Question for the Co2 fraud about warmest year ever claim....


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Y'all have been manufacturing fudge galore with

warmest ever month
warmest ever year

Let me ask you this. Was Antarctica colder than today when dinosaurs lived on it??

When Earth has more than 8 million cubic miles of ice on it, which it has now, do you really believe that it is "warmer" with that than when Earth has TWO POLAR OCEANS and hence NO ICE???

Is your glass of soda colder with ice or without?

That's what you are arguing here...

Where is the ICE?

Antarctica 90%
Greenland 7%
Ellesmere Island 0.3%

The rest is sea ice and on mountains...

LAND MOVES.... duh...


Arctic vs antarctic - Google Search | Polar bears live, Learning ...

In the extreme desperation of perpetuating a "warming" fraud without any actual "warming," the Co2 fraud has resorted to hyping weather and lying, FLAT OUT LYING, about "warmest year/month ever" stuff as laughable as all the rest of it, including the "bleaching" of coral...

Y'all really have the following and have all along

It's more accurate to say it's the warmest year on record, but you knew that.

The claim of "warmest year on record" is from the same crowd that took highly correlated satellite and balloon data showing NO WARMING in the ATMOSPHERE and fudged both with bullshit excuses.

Their claim is absolutely laughable.

The warmest ever year included

SNOW in Saudi and Hollywood
Lake Tahoe freezing for the first time in 30 years
Another lame year for canes
Venice canals running dry (despite "ocean rise" - LOL~)
The claim of "warmest year on record" is from the same crowd that took highly correlated satellite and balloon data showing NO WARMING in the ATMOSPHERE and fudged both with bullshit excuses.

Their claim is absolutely laughable.

The warmest ever year included

SNOW in Saudi and Hollywood
Lake Tahoe freezing for the first time in 30 years
Another lame year for canes
Venice canals running dry (despite "ocean rise" - LOL~)
You started with a disingenuous claim and then piled on a bunch freak weather occurrences. You know weather and climate are two different things. I don't mind debating people who actually believe what they say but it's clear you don't actually believe your own bullshit.
You started with a disingenuous claim and then piled on a bunch freak weather occurrences. You know weather and climate are two different things. I don't mind debating people who actually believe what they say but it's clear you don't actually believe your own bullshit.

Climate data

NO WARMING in the ATMOSPHERE according to the two and only two measures we have - then in 2005 your side FUDGED the data with laughable BS

Are hurricanes breaking out?

If oceans were warming, would hurricanes break out? OBVIOUSLY


You are a parrot of fudge and fraud and you cannot answer the most basic climate questions of today.

Why is there ice age glacier on Greenland south of Arctic Circle yet no such ice age glacier, rather trees and moose, north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
I always question the accuracy of these claims about the weather. Is it really warmer globally than the global drought we had in the early 1980s? When I hear reports of the coldest day on record I remember back in the 1960s when me and my cousins were busting ice from the livestock troughs so they could drink and we lived in central Florida. I haven't seen it that cold since.
I always question the accuracy of these claims about the weather. Is it really warmer globally than the global drought we had in the early 1980s? When I hear reports of the coldest day on record I remember back in the 1960s when me and my cousins were busting ice from the livestock troughs so they could drink and we lived in central Florida. I haven't seen it that cold since.

A good clue is this.

If they cannot discuss CLIMATE DATA because it all REFUTES their BS fraud, then they hype weather....

Snow in Saudi for the first time in 100 years during the "warmest year ever...."

Climate data

NO WARMING in the ATMOSPHERE according to the two and only two measures we have - your side FUDGED the data

Are hurricanes breaking out?

If oceans were warming, would hurricanes break out? OBVIOUSLY


You are a parrot of fudge and fraud and you cannot answer the most basic climate questions of today.

Why is there ice age glacier on Greenland south of Arctic Circle yet no such ice age glacier, rather trees and moose, north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?

Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
Do you work for an oil company? You also type suspiciously fast.
Do you work for an oil company? You also type suspiciously fast.

This is where the Co2 fraud is. They cannot explain a map of the Arctic. They have absolutely no warming other than Urban Heat Sink Effect. They claim Antarctica is "melting" despite NO LIQUID WATER there and a new ice layer being manufactured annuallly. They cannot show one single photo of a landmark sinking. They have no breakout in hurricane activity....

and if you notice that, and you notice that ice is all about WHERE LAND IS NEAR THE POLES, you are accused of working for an oil company....

Nice try, GRETA!!!!

When will the Arctic be ICE FREE????

