Question for Christians

I thought about a reply to all this crap but then I concluded just moving you onto the iggy list is better.

Understandable... you really don't have an answer, none of you ever do...

People have answers, you just choose to believe or not believe them. It's hard to reason together with inflexible minds
Um, most people have dicy relationships with their parents. The old joke, you spend half your life being made crazy by your parents and the other half being made crazy by your kids.

I love that line from The Breakfast Club.....

"My home life is unsatisfactory"

"Everyone's life at home is unsatisfactory. If it wasn't, we'd never leave"

Which is why many kids stay home now....
I think gullible people are the unintended consequence of Religion.

Not just gullible. The Church has become a refuge for those with no friends. The weak, the ignorant and the misfits. Or people with failing or loveless marriages. It gives them something else to focus on so they can deal with the train wreck that their lives are.
Or, God loves gullible people and not the arrogant. So to hell with you! :dev2:

Seriously, God nor Jesus ever did like the haughty know it all(s) .... most of them were pretty self righteous and thought they could never learn anything from anyone... Sound familiar???
In my own experience atheists are either (1) severely traumatized and they blame God for it or the opposite extreme

It's funny how angry they can be at a God that does not exist. Or at those that believe in Him.
Huh? :dunno:
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In my own experience atheists are either (1) severely traumatized and they blame God for it or the opposite extreme

It's funny how angry they can be at a God that does not exist. Or at believe that believe in Him.
Huh? :dunno:

my feeling to persons who get into the RELIGION OF CHRISTMAS SPIRIT is about the same sense I have
about people who obsess over the "world series"
"Poor in spirit" means those who understand and comprehend how evil and worthless humankind really is.

There are a few good ones here and there.

But for the most part the entire species is a complete failure of an experiment by God.

It's pretty obvious how worthless we are. Just some are hard headed and not willing to accept that.

God wanted to create life that would WILLINGLY love him. So, he had to give us free will.
I mean, what fun would it be to create life where they had no choice but to love him and be "perfect"....
God is your denial or your own mortality.

Actually, living and dying would be preferable, because, in the end, none of us really knows. For most Christians, I think they are just playing the odds. If they can enjoy life being a Christian, and, hopefully, make it to heaven, they are covered. Those that refuse to believe have ZERO chance.
In my own experience atheists are either (1) severely traumatized and they blame God for it or the opposite extreme

It's funny how angry they can be at a God that does not exist. Or at believe that believe in Him.
Huh? :dunno:

my feeling to persons who get into the RELIGION OF CHRISTMAS SPIRIT is about the same sense I have
about people who obsess over the "world series"

Seems to make more sense to get excited about a God that gives them eternal life then a team that just wants your money and loyalty
I remember Cheryl Prewitt winning the 1980 Miss American pageant for two reasons.
First, her last name is nearly same as mine.
Second, because Jesus lengthened her leg 2 inches.

"she survived it all -- survived the stitches, suffered through having one leg crushed in the accident which made it two inches shorter than the other. And through most of her high school years she walked with a limp. That was before she went to a faith seminar years later where she was healed and the leg grew, she says, two inches that very day."

Cheryl Prewitt's Born-Again American Beauty
There's no actual proof that this happened. She's just another con(wo)man. Man, you guys are SO gullible. :lol:

24 But Thomas, one of the twelve, called The Twin, was not with them when Jesus came.
25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”

But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail prints in His hands, and put my finger in the nail prints, and put my hand in His side, I will not believe.”

26 After eight days His disciples were again inside with the doors shut, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came and stood among them, and said, “Peace be with you.”
27 Then He said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at My hands. Put your hand here and place it in My side. Do not be faithless, but believing.”

28 Thomas answered Him, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and have yet believed.”
The Purpose of the Book

30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book.
31 But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.
Everything in the bible is hearsay, written a minimum of several generations after the facts. And none of the big things in it can be proven. Meaning that you're living in a fantasy world.
God wanted to create life that would WILLINGLY love him. So, he had to give us free will.

Okay, let's look at that. If you read the bible, when people make choices God doesn't like, he does TRULY HORRIBLE THINGS TO THEM.

"I love you, that's why I beat you." said every abusive husband/parent, ever! Except they usually turn it around and say, "Why do you make me do that?"

