Quassam rockets not as big a deal as Israel claims

Kassam rockets with cluster bombs carrying coumadin-soaked nails would be an effective response.
First off, the rocket attacks didn't start until 2001.

And at that time, Israel was in its 35th year of their belligerent occupation of Palestinian land, which, BTW, confirms Israel is the aggressor.

In 2001 - 4 rockets fired - 1 Israeli dead \ 179 Palestinian's killed
In 2002 - 34 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 373 Palestinian's killed
In 2003 - 155 rockets fired - 0 Israeli dead \ 370 Palestinian's killed
In 2004 - 281 rockets fired - 7 Israeli dead \ 625 Palestinian's killed​
Since April of 2001 up to the present - 7,361 rockets fired - 59 Israeli dead \ 4,717 Palestinian's killed

We can conclude two things from the numbers above:
  1. The violence started with Israel
  2. All the talk about the rocket attacks, is just a smoke screen to hide the real truth that Israel is the problem for acheiving peace

Congratulations this is the stupidest thread ever.:clap2:

All those "no big deal" rockets. I know what you mean, we have rockets raining down on our neighborhood all the time and no one cares. I just pick them up when they land and throw them over the fence into the neighbor's yard. Cracks me up.

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