Question for White Women


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Is the reason there are so few women ceos because men are smarter than women?

In 2019 35.4% of men completed four years of college and 36.6% of women.

Yet only 6% of ceos are women.

Is it because men are just naturally better at business than women?

I understand a lot of women choose to have a family rather than put in the work to become a ceo but that can’t be the only reason. It must be men are just naturally better at it. Right? No bias exists?

Yet too many women don’t appreciate programs like affirmative action even though they benefit most from it.

Women are traitors to women. Perhaps many of them agree men should be CEOs and women should know their place. Or they don’t care because they don’t want to be a ceo anyways. They agree women eventually will choose to have kids and sideline their careers. Then take too much time off taking care of those kids.

Women, are white men right about the reasons why only 6% of ceos are women?

Do women even realize they are treated like blacks in the business world?

I want to hear from white women.
I understand a lot of women choose to have a family rather than put in the work to become a ceo but that can’t be the only reason.
I think it's largely the reason. I think men are also more emotionally prepared to handle the stress and public pressures that come with that kind of job.
From my experience, most women refuse to put in the hours necessary to succeed. The people who become CEOs and high level executives work eighty and ninety hour weeks for years on end. I worked for a major TELCO and the vast majority of women technicians refused to work overtime unless coerced by management. For them it was eight and go home, many times I saw them walk off jobs leaving customers out of service until another tech could be dispatched.
What is the average age of a high-value CEO today?

'Bout 60, maybe 65?

You do realize that most of the CEO's who're in your bitch zone were hired when Helen Reddy was declaring that she was "woman" in a mini-skirt?

Give it another hundred years....

"Time... Time.... Time.....
Is on my side!"
Is the reason there are so few women ceos because men are smarter than women?

In 2019 35.4% of men completed four years of college and 36.6% of women.

Yet only 6% of ceos are women.

Is it because men are just naturally better at business than women?

I understand a lot of women choose to have a family rather than put in the work to become a ceo but that can’t be the only reason. It must be men are just naturally better at it. Right? No bias exists?

Yet too many women don’t appreciate programs like affirmative action even though they benefit most from it.

Women are traitors to women. Perhaps many of them agree men should be CEOs and women should know their place. Or they don’t care because they don’t want to be a ceo anyways. They agree women eventually will choose to have kids and sideline their careers. Then take too much time off taking care of those kids.

Women, are white men right about the reasons why only 6% of ceos are women?

Do women even realize they are treated like blacks in the business world?

I want to hear from white women.
What is significant about 2019? Did a lot of that year's graduates already become CEOs of big corporations, while I wasn't looking? I am really surprise that 6% of women that graduated in 2019 are CEOs. Talk about a fast track program! Wow!
From my experience, most women refuse to put in the hours necessary to succeed. The people who become CEOs and high level executives work eighty and ninety hour weeks for years on end. I worked for a major TELCO and the vast majority of women technicians refused to work overtime unless coerced by management. For them it was eight and go home, many times I saw them walk off jobs leaving customers out of service until another tech could be dispatched.

My Wife has been the CFO for three large companies over the last 30 years,she held Her first position for 20 years at a major bank,I mean all the banks coast to coast.
I've never seen anyone work so hard and for more hours than my Wife,Man or Female.
She took a total of 6 days un scheduled days off in those 30 years.

This totally shoots down the liberal claim that Conservative Men are afraid of strong Women.
Is the reason there are so few women ceos because men are smarter than women?

In 2019 35.4% of men completed four years of college and 36.6% of women.

Yet only 6% of ceos are women.

Is it because men are just naturally better at business than women?

I understand a lot of women choose to have a family rather than put in the work to become a ceo but that can’t be the only reason. It must be men are just naturally better at it. Right? No bias exists?

Yet too many women don’t appreciate programs like affirmative action even though they benefit most from it.

Women are traitors to women. Perhaps many of them agree men should be CEOs and women should know their place. Or they don’t care because they don’t want to be a ceo anyways. They agree women eventually will choose to have kids and sideline their careers. Then take too much time off taking care of those kids.

Women, are white men right about the reasons why only 6% of ceos are women?

