Question for Obama, about Obamacare


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
Dear President Obama,

Does Obamacare cover ass whoopins? Cuz you gonna need some after last night!!!



LOL, good one.

Actually, it doesn't matter because Obama and congress exempted themselves from Obamacare. It's not good enough for them, but fine for us little people.
Dear President Obama,

Does Obamacare cover ass whoopins? Cuz you gonna need some after last night!!!




I love how people try to point out the very few "questionable" good things about Obamacare, but do not even understand the law.

Obamacare was a big complicated miss, and did not go in the direction that the experts were calling for, which was tort reform, incentives, and emphases on preventative care in that order.
LOL, good one.

Actually, it doesn't matter because Obama and congress exempted themselves from Obamacare. It's not good enough for them, but fine for us little people.

They'll have no choice once the private insurers are out of business. It'll be medicare for everyone, doesn't that sound great.
LOL, good one.

Actually, it doesn't matter because Obama and congress exempted themselves from Obamacare. It's not good enough for them, but fine for us little people.

Actually, its the other way around.

We taxpayers PAY for our congress to have insurance coverage that is almost identical to ACA. Its good enough for them for free but the Rs don't want us to be able to buy it because it means lower prices for both individuals and business owners, and lower profits for insurance companies and drug companies.

Remember this jackass?
GOP frosh: Where's my health care? - Glenn Thrush -

A conservative Maryland physician elected to Congress on an anti-Obamacare platform surprised fellow freshmen at a Monday orientation session by demanding to know why his government-subsidized health care plan takes a month to kick in

Read more: GOP frosh: Where's my health care? - Glenn Thrush -

And, while looking for that link, I came across this little gem -

Seven Tea Party Freshmen Spent More Than $100,000 In Taxpayer Money On Personal Cars | ThinkProgress

Though they campaigned on a platform of reducing the deficit and ridding wasteful spending, more than a half-dozen Tea Party congressmen have collectively spent over $100,000 in taxpayer money on personal vehicles.

Doncha just love those R lying hypocrites?
LOL, good one.

Actually, it doesn't matter because Obama and congress exempted themselves from Obamacare. It's not good enough for them, but fine for us little people.

They'll have no choice once the private insurers are out of business. It'll be medicare for everyone, doesn't that sound great.
It's been DONE!!

[ame=]SiCKO - Canadian Waiting Room Scene - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Sicko - Chilling Excerpt by Tony Benn - YouTube[/ame]​

The GREATEST Canadian!!!

"In 1964, Justice Hall recommended the nationwide adoption of Saskatchewan's model of public health insurance."

[ame=]Kiefer Sutherland introduces the Tommy Douglas Showcase - YouTube[/ame]​
LOL, good one.

Actually, it doesn't matter because Obama and congress exempted themselves from Obamacare. It's not good enough for them, but fine for us little people.

They'll have no choice once the private insurers are out of business. It'll be medicare for everyone, doesn't that sound great.
It's been DONE!!

[ame=]SiCKO - Canadian Waiting Room Scene - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Sicko - Chilling Excerpt by Tony Benn - YouTube[/ame]​

The GREATEST Canadian!!!

"In 1964, Justice Hall recommended the nationwide adoption of Saskatchewan's model of public health insurance."

[ame=]Kiefer Sutherland introduces the Tommy Douglas Showcase - YouTube[/ame]​

How do you ever compare Canada's healthcare system to Obamacare? You really must not understand the differences, advantages, and disadvantages between our current healthcare, Canada's healthcare, and Obamacare. Especially when you are basing it off the movie sicko.
December 7, 2012

Savings On Meds

"Savings on prescription drugs related to the Affordable Care Act have reached $5.1 billion, according to a Dec. 3 news release from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The Department notes that more than 5.8 million people with Medicare have benefited from the assistance offered to bridge the prescription coverage gap known as the donut hole, with savings reaching $5.1 billion.

For 2013, the new health care law provides Medicare beneficiaries who are in the donut hole with greater savings, with discounts increasing to 53% and 21% of the cost of brand name and generic drugs, respectively. Savings on Medicare coverage of prescription drugs will increase gradually until 2020 to close the donut hole. Almost 2.8 million individuals saved an average of $677 on prescription drugs in the first 10 months of 2012. In addition, for about 23.4 million people with original Medicare, one or more preventive services were received at no cost during the same period, and 2.5 million received an Annual Wellness Visit."

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
They'll have no choice once the private insurers are out of business. It'll be medicare for everyone, doesn't that sound great.
It's been DONE!!

[ame=]SiCKO - Canadian Waiting Room Scene - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Sicko - Chilling Excerpt by Tony Benn - YouTube[/ame]​

The GREATEST Canadian!!!

"In 1964, Justice Hall recommended the nationwide adoption of Saskatchewan's model of public health insurance."

[ame=]Kiefer Sutherland introduces the Tommy Douglas Showcase - YouTube[/ame]​

How do you ever compare Canada's healthcare system to Obamacare? You really must not understand the differences, advantages, and disadvantages between our current healthcare, Canada's healthcare, and Obamacare. Especially when you are basing it off the movie sicko.

Gee.....Thanks for alllllllllll the info.

LOL, good one.

Actually, it doesn't matter because Obama and congress exempted themselves from Obamacare. It's not good enough for them, but fine for us little people.

Actually, its the other way around.

We taxpayers PAY for our congress to have insurance coverage that is almost identical to ACA. Its good enough for them for free but the Rs don't want us to be able to buy it because it means lower prices for both individuals and business owners, and lower profits for insurance companies and drug companies.

Remember this jackass?
GOP frosh: Where's my health care? - Glenn Thrush -

A conservative Maryland physician elected to Congress on an anti-Obamacare platform surprised fellow freshmen at a Monday orientation session by demanding to know why his government-subsidized health care plan takes a month to kick in

Read more: GOP frosh: Where's my health care? - Glenn Thrush -

And, while looking for that link, I came across this little gem -

Seven Tea Party Freshmen Spent More Than $100,000 In Taxpayer Money On Personal Cars | ThinkProgress

Though they campaigned on a platform of reducing the deficit and ridding wasteful spending, more than a half-dozen Tea Party congressmen have collectively spent over $100,000 in taxpayer money on personal vehicles.

Doncha just love those R lying hypocrites?

You said "lower profits for insurance companies"

Do you know what the average profits BEFORE taxes are for insurance companies???
According to proponents of the value of Obamacare:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare) as currently written, would greatly benefit the lives of those who are dealing with addictions to drugs or alcohol . They say it would immediately improve, for every single American citizen, the quality, affordability, and accessibility to health care that is specifically targeted to those with addictions.

I will assert that if Obamacare is successful in providing effective treatment options for those with substance abuse problems, the Federal Government shouldn't interfere or overrule the pot legalization laws recently passed in Colorado and Washington state.

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