Question to leftist Supporters, Did the medias misrepresentation of Trump's "Inject disinfectant" Comment Change your Opinion of them?

Are you tired of the medias lies yet

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    Votes: 13 50.0%
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    Votes: 13 50.0%

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Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.
It's clear as day, trump suggests/asks/comments on INJECTING disinfectant as a form of treatment. You have toi be the dumbest moron in US history to think that you could inject disinfectant.

Pretty much you people will defend anything Trump says no matter how embarrassingly stupid. You are a total partisan hack who cares more aboput party than country, this is proof. There is no defense for this.

It is clear as day that the media lied indeed.

Trump did NOT suggest people start injecting themselves with bleach. That is a fact no matter how much you whine and moan about the greatest president in US history.
FAKE NEWS NORMAN, you used an edited pic that edits out the word INJECTION. You are fake news.

You need to use fake news to defend Trump's stupidity. BUSTED fake news Norman.

How can I be fake news when I am not even news?

The stupidity of these people can not be understated.
Because you spread fake news.

He claimed that Trump's words were not lied about, so I had to put out the CNN link.

I usually only spread fake news if I need to demonstrate that it is indeed fake.
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.
It's clear as day, trump suggests/asks/comments on INJECTING disinfectant as a form of treatment. You have toi be the dumbest moron in US history to think that you could inject disinfectant.

Pretty much you people will defend anything Trump says no matter how embarrassingly stupid. You are a total partisan hack who cares more aboput party than country, this is proof. There is no defense for this.

It is clear as day that the media lied indeed.

Trump did NOT suggest people start injecting themselves with bleach. That is a fact no matter how much you whine and moan about the greatest president in US history.
FAKE NEWS NORMAN, you used an edited pic that edits out the word INJECTION. You are fake news.

You need to use fake news to defend Trump's stupidity. BUSTED fake news Norman.

How can I be fake news when I am not even news?

The stupidity of these people can not be understated.

When you repost President Trump's lies, you are fake news. When you support drugs and treatments that Trump promotes, and which end up killing people, you are fake news.

When you ignore facts, unaltered video tape, and reality, and ignore the 55,000 deaths, and nearly 1 million people sick, and nurses demonstrating in the streets for PPE's, and claim that the Democrats are the problem, you are fake news.

You are one of the most dishonest, uninformed and ignorant posters on this board.

Stupid, gullible and conservative is no way to go through life Norman.

President Trump has saved millions of lives. Without Trump the prediction was over 2 million deaths.

Millions of Americans saved, and constantly looking for new cures. He might have even saved some Canadians, you should be very satisfied with the greatest president in history.
You assfucks need to make up your minds.

Half of you assholes are screraming how it was trhe Democrats that shut down businesses & put out stay at home orders than curtailed the spread

And rthe other half, claim Trump did it
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....

ummmm.... this isn't 'business as usual' it's a fucking PANDEMIC. a presser about supposed facts & stats are supposta be the agenda; it's not the time nor the place to be spitballing ideas & 'see what happens'

cause given the mentality of his base ... & it was already proven some are dumbfucks of the highest order ... having already CONsumed fish cleaner because of a drug yer president dotard was peddling ... it was at the very least impulsive & STUPID on donny's part to talk about it like that.

so much so - that lysol & his own CDC had to come out with a statement telling people not to ingest it.

People actually watching those conferences don't have trouble with what president Trump is saying. That's actually only you, and you don't watch them anyway because you hate Trump, remember?

In short STFU.

i watch until he comes to the mic, hoping to get some actual truthful facts. but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety.

so did lysol & the CDC.
Then how do you know what he says? Oh yeah, your Chicom handlers over at CNN tell you what to think.

<pffft> i don't have cable, nimrod. i actually watch it on FOX or WaPO live thru youtube.
Once again, if you turn it off as soon as Trump starts to speak how do you know what he says? Obviously, you get your talking points from fake news CNN.

ONCE again, you need to learn what words mean. not the best words that donny claims he has - 'cause those are words worthy of a trash pile.

anyhoo .... what part of:
' but i heard & saw what he said this time around - in its entirety. '

did you not understand? if you must know,( in order to think critically, instead of deplorably) i was listening to the presser - from the kitchen - where i couldn't leave what was bubbling on the stove - - - to shut the TV off in the living room; so by the time i could shut the TV off - he was so deep in the insanity, i stayed with it - just because i KNEW you basket dwellers would try to spin his nuttiness like the tornado in the wizard of oz.

lol lol lol ..... gotta say you & yer ilk didn't disappoint!

You believe that president Trump recommended you eat clorox.