Do women even realize they are treated like blacks in the business world?

I want to hear from white women.
Lol no, men aren’t smarter than women. A lot of women in the workforce have kids and women are the primary caretakers of them, which limits their professional choices. There is still prejudices against women in charge in a lot of companies. I do know a lot if women who were denied advances at work over a men, who were not more skilled.
From my experience, most women refuse to put in the hours necessary to succeed. The people who become CEOs and high level executives work eighty and ninety hour weeks for years on end. I worked for a major TELCO and the vast majority of women technicians refused to work overtime unless coerced by management. For them it was eight and go home, many times I saw them walk off jobs leaving customers out of service until another tech could be dispatched.
Ok I do think bias plays a part in why there aren’t more women and black ceos but I also agree many of the reasons you guys say there aren’t are in fact true. Many women put their careers on hold to have kids before it’s too late. A ceo type can’t do that.

But then this is a bias women have to deal with. The white guy hiring manager believes that in his head so maybe he doesn’t hire her for that reason.

So it’s true a lot of women will put their careers on hold to have kids. But what about the ones who won’t? They are never given the chance because of this bias.

Blacks suffer from this bias too. Just different reasons for why you say so few blacks are ceos.
Is the reason there are so few women ceos because men are smarter than women?

In 2019 35.4% of men completed four years of college and 36.6% of women.

Yet only 6% of ceos are women.

Is it because men are just naturally better at business than women?

I understand a lot of women choose to have a family rather than put in the work to become a ceo but that can’t be the only reason. It must be men are just naturally better at it. Right? No bias exists?

Yet too many women don’t appreciate programs like affirmative action even though they benefit most from it.

Women are traitors to women. Perhaps many of them agree men should be CEOs and women should know their place. Or they don’t care because they don’t want to be a ceo anyways. They agree women eventually will choose to have kids and sideline their careers. Then take too much time off taking care of those kids.

Women, are white men right about the reasons why only 6% of ceos are women?

Do women even realize they are treated like blacks in the business world?

I want to hear from white women.
What is significant about 2019? Did a lot of that year's graduates already become CEOs of big corporations, while I wasn't looking? I am really surprise that 6% of women that graduated in 2019 are CEOs. Talk about a fast track program! Wow!
Just showing you just as many women graduate as men. Actually more. So why so few women ceos? Are you saying in ten years we will have a lot more black and woman ceos?

What will have changed to make that happen?
From my experience, most women refuse to put in the hours necessary to succeed. The people who become CEOs and high level executives work eighty and ninety hour weeks for years on end. I worked for a major TELCO and the vast majority of women technicians refused to work overtime unless coerced by management. For them it was eight and go home, many times I saw them walk off jobs leaving customers out of service until another tech could be dispatched.

My Wife has been the CFO for three large companies over the last 30 years,she held Her first position for 20 years at a major bank,I mean all the banks coast to coast.
I've never seen anyone work so hard and for more hours than my Wife,Man or Female.
She took a total of 6 days un scheduled days off in those 30 years.

This totally shoots down the liberal claim that Conservative Men are afraid of strong Women.
Ask your wife why so few women ceos. And why are all the high level women always in finance or accounting or hr? Not a lot of engineer vps or sales. Maybe you’ll see them in marketing.

Women qualified to be vp can make twice as much as a man. Companies are always looking for diversity candidates. You are a lucky man if your wife is a cfo. You rich.
Women make choices. Many women want to have children and prefer spending time with them than working long hours in an office at a career. The OP doesn't respect that women have that choice, he thinks a woman who makes that choice is a "traitor to women."
Women make choices. Many women want to have children and prefer spending time with them than working long hours in an office at a career. The OP doesn't respect that women have that choice, he thinks a woman who makes that choice is a "traitor to women."
Not true. Maybe this is why so many women don’t get offended at this bias because for them it’s true.

