Questions for Republicans, Conservatives, RINOs, Tea Partiers, et al:

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers: If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

No. Not under any circumstances. We've made ut clear over the last 2 Presidential Elections that we will not support a non-Conservative candidate. The Republican Party can now stew in its own blood if they still haven't gotten the message.
You are the ones that are poisoning the soup, and after this election you will be removed from any influence in the party and policy making.

You sure about that? YOu sure that your decades of vicious slander against conservatives contributed to a atmosphere conducive to working together? THat the fault is all on those whom you have been ridiculing and calling names forever?
For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers:
If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

i am a Conservative in the strictest sense, and i would NOT vote for Rubio !! Cruz or Trump, YES!!
For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers:
If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

i am a Conservative in the strictest sense, and i would NOT vote for Rubio !! Cruz or Trump, YES!!
Would then vote third party if Rubio got the nomination?

And do you feel that Trump is a conservative in the strictest sense, too?
For Conservatives and Tea Partiers: If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

No. Not under any circumstances. We've made ut clear over the last 2 Presidential Elections that we will not support a non-Conservative candidate. The Republican Party can now stew in its own blood if they still haven't gotten the message.
You are the ones that are poisoning the soup, and after this election you will be removed from any influence in the party and policy making.

You sure about that? YOu sure that your decades of vicious slander against conservatives contributed to a atmosphere conducive to working together? THat the fault is all on those whom you have been ridiculing and calling names forever?
You are talking into the mirror and projecting your far right slander on the mainstream base.
For Conservatives and Tea Partiers: If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

No. Not under any circumstances. We've made ut clear over the last 2 Presidential Elections that we will not support a non-Conservative candidate. The Republican Party can now stew in its own blood if they still haven't gotten the message.
You are the ones that are poisoning the soup, and after this election you will be removed from any influence in the party and policy making.

You sure about that? YOu sure that your decades of vicious slander against conservatives contributed to a atmosphere conducive to working together? THat the fault is all on those whom you have been ridiculing and calling names forever?

Pointing out obstructionism and crazy politicians is not slander. There is no way to discuss people like Louie Gohmert without using the word crazy.
For Conservatives and Tea Partiers: If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

No. Not under any circumstances. We've made ut clear over the last 2 Presidential Elections that we will not support a non-Conservative candidate. The Republican Party can now stew in its own blood if they still haven't gotten the message.
You are the ones that are poisoning the soup, and after this election you will be removed from any influence in the party and policy making.

You sure about that? YOu sure that your decades of vicious slander against conservatives contributed to a atmosphere conducive to working together? THat the fault is all on those whom you have been ridiculing and calling names forever?

Pointing out obstructionism and crazy politicians is not slander. There is no way to discuss people like Louie Gohmert without using the word crazy.
I know Louie. Yes, he is crazy. But crazy sells in East Teas well to the evangelical and gun nut crowds.
For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers:
If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

First of all, Kasich won't get nominated. I don't think Rubio can get nominated without shenanigans from the GOP establishment at the convention. Cruz still stands a chance but it's looking more and more like Trump is too strong to beat.

I don't think Trump will be all he's cracked up to be. He says things that make me wonder if he would be any better than the establishment candidates. He certainly isn't anti-establishment. The best conservative who can be counted upon to uphold the constitution and apply conservative principles is Ted Cruz. But the establishment has been successful in tearing him down in the eyes of the public. Rubio is their guy but he has almost no credibility with the conservative base and the Republican's can't win without the conservatives.

I've made up my mind that I am voting for whoever the GOP nominates over the two Socialist possibilities from the Democrats. No other real choice. I may not like it... may not be who I want... but we can't let another Socialist win or our nation is gone forever.
The insane Trade Deficits/outsourcing we have been running ARE the serious global economic crisis.

The world cannot run a trade deficit and thus can't contribute to a global economic crisis.

That America runs a trade deficit is neither inherently good nor bad. Because we run a trade deficit, we also - must - run a capital surplus. That means foreigners invest more here than we invest abroad, which means more jobs than otherwise would exist.

Outsourcing is not a serious global economic crisis. It's a crisis to those who used to work in manufacturing and now work for lower wages elsewhere, people who are mostly unskilled and semi-skilled labor without a college degree. Outsourcing is a boon to the owner's of capital, who are mostly American.

A crisis for America is a crisis for the world.

THe effects of this massive long running trade deficit seem to be inherently bad to me.