It's clear that you do not understand a thing.
He did not say "Clorox". He did say inject disinfectant. Then he claimed it was helpful when he blows sunlight up your ass, as he does on a regular basis.
So, let's attempt to set the train back on its tracks here. The question is, did the media misrepresent Trump's remarks?
Well, here are the aforementioned remarks straight from the actual minutes.
Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing | The White House.

THE PRESIDENT: "Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting".

ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: We’ll get to the right folks who could.

THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.
So we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s — that’s pretty powerful.

Looks like he said...what they said he said. And yes, I actually heard, what I heard as I watched him live. They didn't misrepresent this. So no, my opinion of the media hasn't changed. In fact, I think they need to go harder on him. They're too deferential to him
He said nothing about injecting bleach, or any other liquid disinfectant.

He was clearly talking about light therapy. You have to be a moron to not see that, which you are.

Trump already already backpeddled and is now saying that his comments were "sarcastic". That means YOU are the moron, left holding a bag full of straw.
Nope. Try again, Troll.

NOPE...what moron? He said his comments about disinfecting were sarcastic.

You are going to have to find a SANE way to deal with it.

You seem confused. I don’t have to find any way to deal with any of this, Moron.

Keep trying.

Yes you do idiot. Let me chew it up for you:

You claimed that Trump was talking about light therapy, but Trump TOLD YOU HIMSELF that his comments were SARCASTIC.

What the hell else needs to happen for you to realize your explanation of what Trump meant are full of shit?

I'll even give you the big view:

There is no light therapy or disinfectant being seriously worked on to kill Covid-19 in the human body. This is simply our unprepared POTUS wasting everyone's time with his half-baked nonsense.

Given how youtube.......twitter have been ditching the video on this.............trying to kill it........must be a dang thorn in their side..........LOL

They started looking at this in 2016.............Doubt the FDA will approve human testing though.......Liberals and their Media would start committing mass suicide.....


Enjoy your little one gaf that actually turned out to be a OK QUESTION.

Now go back to being a typical leftest dumb ass.............You couldn't pour pee out of a boot with instructions written on the heel.........that's just my opinion on you.

Complaints about that are being taken in the basement section of the 3rd green port o let.........on the left.

Thank you.

And what the fuck in the world makes you think that Trumps "sarcastic" comments had ANYTHING to do with this dime-a-dozen unproven treatment?
Here's a deal...
We won't tell you anything until at least 1,000,000 are cured.
That way, if you get it, you can suffer.
You think Trump went to the mike without any information from the CDC?
Are you that mentally ill?

Who the fuck is "we"? I don't nee YOU to tell me anyhting, I've got this thing called MEDICAL NEWS I read and listen to once in a while and oh yea, I happen to work at a hospital too.

P.S. Please don't use disinfectants if you get coronovirus or otherwise self-medicate.

I happen to work at a hospital too.

We already told you we don't care what the janitor thinks. Now, go clean some bedpans.
So, let's attempt to set the train back on its tracks here. The question is, did the media misrepresent Trump's remarks?
Well, here are the aforementioned remarks straight from the actual minutes.
Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing | The White House.

THE PRESIDENT: "Thank you very much. So I asked Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of, if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous — whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light — and I think you said that that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way, and I think you said you’re going to test that too. It sounds interesting".

ACTING UNDER SECRETARY BRYAN: We’ll get to the right folks who could.

THE PRESIDENT: Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.
So we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s — that’s pretty powerful.

Looks like he said...what they said he said. And yes, I actually heard, what I heard as I watched him live. They didn't misrepresent this. So no, my opinion of the media hasn't changed. In fact, I think they need to go harder on him. They're too deferential to him
He said nothing about injecting bleach, or any other liquid disinfectant.

He was clearly talking about light therapy. You have to be a moron to not see that, which you are.

Trump already already backpeddled and is now saying that his comments were "sarcastic". That means YOU are the moron, left holding a bag full of straw.
Nope. Try again, Troll.

NOPE...what moron? He said his comments about disinfecting were sarcastic.

You are going to have to find a SANE way to deal with it.

You seem confused. I don’t have to find any way to deal with any of this, Moron.

Keep trying.

Yes you do idiot. Let me chew it up for you:

You claimed that Trump was talking about light therapy, but Trump TOLD YOU HIMSELF that his comments were SARCASTIC.

What the hell else needs to happen for you to realize your explanation of what Trump meant are full of shit?

I'll even give you the big view:

There is no light therapy or disinfectant being seriously worked on to kill Covid-19 in the human body. This is simply our unprepared POTUS wasting everyone's time with his half-baked nonsense.

Given how youtube.......twitter have been ditching the video on this.............trying to kill it........must be a dang thorn in their side..........LOL

They started looking at this in 2016.............Doubt the FDA will approve human testing though.......Liberals and their Media would start committing mass suicide.....