But this bias hurts woman early in their careers. It’s not like the company can ask a 25 year old woman if she’s going to quit in five years when it’s time to have kids. The hiring manager assumes it’s true when it might not be.
Women make choices. Many women want to have children and prefer spending time with them than working long hours in an office at a career. The OP doesn't respect that women have that choice, he thinks a woman who makes that choice is a "traitor to women."
Read back what you wrote. Now tell me if you were the person deciding if you’re going to hire a man or woman, tell me the woman isn’t screwed because you’ve already decided that eventually she’s going to want to have a kid and spend time with it. Your words.
Women make choices. Many women want to have children and prefer spending time with them than working long hours in an office at a career. The OP doesn't respect that women have that choice, he thinks a woman who makes that choice is a "traitor to women."
Read back what you wrote. Now tell me if you were the person deciding if you’re going to hire a man or woman, tell me the woman isn’t screwed because you’ve already decided that eventually she’s going to want to have a kid and spend time with it. Your words.
You can't change reality.
Is the reason there are so few women ceos because men are smarter than women?

In 2019 35.4% of men completed four years of college and 36.6% of women.

Yet only 6% of ceos are women.

Is it because men are just naturally better at business than women?

I understand a lot of women choose to have a family rather than put in the work to become a ceo but that can’t be the only reason. It must be men are just naturally better at it. Right? No bias exists?

Yet too many women don’t appreciate programs like affirmative action even though they benefit most from it.

Women are traitors to women. Perhaps many of them agree men should be CEOs and women should know their place. Or they don’t care because they don’t want to be a ceo anyways. They agree women eventually will choose to have kids and sideline their careers. Then take too much time off taking care of those kids.

Women, are white men right about the reasons why only 6% of ceos are women?

Do women even realize they are treated like blacks in the business world?

I want to hear from white women.
Lol no, men aren’t smarter than women. A lot of women in the workforce have kids and women are the primary caretakers of them, which limits their professional choices. There is still prejudices against women in charge in a lot of companies. I do know a lot if women who were denied advances at work over a men, who were not more skilled.
Upgrading infrastructure can help with those issues as well. In modern times, telecommuting can always be an option.

If women believed more in equality they would have no problem advertising their horribleness to be the Boss of You in modern times.
Is the reason there are so few women ceos because men are smarter than women?

In 2019 35.4% of men completed four years of college and 36.6% of women.

Yet only 6% of ceos are women.

Is it because men are just naturally better at business than women?

I understand a lot of women choose to have a family rather than put in the work to become a ceo but that can’t be the only reason. It must be men are just naturally better at it. Right? No bias exists?

Yet too many women don’t appreciate programs like affirmative action even though they benefit most from it.

Women are traitors to women. Perhaps many of them agree men should be CEOs and women should know their place. Or they don’t care because they don’t want to be a ceo anyways. They agree women eventually will choose to have kids and sideline their careers. Then take too much time off taking care of those kids.

Women, are white men right about the reasons why only 6% of ceos are women?

Do women even realize they are treated like blacks in the business world?

I want to hear from white women.
Lol no, men aren’t smarter than women. A lot of women in the workforce have kids and women are the primary caretakers of them, which limits their professional choices. There is still prejudices against women in charge in a lot of companies. I do know a lot if women who were denied advances at work over a men, who were not more skilled.

The good thing for women is every company is urgently looking for qualified asians, Hispanics, blacks, women to fill vp positions. My brother found a woman to be vp of hr. $500,000 a year. In a year she left because another company offered her $1 million a year. Then she hired my brother to come work for her. He didn’t want to be the vp again it truly is a lot of work and responsibility.

The problem is she will never be the ceo. I asked my brother if he could be a ceo. He said no. Doesn’t know enough. Knows a lot about hr but maybe not enough about sales and engineering? So the difference between a ceo and a vp is big. Who becomes ceos? Probably people who get business degrees not hr. Or Engineering. And there just aren’t that many women or minorities going through those programs, then get out and prove to be ceo material.

I think a lot of white men are chosen early to be future ceos. Perhaps corporate America needs to start breeding more black and female ceos.

If a woman makes ceo money her husband can be a stay at hime dad.

Plus today more and more women don’t want to have kids. Don’t assume every woman will put her career on hold.

It should be legal to ask that question. Are you going to put your career on hold in 3 years to have kids?

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