Question for Covid "experts" Geraldo and Dee Snyder

The good thing is, if you die in a car wreck, the Democrats will classify you as a "Covid death."
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Here is the danger, many of the well known "health experts" (yes I put in quotes, as they were just messengers) in the West simply echoed what the W.H.O told them. They in turn, from day one, just passed on what the Chinese government ordered them to say. All the way from the origin of the virus to it NOT being contagious.

To this day, they still pick and choose data that confirms their bias, not what tests it (as any objective scientist would do). They ignore data out of Israel and England and other approaches to the Wuhan Virus for instance as it refutes what was said early on, often on a trial and error basis.

Since there aren't consequences for anyone, this will continue. Fauci has increased his wealth and influence most certainly during this pandemic. Was anyone thrown out of office for telling calling Trump racist for blocking flights from China or for telling people to join the crowds in ChinaTown and celebrate New Year as the pandemic was beginning?

How about the W.H.O and how wrong they have been? How political they have been. Has the head of the WHO been canned?

It's a dangerous time due to the growing influence of hypocrites and the unaccountable.
Yes, was Floyd’s COVID-19 infection mentioned during the Chauvin trial?
Yes, was Floyd’s COVID-19 infection mentioned during the Chauvin trial?
George Floyd had COVID-19 and knew he had it. He even told the officers that he had it while he was resisting arrest. He knew he had COVID and therefore should have quarantined himself at home. He should not have even been out in public the day he overdosed in the first place.

But you will never hear the LWNJ moonbats in this forum criticize George Floyd for refusing to wear a mask, social distance or quarantine himself. Some of them even insisted that the cops should have gave CPR to the COVID infected druggie.

Instead, they consider George 'Superspreader' Floyd to be some kind of hero.

Then the LWNJ moonbat morons get triggered if someone isn't wearing a mask, even though they have no evidence whatsoever that the person who triggered them has COVID in the first place.

But of course the leftists at USMB all have a double standard because they are all fucking hypocritical scumbags. They only get triggered if someone they perceive to be a Trump supporter, Republican, Christian or capitalist doesn't social distance and wear a mask.

Yet when Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Lori Lightfoot, Obama's guests at his birthday party or commie BLM rioters refuse to wear masks or practice social distancing, you don't hear a peep of criticism from USMB's cadre of LWNJ moonbats.

They're scum.
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We defined racist yesterday.

Racist - someone who thinks blacks have the right to disagree with the democrats

Today we define "stupid."

Stupid - not parroting 100% of the Zionist left's lies about Covid
You are too stupid to realize how stupid that is.
Most adults know that no vaccine is claiming to be 100% effective. I guess they're not told that in the alternate universe.

And it would be neat to see either of these guys calling themselves experts on the virus. They must have, since the OP put the word in quotes.

What a strange, disturbing time. Who expected alternate realities like this...
The notion that anybody is claiming vaccines to be "100%" effective is bullshit. This red herring gets used when lefties want to evade discussing something.

The virus spreads via active infection from somebody who is infected to somebody who is not, regardless of vaccination status. That's how it spreads. Many who have been vaccinated may have fewer symptoms, which means it is very easy for vaccinated people in particular to unknowingly spread an active infection.
The notion that anybody is claiming vaccines to be "100%" effective is bullshit. This red herring gets used when lefties want to evade discussing something.

The virus spreads via active infection from somebody who is infected to somebody who is not, regardless of vaccination status. That's how it spreads. Many who have been vaccinated may have fewer symptoms, which means it is very easy for vaccinated people in particular to unknowingly spread an active infection.

There may be another truth.

Last fall, 2020, the regular fall flu was diagnosed at 3% of normal....

Maybe because the other 97% were lied to and told they have Covid....

Maybe fauXI's first answer, that Covid would come and go, was 100% right, and the latest "outbreak" is 100% pure fiction, except you as a taxpayer are paying for "hospitalized" "Covid patients" who are not even there...
You are too stupid to realize how stupid that is.

There were at least 5 USMB Dems there in the thread.

Freedom of thought - not exactly something the democrat party supports....
I really can't see why the left can't see this. They are so obsessed with imposing their will on others, they can't see the forest through the trees. We've had signs around my area saying get vaccinated to protect health care workers and my first thought is if they are vaccinated then they are already protected. Or, are they afraid their own vaccinations didn't work and, if not, then what difference does it make if the others didn't get vaccinated?

Maybe Covid left America last year.

Maybe this is really all about

Forcing absentee ballot use
Looting the federal treasury
Expressing the democrats' true feelings for your right to free speech - force you to wear a mask fauXI admitted does nothing
Using the VAX to impose a fascist "right" of these traitors in government to "jab" you whenever they want to, and you do not have the right to say no....


Using the vax for mass murder of those who do not support the Dems and/or are 911 TRUTHERS etc....
Why are you so god-damned stupid? How many times has this crap been explained to you? How many more times will we have to explain it before you get it? Or are you just unteachable? Should we even bother?

Could it be the source of the information is always full of shit by chance?
You must realize how nearly every note of popular music, every scene in every movie these last forty years—every shred of government composed propaganda—has been leading up to prepping us for the 2020 "pandemic" and mass vaccination of every human being everywhere.
All that I ever hear is the extremes, like many other people I took one for the team, rather die from the shot than the virus. And the thought of unknowingly giving family or friends the virus made the decision easier.

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