Enjoy your little one gaf that actually turned out to be a OK QUESTION.

Now go back to being a typical leftest dumb ass.............You couldn't pour pee out of a boot with instructions written on the heel.........that's just my opinion on you.

Complaints about that are being taken in the basement section of the 3rd green port o let.........on the left.

Thank you.

And what the fuck in the world makes you think that Trumps "sarcastic" comments had ANYTHING to do with this dime-a-dozen unproven treatment?
Here's a deal...
We won't tell you anything until at least 1,000,000 are cured.
That way, if you get it, you can suffer.
You think Trump went to the mike without any information from the CDC?
Are you that mentally ill?

Who the fuck is "we"? I don't nee YOU to tell me anyhting, I've got this thing called MEDICAL NEWS I read and listen to once in a while and oh yea, I happen to work at a hospital too.

P.S. Please don't drink disinfectants if you get coronovirus or otherwise self-medicate.
God help the people you supposedly care for.
Do you clean bed pans?
Half my family is in Health Care, not to mention almost my whole community, and you are mentally ill.
Seriously, what do you do?
If you tell me, I can talk to the appropriate MDs in my Facebook group and find out if you're an idiot.

I know I'm fascinating and all but you think it's possible we talk about the topic instead?
This is a court of law and you pretty much admitted you clean bed pans.

Except I didn't. Crazy eh?

I hold mid-level administrative position. Is that good enough for you?
No. Hospital administrators are a joke.
Your software does everything for you.
I know...I wrote it.
All the code tables are there for you.


You done now or is there some point you are getting to?
There is a're a tool surrounded by like "minded", ruthless people who think they're God's gift to the world.
The people I know who do this know how cutthroat you are and how you bring your personal problems to work.

Care Plan?
Bed Survey?
Waiting for the next patient to die to replace them with a non-Medicaid patient?
You're in the business of PROFIT, so don't make believe you give a shit about anybody.

Retard, you know nothing about me, what I do and where I do it beyond this current interaction you are having with me on the internet. You just run your stupid, ignorant mouth making a fool of yourself.

Anyway, this has been another fun episode of trying to have a sane conversation with a Trumpster
Anyway, this has been another fun episode of trying to have a sane conversation with a Trumpster

If you have had numerous conversations with 'Trumpsters" and have never had a sane conversation, perhaps you should take a look at the common denominator there you lunatic.
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The President was being sarcastic. Please adjust your talking points accordingly, citizens.
NO! NO - Trump was not being sarcastic! It's okay though, because only Trump's rabbid followers will try his medical advice. Just try not to stink up my properties with your rotting corpses when it goes wrong.
Liberals don't have sarcasm in their mental/emotional makeup....unless they're watching a Woody Allen movie.
:auiqs.jpg:I know it really is funny watching Repubtards take the poison because Trump told them "it could be something really incredible" LOL

When President Donald Trump first used the White House telecast to promote two anti-malarial drugs in the fight against the coronavirus. “I think it could be something really incredible,” Mr Trump said on 19 March, saying “very, very encouraging results” in treating the virus.

By that evening, first-time prescriptions of the drugs — chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine — poured into retail pharmacies at more than 46 times the rate of the average weekday, according to an analysis of prescription data. And the nearly 32,000 prescriptions came from across the spectrum — rheumatologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, psychiatrists and even podiatrists, the data shows.

As medical experts stepped up warnings about the drugs’ possibly dangerous side effects, they were still being prescribed at more than six times the normal rate during the second week of April, the analysis shows. All the while, Mr Trump continued to extol their use. “It’s having some very good results, I’ll tell you,” he said in a White House briefing on 13 April.
The President was being sarcastic. Please adjust your talking points accordingly, citizens.
NO! NO - Trump was not being sarcastic! It's okay though, because only Trump's rabbid followers will try his medical advice. Just try not to stink up my properties with your rotting corpses when it goes wrong.
Liberals don't have sarcasm in their mental/emotional makeup....unless they're watching a Woody Allen movie.
:auiqs.jpg:I know it really is funny watching Repubtards take the poison because Trump told them "it could be something really incredible" LOL

When President Donald Trump first used the White House telecast to promote two anti-malarial drugs in the fight against the coronavirus. “I think it could be something really incredible,” Mr Trump said on 19 March, saying “very, very encouraging results” in treating the virus.

By that evening, first-time prescriptions of the drugs — chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine — poured into retail pharmacies at more than 46 times the rate of the average weekday, according to an analysis of prescription data. And the nearly 32,000 prescriptions came from across the spectrum — rheumatologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, psychiatrists and even podiatrists, the data shows.

