Question for my conservative friends here.

If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Before the obvious question is asked, yes I will believe the government did not prove its case if he is acquitted with Cannon presiding..
Please, do yourself a favor and change your signature. It is absolutely disgusting.

We Jews suffered enough, for any more Christians to want to put others in Concentration camps simply because the ideologies are different.

And you would be putting most Jews who live in the US in those concentration camps, as they are Democrats.

There obviously shouldn't be a trial. This is the Democrats twisting the laws into a pretzel so they can go after their arch enemy Donald Trump, just as they have done for the last 7 years.
What pretzel?

Did you not see the photos taken by his own staff of all the boxes put in bathrooms, stages, etc?

Were there no classified documents which should have been returned to NARA when he left the WH?

How about the Nuclear documents which were found? Why should have had them AFTER he became a regular citizen again?
Why should there be a trial at all? Hillary doesnt have a trial. Why does Trump? Are you seeing a pattern here? :laugh:
Hillary/Pence/Biden was suspected of withholding top secret documents, intentionaly refusing to comply with National Archives and then consiously obstructing Federal investigation?

No, no and no. There is only one crazy fool that was doing that - TRUMP.

Had he complied with National Archives like everyone else, instead falsely claiming that top secret government documents are his to keep, then there would be no case here to speak of.

You rightwingers are DESPERATE for equivalency, but it just doesn't exist. Trump screwed himself and he screwed you, all the people that put political hopes on him.
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If you have ever had a security clearance you would not ask that question. The info is classified until you KNOW it is not.
I was a courier in the Army, in Korea. I ferried "Secret" documents between my artillery battery and our Division HQ for weeks until they discovered I only had a "Confidential" clearance (every soldier has a "Confidential" clearance). They never checked to determine if I had the "Secret" clearance needed. Our 1st Sgt needed someone who could type to assist the Battery Clerk update training records. I volunteered (it was good duty in the winter). As the Battery Clerk had to hold a "Secret" clearance our CO must have assumed that I had one as well. Pretty sloppy, eh?
Please, do yourself a favor and change your signature. It is absolutely disgusting.

We Jews suffered enough, for any more Christians to want to put others in Concentration camps simply because the ideologies are different.

And you would be putting most Jews who live in the US in those concentration camps, as they are Democrats.


It's a disgusting quote from another poster. I put it out there for all to see, the same way the camps were documented so we will never forget.
I was a courier in the Army, in Korea. I ferried "Secret" documents between my artillery battery and our Division HQ for weeks until they discovered I only had a "Confidential" clearance (every soldier has a "Confidential" clearance). They never checked to determine if I had the "Secret" clearance needed. Our 1st Sgt needed someone who could type to assist the Battery Clerk update training records. I volunteered (it was good duty in the winter). As the Battery Clerk had to hold a "Secret" clearance our CO must have assumed that I had one as well. Pretty sloppy, eh?
Ok, great. But anyway, if you know something that is classified it stays classified until procedural declassified by the US government. Even if you see or hear it in the press or it becomes common knowledge it is still classified, think Wikilinks.
What pretzel?

Did you not see the photos taken by his own staff of all the boxes put in bathrooms, stages, etc?

Were there no classified documents which should have been returned to NARA when he left the WH?

How about the Nuclear documents which were found? Why should have had them AFTER he became a regular citizen again?
Biden had FOUR separate troves of classified documents all stored improperly. One trove was in a closet at the U PENN Center. WTF?? We have no idea of the contents of Biden's documents, do we? No FBI raid, just a casual review by his lawyers. The DOJ couldn't go after Biden for possession since he did exactly the same thing as Trump AND OTHER PRESIDENTS so they dig up a one hundred year old "Espionage Act" that they can twist it into whatever they want.
Isn't that what the trial is for? The government must prove it's case?
For how long should we watch the malicious prosecution of a man before people see that it is political persecution. Seven years of unsuccessful investigations and legal proceedings of every stripe with no clear indication of wrong doing seems a bit much.
Biden had FOUR separate troves of classified documents all stored improperly. One trove was in a closet at the U PENN Center. WTF?? We have no idea of the contents of Biden's documents, do we? No FBI raid, just a casual review by his lawyers. The DOJ couldn't go after Biden for possession since he did exactly the same thing as Trump AND OTHER PRESIDENTS so they dig up a one hundred year old "Espionage Act" that they can twist it into whatever they want.

How about the verdict of this trial?
If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Of course not. Cult 45 will say someone got to Cannon or she was really a deep state plant the whole time. Conspiracy theorists are never "wrong;" they eternally move the goal posts
That is not the question here. Would you believe the verdict?

I asked you a question. That's what debate is about Father Oblivious

If Trump broke the law then he should face the consequences... do you think the same should apply to Biden?

Father Oblivion...."oh dear"
If Trump is found guilty in the documents case with Cannon presiding, will you agree the government proved its case and Trump deserves the punishment meted out?

Before the obvious question is asked, yes I will believe the government did not prove its case if he is acquitted with Cannon presiding..
I would suggest waiting until the appeals are done.

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