Questions and comments about individual mandate

I hope your children are never diagnosed with a pre-existing condition. Because if they are, and this law is struck down, they're fucked.
Newsflash....pre existing conditions will be fiscally impossible to cover without a massive tax increase or a dramatic rationing of care combined with boards which are appointed by the Dept of Health and Human Services which will have absolute discretion on types of care, who gets care and of course the cost of care will be greatly scrutinized.
Should a person with a serious heart condition be able to sign up for new insurance and get it free of charge? Please. Even the geniuses on Capitol Hill know damned well this is impossible.
Forget the pre-existing condition stuff. It's not happening. Not without dramatic tax increases.

Which is my point.

Not discriminating against pre-existing conditions only works in conjunction with everyone getting health insurance. If you have no mechanism for everyone getting coverage, but do not discriminate for pre-existing conditions, insurers will go bankrupt very quickly. This means if the Mandate goes, so does non-discrimination.
How so?
There is the cost of treating people with pre existing ailments. Those costs, no matter how large the group of insureds keeps rising. And is the most expensive type treatment.
It is impossible to cover these costs without getting the funding from somewhere.
That somewhere is from those who do not receive the 400% of poverty subsidy.
Lots of people will go broke trying to pay for their "free" government health insurance. or they will simply go without and pay the government penalty.
Without massive tax increases and new fees and taxes,
this thing falls apart because it bankrupts the country.

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