When will Venice be UNDERWATER???
This is where the Co2 fraud is. They cannot explain a map of the Arctic. They have absolutely no warming other than Urban Heat Sink Effect. They claim Antarctica is "melting" despite NO LIQUID WATER there and a new ice layer being manufactured annuallly. They cannot show one single photo of a landmark sinking. They have no breakout in hurricane activity....

and if you notice that, and you notice that ice is all about WHERE LAND IS NEAR THE POLES, you are accused of working for an oil company....

Nice try, GRETA!!!!

When will the Arctic be ICE FREE????

When will Venice be UNDERWATER???
The oil companies continue to fund climate change denial. If you are not getting paid that means you are working for them for free.
The oil companies continue to fund climate change denial. If you are not getting paid that means you are working for them for free.
I get paid $200 per hour to decommission GoM shelf platforms, pipelines and wells. :)
Y'all have been manufacturing fudge galore with

warmest ever month
warmest ever year

Let me ask you this. Was Antarctica colder than today when dinosaurs lived on it??

When Earth has more than 8 million cubic miles of ice on it, which it has now, do you really believe that it is "warmer" with that than when Earth has TWO POLAR OCEANS and hence NO ICE???

Is your glass of soda colder with ice or without?

That's what you are arguing here...

Where is the ICE?

Antarctica 90%
Greenland 7%
Ellesmere Island 0.3%

The rest is sea ice and on mountains...

LAND MOVES.... duh...


Arctic vs antarctic - Google Search | Polar bears live, Learning ...

In the extreme desperation of perpetuating a "warming" fraud without any actual "warming," the Co2 fraud has resorted to hyping weather and lying, FLAT OUT LYING, about "warmest year/month ever" stuff as laughable as all the rest of it, including the "bleaching" of coral...

Y'all really have the following and have all along

If the statist left 'warmies' ever managed to design, construct & operate a starship, that starship would have to be named the "Starship U.N. Ludicrous." With 50+ years of 100% failed enviro doomsday prophecy under the warmies belt the warmie Marxists could be classified as TRAGIC if they were not so LUDICROUSLY COMICAL!!! BELOW is the enviro-whackos hall of comical fame to shame to flame history of obnoxiously super ludicrous ultra ridiculous wrong way Corrigan enviro-whacko LoOnNy PrOpHeCy!

It looks like the image of author Mark J. Perry himself is flush faced with with laughter himself!
I always question the accuracy of these claims about the weather. Is it really warmer globally than the global drought we had in the early 1980s? When I hear reports of the coldest day on record I remember back in the 1960s when me and my cousins were busting ice from the livestock troughs so they could drink and we lived in central Florida. I haven't seen it that cold since.
Take a close look @ the 2nd line under EXTREME DAYS & the temperature @ Mazama & Winthrop on December 30th 1968. That was as cold as any weather I experienced in Alaska for the 5-1/2 years I was living up there. I had to leave Redland Oregon for Spokane about the 19th/20th of December 1968. I still tell folks about the atrocious conditions I faced on that trip to Spokane. Worst day I have ever experienced in my life to date & that miserable freezing weather just turned a trip into hell that much worse for me.

Back then the Marxists were 'coldies' as they preached an ice age death for global humanity. The warmie propaganda seems to have started around the very early 70's.
The oil companies continue to fund climate change denial. If you are not getting paid that means you are working for them for free.


And there you have it. A resident science invalid parrot left wing liar says that only oil funded people can notice the truth of the data, that Co2 does nothing, that Earth climate change is about where land is relative to the poles...
If the statist left 'warmies' ever managed to design, construct & operate a starship, that starship would have to be named the "Starship U.N. Ludicrous." With 50+ years of 100% failed enviro doomsday prophecy under the warmies belt the warmie Marxists could be classified as TRAGIC if they were not so LUDICROUSLY COMICAL!!! BELOW is the enviro-whackos hall of comical fame to shame to flame history of obnoxiously super ludicrous ultra ridiculous wrong way Corrigan enviro-whacko LoOnNy PrOpHeCy!

It looks like the image of author Mark J. Perry himself is flush faced with with laughter himself!

It has always been a sinister plot to grow government, raise taxes, control people, and ruin America. It has the whole crowd of traitors cheering it on

Faux "News" and the rest of the media
Chris Wray

The same folks that

couldn't figure out Big Mike was a man
claim WTC 7 was not controlled demolition
supported invading Iraq regardless of reason
cheer and waste America's wealth in Ukraine after Victoria Nuland rigged an election there
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