As outsourcing seems to be hitting America and FIrst World nations hardest, it seems to be a serious global economic crisis.

And yes, owner's of capital are doing well. Policy should consider the interests of all the citizens AND the overall health of the nation as a working together whole.

The effects on the MIddle Class are detrimental for America.

A trade deficit or surplus is neither inherently good nor bad.

Europe runs a trade surplus with America. And they rely more on trade than we do.

But Europe has a slower growing economy than ours. Europeans have a worse economy than we have. Yet they also have more manufacturing. Nobody, outside of some leftists, thinks we should be more like Europe.

If two economies start exactly the same but one grows faster than the other, the slower growing economy will run a trade surplus. That's a truism. So is it better to have a trade surplus and a slower growing economy or a trade deficit and a faster growing economy?

As I said, the effects of this Trade Deficit seem to be bad for America's Middle Class.

I don't think Europe's problem(s) are caused by it's Trade Surplus with US.

Or by having more manufacturing employment.

China has had a tremendous trade surplus and high grow over the last 30 years. That seems to undermine your "Truism".

Japan's period of high growth coincided with Trade Surpluses too...
For Republicans and RINO's:
If an anti-establishment candidate (like Trump or Cruz) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

For Conservatives and Tea Partiers:
If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

First of all, Kasich won't get nominated. I don't think Rubio can get nominated without shenanigans from the GOP establishment at the convention. Cruz still stands a chance but it's looking more and more like Trump is too strong to beat.

I don't think Trump will be all he's cracked up to be. He says things that make me wonder if he would be any better than the establishment candidates. He certainly isn't anti-establishment. The best conservative who can be counted upon to uphold the constitution and apply conservative principles is Ted Cruz. But the establishment has been successful in tearing him down in the eyes of the public. Rubio is their guy but he has almost no credibility with the conservative base and the Republican's can't win without the conservatives.

I've made up my mind that I am voting for whoever the GOP nominates over the two Socialist possibilities from the Democrats. No other real choice. I may not like it... may not be who I want... but we can't let another Socialist win or our nation is gone forever.

Quit whining. You said the nation would be gone forever if Obama was elected, and again when he was elected the second time. The nation was supposed to disappear when gay marriage was made legal, when we got healthcare, when you thought the military was attacking Texas, when you thought there were FEMA prisons, and at least 100 other times. The Nation is still here and strong as ever. You're just whining like usual.
I've made up my mind that I am voting for whoever the GOP nominates over the two Socialist possibilities from the Democrats. No other real choice. I may not like it... may not be who I want... but we can't let another Socialist win or our nation is gone forever.

There are no socialist running in the US race for President. There is one Democratic Socialist, but that's not the socialism you think it is.
Of course we will be different, just not stupidly opposed.

No you won't. Not in any meaningful way. Your party has already made themselves complicit with Obamacare, the lack of border defense, etc.... What makes you believe you'd be different?.... the fact thst your party would lie about their intentions?
Of course we will be different, just not stupidly opposed.

No you won't. Not in any meaningful way. Your party has already made themselves complicit with Obamacare, the lack of border defense, etc.... What makes you believe you'd be different?.... the fact thst your party would lie about their intentions?
The only thing I need to point out is that you don't listen to women, so you are opposed to the opinions of more than half the electorate.

So your opinion really does not matter.
Of course we will be different, just not stupidly opposed.

No you won't. Not in any meaningful way. Your party has already made themselves complicit with Obamacare, the lack of border defense, etc.... What makes you believe you'd be different?.... the fact thst your party would lie about their intentions?

I still say you are paid by the RNC to make right wingers look bad. If they aren't paying you, they should.
For Conservatives and Tea Partiers: If an establishment candidate (Rubio or, uh, Kasich) gets nominated, will you vote for him?

No. Not under any circumstances. We've made ut clear over the last 2 Presidential Elections that we will not support a non-Conservative candidate. The Republican Party can now stew in its own blood if they still haven't gotten the message.
You are the ones that are poisoning the soup, and after this election you will be removed from any influence in the party and policy making.

You sure about that? YOu sure that your decades of vicious slander against conservatives contributed to a atmosphere conducive to working together? THat the fault is all on those whom you have been ridiculing and calling names forever?

Pointing out obstructionism and crazy politicians is not slander. There is no way to discuss people like Louie Gohmert without using the word crazy.

Jake likes to call people names for disagreeing with him on the issues.

It is slander.

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