against Conservatives than against Democrats, several times purposefully LOSING or endorsing the democrat in question.
Rome needs rebuilt and we can't allow the further decay of what at least I used to remember America as being. That means NO Hillary, whatever it takes.
Regarding those conservatives who would not vote for a RINO, would you say they're willing to be nihilistic, just let the place burn down and clean it up afterwards?

Is that their philosophy at this point?

i think that's what he just said.

and it reinforces the fact that for all their pretense of calling themselves "patriots", they hate this country, the people in it and that mean old government that makes them treat gays and blacks as equals.

btw, this was a very good topic. thank you.
Rome needs rebuilt and we can't allow the further decay of what at least I used to remember America as being. That means NO Hillary, whatever it takes.
Regarding those conservatives who would not vote for a RINO, would you say they're willing to be nihilistic, just let the place burn down and clean it up afterwards?

Is that their philosophy at this point?

I don't consider Rubio a Rhino. Some do, but thats fine. Hell, I would vote for Newt if we rolled him out. I used to be a Republican but terminated our association in writing after Sen Snow sold us out. That was it. Plus the budget issues. I was for shutting it down consequently, Cruz won my vote after his all nighter on the Senate floor.

I can only speak for myself though

For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers:
If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?
i disagree that cruz isn't establishment.

oh honey... lol
I'm trying to figure out what bill Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan would pass that kasich, Cruz, rubio or carson wouldn't sign.

They would veto any Republican bills so Republicans can cut the rino crap
The insane Trade Deficits/outsourcing we have been running ARE the serious global economic crisis.

The world cannot run a trade deficit and thus can't contribute to a global economic crisis.

That America runs a trade deficit is neither inherently good nor bad. Because we run a trade deficit, we also - must - run a capital surplus. That means foreigners invest more here than we invest abroad, which means more jobs than otherwise would exist.

Outsourcing is not a serious global economic crisis. It's a crisis to those who used to work in manufacturing and now work for lower wages elsewhere, people who are mostly unskilled and semi-skilled labor without a college degree. Outsourcing is a boon to the owner's of capital, who are mostly American.

A crisis for America is a crisis for the world.

THe effects of this massive long running trade deficit seem to be inherently bad to me.

As outsourcing seems to be hitting America and FIrst World nations hardest, it seems to be a serious global economic crisis.

And yes, owner's of capital are doing well. Policy should consider the interests of all the citizens AND the overall health of the nation as a working together whole.

The effects on the MIddle Class are detrimental for America.
For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?
No. I'll definitely vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee, and probably for the Libertarian candidate if Cruz is the nominee. If Sanders and Trump are the nominees, I'll vote Libertarian.
Wow! Great, thanks.
And thus we see that it is the moderates who are throwing the conservatives and the GOP under the bus.
From what I can tell, the moderates and the conservatives are wrestling on the street and the bus is rolling over both of them.

Conservatives voted for McCain. Conservatives voted for Romney.

The GOP Establishment has been more vicious and aggressive campaigning against Conservatives than against Democrats, several times purposefully LOSING or endorsing the democrat in question.

mccain lost because a) there was an economic meltdown and he looked like a fool and b) he picked the ignorant twit as his running mate.

romney lost because a) he had all of bush's advisors (including cheney) and insulted everyone who wasn't white, male and christian.

but we can pretend it was because he didn't carry "water" for the base. he even came out in favor of insane "personhood" laws.
Rome needs rebuilt and we can't allow the further decay of what at least I used to remember America as being. That means NO Hillary, whatever it takes.
Regarding those conservatives who would not vote for a RINO, would you say they're willing to be nihilistic, just let the place burn down and clean it up afterwards?

Is that their philosophy at this point?

A RINO who legalizes the Illegals is the one burning down the house. America is not going to be a nice pleasant place to live under a defacto ONe Party Rule by lefties.
For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers:
If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?
i disagree that cruz isn't establishment.

oh honey... lol
I'm trying to figure out what bill Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan would pass that kasich, Cruz, rubio or carson wouldn't sign.

They would veto any Republican bills so Republicans can cut the rino crap

kasich allowed the medicaid expansion in his state and isn't health insurance averse (he said that he has to answer for how he treats the poor when he dies).

other than that... not a one.
No. I'll definitely vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee, and probably for the Libertarian candidate if Cruz is the nominee. If Sanders and Trump are the nominees, I'll vote Libertarian.
Wow! Great, thanks.
And thus we see that it is the moderates who are throwing the conservatives and the GOP under the bus.
From what I can tell, the moderates and the conservatives are wrestling on the street and the bus is rolling over both of them.

Conservatives voted for McCain. Conservatives voted for Romney.

The GOP Establishment has been more vicious and aggressive campaigning against Conservatives than against Democrats, several times purposefully LOSING or endorsing the democrat in question.

mccain lost because a) there was an economic meltdown and he looked like a fool and b) he picked the ignorant twit as his running mate.

romney lost because a) he had all of bush's advisors (including cheney) and insulted everyone who wasn't white, male and christian.

but we can pretend it was because he didn't carry "water" for the base. he even came out in favor of insane "personhood" laws.