Actually, living and dying would be preferable, because, in the end, none of us really knows. For most Christians, I think they are just playing the odds. If they can enjoy life being a Christian, and, hopefully, make it to heaven, they are covered. Those that refuse to believe have ZERO chance.

Again, I refuse to believe the universe is so poorly designed that the Supreme Being is the Nasty Tribal God of the Hebrews.
Again, I refuse to believe the universe is so poorly designed that the Supreme Being is the Nasty Tribal God of the Hebrews.

You place too much importance on us. We are not "all that".... either way, I'm not judging you or God, or whatever.

Just, having an open mind and admittance that we have a lot to learn and don't know everything is least for progress......
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
Because god is also a douchebag.
I once had 2 Protestant bible bashers knock on my door and then start insulting The Virgin Mary.

I told them they better hope She does not hear them.

Same is true of you about God.
Since he hasn't said anything to me about it, I'm to assume that he's ok with whatever I say. That is, if the invisible superhero who lives in another dimension and who wants us to obey a book because he's too much of a chickenshit to show himself actually does exist.
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
Because god is also a douchebag.
I once had 2 Protestant bible bashers knock on my door and then start insulting The Virgin Mary.

I told them they better hope She does not hear them.

Same is true of you about God.
Since he hasn't said anything to me about it, I'm to assume that he's ok with whatever I say. That is, if the invisible superhero who lives in another dimension and who wants us to obey a book because he's too much of a chickenshit to show himself actually does exist.

But since he's not real, no matter...right?
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
Because god is also a douchebag.
Just more testing of our faith I suppose...not sure what people would think if it actually happened...
There is also a lot of written crap about God that is simply not true.

There is crap in the Bible that has been mistranslated out of Hebrew and Greek that morons believe in English and Latin etc.

So you have to give God a break.

He/she/they has/have not made an appearance in thousands of years.

To Moses in 1450 BCE yes.

To Mary Of Nazareth in 8 BC yes.

To Peter, James, and John on the Mount Of Transfiguration in 33 AD yes.

Short list.
"There is also a lot of written crap about God that is simply not true." It's called the Bible.

Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
Because god is also a douchebag.
I once had 2 Protestant bible bashers knock on my door and then start insulting The Virgin Mary.

I told them they better hope She does not hear them.

Same is true of you about God.
Since he hasn't said anything to me about it, I'm to assume that he's ok with whatever I say. That is, if the invisible superhero who lives in another dimension and who wants us to obey a book because he's too much of a chickenshit to show himself actually does exist.

But since he's not real, no matter...right?
A god that wants us to obey a book? No, not real.
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
Because god is also a douchebag.
I once had 2 Protestant bible bashers knock on my door and then start insulting The Virgin Mary.

I told them they better hope She does not hear them.

Same is true of you about God.
Since he hasn't said anything to me about it, I'm to assume that he's ok with whatever I say. That is, if the invisible superhero who lives in another dimension and who wants us to obey a book because he's too much of a chickenshit to show himself actually does exist.

But since he's not real, no matter...right?
There is a "god" as created by man, it exists as a religious concept, but there is no "god" as perceived by theists.
Do you believe God can heal anyone/anything?

If so, why are there no miracles of limbs miraculously being replaced/regenerated?
Because god is also a douchebag.
I once had 2 Protestant bible bashers knock on my door and then start insulting The Virgin Mary.

I told them they better hope She does not hear them.

Same is true of you about God.
Since he hasn't said anything to me about it, I'm to assume that he's ok with whatever I say. That is, if the invisible superhero who lives in another dimension and who wants us to obey a book because he's too much of a chickenshit to show himself actually does exist.

But since he's not real, no matter...right?

It's not at all that simple. I think we have to acknowledge that religious folks are not always the benevolent, "do unto others" personality types you might portray. Far too often, religious folks are the angry, self-righteous types who demand an entitlement to impose their beliefs, fears and superstitions on others. Far too often, they do believe their bibles relate an accurate worldview, and those opinions cross over into social constructs, and those social constructs impact individuals freedoms. It leverages political decisions. It lends weight to social policies that are developed and implemented.
... There is a "god" as created by man, it exists as a religious concept, but there is no "god" as perceived by theists.

How do you know the perception of theists (whoever are "theists", whatever you call "perception") is wrong?

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