As medical experts stepped up warnings about the drugs’ possibly dangerous side effects, they were still being prescribed at more than six times the normal rate during the second week of April, the analysis shows. All the while, Mr Trump continued to extol their use. “It’s having some very good results, I’ll tell you,” he said in a White House briefing on 13 April.
You're posting right here and now that those MDs who prescribed this treatment did it because Trump gave a presentation and patients forced them to call it in.
This is the stupidest post yet of 2020.
What's going to be fun is someday there will be a disinfectant doctors inject into the body right? I got a dollar that says that's coming at some point.

When that occurs, will the left bow to Trump as the visionary he is? Course not, but they'd sure be disappointed and angry.
The President was being sarcastic. Please adjust your talking points accordingly, citizens.
NO! NO - Trump was not being sarcastic! It's okay though, because only Trump's rabbid followers will try his medical advice. Just try not to stink up my properties with your rotting corpses when it goes wrong.
Liberals don't have sarcasm in their mental/emotional makeup....unless they're watching a Woody Allen movie.
:auiqs.jpg:I know it really is funny watching Repubtards take the poison because Trump told them "it could be something really incredible" LOL

When President Donald Trump first used the White House telecast to promote two anti-malarial drugs in the fight against the coronavirus. “I think it could be something really incredible,” Mr Trump said on 19 March, saying “very, very encouraging results” in treating the virus.

By that evening, first-time prescriptions of the drugs — chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine — poured into retail pharmacies at more than 46 times the rate of the average weekday, according to an analysis of prescription data. And the nearly 32,000 prescriptions came from across the spectrum — rheumatologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, psychiatrists and even podiatrists, the data shows.

As medical experts stepped up warnings about the drugs’ possibly dangerous side effects, they were still being prescribed at more than six times the normal rate during the second week of April, the analysis shows. All the while, Mr Trump continued to extol their use. “It’s having some very good results, I’ll tell you,” he said in a White House briefing on 13 April.
You're posting right here and now that those MDs who prescribed this treatment did it because Trump gave a presentation and patients forced them to call it in.
This is the stupidest post yet of 2020.
No! - It's You who are STUPID! We had millions getting opioid prescriptions that were not medically beneficial. Most drug companies spend millions on commercials that say "ask your doctor about" their drug because it SELLS!!! 90+% of cosmetic surgery is not medically necessary, but doctors do it. Doctors want to make their patients happy because they will leave & shop for a doctor who will do what they want.
The President was being sarcastic. Please adjust your talking points accordingly, citizens.
NO! NO - Trump was not being sarcastic! It's okay though, because only Trump's rabbid followers will try his medical advice. Just try not to stink up my properties with your rotting corpses when it goes wrong.
Liberals don't have sarcasm in their mental/emotional makeup....unless they're watching a Woody Allen movie.
:auiqs.jpg:I know it really is funny watching Repubtards take the poison because Trump told them "it could be something really incredible" LOL

When President Donald Trump first used the White House telecast to promote two anti-malarial drugs in the fight against the coronavirus. “I think it could be something really incredible,” Mr Trump said on 19 March, saying “very, very encouraging results” in treating the virus.

By that evening, first-time prescriptions of the drugs — chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine — poured into retail pharmacies at more than 46 times the rate of the average weekday, according to an analysis of prescription data. And the nearly 32,000 prescriptions came from across the spectrum — rheumatologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, psychiatrists and even podiatrists, the data shows.

As medical experts stepped up warnings about the drugs’ possibly dangerous side effects, they were still being prescribed at more than six times the normal rate during the second week of April, the analysis shows. All the while, Mr Trump continued to extol their use. “It’s having some very good results, I’ll tell you,” he said in a White House briefing on 13 April.
You're posting right here and now that those MDs who prescribed this treatment did it because Trump gave a presentation and patients forced them to call it in.
This is the stupidest post yet of 2020.
No! - It's You who are STUPID! We had millions getting opioid prescriptions that were not medically beneficial. Most drug companies spend millions on commercials that say "ask your doctor about" their drug because it SELLS!!! 90+% of cosmetic surgery is not medically necessary, but doctors do it. Doctors want to make their patients happy because they will leave & shop for a doctor who will do what they want.
Any MDs who prescribed opiates were doing what was available at the time.
Your alternative?
Have you tried living in unbearable pain for years?
Ask any MD or pharmacist.
At first glance, the split vote looks like people are evenly divided on Media accuracy. But you probably had a few "no" votes that meant "No my opinion of the Media is so low this has no effect."

Or people like me, who didn't vote because the OP is a false premise. Showing actual video of the Orange Fool doesn't misrepresent anything.
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