Noting in your posted addressed my point, that conservatives voted for the more moderate candidates and now moderates are not returning the favor.
I will consider it.

I do not wish to be stuck voting for either Miss Tammany Hall nor Karl Marx.

Then again, I'm skittish about voting for Attila the Hun.

Helluva choice.
Rome needs rebuilt and we can't allow the further decay of what at least I used to remember America as being. That means NO Hillary, whatever it takes.
Regarding those conservatives who would not vote for a RINO, would you say they're willing to be nihilistic, just let the place burn down and clean it up afterwards?

Is that their philosophy at this point?

A RINO who legalizes the Illegals is the one burning down the house. America is not going to be a nice pleasant place to live under a defacto ONe Party Rule by lefties.

I agree. Just look how it took for the Western states to get involved to carry Hillary. Minorities have a huge impact as we see so its just a circle of despair for us. They will vote those that will ultimately make America look a lot like the crap hole countries they fled.

I will support whoever becomes the GOP nominee, but I just don't see Trump or Cruz being able to win a general election.
Of course you will. You are a partisan hack. You will vote for whoever is left in the KKKlown KKKar when it crosses the finish line.

But given a choice between trump or either one of the two Cubans --- okay, one is a Canadian --- a lot of mainstream, sane, republicans who actually think for themselves will decide to sit the November election out altogether.
For Conservatives and Tea Partiers: If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

No. Not under any circumstances. We've made ut clear over the last 2 Presidential Elections that we will not support a non-Conservative candidate. The Republican Party can now stew in its own blood if they still haven't gotten the message.
You are the ones that are poisoning the soup, and after this election you will be removed from any influence in the party and policy making.
Rome needs rebuilt and we can't allow the further decay of what at least I used to remember America as being. That means NO Hillary, whatever it takes.
Regarding those conservatives who would not vote for a RINO, would you say they're willing to be nihilistic, just let the place burn down and clean it up afterwards?

Is that their philosophy at this point?

A RINO who legalizes the Illegals is the one burning down the house. America is not going to be a nice pleasant place to live under a defacto ONe Party Rule by lefties.

I agree. Just look how it took for the Western states to get involved to carry Hillary. Minorities have a huge impact as we see so its just a circle of despair for us. They will vote those that will ultimately make America look a lot like the crap hole countries they fled.


I will support whoever becomes the GOP nominee, but I just don't see Trump or Cruz being able to win a general election.
Of course you will. You are a partisan hack. You will vote for whoever is left in the KKKlown KKKar when it crosses the finish line.

But given a choice between trump or either one of the two Cubans --- okay, one is a Canadian --- a lot of mainstream, sane, republicans who actually think for themselves will decide to sit the November election out altogether.

That kind of "sanity" will simply elect Hillary Clinton.
The insane Trade Deficits/outsourcing we have been running ARE the serious global economic crisis.

The world cannot run a trade deficit and thus can't contribute to a global economic crisis.

That America runs a trade deficit is neither inherently good nor bad. Because we run a trade deficit, we also - must - run a capital surplus. That means foreigners invest more here than we invest abroad, which means more jobs than otherwise would exist.

Outsourcing is not a serious global economic crisis. It's a crisis to those who used to work in manufacturing and now work for lower wages elsewhere, people who are mostly unskilled and semi-skilled labor without a college degree. Outsourcing is a boon to the owner's of capital, who are mostly American.

A crisis for America is a crisis for the world.

THe effects of this massive long running trade deficit seem to be inherently bad to me.

As outsourcing seems to be hitting America and FIrst World nations hardest, it seems to be a serious global economic crisis.

And yes, owner's of capital are doing well. Policy should consider the interests of all the citizens AND the overall health of the nation as a working together whole.

The effects on the MIddle Class are detrimental for America.

A trade deficit or surplus is neither inherently good nor bad.

Europe runs a trade surplus with America. And they rely more on trade than we do.

But Europe has a slower growing economy than ours. Europeans have a worse economy than we have. Yet they also have more manufacturing. Nobody, outside of some leftists, thinks we should be more like Europe.

If two economies start exactly the same but one grows faster than the other, the slower growing economy will run a trade surplus. That's a truism. So is it better to have a trade surplus and a slower growing economy or a trade deficit and a faster growing economy?
I will support whoever becomes the GOP nominee, but I just don't see Trump or Cruz being able to win a general election.
Of course you will. You are a partisan hack. You will vote for whoever is left in the KKKlown KKKar when it crosses the finish line.

But given a choice between trump or either one of the two Cubans --- okay, one is a Canadian --- a lot of mainstream, sane, republicans who actually think for themselves will decide to sit the November election out altogether.
And give the Libs another chance to screw things up even worse? You're dreaming.

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